Drakenhof Interlude
The Midnight Aristocracy gathered in a dank cavern beneath the walls of Castle Drakenhof. What ancient haunt was this? What laboratory or scholarium full of secrets had led them there?
None, it was merely the storage space for tax records in von Carstein territories. The custodian undead that maintained the place had been banished and the room made secure from observation with magic.
Mannfred von Carstein stood alert, pale eyes look about him, armour burnished with shadowy enchantment, his greatsword leaning against his shoulder.
A dozen figures, vampire and human, stood in the gloom, most of them entirely able to see in the darkness.
The largest was a hulking monster, King Druthor of Grimbarrow, master of the Haunted Hills and lord over a dismal graveyard. He was Stigoi, the cursed corpse eaters and the get of Vorag Bloodytooth.
The smallest was Madam Kalfon. Rumour had it that her Necrarch sire had been fascinated by her wild magic as a child, and turned her, swiftly leading to his own death at the hands of the undead child. The 'madam', an affectation to make her more mature, was an abomination. If any von Carstein turned a child Mannfred would have seen to their torturous death himself, but Kalfon survived the transformation and had become one of the most able of Mannfred's little cabal.
Anark von Carstein was there, the Grandmaster of the Drakenhof Templars. He was Mannfred's own get, a brutal and ambitious vampire, one of the former knights of Castle Drakenhof itself. He wasn't Mannfred's equal in magic, but he was far better with a blade, and Mannfred admitted, in command and battle. Reliable, but ambitious, Anark and his Templars were Mannfred's answer to Walach Harkon's Blood Dragons.
Harkon had suffered an immeasurable loss of prestige since his defeat outside Averheim and the destruction of his mount. The Necrarch Brotherhood had gifted him the mount, drawn together by black magic in the Forest of Shadows at great cost, and were subsequently less than pleased.
Mannfred gave his firstborn childe a small nod.
"We are gathered to debate the survival of our people." Anark began.
Mannfred had commanded him to assemble the group. He had the best claim to his father's throne and the dark kingdom of Sylvannia, but for a century or more he'd let others fight among themselves, and now only Konrad was left of Vlad's get. Despite this, it wouldn't look good for Mannfred to seem to be plotting, better than Anark did, he had the most military experience in Sylvannia except for Harkon, and that experience would give him gravitas.
Heterneb of Lahmia sniffed, putting on her affect developed many years ago in the Silver Pinnacle at the feet of her mistress. The Lahmians had proved suprisingly useless in the Vampire Wars, as the Empire called them. They had been good information collectors, but they were stuck in their ways, they loved subterfuge and their networks of spies, but they had an almost unbreakable aversion to actually taking action when necessary.
While Heterneb might have proven adequate for some purposes, she'd also completely failed to provide anything of note in the most recent phase of the Wars against the reinvigorated Empire. No matter, she would have her place.
"Give me your eyes." whispered a voice in Mannfred's ear, "For I see not with my own…"
With a gesture and a spell he banished the spirit and earnt himself a sneer from Mundvard the Cruel, vampire lord of Marienburg, the 'Lord of Shadows' who controlled that city with spirits and intrigue.
Anark ignored the interruption ably, "The Golden Sons represent a threat we have never faced."
"They are worse than elves." spat Druthor in a growl, lips forming the words crudely around his fangs.
"Indeed." Anark said, "Against a united Empire victory was never certain-"
"Especially after beloved Vashanesh's true death…" Heterneb said mournfully, as if she really cared about her mistress's former lover.
Anark's face showed a sneer for a moment before he schooled himself. It had been a true task to gather such a variety of powerful figures, and the interruptions weren't helping Mannfred's patience either.
As Anark managed as best he could, marshalling the others with rhetoric and persuasion, Mannfred reviewed the recent events.
He had betrayed his bloodsire, leading to his death and the possibility that Mannfred instead would become the Emperor in Darkness, as was his destiny. The Empire had beat the undead armies back to the borders of the River Stir and the haunts of Sylvannia, but no further. His other brothers slain, sometimes by his own hand, Mannfred and Konrad were the only ones left, if you could call the insane beast that was Konrad von Carstein truly a person.
Plots and strategies abounded. The Era of Three Emperors largely continued, Counts were encouraged to war against each other, but Mannfred had seen no possibility of true disunity among them. Thus, they'd adopted a different tactic.
In a move that sometimes surprised even himself, Mannfred had managed to get a corpse elected as Emperor. It had taken some time to plan and more effort to execute, but he'd managed it and somehow no one appeared to have noticed yet. Helmut of Marienburg, or rather, his animated corpse, had been kept concealed to give the impression Helmut was still suffering a wound from battle.
It had been a good plan, use the infirmity of the Emperor to drive the Empire back into civil war.
But then the Golden Sons had arrived.
Seeming to emerge from the wilderness in the Empire's hour of need, they routed Konrad's forces at the Battle of Averheim, and subsequently showed magnificent tactical and strategic skill, destroying any army sent against the Empire and also conducting campaign of assassinations and fast strikes across the Empire.
At first Mannfred hadn't entirely believed the stories the Lahmians had brought him. First there were three Golden Sons, then a hundred. First they wore merely cloth and bore common weapons, then they girt themselves in magnificent golden armour wielded armaments the likes of which even the Dawi knew not.
It had been a confusing few years. The Golden Sons had flying vehicles of some sort, able to match anything in the air, and indeed in one instance apparently a manticore had flown into one of them and simply been splattered across the hull of the craft. Such vehicles made their efforts difficult to track and predict.
The Golden Sons had been reported before, in the Southlands, but in truth Mannfred's attention had been on the Empire and he'd paid it little mind. It would have been useful if there were subordinates who were focused on such things, but the Lahmians were unhelpful as even and hadn't seen fit to draw his attention to other matters.
They had done much, provoking a theological debate in the Sigmarite church regarding Sigmar's divinity, apparently destroying half of Norsca in conflict with an uncertain foe, and accomplishing various ridiculous feats. Supposedly Kabor Brighthand had wrestled a griffon to submission and mounted it, while Dargo Dragonkiller had trained a dozen child-mages which followed him in battle.
In perhaps the most notable feat, the Golden Sons had apparently cleared the Drakwald Forest. Hundreds of miles of woodland were burned, but nevertheless, whole herds of beastmen and tribes of forest goblins had been destroyed. For his feats Brighthand had been named the Reiksmarshall of the Empire and supreme commander of their forces in the Vampire Wars, and now carried Klingerach , the Sword of Vengeance, Runefang of Solland.
It had all fallen apart. The von Carsteins were in retreat, hardly able to muster an army without the Golden Sons bearing down on them and the Griffon Company marching on their heels.
That had necessitated a change in strategy. Mannfred sent out dozens of necromancers, not to conquer, merely to destroy, to raise hordes of zombies and abandon them just as easily. It seemed that the Golden Sons were limited at least in fuel and numbers, and through this dispersed strategy Druthor had led vampires to swoop down on terrorgeists and hellsteeds, striking swiftly, never trying to hold territory or conduct great rituals, merely to destroy. The Golden Sons had a single mage of power, and he couldn't be everywhere.
It had worked for a time, but when the Golden Sons had reformed they'd learned, able to combat the Vampire Count tactics well enough to make more progress.
Even unorthodox tactics had proved relatively ineffective. The shriek of Mundvard's banshees had made them hesitate, but they'd pushed forward, immune after the first time they'd heard it. Cries that could scare entire regiments to death were ineffective, and the spectral knives of the undead were useful to a point, until the Golden Sons started brandishing small pieces of paper and wax seals, no doubt an item of faith to drive away the spirits.
The Lahmians attempted seduction, and when they managed to get close enough the Golden Sons appeared confused more than anything. Heterneb had gotten close enough to open the throat of one Son with her dagger, but the next day it was found that the warrior was healed and back in battle again.
Madam Kalfon and the Necrarchs had proved slightly more effective, they'd developed new spells from the Lore of Shadows to conceal and obfuscate, spells strong enough to resist even the Sons' piercing sight.
The less said about the Blood Dragons the better. Walach Harkon had begged a new mount from somewhere and gone into battle with his bodyguards, swearing to add Kabor Brighthand's blood to his magical chalice. The leader of the Sons had accepted the vampire's offer of single combat and promptly overcome him, Walach's crimson blade shattering beneath a mighty blow, even the hilt-shard skittering off Kabor's golden plate. Walach's guard had rode forward to the aid of their chief only to be slaughtered by some sort of rotary cannon and Brighthand's Runefang.
Not only were the Sons might warriors, easily a match for most vampires, they seemed to combine the massive strength of a Strigoi with the bladecraft of a Blood Dragon and the tactical intelligence of a von Carstein. While his people were not necessarily overly troubled with morale, the revelation that there were so many who could oppose them openly was a harsh one.
While thousands of humans had been slaughtered, soldiers and civilians alike, only a dozen of the Sons had been brought down. Mannfred had seen to three himself, trapping them in mazes of shadow before lashing out with his blade. Necrarchs had managed to bring down more, even one of their craft with a volley of dark magic, finding themselves under fire themselves by other flying chariots soon after. Druthor and two of his kin had surprised more of the Sons, pinning them down in turn and ripping off their heads, while a few others had been slain in similar circumstances by others.
Now it was time for new action. It was clear that they were losing the war, and without significantly enhanced resources, information, and unity there was no hope. Mannfred had proposed a retreat. None of this had gone to Konrad, he could rage in his castle till the Sons brought it down around him, but Mannfred had rallied his cabal to remove all the resources they could from paintings to magical artefacts to alchemic reagents. This was the first time they'd met openly all together, and Mannfred led the conversation, soothing egos and stroking passions.
Retreat, only to return in time with greater strength. That was what they agreed, all to Mannfred's designs, and swiftly each went their own way. They prepared a spoiling action. By dark magic and black sorceries they would leave traps for the Golden Sons wherever they could. Infected wells with warpstone and vampire blood, drawing up ghouls and making them Crypt Horrors, enormous mutated hungerers, while Arnak would descend with Druthor into the crypts to waken the vampires who'd been sealed away, weakening the locks on their prisons just enough to allow the Vargheist and Varghulfs to break free.
"You too must be away, my apprentice." Mannfred said.
Helman Ghorst nodded and bowed, "By your will, master." and he departed.
More to this spoiling action would be Ghorst and his compatriots attempts to spread more chaos through the Empire. Through plague and pestilence, contamination and sabotage, Mannfred hoped to keep the Golden Sons busy enough not to look for him.
The last element Mannfred had told no one of. Dieter Helsnicht, newly appointed Rector of the Middenheim Guild of Magic, was in truth an agent of the dark, and through Mannfred Helsnicht would lay the groundwork for a religious war between Ulricans and Sigmarites. The Empire would be plunged back into civil war, and the Vampire Counts would be able to gather themselves in secrecy.
But Mannfred wouldn't be here for that.
No, he would go south, sneak through the Badlands, possibly even past Karak Kadrin and then down the eastern side of the World's Edge Mountains. Timor Noctis, the Sword of Unholy Power, forged by smiths of Zhar-Naggrund, would be enough to protect him. South and south again to the Cursed Pit.
South to Nagashizzar and its dark master.