What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I do think that Light Cruiser could be worth it, make a ship that could take a beating as well as able to carry a lot of our troops, b/c at the moment we can only Transport 2 SAGs so that capacity should definitely be increased.
[X] Plan: Song of Kin
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Humanity I, Creativity I, and Song II)
-[X] [Faith] Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Siblinghoods, And Orders of Faith
-[X] [Faith] Technology Given Or Earned

[X] Plan: Faith
[X] Plan: Through the (holy) fire and flames
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[X] Plan Spreading the Psykana and tech
-[X] [Faith] Take Care Of Melody Education
--[X] Include safe melodies for below-Choir-grade psykers in the faith education of the general population.

-[X] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (The Home)
-[x] [Faith] Technology Given Or Earned

[X] Plan: Faith
[X] Plan: BET
[X] Plan: Song of Kin
[X] Plan Spreading the Bonuses

we really should do the martyrs and the honoring thing soon people...hopefully next turn or so.
If we want the Lamenters to have the best power armor they can get by the end of the current project they are working through we need to get to heavy industry 5. That's 4 levels of Heavy Industry in 6 turns (since the Lamenters put in .5 actions into the project every turn and are currently at 2/5). Well, after the current turn, it'll be 5 turns. So we pretty much need to put in a HI every turn.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Mar 24, 2024 at 8:11 AM, finished with 29 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Plan Spreading the Bonuses
    -[X] [Military] Design A New Voidship Class (Destroyer)
    -[X] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (The Home)
    -[x] [Faith] Technology Given Or Earned
    [X] Plan: Faith
    -[X] [Faith] Monuments for Martyrs, Graves for the Forgotten
    -[X] [Faith] Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Siblinghoods, And Orders of Faith
    -[x] [Faith] Technology Given Or Earned
    [X] Plan: BET
    -[X] [Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Light Cruiser] X2
    -[x] [Faith] Technology Given Or Earned
    [X] Plan: Through the (holy) fire and flames
    -[X] [Military] Design A New Voidship Class (Destroyer)
    -[x] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Fire, The sun, Song)
    -[X] [Faith] Monuments for Martyrs, Graves for the Forgotten
    [X] Plan: Song of Kin
    -[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Humanity I, Creativity I, and Song II)
    -[X] [Faith] Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Siblinghoods, And Orders of Faith
    -[x] [Faith] Technology Given Or Earned
    [X] Plan Spreading the Psykana and tech
    -[X] [Faith] Take Care Of Melody Education
    --[X] Include safe melodies for below-Choir-grade psykers in the faith education of the general population.
    -[X] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (The Home)
    -[x] [Faith] Technology Given Or Earned
HeroCooky threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Psykana Total: 4
4 4
313.M42 - Guided By Hands Unseen
Once again, the Glimmering Federation sets out to create a new ship, a pace which the Imperium would call utterly reckless, dangerously fast, or the reveal of deep-seated heretek madness within our nation.

Our designers, engineers, captains, crews, and more call it the natural evolution of new information being taken back to the shipyards during a period of relative peace. Because while the Orks of Gnatiila are being ground back in a war that has seen another 19% of all deployed troops killed, it is a time where the void itself remains uncontested.

And these Glimmerlings are dedicated to seeing it remain even once hostile ships once more ply the routes near or even within the Federation. Yet...

Yet something seems...different as they begin to lay down the plans for another Destroyer.

As if they were guided by hands unseen.

Unique Faith Weapons Uncovered for this Design only:
(Doctrine does not apply to these.)
Cleansing Light - A unique Prow Artillery Lance utilizing principles barely understood by even its (unfortunately now dead) creator, it teleports a sphere of contained energy to a position contained within a 90° cone in front of the ship it is mounted on, able to outright devastate a fully shielded Destroyer caught within the full blast or badly damage close formations if fired into them. (10 DP)
Herald of Dusk - Though these two hundred-meter torpedos do not possess the explosive weight of their similarly-sized cousins, they have been altered with determined Machine Spirits and shields, seeking their foes with dogged determination that only a full broadside may end. (3 DP)
Chainbreaker - With machinery blessed and automatic systems well-maintained, this triple-barrel Light Macro-Cannon fires at speeds most would consider frightening if they were on its receiving end. (3 DP)
Cadence of Machinery - These missiles may not have the damage potential their siblings have. Still, they have been fitted with malignant Scrapcode insulated behind five times five blessed air-gapped security gates, which will inflict ruinous losses upon any ship they are fired upon. (15 DP)
Lover's Dance - A Light Lance weapon that fires twice as fast as conventional Light Lances, yet it fires one white beam, which creates heat, and one black beam that saps the same heat right back. It is unknown how this is possible or why it was named such. Only that the blueprints were adorned with a half-mask of a large-eared animal and that of a priestly visage. (3 DP)

Unique Faith Equipment Uncovered for this Design:
(Doctrine does not apply to these.)
Blessed Munitions - Prayer, Symbol, Water, Faith, Dedication. With these five, munitions are made more than they were before. (2 DP)
Hallowed Vellum Scriptorums - Within these blessed halls, fifty-five scribes and priests carefully inscribe prayers and holy symbols upon vellum and parchment, distributing their works to the crew, the ship's machinery, and the fleet the ship accompanies. Such holy works strengthen the faith of all who look upon them and slightly settle the Veil wherever they are applied. (5 DP)
Enginarium Spirit Shrines - These shrines, placed into the Enginarium by some of the more superstitious faithful, are said to house Machine Spirits that will rouse themselves to aid the engines of a ship to perform beyond what they are expected of, all to ensure it may live another day. (3 DP)
Cult of the Living Martyr - "Though we are the daughters of a pilot-hero, we must remember that we cannot become the same if our deeds end in our death. The living may serve yet another day; the dead cannot do more than grieve those left behind." (6 DP)
Garden of Edau - Hydroponics created and crafted to such a degree that the plants within seem to never stop growing in abundance, able to supply and give a fleet some fresh produce for morale or for one ship enough to feed it indefinitely. (5 DP)

Current Available DP: 7
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] [Destroyer] Class Name
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length
- 1.200/1.300/1.400/1.500/1.600 Meters
-[] Width - 200/250/300/350/400 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 6/6.5/7/7.5/8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Outer Coating/Thin Single Hull/Single Hull/Thick Single Hull/Thin Double Hull
-[] Shields - None/Singular Emitter/Two Emitters/Three Emitters/One Array
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
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Lover's Dance - A Light Lance weapon that fires twice as fast as conventional Light Lances, yet it fires one white beam, which creates heat, and one black beam that saps the same heat right back. It is unknown how this is possible or why it was named such. Only that the blueprints were adorned with a half-mask or a large-eared animal and that of a priestly visage. (3 DP)
I don't actually have a good reason for wanting this one other than I love the lore behind it with the unseen force helping the blueprints and how the blue prints have a large eared animal on it
Ok, to not be doomerist, we could make a lance artillery ship to strip shields and chainbreaker is a nice weapon to slap on our brawler.
Ah…that's kind of sad…

Edited: if we take the 5 green points we can potentially make a artillery ship design meant for long range strikes, which would utterly fuck up anyone who gets within their range, issue being they would be light-weights…but then again artillery ain't meant for endurance combat or being in the front-line.
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