[ ] [Relic] Yesterday's Paradise
This spear belonged to a Memokeeper friend of yours. A century or so ago, it simply appeared next to you, along with a note stating that it had been passed on as per his last will and testament. Despite your questions, the Garden refused to elaborate on his death, but the spear answers to you like it once did to him. As a memetic construct, it both exists and does not exist in whatever form is convenient to you, allowing it to ignore most physical obstacles and be completely hidden from sight. It cannot bypass Path energies, however, clashing with them as an ordinary, if superb, blade. Its true ability is to pull a battle into a mental construct of your choosing, with different rules than base reality.

@notthepenguins I'm not sure this is a weird question or not, but with the largely memetic nature of the weapon, and it's ability to summon mental constructs and the fact it literally exists in "whatever form is convenient to you", does it have to be a Spear?

Like I'm assuming the form convenience is just meant to be how real the Spear is at any given moment, but... say we needed more of a sweeping attack, could it change from a Spear to say, a Halberd or a Scythe?

I'm going to vote for it, regardless of the answer-
[X] [Relic] Yesterday's Paradise
-because it's cool, but it's just the first thing I thought of when reading how it'll change to be convenient.
Like I'm assuming the form convenience is just meant to be how real the Spear is at any given moment, but... say we needed more of a sweeping attack, could it change from a Spear to say, a Halberd or a Scythe?
In theory, yeah, but thats outside your ability. You can flex it around a bit with regards to dimensions, but it's still "a spear" (though with the mindscape ability it's "something that thrusts/penetrates"). A real Memokeeper could do wild things with it though.
[x] [Relic] Yesterday's Paradise
[x] [Brawl] Wade in. Eira may be annoying sometimes, but they are a friend of sorts.
[X] [Relic] The Aegis of Shattered Dreams
[X] [Brawl] Wade in. Eira may be annoying sometimes, but they are a friend of sorts.
[X] [Relic] Third Act
[X] [Brawl] Wade in. Eira may be annoying sometimes, but they are a friend of sorts.

I think Third Act is the most interesting in terms of narrative potential tbh. Just the fact that it runs on story logic is fascinating, and I think working with/around its preference for tragedy would be really cool to read about.
[X] [Relic] Yesterday's Paradise
[X] [Brawl] Wade in. Eira may be annoying sometimes, but they are a friend of sorts.

Torn between this and Battle's End (Cut our path to escape feels pretty neat), but the potential to the mentalscape is too good to pass up. Was thinking that it takes form of any of our Emanator's past places of travel, like giving any of the unlucky opponent a tour guide on what worlds and vistas she has seen (and the dangerous terrain therein, heh).
[X] [Relic] Third Act
[X] [Brawl] Wade in. Eira may be annoying sometimes, but they are a friend of sorts.

It's not going to win, but the Drama bow feels like the most interesting option here. Working with it and around it sounds really fun.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notthepenguins on May 7, 2024 at 6:51 PM, finished with 36 posts and 31 votes.
Introduction and Character Generation, pt. 4
You sigh and stand, spear in hand as if it had always been there. "Do you need them alive?" you ask idly, considering your options. The bartender had been fun, you'd really rather not wreck the place.

"Not really," they shrug. "They already told me what I need."

In that case... you nod, fix the seven goons -- now spreading out, wary of the two of you -- in your mind, and rap the butt of your spear on the floor.

𐑢𐑩𐑯𐑕, 𐑞𐑱𐑮 𐑢𐑭𐑟 𐑱 𐑥𐑱𐑛𐑩𐑯...( Once, there was a maiden...)

The world ripples, like the whole thing was a still pond you had thrown a rock into.

...𐑣𐑵 𐑛𐑮𐑰𐑥𐑛 𐑝 𐑛𐑱𐑟 𐑤𐑭𐑙 𐑐𐑨𐑕𐑑.( ...who dreamed of days long past.)

A second ripple leaves only a void in its wake, the substance of the bar replaced by nothing at all.

𐑖𐑰 𐑛𐑮𐑰𐑥𐑛 𐑝 ·𐑕𐑦𐑥𐑐𐑩𐑤𐑼 ·𐑑𐑲𐑥𐑟,( She dreamed of simpler times,)

A third ripple replaced the blank white nothingness with substance. A large outdoor arena surrounds you, artificial terrain arranged in a tasteful facsimile of a grasslands biome. The stands are full, crowd cheering and booing, and camera drones flit around you, trying to get the best shots to feed to the monitors above and around.

𐑢𐑧𐑯 𐑖𐑰 𐑒𐑫𐑛 𐑑𐑧𐑤 𐑜𐑦𐑛 𐑓𐑼𐑥 𐑰𐑝𐑩𐑤( when she could tell good from evil,)

The lighting shifts, stadium lighting casting your seven foes in harsh, ominous shadows, even as Eira and you are illuminated grandly.

𐑯 𐑓𐑮𐑧𐑯𐑛 𐑓𐑼𐑥 𐑓𐑴.( and friend from foe.)

All of you shift -- or rather the world does, placing your respective groups on opposite sides of a demarcated middle line. A referee, a cephalopod with a top hat, raises a baton, and all of you find yourselves frozen, bound by the structure you just defined.

Which is convenient, because the next part requires a bit more focus.

𐑦𐑑'𐑕 𐑭𐑤 𐑕𐑴 𐑕𐑦𐑥𐑐𐑩𐑤, 𐑤𐑲𐑛 𐑞 𐑥𐑱𐑛𐑩𐑯( "It's all so simple," lied the maiden,)

All of you stayed frozen for a moment, as your will and focus binds each group into a singular whole -- you and Eira, Fin Sextus and his six goons -- and your clothes shift to match, red highlights marking their clothing now, and white marking yours and Eira's. The crowd shifts in response, its members suddenly clad in red or white.

𐑢𐑰 𐑕𐑑𐑨𐑯𐑛 𐑹 𐑓𐑭𐑤 𐑨𐑟 𐑢𐑩𐑯.( "we stand or fall as one.")

You take the bonds tying team members together and twist them just so, and they shine, blinding-bright in the team-colors you designated, then vanish.

"And, start!" the referee declares, chopping down with their baton before floating backwards, out of the way.

Done waiting around, it seems, one of the goons, already panicked, levels a grenade launcher at you both and fires.

Both you and Eira dodge out of the way, but in opposite directions. You click your tongue, annoyed; you hadn't told them about the rule yet.

Well, they're a smart cookie, they'll understand with a simple demonstration.

"Eira!" you call out, and they snap their gaze over to you, one gun half-drawn. You fix your gaze on them, then, hands in plain view, pinch your spear-holding arm, hard enough to hurt.

They twitch ever-so-slightly, then laugh. "Race you!"

You have to pull your attention away, then, because the goons seem to have decided that you're the primary threat -- probably fair, given what you just did -- and five of them converge on you.

You duck under a wild stab, parry a clumsy thrust, and slap the weapon out of a third's hand.

You can feel energy gathering from Eira's direction, and chop one in the throat with your free hand. A lazy, bad-angled chop, but still more than enough for your purposes.

All five of them choke and stumble, grasping at their throats in shocked confusion.

You spin your spear and drive it through the nearest one's chest, putting far more force behind it than would ordinarily be wise. Bone and flesh impeded your blade equally, but both were more than normal, and your normal strength wouldn't necessarily win you that race.

Matching wounds open on each of them, blood gushing through holes not pluggd by your spear. They stumble. Two of them fall outright.

With a searing crack, and the mingled scents of smoke and fresh grass, all of their heads simply vanish, instantly vaporized.

You glance at Eira, holding both of their pistols, each one smoking. "Kill-stealer," you accuse, mock-indignant.

"I still win."

You shrug and tap your spear on the floor.

𐑚𐑩𐑑 ·𐑛𐑮𐑰𐑥𐑟 𐑧𐑯𐑛( But dreams end,)

The team colors fade away, as you carefully dismantle the connection.

𐑯 𐑞 𐑥𐑱𐑛𐑩𐑯 𐑩𐑢𐑴𐑒( and the maiden woke,)

The arena fades next, returned back to the plain white void.

𐑑 𐑓𐑱𐑕 𐑒𐑴𐑤𐑛, 𐑣𐑸𐑛, 𐑮𐑰𐑨𐑤𐑩𐑑𐑰( to face cold, hard reality.)

And the bar comes back into view, leaving all of you where you stood before.

For a few moments, before the seven headless corpses tumbled to the floor, blood pooling rapidly beneath them.

"Now, Eira, make sure to pay the lady for the trouble," you instruct, jerking your head over at the door the bartender had ducked into. "Do you need a hand with uh..." you try to remember the name the head goon had given. "Ted Jeppin?"

"Gred Teppin," they correct, and shake their head. "Nah, I'll go settle accounts. Go find your fairy tale." They pause. "Do my pickup first, though. Don't want you to get distracted on a new mystery of the universe while the Antimatter Legion overwhelms the Pteramidians."

You nod. That's fair, honestly.

You're barely containing your excitement by the time you get back to your 'berth,' such as it is. Ordinarily you'd take the scenic route, walk slowly to take in the sights, even on a junk heap of a world like this, but not today. Today, you took every shortcut you could reach without forcing your will onto the world, stepping through wrinkles in space-time and hopping over obstacles, turning what had been an hour-long walk into barely the work of five minutes.

Plan-style voting is recommended. If you want specific configurations, or duplicates of a companion type (e.g one lover and two descendants), that requires a plan. Otherwise, I will just choose the top X options.

What awaits you at your berth?
For vessels, note that while you can travel the cosmos on anything, the vessel can make it easier or harder, or provide that travel with different qualities. Your powers enhance, but don't outright replace, base qualities.

[ ] [Vessel Style] A sleek, high-tech thing, not one-of-a-kind but close to it, cutting through the cosmos like a knife. Fragile, but quick and stealthy.
[ ] [Vessel Style] An artistic-looking shaped-wood vessel, not quite as sturdy as metal, but with shields and weapons to compensate.
[ ] [Vessel Style] An organic, biotechnological thing, pseudo-intelligent but decidedly inhuman. Capable of self-repair and adaptation, but more vulnerable to a straightforward beating.
[ ] [Vessel Style] Not a vessel at all, but a massive spaceborne creature you have made friends with, adapted to symbiosis with humanoid-scale species. They don't like to make planetfall directly, though, so you had to take a shuttle to the surface.
[ ] [Vessel Style] A shifting, crystalline thing, all modular parts and transforming components, inherited from the same friend as Yesterday's Paradise was. It has limited conventional space, even with the spatial warping present in the interior, but living people are brought into a shared mentalscape, in which they take no space at all.
[ ] [Vessel Style] Something else? Write in, subject to approval.

You will be gaining at least one travel companion along the way.
[ ] [Companion Number] No companions
[ ] [Companion Number] One companion
[ ] [Companion Number] Two companions
[ ] [Companion Number] Three companions

Your companion(s) themselves...
[ ] [Companion Type] A friend
[ ] [Companion Type] A lover
[ ] [Companion Type] A descendant
[ ] [Companion Type] A colleague
[ ] [Companion Type] A rescuee
[ ] [Companion Type] A passenger
[ ] [Companion Type] A rival
[ ] [Companion Type] ...an enemy?
[ ] [Companion Type] Something else? Write in, subject to approval.
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𐑢𐑩𐑯𐑕, 𐑞𐑱𐑮 𐑢𐑭𐑟 𐑱 𐑥𐑱𐑛𐑩𐑯...( Once, there was a maiden...)
...𐑣𐑵 𐑛𐑮𐑰𐑥𐑛 𐑝 𐑛𐑱𐑟 𐑤𐑭𐑙 𐑐𐑨𐑕𐑑.( ...who dreamed of days long past.)
𐑖𐑰 𐑛𐑮𐑰𐑥𐑛 𐑝 ·𐑕𐑦𐑥𐑐𐑩𐑤𐑼 ·𐑑𐑲𐑥𐑟,( She dreamed of simpler times,)
𐑢𐑧𐑯 𐑖𐑰 𐑒𐑫𐑛 𐑑𐑧𐑤 𐑜𐑦𐑛 𐑓𐑼𐑥 𐑰𐑝𐑩𐑤( when she could tell good from evil,)
𐑯 𐑓𐑮𐑧𐑯𐑛 𐑓𐑼𐑥 𐑓𐑴.( and friend from foe.)
𐑦𐑑'𐑕 𐑭𐑤 𐑕𐑴 𐑕𐑦𐑥𐑐𐑩𐑤, 𐑤𐑲𐑛 𐑞 𐑥𐑱𐑛𐑩𐑯( "It's all so simple," lied the maiden,)
𐑢𐑰 𐑕𐑑𐑨𐑯𐑛 𐑹 𐑓𐑭𐑤 𐑨𐑟 𐑢𐑩𐑯.( "we stand or fall as one.")
Ah yes, Sidereal Sutras. Weird, esoteric, and allow you to do Creation-Slaying Oblivion Kick.
[X] [Vessel Style] A sleek, high-tech thing, not one-of-a-kind but close to it, cutting through the cosmos like a knife. Fragile, but quick and stealthy.
[X] [Vessel Style] Not a vessel at all, but a massive spaceborne creature you have made friends with, adapted to symbiosis with humanoid-scale species. They don't like to make planetfall directly, though, so you had to take a shuttle to the surface.
[X] [Companion Number] One companion
-[X] [Companion Type] Something else? A friend, and maybe something more.
[X] [Companion Number] Three companions
-[X] [Companion Type] A friend
-[X] [Companion Type] A lover
-[X] [Companion Type] A passenger
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[x] [Vessel Style] Not a vessel at all, but a massive spaceborne creature you have made friends with, adapted to symbiosis with humanoid-scale species. They don't like to make planetfall directly, though, so you had to take a shuttle to the surface.

[x] [Companion Number] Two companions
-[x] [Companion Type] A colleague
-[x] [Companion Type] ...an enemy?
[X] [Vessel Style] Not a vessel at all, but a massive spaceborne creature you have made friends with, adapted to symbiosis with humanoid-scale species. They don't like to make planetfall directly, though, so you had to take a shuttle to the surface.
[X] [Companion Number] One companion
- [X] [Companion Type] A lover
- [X] [Companion Type] …an enemy?
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[x] [Vessel Style] A shifting, crystalline thing, all modular parts and transforming components, inherited from the same friend as Yesterday's Paradise was. It has limited conventional space, even with the spatial warping present in the interior, but living people are brought into a shared mentalscape, in which they take no space at all.
[x] [Companion Type] A descendant
[x] [Companion Type] ...an enemy?
[X] [Vessel Style] Write-In: An ancient but reliable vessel that has been with you as long as you can remember. She is a patchwork ship held together by DIY engineering work, with a dash of hopes and dreams. Not the fastest of ships, but is incredibly resiliant and adaptable with new parts or additions.

@notthepenguins Write-In proposal for the vessel style, want to make sure you are alright with either.

[X] [Vessel Style] Not a vessel at all, but a massive spaceborne creature you have made friends with, adapted to symbiosis with humanoid-scale species. They don't like to make planetfall directly, though, so you had to take a shuttle to the surface.

[X] [Companion Number] Three companions
-[X] [Companion Type] A descendant
-[X] [Companion Type] A colleague
-[X] [Companion Type] A rescuee
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[X] [Vessel Style] Write-In: An ancient but reliable vessel that has been with you as long as you can remember. She is a patchwork ship held together by DIY engineering work, with a dash of hopes and dreams. Not the fastest of ships, but is incredibly resiliant and adaptable with new parts or additions.

@notthepenguins Write-In proposal for the vessel style, want to make sure you are alright with either.
Yeah, that's fine.
[X] [Vessel Style] A shifting, crystalline thing, all modular parts and transforming components, inherited from the same friend as Yesterday's Paradise was. It has limited conventional space, even with the spatial warping present in the interior, but living people are brought into a shared mentalscape, in which they take no space at all.

If we have the spear, we should complete the set.

[X] [Companion Number] Three companions
[X] [Companion Type] A friend
[X] [Companion Type] A lover
[X] [Companion Type] A descendant

Someone like Eira, a wife/husband, and either a kid or a nephew to round out the team.

Edit: The friend we got yesterday's paradise from could either be our lover or friend, assuming they're alive. Just something to think about.

Edit 2: they dead. Anyways…
[X] [Companion Number] One companion
- [X] [Companion Type] A lover
- [X] [Companion Type] …an enemy?
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[X] [Vessel Style] A shifting, crystalline thing, all modular parts and transforming components, inherited from the same friend as Yesterday's Paradise was. It has limited conventional space, even with the spatial warping present in the interior, but living people are brought into a shared mentalscape, in which they take no space at all.

[X] [Companion Number] Three companions
[X] [Companion Type] A friend
[X] [Companion Type] A lover
[X] [Companion Type] A descendant