What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Voting will open in 4 hours, 13 minutes
Right. Here:

Current Available DP: 7
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Aries-II class Destroyer
-[] Length
- 1.300 +1 DP
-[] Width - 250 +1 DP
-[] Acceleration - 7 +1 DP
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters
-[] Weapons - 2x Chainbreaker turrets
-[] Equipment - Autoloader, Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations, Advanced Alloying

Here's my maximum DAKKA!!!! build for the Aries replacement. Double triple barrel light macrocannon augmented by autoloader. Makes a lot of sacrifices but still fits in a ton of firepower.
Well, I guess we just hope that we get another thing like this, or that we eventually unlock Holy Ships in general.

It's nice to see how Absolutely busted Holy stuff can be though.
Aries-class Corvette
-Length - 1.300m
-Width - 300m
-Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-Armor - Single Hull
-Shields - Two Emitters
-Weapons - Light Macro-Cannon Turret/Light Lance Turret
-Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying

Is the existing ship, our new design doctrine adds 0.5 Acceleration and a Shield Emitters for no extra cost compared to the old design

The crazy design would be:
Starting DP 7
[] [Destroyer] Lance of Light
-[] Length
-1.300 Meters +1 DP
-[] Width - 250 Meters + 1DP
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities + 1DP
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters
-[] Cleansing Light - A unique Prow Artillery Lance utilizing principles barely understood by even its (unfortunately now dead) creator, it teleports a sphere of contained energy to a position contained within a 90° cone in front of the ship it is mounted on, able to outright devastate a fully shielded Destroyer caught within the full blast or badly damage close formations if fired into them. (-10 DP)

[] Aries II-class Corvette, sunrise edition
-[] Length - 1.300m +1 DP
-[] Width - 300m
-[] Acceleration - 7.5 Gravities
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters
-[] Weapons - Light Macro-Cannon Turret/Light Macro-Cannon battery/Chainbreaker Turret -5 DP
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying/Auto-Loaders -3DP

Faster and better shielded then the existing Aries, has Auto-Loaders to boost its marco cannons, and add a battery of them and replaces the lance turret with the chainbreaker.
Considering this is supposed to be a refit, we should not change too many things like base dimensions.
[] Aries-Ascendant Class Corvette
-[] Length
- 1.300 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Width - 300 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities (+1 DP)
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Two Emitters (+1 DP)
-[] Weapons - 2x "Chainbreaker" Macro-Cannon Turrets (6 DP)
-[] Equipment - Autoloaders/Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying (4 DP)

An evolution of the venerable Aries-class, the Aries-Ascendant was designed in a fit of divine revelation, retaining its remarkable survivability for a light warship, and retaining enough agility to perform its new role as a dedicated escort ship. Most notably, its relatively poor offensive strength has been more than made good with the revolutionary "Chainbreaker" Macro Cannons, capable of outputting the fire of a ship many times its mass with no compromises in power or reliability--further enhanced by state-of-the-art autoloaders, allowing it to easily serve a role as the guardians of the Federation's fleets.

@HeroCooky if you're still around. If we were to later revisit the Aries-Ascendant, would it lose the Chainbreakers? Or would they remain as long as we didn't take them out?

Because these things here become actual no-shit nightmare fuel if we get to keep the Chainbreakers. Say hello to having the equivalent of Six Light Macrocannons on a single Destroyer-weight. And we haven't even gotten the Autoloaders yet (Though I couldn't squeeze them in here while also keeping the Chainbreakers). Which'll bring it up to the equivilant of Nine. At that point, you're looking at enough dakka that even Orks would go "Oi, dat's cheatin it is!"
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Though I am lamenting that we won't be designing a light cruiser with these sacred armaments, I can work with this.

[] Aries-II class Corvette
-[] Length
- 1.300 +1 DP
-[] Width - 200 +2 DP
-[] Acceleration - 7.5
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters
-[] Weapons - x1 Chainbreaker turret, x1 Lover's Dance Turret
-[] Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations, Blessed Munitions,
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@HeroCooky if you're still around. If we were to later revisit the Aries-Ascendant, would it lose the Chainbreakers? Or would they remain as long as we didn't take them out?
I Personally would recommend that we squeeze in an extra DP and cut out the Armored Lifepods of Advanced Alloying so we can get Blessed Munitions, which sounds VERY interesting if I'm being honest.
I Personally would recommend that we squeeze in an extra DP and cut out the Armored Lifepods of Advanced Alloying so we can get Blessed Munitions, which sounds VERY interesting if I'm being honest.

Changes too much about the base design. We were told a weapon swap-out is pretty easy to do as a refit, but more extreme changes are not so good.
Yeah, i kind of just expected extra DP or a free trait, especially on a small escort.
Bruh, the Aries II made at the top of the page packs 12 9 Light Macro-Cannons. What do you mean?! :V
@HeroCooky if you're still around. If we were to later revisit the Aries-Ascendant, would it lose the Chainbreakers? Or would they remain as long as we didn't take them out?
It would lose all Faith Weapons and Equipment unless the intended refit is also a Divine Design Turn.

Also sleeping now, so night!
Oh wait! @HeroCooky does the Chainbreaker have autoloader integrated? From the description it seems to have the autoloader still intact.
That's how it has a tripled firing speed. You can also add the auto-loader to further boost that.
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Oof, so whatever we design here is It if we want to keep the main thing.

Damn, wish you guys just took the BET.

Let me try to figure this out. (Grumble mumble)
Well if that's the case, then we could just turn the acceleration down to 7 again as in base and just cut out the Armored Lifepods since that doesn't seem as hard to replace.

The problem is that it's binary. We lose the Chainbreakers if we Ever revisit these things.

So whatever we build is going to be It until we get another Holy Turn.

Ugh, Corvettes need to be ready to take a pounding, as much as I might like it... We have to make too many compromises in order to get an Autoloader And the Dual Chainbreakers.

I think we'll just have to be content with "Only' having six fucking Light Macrocannon equivalents on a Corvette. Not unless we want to turn them into a deathtrap.

EDIT: Then again... Hmmm..

Reduce Shields by one, reduce Acceleration...

Yeah, this can work. One sec.

EDIT: Aries-Ascendant has been reworked. By setting aside the benefits from our Doctrine on Shields and Acceleration and focusing it as a dedicated Escort (Which is the primary role of a Corvette anyway), I was able to get the dual-Chainbreakers And and Autoloader, making these things an absolute killbox for anything that wants to threaten our more poorly defended vessels. They retain the Alloys and the Life Pods that have made them able to take a beating and keep on ticking, and this means anything that can run the gauntlet to threaten our ships (Like the Libra) now have to deal with the equivalent of Nine Light Macrocannon Turrets per Aries.

Their relatively poor defenses are made good by the fact they're not intended to be front line vessels anyway, but close in bodyguards for Libras and any other logistics ships we might have.
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Only one lover for the "Fuck the Laws of Thermodynamics in all honesty" dual-speed lances? Sadge. 😔

(Hint: Lances are auto-hit and hit harder than Macro-Cannons. But Macro-Cannons fire faster than Lances.)
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Chainbreaker - With machinery blessed and automatic systems well-maintained, this triple-barrel Light Macro-Cannon fires at speeds most would consider frightening if they were on its receiving end. (3 DP)
Blessed Munitions - Prayer, Symbol, Water, Faith, Dedication. With these five, munitions are made more than they were before. (2 DP)
Yeah, I understand that some are sad we didn't go for a bigger ship class, but, silver lining: DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA-
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Only one lover for the "Fuck the Laws of Thermodynamics in all honesty" dual-speed lances? Sadge. 😔

Frankly, I'd love to revisit the Gemini-class idea using those. But I have to squeeze it into a Destroyer and there's just not enough mass cap'n!

I mean, unless you'll let us make a Frigate here since it takes the same Action commitment either way. Then I'll show you something silly.
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Frankly, I'd love to revisit the Gemini-class idea using those. But I have to squeeze it into a Destroyer and there's just not enough mass cap'n!

I mean, unless you'll let us make a Frigate here since it takes the same Action commitment either way. Then I'll show you something silly.
Sure, but at a 0.25 Vote weight against any Frigate Design. And you need a 2 Vote lead (so eight) to win. And only after @RaptorusMaximus okays making a Frigate in the first place.

But seriously, night!
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Sure, but at a 0.25 Vote weight against any Frigate Design. And you need a 2 Vote lead (so eight) to win. And only after the plan maker okays it.

But seriously, night!

Hah, that's okay, I'll just make do with what we've got.

Anyway, I do feel like if we Wanted to do a Funni, an Aries-II that just used the Fuck Yo' Thermodynamics lance and the "DAKKADAKKA" turret could be exciting too, especially since we wouldn't need to compromise the defenses since we're not going to get an upgrade for either of those components anyway.

In fact, let me give that a try.
The problem is that it's binary. We lose the Chainbreakers if we Ever revisit these things.

So whatever we build is going to be It until we get another Holy Turn.
Oh I know, just means that whatever we make we should probably use as much of these blessed gifts we can.

[] Aries-II class Corvette
-[] Length
- 1.300 +1 DP
-[] Width - 250 +1 DP
-[] Acceleration - 7 +1DP
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters
-[] Weapons - x2 Chainbreaker turrets
-[] Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations, Blessed Munitions, Advanced Alloying
If we could change to frigate we'd definitely be able to make a frigate that the Sagittarius was *supposed* to be.

Current Available DP: 9

[] Gemini class Lance Frigate
-[] Length
- 1.700
-[] Width - 400
-[] Acceleration - 6
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters
-[] Weapons - 2x Lover's Dance Turrets (6 DP)
-[] Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations, Pure Lense (3 DP)
[] Aries-Secundus Class Corvette
-[] Length
- 1.300 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Width - 300 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 7.5 Gravities
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Two Emitters (+1 DP)
-[] Weapons - 1x "Chainbreaker" Macro Cannon Turret, 1x "Lover's Dance" Light Lance Turret (6 DP)
-[] Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying (3 DP)

One of the plans for an evolved iteration of the well-tested Aries-class, addressing its flaws while enhancing its strengths. The addition of more matured engine technology has allowed the Aries-Secundus to significantly increase both acceleration and maneuverability by tremendous quantities, while not sacrificing its significant degree of redundancy and ability to preserve its crew even against calamity. Where the main strides can be found are in its revolutionary weapons systems--the "Chainbreaker" Macro Cannon turret, with an integrated autoloader and bleeding edge techniques to triple the firing rate of a normal macrocannon, and the as-of-yet unexplained "Lover's Dance" Lance Turret, which works through means that can be described only as a miracle of the Star Child to do horrible things to thermodynamics. With this, the Aries-class is capable of serving as an unrivalled escort craft for heavier vessels, capable of threatening even much larger warships even on an individual standpoint--let alone in groups.

No autoloaders and dual Chain Breakers for the Funni Brrrt Boat, but we Do turn each Aries into an absolute nightmare for anything that gets through our battle line to try to bully our more fragile warships, and these things are dodgy enough with the Engine Calculations that anything that isn't in dangerously close range probably isn't going to hit. The functional equivilant of 3 macrocannons is going to hammer down shields in a hurry, and then the Lance is just some straight up "How the Fuck does this work?" bullshit straight from the Dark Age. Somehow. Which murders anything that can't be beaten to death by the Chainbreaker.
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Voting will open in 4 hours, 13 minutes