The smell of ozone and boiling flesh fills the air as you look upon the five charred corpses before you, their eyes pouring out of their sockets. You flee, small bolts of psychic energy still sparking off your body. Why are you so Bright, the pure luminescence emanating from your body? no it is coming from somewhere deeper, the soul. The light from you soul covers your vision almost wholly, basking it in colors that are as indescribable as they are glorious.

You dash from street to street, the alleys of the downtown were once known to you but now as the worst headache of your life pounds away at your sanity, they are a maze and you are the rat. The shouts of the Arbites officers resound from behind you, glancing back you see their black garb, men of the Psykana.
Why is it that you are fleeing?
Service in the grace of the emperor is glory, the Skolastika facilities you attended taught you what to do if you were to awaken: Turn yourself in, join the great halls of the Doctrina and wait for the black ships to come take you towards the emperors light.
Still you flee, terrifying visions haunt you, your soul subsumed into a great golden light, snuffed out in seconds to fuel a great beacon of light in a sea of eternal darkness. nonoNO THAT WILL NOT BE YOU.

You turn a corner, hoping against hope that the black garbed officers will not follow you. Something answers, you feel the great brightness that is now your soul roar and bend, fate warping as the men ignore your obvious tracks and take another path.

By the time you reach the deepest depths of the undercity your headache has lessened slightly although the great brightness refuses to recede, keeping you half blind.
You sit in some great hulk of a building, abandoned when not being used as some gangs hangout. Lacking true safety but out of immediate danger you start to truly breathe and think of your situation.

You are Sheev, proud citizen of Hecate IV and you've just committed high treason. You went against all logic and good sense, betraying your friends, family and the emperor himself by refusing to immediately turn yourself in to the Doctrina, the grand academy where all of Hecate's psykers receive the education they need before they can be transported onto holy Terra for their proper induction into the many adepta which require the services of psykers.
You denied yourself glory, accolades and the purity that comes in service to his Holyness. You denied yourself all that on a mere vision, perhaps you could go back, claim that you panicked?
As you consider simply walking out of the great husk you sit in, the visions come back, the feeling of your soul being sundered into a million pieces to be fed into a sea of other screaming souls causes you to puke slightly.
No you will not go back, you will escape. Even if you do not know how.
The first steps of your freedom begin now. Choose what to do:

You have 3 actions to pick for the next week of your life
[]Scavenge food: The few thrones in your pocket wont last more than a few days and gainful employment is impossible. Try to find anything you can eat.
On success: Be fed for the week
On Failure: Gain Poor Health I, Be fed for the week

[]Calm your soul: Meditating upon your circumstances seemed to help a little, perhaps that is the key.
On success: Gain Rudimentary Control Presence I

[]Sculpt? your face: There will be posters with your face on them in no time. You feel like you could make your flesh malleable so you could try making it look different. It wont look good.
On success: Gain Disguised face I
On failure: Gain The Anonymity of a Mutant I

[]Study the vision: Whenever you think about turning yourself in, a horrid and visceral vision clouds your mind. Try to study the vision, perhaps it will teach more?
On success: Gain Rudimentary Divination I
On Failure: Gain Dissonant Sights I

[]Control your powers: right now the power you wield feels out of control, like a grox being barely caged. Try to gain control of it.
On success: Gain Rudimentary Control Power I
On Failure: Psychic Phenomena

[]Listen to the whispers: Far, farther than possible come whispers. They tell of terrible secrets and worse promises. Listen to them.
On success: Gain ???
On Failure: Gain Dissonant Whispers I

Please vote in plans

An(That was probably the fastest i've written)
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The system
Fate Unshackled is going to use a fairly rules light system.
Your character will have traits like "Psychic might V" which describe what exceptional qualities they have. Traits are from 1 to 10. a trait may be upgraded into a superior version if it is at 10/10, you increase it and it makes sense for the trait to be upgradable.
Anything where you don't have a trait your character will be assumed to be average at.*
Whenever you attempt something i will roll a d20. Look at the results and the relevant traits and then choose whether and how well you succeed.
Johny sins the rogue trader has the trait "Smooth Talker X". He attempts to smooth talk himself past a security checkpoint. I roll a 2 out of 20 but since his smooth talking is so high i decide that Johny still manages to talk himself past the checkpoint without getting his long las confiscated.

*Traits related to spesific occupations or races are an exception. For example: Someone without the "Witchsight" trait is not average at witchsight, they do not have it at all.
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[X]Plan: Survival
-[X]Scavenge food
-[X]Sculpt? your face
-[X]Study the vision

We need to be able to disguise ourselves and see the future as soon as possible.

[X] Plan Full Stealth
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[X]Plan Well Fed,Well in Control
-[X]Scavenge food
-[X]Calm your soul
-[X]Control your powers
We need to control our powers or we'll blow ourself to bits.
[X] Plan Full Stealth
-[X]Scavenge food
-[X]Calm your soul
-[X]Sculpt? your face

Let's avoid getting caught first before anything else. Calming the soul will help with not getting detected, right @fearsome hill ?
Character sheet
You are Sheev, an alpha grade Psyker from Hecate IV in the Ultima Segmentum.


Psychic Might VI/X: The amount of imperial psykers who can match or exceed your raw power is countable. Those outside the imperium number more but are still among the upper echelons in their own species.
-This trait is hard to raise.

Rudimentary Control Presence II/X: Dimming your soul is difficult and you can barely do it without actively meditating, still you can atleast see now.
Rudimentary Control Power I: The likelihood of your powers simply exploding uncontrollably is significantly lower.
Witchsight II: With your Sight unburdened by the brilliance of your soul you can see world better than you ever did before gaining your powers

Education III/X: Though nowhere near the best available on Hecate, your education is respectable enough. You know the basics of the skolastika subjects and can somewhat navigate the imperial bureacracy

Infamy I: The gangers of hexis' undercity know to not mess with the powerfull and you are now among their number, not at the top though.

Wounded V: Dozens of scars gained from channeling lightning, makes physical activity difficult.

The whisper's silence X: The denizens of the otherwhere no longer haunt your mind. Controlling your power is now easier. -20 to all psychic phenomena rolls.
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fearsome hill Why was Seev eventually fed to Astronomicon in a scenario where he would immediately surrender to the government?
Isn't he allowed to devour only weak psykers, and the strong are left to serve the empire?
fearsome hill Why was Seev eventually fed to Astronomicon in a scenario where he would immediately surrender to the government?
Isn't he allowed to devour only weak psykers, and the strong are left to serve the empire?
Seev doesn't know. Seev didn't even know that that was something that happened.

OOC:There are myriad reasons why a high grade psyker might be fed to the golden throne.
You are Seev, an alpha grade Psyker from Hecate IV in the Ultima Segmentum.

Should be Sheev according to the winning plan.

[X]Plan Well Fed,Well in Control
Quest seems fun so far, I'll vote for this since it might lead to more intrigue and diplomacy survival by not hiding the face.

[X] Plan: I like your funny words magic man
Palpy plan
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[X] Plan: I like your funny words magic man
-[X]Scavenge food: The few thrones in your pocket wont last more than a few days and gainful employment is impossible. Try to find anything you can eat.
-[X]Calm your soul: Meditating upon your circumstances seemed to help a little, perhaps that is the key.
-[X]Listen to the whispers: Far, farther than possible come whispers. They tell of terrible secrets and worse promises. Listen to them.

Bird Up
Scheduled vote count started by fearsome hill on Jun 16, 2024 at 3:57 PM, finished with 22 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X]Plan Well Fed,Well in Control
    -[X]Scavenge food
    -[X]Calm your soul
    -[X]Control your powers
    [X] Plan Full Stealth
    -[X]Scavenge food
    -[X]Calm your soul
    -[X]Sculpt? your face
    [X] Plan: I like your funny words magic man
    -[X]Scavenge food: The few thrones in your pocket wont last more than a few days and gainful employment is impossible. Try to find anything you can eat.
    -[X]Calm your soul: Meditating upon your circumstances seemed to help a little, perhaps that is the key.
    -[X]Listen to the whispers: Far, farther than possible come whispers. They tell of terrible secrets and worse promises. Listen to them.
    [X]Plan: Survival
    -[X]Scavenge food
    -[X]Sculpt? your face
    -[X]Study the vision
fearsome hill threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Scavenge Total: 15
15 15
fearsome hill threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Calm Total: 15
15 15
fearsome hill threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Control Total: 8
8 8
fearsome hill threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Phenomena Total: 39
39 39
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Your first nights among the ruins in the undercity of Hexis are some of the worst in your life. Near defenseless and blinded by the blazing light of your soul, attempts at sleeping are denied by the constant whispers you hear. You had heard of them during your time at the skolastika, mind haunters, creatures sent by the enemies of the emperor to haunt his psykers, to drive them mad and away from his light.
As the realization dawns that you will not be able to sleep, you turn towards the only productive activity you have found: meditation. Sitting down, you begin to breathe in and out slowly, calming your soul, dimming the blazing light just enough that by the coming of daybreak you were able almost see again, the flames of your soul only licking the edges of your vision instead of consuming it nearly completely.

As the blue sun comes above the horizon you feel strangely calm. The whispers have not stopped and indeed they are louder now than they were before when the crackling power of your soul drowned them out more. One in particular speaks above the rest with a voice like burning flames.
"My you are a studious one aren't you, talented too. Most of your kind would be gibbering messes by now." You ignore the voice.
"Sheev, Sheev, ignoring me isn't going to help you at all. You are being wasted here. What are you doing? Trying to limit yourself so the mortals wouldn't be as scared of you? Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. You were born to rule the warp with an iron grasp and you are sitting here, in some ruined out hab block, learning to meditate." You ignore the voice.
"I can help you you know? Even if you aren't quite ready to master this planet yet. I can teach you how to hide the soul flame, how to tread the currents of the empyrean, i can teach you everything. You just have to say so." You ignore the voice
"Ah, a self made man aren't you? Don't want to rely on others, is that it? I get it, I've seen many like you, they either burn out or burn bright, often both. So if direct tutelage isn't what you want, there is something else i can offer: Silence. I can silence all of us, all the voices that whisper to you. I will let you sleep again. Just say the word" You ign-
No, you do not ignore the voice again. It's offer, there isn't anything wrong with that right? It is offering silence with nothing in return. But why would the haunter offer silence? Perhaps it's a good one? No that is ridiculous, it is tricking you. Is it?
[]"Leave" The whispers end
Gain trait: "The whisper's silence X/X"

[]Stay silent, the whispers remain
Gain trait: "The whispering cacophony X/X"

With daybreak you are reminded of one of humanity's simple needs: food. With the ability to see once more, you look at the few coins you have with you, they amount to perhaps a couple thrones in total. Enough for a day or two of food.
But you did not require only food and while food could be scavenged, most other necessities couldn't be so easily found. Thus you headed out of your hiding place, face hidden in a hood, ready to search through the trash for uneaten meals.
This turns out to be fairly easy. You have some experience thanks to your scribal education, the skolastika fees often leaving you little choice. Your competitors, ranging from homeless children to members of street gangs seem to be intimidated by your presence in a way they simply weren't before.
With some food secured you hide back in your dwellings. The following week consists mostly of meditation and scavenging for food.
By the end of the week the feeling of hopelessness has started to abate. You may be hungry and sleep deprived but you are free. With hope swelling in your chest you decide to try something different.
You feel powerful but you also feel out of control. Something roils beneath your skin, begging to be released. You need to lock it down, prevent it from spilling out lest you fry someone into ash once again.
With goal in mind you begin to push the power inward, away from the surface so that it wouldn't be released. But as you push down the power inside you it tries to push back out, pressure building. You keep pushing it back in, trying to forcefully control it. You keep pushing and pushing and-

The world lurches as your powers bursts forth, sickly green lightning jumping from your fingertip and blasting a nearby tree. It quickly begins to rot and soon all that is left from it is a pile of black mold.
You sleep at the opposite side of the hab ruin that night.

Choose 3 actions for the next week of your life.
[]Scavenge food: The few thrones in your pocket won't last more than a few days and gainful employment is impossible. Try to find anything you can eat.
On success: Be fed for the week
On Failure: Gain Poor Health I, Be fed for the week

[]Calm your soul: Meditating truly seems to be the key, keep doing it.
On success: Gain Rudimentary Control Presence III

[]Sculpt? your face: There will be posters with your face on them in no time. You feel like you could make your flesh malleable so you could try making it look different. It wont look good.
On success: Gain Disguised face I
On failure: Gain The Anonymity of a Mutant I

[]Study the vision: Whenever you think about turning yourself in, a horrid and visceral vision clouds your mind. Try to study the vision, perhaps it will teach more?
On success: Gain Vision of the futureI
On Failure: Gain Dissonant Sights I

[]Control your powers: right now the power you wield feels out of control, like a grox being barely caged. Try to gain control of it.
On success: Gain Rudimentary Control Power I
On Failure: Psychic Phenomena

[]Listen to the whispers: Far, farther than possible come whispers. They tell of terrible secrets and worse promises. Listen to them.
On success: Gain ???
On Failure: Gain Dissonant Whispers I

[]Flare out your power: The others seemed to fear your presence, perhaps you could enhance this effect.
On Success: Gain Fearsome Aura I
On Failure: Gain Uncontrollable Aura I

Please vote in plans