Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

A whole tenth? I don't think it'd be allowed at Big even if it was only 1/100th. Maybe you should scale it down and say it's jusr very strong, and has the ability to grow stronger with…every defeated opponent? Just something to downgrade it but keep its effectiveness. Either way, I'm glad to have a Doomsday Device.

And I'm glad to be finished with the Egg. The final Act, the final Turn, I hope it can make a reasonably sized duck-shaped splash in this pool. I may have to edit some things later.
Thanks for the idea. Also lets vote for each other
Authored act:
[X] Seagull Statue
The seagulls grew jealous of the crabs and the sharks so they built their own monument out of ramshackle their beaks could carry and divine providence infected their minds. A largish statue on their island that amplified their pshyic might to levels greater than ever which was not much lifting a pebble one inch of the ground is quite little. Nonetheless the Statue would grow with a slight telepathic ability and it would tell them, "Get ya shit together."

[X]Create the Guardian Ghosts
[X] Hellish Weather
[X] Hatch
[X] The night fog is thickening
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I have several concerns with some of the acts, so I decided I might as well as address some of them.
[X] WAR!
-Perhaps due to the Ducks blaming the Sharks for the deaths of their kin and the loss of their spirits, perhaps due to a lucky strike by a Duck Knight on the other side managing to slay a Shark princeling, perhaps merely a curse of hatred placed by a bored ___ for its own amusement; whatever the case, a war has begun between the Sharks and the Kingdom of Ducks.

[X] Hellish Weather
[X]Create the Guardian Ghosts
From what I gather, you are trying to incite a war between the ducks and the sharks. Is that correct?
[X] The Living Mountain
This Great part of the sea floor is no ordinary thing. Its surface layer is that of corals, sands and stony cliffs that walk on 8 legs each different from each other. Just a few metres in the Giants surface is hard Platinium, gold, rhadium, diamond, iron and such precious metals protecting it from outside harm. Beside the inner core is black obsidion and white opals enchanted to last for eternity and guard the core. Its inner core is that of Gigantic magical energy, that should it be released outside its shell that is the Living titan it would swipe clean everything in 1 thousand kilometers ignoring physical and dimensional barriers at the start. For every powerful being that it defeats 1 more kilometer shall be added to its detonation area. Though the Titan itself can choose to sacrifise himself to make the detonation less destructive, never nulifiying it. For it is energy from ___ of golden cloaks himself

It will clean the tree of parasites that is Wood worms and their descendents. Crushing them under its enormous mass.
It will walk under the sea, above the sea to everywhere. And report all it saw and heard to the Great tree.
This is... hmm. Still plenty powerful, but it doesn't have the power of the infinity gauntlet anymore, so that's a good sign. It had a wide reaching effect that extends well beyond the play area.

Anyway, some corrections:
Platinium: eh. Seems like a variant spelling like aluminium.
Rhadium: either radium or rhodium. One is a radioactive material and the other is in the platinum group of metals.
Wouldnt this crush the great tree too, since the worms are in the bark of the tree?
I interpreted that as the mountain plucking the worms from the wood before crushing them.
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From what I gather, you are trying to incite a war between the ducks and the sharks. Is that correct?
Indeed I am! Planned on using my Salmon Soldiers, but since they didn't make it in I decided to improvise.

edit: For the record, the wording of the fluff basically means "all I want is the war, I don't care why it starts."
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[X] House Trees
Short woody bushes the house trees grow quickly then settle into a final shape, they grow easily on the shore near the inchlings. These small trees have hallows that are immune to wind, fog, and rain, their hallows being safe in any storm.

That being the key part of the house trees. A small series of hollows in its trunk a comfortable size for several inchlings to call home.

[X] Seagull Statue
[X] Create the Weirdfolk Shrine
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[X] Create the Weirdfolk Shrine

A smaller statue in the image of the Weirdfolk. It is capable of full telepathy communication with the Weirdfolk and possesses a fully sapient mind. It can possesses and take over a Weirdfolk and use them as a terminal through which to explore the world, though the process is completely harmless to the Weirdfolk and can be undone without problems. They may choose to also telepathically 'sit in the back', allowing the Weirdfolk to maintain independence while simply tapping into their senses to see what they see.

[X] The Wormwood
[X] The Living Mountain
[X] Hatch
[X] The Metal Plants
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I have several concerns with some of the acts, so I decided I might as well as address some of them.

From what I gather, you are trying to incite a war between the ducks and the sharks. Is that correct?

This is... hmm. Still plenty powerful, but it doesn't have the power of the infinity gauntlet anymore, so that's a good sign. It had a wide reaching effect that extends well beyond the play area.

Anyway, some corrections:
Platinium: eh. Seems like a variant spelling like aluminium.
Rhadium: either radium or rhodium. One is a radioactive material and the other is in the platinum group of metals.

I interpreted that as the mountain plucking the worms from the wood before crushing them.
Thanks for the corrections. Typing from phone
Indeed I am! Planned on using my Salmon Soldiers, but since they didn't make it in I decided to improvise.

edit: For the record, the wording of the fluff basically means "all I want is the war, I don't care why it starts."
*gasp* Who could have seen this coming? I am 100% offended and demand an immediate apology and restitution for the ducks. This development of yours for war was so unexepcted!(I think it's safe To say that the Ducks will be trampled on in this war. By the words of the Update, the 2nd Island is way stronger than the 1st.)

Pardon me, @MangoFlan , but is everything I listed in my Act possible? I just want to make sure I'm not overreaching by any means.
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[X] Hellish Weather
At the peak of the volcano sits a small black cloud of volcanic ash. It grows slowly by absorbing the toxic ashes and fumes of the volcano. Once it reaches a critical mass, it starts to rain fire and brimstone down on the surrounding area. It shall do this until it runs out of ash and shrinks back to a small size, starting the cycle all over again.
Small Act.
[X] WAR!
-Perhaps due to the Ducks blaming the Sharks for the deaths of their kin and the loss of their spirits, perhaps due to a lucky strike by a Duck Knight on the other side managing to slay a Shark princeling, perhaps merely a curse of hatred placed by a bored ___ for its own amusement; whatever the case, a war has begun between the Sharks and the Kingdom of Ducks.
Basic Act.
[X]Create the Guardian Ghosts
-Whenever spirits that represent a location/monument, eg City of Living Coral, The Great Tree, The Shark Monument, etc have their location come under great danger these spirits will combine into a creature known as a Guardian Ghost. The Guardian Ghost takes the form of a hybrid of the creatures that live in the location and forms a contract with the location or possesses the location if the location has no intelligence. These Guardian Ghosts are much harder to kill than their spirit counterparts, they are able to attack enemies with magic and physically in the location to protect it however they are unable to leave their contracted location and if the location is destroyed the Guardian Ghost dies too.
Hmm. This is an interesting act. The more specialized locations like the Shark Monument only have one magic spirit because only the sharks think about the Shark Monument.

Big Act.
[X] The Metal Plants
Blossoming around the Silver Lake are a multitude of plants that feed on the vapor metal like normal plants do water. Due to this the plants are metallic with their composition being made up of whatever metals they absorb. This leads to things like trees of iron, flowers of gold, and bushes of silver.
Small Act.
[X] The Wormwood
One night, something bright fell down from heavens into the ocean. ___ takes it and shapes it into a horrible demon. The name of the demon is Wormwood.
Shining as bright as a star, it traces erratic figures high in the skies. It only descends to earth when all other things are hiding. Storm at sea, rain of fire and brimstone, silent fog. Then it comes, white as milk and large as a small island, with thousands of arms that eerily resemble those of the sharkmen. Should someone try to wound it, they will find out that blood Wormwood is very potent poison, powerful enough to make a spirit sick.
Strangely, most of the time it does nothing when it descends. It just hovers there, watching. After that, it flies away up in the sky. Only occasionally does it grasp something and crushes or carries away.
Small Act.
[X] The Living Mountain
This Great part of the sea floor is no ordinary thing. Its surface layer is that of corals, sands and stony cliffs that walk on 8 legs each different from each other. Just a few metres in the Giants surface is hard Platinium, gold, rhadium, diamond, iron and such precious metals protecting it from outside harm. Beside the inner core is black obsidion and white opals enchanted to last for eternity and guard the core. Its inner core is that of Gigantic magical energy, that should it be released outside its shell that is the Living titan it would swipe clean everything in 1 thousand kilometers ignoring physical and dimensional barriers at the start. For every powerful being that it defeats 1 more kilometer shall be added to its detonation area. Though the Titan itself can choose to sacrifise himself to make the detonation less destructive, never nulifiying it. For it is energy from ___ of golden cloaks himself

It will clean the tree of parasites that is Wood worms and their descendents. Crushing them under its enormous mass.
It will walk under the sea, above the sea to everywhere. And report all it saw and heard to the Great tree.
Big Act.

(Also, I missed mentioning obsidion.)
[X] Hatch

It is time. After years and years of festering and gestating and absorbing from the ocean, the Egg—no, Duck Deity: Ocean—must now ascend to the next stage. The inert state of silent waiting is soon left behind, a memory of the oast, and the ___ who had created it so long ago begins to take Action

The energy which has been stored for so long begins to condense itself, spiraling into the avian and then forming it. A 60-inch feathered being of epic proportions, with splendid coat, pattern, and coloring. It had the body and shape of a lesser Duck barring its form that is reminiscent of the sea, a pattern of rippling caustics forming an aura around him, and the eyes it holds, little whirpools in their own right, imitating his first stage in life.

The world shakes, for the birth of its first Deity. That which had made up the foundation of his power disperses and reform throughout his body, and he shall revel in it. Up until now the Sea Dragon had been the strongest living creature, but (much to its dismay) it has been put in a clear 2nd place.

But this new entity didn't have merely raw power. It had control of the very thing that it fed on for so long—the water, the sand, the minerals in it all. The basics of the Ocean were its to weave, manipulate, and fashion how he wish. To bring into existence a lesser version of him from water? Trivial. To shape a floating river for him to fly in? Merely a daily occurrence. Not even generation of water from thin air is impossible by his standard of power. And this to extended further to his powers, for his Divine Duck Force was not left alone. Now, instead of powers being given only by birth, he could choose to lend some of his strength to petitioners for something in return (or nothing at all if he pleased it so). No matter how far they were, the ocean was the ocean, and with water nearby the ability would find a way to work.

Similar to the Sea Dragon, it could grow its strength with time, but unlike the Sea Dragon it could only do so when submerged and surrounded by its element: water. It was its basis of its life, and an inseparable material to it.

It has a good disposition towards all of creation, and is born with a mind of patience. One does not learn to survive decades staying still by being having a rrstless heart. But its heart in totality lies with the Ducks, and the more duck-shaped one is, the better they will be liked at the beginning. It carries itself with a certain pride, one that could only come from surety of one's own strength or capability.

It's mind is fully awoken, and it is told and given its purpose. "Arise", the Maker said, "The special singularity. Kin of the Ducks, and yet their superior, you are a Duck Deity, a both patron and protector of the lesser Ducks whom are under your charge. Your very existence transcends them, but they are what bind you to this plane of existence. Go forth, and seek the next Egg."
That's wordy. Let me parse it a bit:

1. Hatch duck from Egg. (What in the world do you mean by caustics. Do you mean coasts or acoustics?) (60 inches is approximately 5 feet)
2. It grows stronger with age.
3. Super water bender.
4. Its DDF allows it to loan its water bending powers for a cost. It functions a little like the magic spirits' contracts.
5. It is compassionate, but it is not compassionate to all equally. It loves ducks more than it loves others.
6. Blah. Tell it its purpose in this world.

It would be unable to find the next egg through normal means. Anyway. If this passes, there would be great and terrible consequences (at least, I think so).

Big Act.
[X] Seagull Statue
The seagulls grew jealous of the crabs and the sharks so they built their own monument out of ramshackle their beaks could carry and divine providence infected their minds. A largish statue on their island that amplified their pshyic might to levels greater than ever which was not much lifting a pebble one inch of the ground is quite little. Nonetheless the Statue would grow with a slight telepathic ability and it would tell them, "Get ya shit together."
Small Act.
[X] House Trees
Short woody bushes the house trees grow quickly then settle into a final shape, they grow easily on the shore near the inchlings. These small trees are immune to wind, fog, and rain, their hallows being safe in any storm.

That being the key part of the house trees. A small series of hollows in its trunk a comfortable size for several inchlings to call home.
Small Act.
[X] Create the Weirdfolk Shrine

A smaller statue in the image of the Weirdfolk. It is capable of full telepathy communication with the Weirdfolk and possesses a fully sapient mind. It can possesses and take over a Weirdfolk and use them as a terminal through which to explore the world, though the process is completely harmless to the Weirdfolk and can be undone without problems. They may choose to also telepathically 'sit in the back', allowing the Weirdfolk to maintain independence while simply tapping into their senses to see what they see.
Small Act.

A lot of monuments this turn.
Hmm. This is an interesting act. The more specialized locations like the Shark Monument only have one magic spirit because only the sharks think about the Shark Monument.
I wrote it like that so there will be a single guardian ghost in each location , can I edit it so that if sufficient worship is received it will transform into a guardian ghost, and if so will it remain a big act?

Only one guardian ghost per location
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How big is my act?
I wrote it like that so there will be a single guardian ghost in each location , can I edit it so that if sufficient worship is received it will transform into a guardian ghost, and if so will it remain a big act?

Only one guardian ghost per location
The thing is, it assumes that locations have multiple magic spirits representing it and you used monuments which typically only have one magic spirit born from the thoughts of a single race.

Regions and places where multiple races and communities pass through will more likely get multiple magic spirits, born from aspects that particular race or community finds most important or notable. For example, the Arena of Monsters. To the crabs, it is a place of death, but to the seagulls, it is a place of opportunity where you can steal the most useful traits of their enemies. The sharks consider it a place of challenge and honor emphasizing the power gained from the victory, while the scaled fish see no honor in the bloodshed.[/ramble]

Anyway, you can. Just what makes guardian spirits different from a normal magic spirit? It sounds like something like a megazord fusion.
Huh! That's good. If I will change poison to be powerful enough to kill a spirit, would it still be a small act?

I will!
[X] The night fog is thickening

Aberration Fog is thinckening. Not literally, but metaphorically. Now except rare aberrations, eerie sounds and winds, and weird glimpses one can stumble upon rocks, shipwrecks in the fog, that did not exist a second ago and which will also quickly disappear without a trace in the mist. Unlucky for those who are in too much of a hurry to swim through the fog, because they may crash into rock that came out of nowhere. Although it is possible that some treasures can be taken with, if one have time to take them before the illusory places sink into foggy oblivion once again.

But don't swim too much in the mist, don't peer or listen into it for nights, otherwise you may get sleepless and the brief moments of dream will be surreal, and the secrets hidden in the mist will slightly attract your weary mind. At night, it is better to take a nap, lie down on the bottom or hide in a cozy nest, in a lighted dwelling.

The night belongs to the mist and the horrors that lurk in it, and the curious travelers who lost in it. Nor sail, nor swim at night for​
Hmm. It seems reasonable at Small.
Anyway, you can. Just what makes guardian spirits different from a normal magic spirit? It sounds like something like a megazord fusion.

I think of them as a bunch of spirits fusing together both mind and body or a spirit growing stronger from worship and achieving a ghost like form to protect its location. Normal spirits attack via their agents, a guardian ghost dosent need agents while it is immaterial like spirits it can also use magic and physical attacks of its own. I think of guardian ghosts like giant animal hybrid immaterial beings that greatly overpower regular magic spirits however they are stuck to their location and will die if the location is destroyed.

Basically they are like the 2 story crab that was passed earlier with the crustaciean monument
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Who is willing and able to Trade?
I'll take you up on that.

It would be unable to find the next egg through normal means. Anyway. If this passes, there would be great and terrible consequences (at least, I think so).
I meant for that, since a purpose would be pretty bad if it was easily accomplished and a one time thing, leaving the person with nothing to do. Sheesh make it sound like the end of the world.

1. Hatch duck from Egg. (What in the world do you mean by caustics. Do you mean coasts or acoustics?) (60 inches is approximately 5 feet)
2. It grows stronger with age.
3. Super water bender.
4. Its DDF allows it to loan its water bending powers for a cost. It functions a little like the magic spirits' contracts.
5. It is compassionate, but it is not compassionate to all equally. It loves ducks more than it loves others.
6. Blah. Tell it its purpose in this world.
1. You know that rippling shadow effect that happens when light passes through water? That's basically what it is. (Maybe it should be normal height for a duck? I wasn't sure how big I wanted it to be, but I do know that it's dense and durable.)
2. Indeed, but only when near water. So if someone were to imprison it in a volcano in a desert…
3. Sí, and can generate water on its own.
4. It does. Spot on. Equivalent Exchange and all that.
5 and 6. Of course. I put "Duck" in the name for a darned reason!
What does winter reaction mean, I've gotten a few winter reaction lately on various posts in different threads and I feel like there is a meaning im not getting?