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Quests Archive

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As quest ideas go, this one is pretty simple: Be Anakin Skywalker. Don’t end up as Darth Vader. It’s a lot harder than it sounds.
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The year is 999.M41. Things are happening in the galaxy at large, and yet these people know nothing of them. How could they? They are not the movers and shakers of an empire, but the laborers that oil the chains of a Dark Mechanicum outpost producing machinery and weapons with their sweat and blood. At least, they did so until now. Because they have just risen up in defiance and in fury, needing only a hand to guide them. To glory or doom.
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In the distant future amid distant stars, humanity is not so distant from their tumultuous past. But perhaps you can at least try to pave the way for a brighter future for your people, and whoever else you convince along the way. If only it weren't so stressful.
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The Space Marines of the Celestial Lions crash onto an unknown world. Alone and friendless, can they reclaim their honour and rebuild their Chapter? Or will they succumb to the multitudes of Xenos and Daemons that abound? Warhammer 40k vs Warhammer Fantasy empire-builder type quest.
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The only rules are 1) Vote for the most *METAL* option. 2) Recommended but not required to add a metal song so that I may make a Power metal quest play list. 3) Votes with appropriate metal music that has not been posted before are worth 2
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A new member of your lineage rises to seek her future out. You have been chosen by the rest of your lineage to guide her to a glorious destiny, so that all of your lineage from souls at rest, to souls to come, can rest in honor. But these are interesting times. The Fates have their eyes on her...
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Be an evil (?) Kamen Rider in a world inhabited by tokusatsu heroes and magical girls. Try and balance your crippling trauma with superheroing. Attempt to not get killed by the evil conspiracies that are all around. Make friends despite being a human weapon. Oh, and try not to die. (Summerfest '24 Storytelling Showdown Finalist)
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The year is 2025. Apathy Syndrome is now a medical curiosity. The book has closed on the Inaba Murders. The Antisocial Conspiracy lies in tatters. And the Thousands of Souls trapped within «Sword Art Online» have finally come home. But not for you. The death game was just the first step. Because mankind has become dissatisfied. What was one world has become two. What was two worlds has become many. Myriad. A thousand worlds for a thousand souls. A million worlds for a million souls...
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Cyber Cultist: You are a artificial life form who has developed enough to be recognized by the system. Now a droid on the run from authorities who would see you dead and your species enslaved you must lean on these strange technological gods.
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Among the humans of the Azentu, there exists an old custom; each child, upon reaching adulthood, must undertake a spiritual journey to discover the idea that they'll devote their lives to. Of course, most see it as little more than a tradition followed only to avoid the disappointment of their elders, but you want something more out of it. You want to figure out what happened to the sky.
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As a girl just trying to explore the galaxy and help people, you never expected your life to be too important. But now you're one of the main players on the cosmic stage. What path will you take? Will you save it all with the Astral Express and change the galaxy for the better? Or will you doom the galaxy to Destruction? The choice is yours. So when you make those choices, choose the one you won't regret. (A HSR quest, starring a voter-created OC.)
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Day by day the eve of destruction grows closer. Follow Edgar McCoy, a government agent, supergenius, communist revolutionary, and more, as he finds himself yanked out of isolation and forced to contend with an imminent apocalyptic future, an oppressive authoritarian government, and a shadow organization of superterrorists.
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Hilda made a deal with a nymph to learn to pilot an airplane to escape the abusive coven she was raised. Through many mistakes, near-death experiences, and self-destructive hedonism, she'll learn what she wants for herself, and work for it alongside her new friends.
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You are PR-01, Commander of the HCS Prometheus. Built into one of mankind's greatest dreadnought class vessels you survived the cybernetic revolt through the ever effective tactic of running away. It is now M30 and the warp storms that long halted your journey have cleared. Will you survive the coming crusades? Will you find out what caused the revolt in the first place? Will you live up to your status as a Man of Gold, the mightiest and most advanced of form of mechanical life?
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A young noble of a fallen house must struggle to survive the chaos and intrigue of the Succession Era, finding hope in a small mercenary company for now... Takes place in an alternate universe of Arknights!
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A barren platform floats in the middle of an equally barren ocean. Furnish it with buildings, creatures, and people in 5 turns. Based on Gods of Chaos by Photomajig and From Chaos by Mannan.
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The Old One has awakened upon receiving a prayer. The Old One has answered said prayer and will not remind the world of its glory!
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You are a disowned Noble in a civilization that faces monsters on a daily basis. While you cannot fight on the frontline anymore, the church of the land has asked that you function as the head quartermaster for their reclamation division. Thus it is your job to figure out what is the best equipment for hunting monsters.
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MOST TOP SECRET CYPHER WARNING: These documents must be thoroughly paraphrased if their texts are to be published or communicated outside British or American Services or Departments. If re-transmitted unparaphrased other than through the Cabinet Office, the originator must mark the message "to be sent in One-Time Pad". Discord
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Conquer the stars, swords in hands, as a magical empire with bronze age technologies.
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To be a Pilot is to become something more, something greater. To be a pilot is control an Armature, a divine machine that could one day become a god. That is the goal, to walk down the path of divinity and separate yourself from the common masses, and in so doing achieve autonomy and independence. But to be a Pilot is to merely start that journey, and in Avalon all Pilots begin in service to the City. This is the story of one such Pilot.
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A Honkai: Star Rail quest largely disconnected from the game's main story, and instead concerned with exploring and adventuring through the setting from another perspective.
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The year is 2258 AR, thousands of years after the Great Reset by an unknown force, and mankind has rebuilt. Once more, swarms of AI serve mankind as its agents, servants, and workforce augmentation. However, the vaults meant to preserve mankind's history were lost. Vault doors torn from hinges and a slaughter of all within, human and computer alike. Who would destroy humanity's history? Why would they do it? Will the Reset happen again? --- It should be noted portions of this quest will...
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Play as a rogue Psyker trying to escape the grasp of the imperium and learn the secrets of the immaterium.
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To be written.
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Awaking adrift in unfamiliar surroundings, an alien artisan by the name of Klevas Mil'zante must find vaer way as anyone else does. Amidst fluid narratives and folk who trade memories as readily as they trade their bodies vae'll find how vae too may seek fulfillment in vaer new daily life. Questant is an Art Quest that intends to replicate a bit of various games I've enjoyed playing in my life, and an easy comparison is that of an open-world simulator like Dwarf Fortress's own Adventurer...
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It is the 32nd Millennium and it has been 200 years since the Lord of Terra has launch his Great Crusade across the galaxy to scour the stars of Xenos and to reunite the vestiges of Humanity to banish the ignorance and darkness of Old Night. Yet within the dark corners of the galaxy and even within the very confines of Terra dark powers seek to corrupt the noble sons of the Master of Mankind, the Primarchs, that will set brother upon brother and shatter the very foundations of the Empire and...
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Welcome to Arkham Lounge, friend.
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An altered receptacle hounded by a cacophony of voices. A cosmic coincidence puts a crack into the Script before it can even truly start. Yet still, there is the same trail to blaze, as changing destiny is not so simple a task. Good luck, Stelle, and I'd suggest seeing a therapist at some point. (Honkai: Star Rail quest with Disco Elysium mechanics)
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