The Lords of Terra (A M&B/CK-Inspired Quest in an Arknights AU)

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I think most Arts units still need to be able to contain an originium core, not entirely sure how the feather pens will do that. Unless there's like a control unit, in which case you have a wand/staff unit that controls floating feathers. Though that might be a lot going on with the Magnetic Arts too.
TBF, Logos is able to pull it off with his Bone Pen, no idea where they stuck an originium core in their but they did.
Huh, might vote for Synchronizer... Though I ponder about getting Learning now since we're apparently going to Siracusa of all places so the Intrigue stat boost is already a given, it's just between Learning (to know more about the debacle over there) or Prowess (since assassinations... Are a thing, and I doubt Martial affects that fully).

..on second thought, I'll just go on ahead with my Plan. I kinda want to see a NegaVerse on my Sm0ll Chieftain Plan but I don't have the brain power to do so right now. Really contemplating on getting my laptop to work to get most of the work done instead of just sleeping like a dead log everytime I get back home.

The urge to just make a Quest, though like at FL due to its nature of little voters likely, or either here or SB is strong... :V
Well, it's lookin' like we got a plan at the moment. I'm working in two day increments as a goal, so I'll leave voting open for another day, also just in case a sudden change occurs. Thanks for the input, folks!

Adhoc vote count started by Acerze on Jun 26, 2024 at 5:57 PM, finished with 12 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X]Plan Synchronizer
    -[X] Emil (Male Player)
    -[X] Light-Gray feathers on Off-White hair with black streaks, with red eyes. (Base: Demoiselle Cranes)
    -[X] Arts Unit - The standard weapon of choice for most Leithanien nobles, it doesn't fare too well in melee combat but will provide bonuses to casting arts in battle.
    --[X] (OPTIONAL) Scepter with a tuning fork head. To harmonize with the wind currents and sounds, and the dabbling of music-based Arts befitting proper Leithanien nobles. (QM Pending)
    -[X] Windblade Arts
    -[X] Stat Boosts
    --[X] Learning
    --[X] Intrigue
    -[X] Scholars
    -[X] Marie (Sister)
    -[X] Silvia (Sister)
    -[X] Making sure you and those close to you are living stable, comfortable lives. - Establish yourself first, then face whatever comes after.
    --[X] (OPTIONAL) A staff made of metal tilled tipped with an Originium Core.
TBF, Logos is able to pull it off with his Bone Pen, no idea where they stuck an originium core in their but they did.
Just saw this, he's hardly the only one. I'm pretty sure Skyfire was able to cast from a ring she had as a hidden backup Arts unit (which she also mentions is standard practice for dedicated casters) during Goldenglow's debut event. I also remember something about the size limiting her spells in some way but I'll need to check again to be sure.
Just saw this, he's hardly the only one. I'm pretty sure Skyfire was able to cast from a ring she had as a hidden backup Arts unit (which she also mentions is standard practice for dedicated casters) during Goldenglow's debut event. I also remember something about the size limiting her spells in some way but I'll need to check again to be sure.
Hmm, so maybe the amount of originium needed is smaller than I thought. Then...I suppose it would've been feasible to have a hollowed feather contain the the control unit?

Looks like I owe you an apology @DiscordOxymoron! Consider your original idea QM approved, and even if it doesn't get selected this round weapons of that type can exist somewhere in the world, either in markets or in the other hands of other characters!
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Hmm, so maybe the amount of originium needed is smaller than I thought. Then...I suppose it would've been feasible to have a hollowed feather contain the the control unit?

Looks like I owe you an apology @DiscordOxymoron! Consider your original idea QM approved, and even if it doesn't get selected this round weapons of that type can exist somewhere in the world, either in markets or in the other hands of other characters!
It's fine! And it's not like it'll be seen much barring more Liberi Casters. I might end up lurking now since this is still early on and what-not and I'm curious how the OG planners will be doing going forward. :V
Found the relevant chapter. Turns out the part about her saying it's standard practice or it limiting her casting was me remembering wrong. I'll have to see if the idea is mentioned elsewhere because I do remember the concept being mentioned in an event. Regardless, it does show you can cast from a small unit.
Alrighty, closing voting here. I'll get workin on the next part after work!

Scheduled vote count started by Acerze on Jun 25, 2024 at 8:45 PM, finished with 16 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X]Plan Synchronizer
    -[X] Emil (Male Player)
    -[X] Light-Gray feathers on Off-White hair with black streaks, with red eyes. (Base: Demoiselle Cranes)
    -[X] Arts Unit - The standard weapon of choice for most Leithanien nobles, it doesn't fare too well in melee combat but will provide bonuses to casting arts in battle.
    --[X] (OPTIONAL) Scepter with a tuning fork head. To harmonize with the wind currents and sounds, and the dabbling of music-based Arts befitting proper Leithanien nobles. (QM Pending)
    -[X] Windblade Arts
    -[X] Stat Boosts
    --[X] Learning
    --[X] Intrigue
    -[X] Scholars
    -[X] Marie (Sister)
    -[X] Silvia (Sister)
    -[X] Making sure you and those close to you are living stable, comfortable lives. - Establish yourself first, then face whatever comes after.
    --[X] (OPTIONAL) A staff made of metal tilled tipped with an Originium Core.
Chargen III - Final
The first two posts were pretty beefy, this one's shorter and sweeter.

And then, the story proper!

[X]Plan Synchronizer
-[X] Emil (Male Player)
-[X] Light-Gray feathers on Off-White hair with black streaks, with red eyes. (Base: Demoiselle Cranes)
-[X] Arts Unit - The standard weapon of choice for most Leithanien nobles, it doesn't fare too well in melee combat but will provide bonuses to casting arts in battle.
--[X] (OPTIONAL) Scepter with a tuning fork head. To harmonize with the wind currents and sounds, and the dabbling of music-based Arts befitting proper Leithanien nobles.
-[X] Windblade Arts
-[X] Stat Boosts
--[X] Learning
--[X] Intrigue
-[X] Scholars
-[X] Marie (Sister)
-[X] Silvia (Sister)
-[X] Making sure you and those close to you are living stable, comfortable lives. - Establish yourself first, then face whatever comes after.
Name: Emil Gosteli
Race: Liberi
Sex: M

Diplomacy - 72
Martial - 57
Stewardship - 60
Intrigue - 59
Learning - 63
Prowess - 51 + 10 (Arts Learned) + 8 (Arts Affinity) = 69 (Potential Prowess)
Arts Affinity - B+

Wind Blade - A single targeted cutting art using the power of compressed, sharp wind. Deadly against unarmored or soft targets, and has a chance of lowering the number of rounds needed to defeat an opponent.
Cutting Vortex - A whirlwind that slowly tears apart anyone or anything caught in it. Deadly against unarmored or soft targets, and has a chance of lowering the number of rounds needed to defeat an opponent.

Liberi (Racial) - Gain a bonus to perception-based checks.
Magus - You have a deeper education and understanding of arts than most, and are more easily able to learn new arts and apply them as needed.
Diplomatic - You are well-versed in the trappings of high society, and are more able to read intentions and establish connections. You can gain insight on various social matters easily, and turn those insights into advantages.
Casting Specialization - Gain a large bonus to Prowess when casting your arts.

Tuning Scepter - A masterfully crafted arts unit with a head in the shape of a tuning fork. Amplifies your wind arts, and can be used as an acoustic resonator as well.

"Emil...I'm sorry." Your father's words still echo in your head during quiet moments. Had he said them when you learned your home was lost? Or was it when you made the decision to leave for Siracusa? You don't quite remember, even though it was so recent. Things had been moving so fast at the time. You'd wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault, that it was the fault of those plotting against the family. But you don't remember the words you'd said in reply, either. Too much chaos in too little time.

You took solace in the fact that according to your mother, Reina, he was already on the path to recovery. He was now eating full meals and getting proper rest, though with some gentle urging on her part. They, along with your sisters, had managed to acquire a small home to reside in. Your mother said that some members of her family had moved in as well, both to help and to serve as a channel for their monetary assistance to go through. They were all apparently settling in quite well...but the last messages you received from Marie and Silvia were full of complaints about the scholarly, distant nature of their new housemates. Even your cousin, who was of similar age, apparently talked like an old man with all the superiority, according to them. Despite this, you were warmed to see that your sisters were comfortable enough in the new home to complain about relatively minor issues.

Hmm, these new family members must've been quite the characters, though. You had already expected that even if she admired their intellectual nature, Marie would still butt heads with them...but even the mild mannered Silvia's words were filled with discontent as well. You made a note to send them gifts or souvenirs if the chance arises.

But more urgently, you knew you couldn't rely on charity from your mother's maiden family indefinitely, and eventually your house's savings would begin to dry up. So even though your mind was filled with questions, it was more important to make sure you've properly found your feet in the world before doing anything else.

And the mercenary company was your current ticket to achieving that.


It's been several weeks since you arrived in Siracusa with Merry in tow. The impact of Leithanien culture on this former territory is apparent, but you find that this new environment is still unmistakably foreign. On the bright side, despite feeling somewhat out of your element, you actually find the less stuffy demeanor of the average citizen of Siracusa to be refreshing. Even if there were alarmingly few that had any appreciation for the finer details of Originium Arts...

Your new base of operations is in a small town known as Izelle, near the border with your homeland of Leithanien. The mercenary company took you in in the hopes that your noble education and background as a caster could give them an advantage of some sort. Apparently, getting bad contracts or unexpected additional work during their jobs has left a sour taste in their mouths. You weren't sure how much help you were actually going to be, but you would do your best.

Even if mercenary life is far from glamorous, it didn't seem too bad working for them. Apparently they had a good enough reputation to have plenty of jobs lined up. You could ask any passersby in Izelle and they'd probably know the name-

[] La Famiglia Libera. (The Free Family)
[] I Lupi di Ferro. (The Iron Wolves)
[] L'azienda Senza Pari.
(The Peerless Company)
[] Write-in a merc company name.

(Apologies for my MTL italian, heh. The names don't have to be in Siracusan/Italian, just thought it was nice flavor for the preset choices.)

The company was led by a local adventurer who had returned home to start his own group, a seasoned lupo veteran by the name of Stefano Costa. In fact, it was him who noticed you during one of your walks to clear your head right after your family's dire situation was made clear. After a brief conversation, he didn't hesitate to give you an offer.

Your own goals aside, you felt you at least owed him enough work to repay the chance he took in recruiting you. And on a personal level, the company actually impressed you with its-

[] Diversity
[] Professionalism
[] Camaraderie

Apparently, the company also had a specialty. Like most mercenary companies, they'll take any well-paying job (or any job at all in times of need), but after talking with Stefano and the others, you learned that they preferred-

[] Monster Hunting Missions
[] Reconnaissance Missions
[] Escort/Guard Missions
[] Battlefield Missions
[] "Local" Missions (of Dubious Morality) - Available due to being a Siracusan Company

They must've been pretty good at it too, at least judging from their equipment and numbers. It wasn't easy to fully outfit and pay around 30 fully armed and trained fighters, after all. Not to mention providing for the non-combat personnel on top of that.

For her part, Merry was pretty surprised at how well-armed they were, which only reinforced your impressions. She informed you that they weren't far from the Snow Guard in terms of quality of gear, and leagues ahead of the regular army in Leithanien. From a personal view, she seems to be settling in well, too. Perhaps her more casual manner allowed her to integrate easily with the rougher attitudes of the unit?

But, in no time at all, it was soon time for your first mission with the company. With your scepter in hand and arts at the ready, you can only hope your education and training has prepared you for the task before you.

I'm not gonna lie, I had some more choices/ideas planned for this last phase, but I decided to scrap 'em since they ended up feeling extraneous or unnecessary. As a result, this post is hilariously small compared to the other Chargen posts, but eh, learning about how to plan and execute a quest is part of the experience I suppose!

Anyways, can't wait to get started!
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[X] Plan Crew of Fang and Claw
-[X] Write-In: Compagnia del Artiglio (Company of the Claw)
-[X] Diversity
-[X] Escort/Guard Missions

Main idea is a varied group of mercenaries who are nonetheless competant despite the colorful -- hence the generalized name instead of a specific trait.
Was tempted towards escort/guard missions due to the potential of being in contact of notable figures in the land to properly work our Diplomacy traits, but can be pursuaded to other options!
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[X] Plan Siracusan Experience
-[X] L'azienda Senza Pari. (The Peerless Company)
-[X] Diversity
-[X] "Local" Missions (of Dubious Morality) - Available due to being a Siracusan Company

Feels like a waste to be in Siracusa and not engage with the biggest defining trait of the region. Diversity is just for that good ol' RI feel of having wackos from all over the world.
[X] Plan Siracusan Experience

When in Siracusa, commit crimes so we can meet Lappland or Texas. Or get caught committing crimes and our judge is Penance.
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[X] Plan: Murder Incorporated
-[X] Murder, Inc.
-[X] Camaraderie
-[X] "Local" Missions (of Dubious Morality) - Available due to being a Siracusan Company

Slightly based off the historical Murder, Inc. that essentially acted as mercs and hitmen for various mafioso in the New York Area so I kinda wanted to make a reference to that. Admittedly, I probably would have picked Diversity though, if there weren't already a plan for that.
Slightly based off the historical Murder, Inc. that essentially acted as mercs and hitmen for various mafioso in the New York Area so I kinda wanted to make a reference to that.
Emil sweating in the corner of the room when he realizes during their next weekly meeting that the name's literal and everyone's getting ready for heinous activities, XD

When in Siracusa, commit crimes so we can meet Lappland or Texas. Or get caught committing crimes and our judge is Penance.
Emil using Merry as his benchmark for canine races, not knowing the chaos waiting for him...

Main idea is a varied group of mercenaries who are nonetheless competant despite the colorful -- hence the generalized name instead of a specific trait.
Was tempted towards escort/guard missions due to the potential of being in contact of notable figures in the land to properly work our Diplomacy traits, but can be pursuaded to other options!
*Nods* Got that true condottieri energy, sellswords from all walks of life with a reputation for being good investments (most of the time).

Feels like a waste to be in Siracusa and not engage with the biggest defining trait of the region. Diversity is just for that good ol' RI feel of having wackos from all over the world.
Only time will tell if Emil is built like the good ol' Doctor, heheh.
[X] Plan A Clean Fit
-[X] I Lupi di Ferro. (The Iron Wolves)
-[X] Professionalism
-[X] Escort/Guard Missions

I don't think a diverse mercenary outfit is a good fit for our character, especially since we're prejudiced against non-casters, which serves as a potential friction point. A professional mercenary group is more likely to tolerate such opinions provided that we pull our weight.
I don't think a diverse mercenary outfit is a good fit for our character, especially since we're prejudiced against non-casters, which serves as a potential friction point. A professional mercenary group is more likely to tolerate such opinions provided that we pull our weight.
Good eye. Diversity widens possible networking/interactions, but it also means a possibility of lower cohesion or other problems. Worth keeping in mind.
Voting is open