I have an idea for a new project we could undertake. A god of Memory, placed in the mirrored halls of the Promises of Rightful Harvest.

Such a god would have a wide array of utility. For one, the ability to potentially alter the memories of Mundanes and Philosophers has great promise for the seat of Harmony and for Mental health. (Simply put, the Seat of Harmony is effectively our secret police, and therefore I think most people could see how the ability to access and edit people's memories might be helpful for them, if perhaps a bit dystopian in application) For another, it would add great utility to our communications network, adding a god capable of storing and retrieving information within itself to our communications network, and therefore relaying past communications or things specifically entered into itself.

This would have a number of notable beneficial effects. The main one, IMO, would be the way it would allow for discussions to become... Extended. Instead of a conversation happening once, over the course of maybe a day, members can take time to gather thoughts and respond, especially helpful now that we're spread across an entire planet and will have timezone issues. For another, it will allow any Keeper of Harmony or Philosopher to access collected wisdom within the God's memories, potentially greatly aiding treatment by Keepers, and also easing the efforts of our Philosophers to enact workings.

There would also likely be other benefits, though these would be more dependent on the specific personality of the god, which is something of a concern to be fair. I suspect a librarian or archivist esque personality to be best for the role.

Can we do that though? Closest project we got to direct hand in God-creation is God-ships, were we can input domain. Lesser temple Gods, where we can also put the Domain and Gods for the Order in the theogony action, and that seems to be more of a start.

Honestly, if we are going to make memories like that, there kinda exist a God we can allready call upon that, for what is written history except memories upon paper. Xipe Topec is allready a half-dreaming God after all, with Philospher-historians calling upon him. Of course, that would seemingly be more aimed at remembering conversations and old wisdom, and less about helping the Keepers of Harmony.

Gods for the Order, does seem like the closest action for opening up something like this though. That being said, we probaly want to start with a Gods of the Voids first or God-speakers, before we just fling a God into one of our Towers, while the muse actions also seemed more aimed at what you'd want out of helping memories and thoughts.
Gods for the Order, does seem like the closest action for opening up something like this though. That being said, we probaly want to start with a Gods of the Voids first or God-speakers, before we just fling a God into one of our Towers, while the muse actions also seemed more aimed at what you'd want out of helping memories and thoughts.
Fair enough. I do want to do Gods for the Order eventually though. The living tower already basically has one, when you think about it, what with its animate nature, but granting it a Spawn or Life domain would likely be helpful for the Tower. Sundial tower meanwhile... I almost want to see if we can make a god that inhabits/is based on those mechanical computers we just invented. Something of clockwork and precision to help them in their task. And I've already spoken on what a God for the White Tower might look like.

Also, random question. So I think I'm actually going to write up my idea for a Mundane Warrior Hero, but I need to decide what kind of weapon to have them use. I'm split between having them use a spear and having them use no weapon at all, using the teachings of precision, Inspiration from that time we did Invocations of Intellectual Excellence, and possibly some of the Mojo from our planet's new state in order to craft a disproportionately effective Unarmed Combat style, perhaps one which weaponizes the user's Anima to an extent. Weaponized Anima taking the form of either a sort of Killing Intent, weighing down on an Opponent's anima and thus restricting their movements and attacking their will to fight; some form of Ki like effect, an Aura of Motion that surrounds a person and grants them increased strength and speed, as their anima is enhanced and merged with their flesh to create a force beyond body and Soul; or something a bit like a Stand, a separate force that is exuded from the body and can be moved to do combat with someone from a distance.

As for how they learned to do this? Well, I have a few ideas. The first is just Inspiration and the help of a God during the time of the Invocations of Intellectual Excellence. The idea being that these allowed for the creation of an enhanced Psuedo-Philosophical combat style, an Idea that was made More, stronger, Weightier, while still being able to be shared and taught. Another is that they went out into the world to study, delving into many ancient ruins and retrieving knowledge and insight from them, particularly from some of the Progenitors of the Tower that Thinks, and perhaps also some lessons from the Tower of Chains and its foe the Tower of Heaven. For context by the way, the inventor of this style would be at least like, 60 by this point given the Invocations of Intellectual Excellence happened 48 years ago, and he needed to be old enough to be able to meaningfully benefit from that for this to make sense. The actual Hero might instead be their Protege.
Fair enough. I do want to do Gods for the Order eventually though. The living tower already basically has one, when you think about it, what with its animate nature, but granting it a Spawn or Life domain would likely be helpful for the Tower. Sundial tower meanwhile... I almost want to see if we can make a god that inhabits/is based on those mechanical computers we just invented. Something of clockwork and precision to help them in their task. And I've already spoken on what a God for the White Tower might look like.

Also, random question. So I think I'm actually going to write up my idea for a Mundane Warrior Hero, but I need to decide what kind of weapon to have them use. I'm split between having them use a spear and having them use no weapon at all, using the teachings of precision, Inspiration from that time we did Invocations of Intellectual Excellence, and possibly some of the Mojo from our planet's new state in order to craft a disproportionately effective Unarmed Combat style, perhaps one which weaponizes the user's Anima to an extent. Weaponized Anima taking the form of either a sort of Killing Intent, weighing down on an Opponent's anima and thus restricting their movements and attacking their will to fight; some form of Ki like effect, an Aura of Motion that surrounds a person and grants them increased strength and speed, as their anima is enhanced and merged with their flesh to create a force beyond body and Soul; or something a bit like a Stand, a separate force that is exuded from the body and can be moved to do combat with someone from a distance.

As for how they learned to do this? Well, I have a few ideas. The first is just Inspiration and the help of a God during the time of the Invocations of Intellectual Excellence. The idea being that these allowed for the creation of an enhanced Psuedo-Philosophical combat style, an Idea that was made More, stronger, Weightier, while still being able to be shared and taught. Another is that they went out into the world to study, delving into many ancient ruins and retrieving knowledge and insight from them, particularly from some of the Progenitors of the Tower that Thinks, and perhaps also some lessons from the Tower of Chains and its foe the Tower of Heaven. For context by the way, the inventor of this style would be at least like, 60 by this point given the Invocations of Intellectual Excellence happened 48 years ago, and he needed to be old enough to be able to meaningfully benefit from that for this to make sense. The actual Hero might instead be their Protege.

Yeah, the action of saving more time for the Order to focus on their stuff seems really good.(Though, we will have to watch out on not making to too easy, since an important part of the difference between Philospher and Sorcerrer is the degree to which they've bound themself with duty and such. Removing too much of that duty, might see a slower change towards more Sorcerers thinking.)

Also, warrior hero should absolutely use a weapon, i feel! The core foundation of mundane society for about a century, the precise, the spawns of the Shepherds are all based on the art of crafting right?

So, i think any kind of warrior would absolutely take and use weapons, I'd expect unarmed combat to be frowned upon in fact as disrespectfull or someone having lack of faith in smithing skill. There's probaly a lot of focus on making elaborate and decorated weapon that are as sharp as possible, with leather and cloth woven in faithful prayers to the God and metal engraved with runes of the Towers.

And anima, is more spesifically the Tower that think right. While I'm unsure if a style like that is possible(but glorious renactment of combat with Past-dwellers seems like an option for it), I'd expect it to be one based upon "repeating" the moves if legend, essentially striking with the strength of Herecles, the cunning of King David by acting in certain way. Almost like a performer making a play for an audience.

But as the inventor. You could kinda tie into how wisdom is spreading right? The first has his strike of thought when the intelligence ritual was cast, and upon that he starts to refine his idea. At the same time, the secrets of the Tower are making root within the mundane society, so the Protege is one that is more firmly routed in "Philosphical thinking", and can actually follow through where the inventor of the style couldn't quite. With the inception of it going from an mundane style to something else upon the eve of Cradle ascending, perhaps. The act of Higher realms drawing closer.
Also, warrior hero should absolutely use a weapon, i feel! The core foundation of mundane society for about a century, the precise, the spawns of the Shepherds are all based on the art of crafting right?
Makes sense, I guess I'll go with a spear style then, or perhaps a style which is rooted in no particular weapon, being more akin to a Philosophy of combat than a strict art.
And anima, is more spesifically the Tower that think right. While I'm unsure if a style like that is possible(but glorious renactment of combat with Past-dwellers seems like an option for it), I'd expect it to be one based upon "repeating" the moves if legend, essentially striking with the strength of Herecles, the cunning of King David by acting in certain way. Almost like a performer making a play for an audience.
The reason I had the idea of having the Warrior weaponize their Anima is because it's basically their soul, right? That's why I thought it might be reasonable for someone with admittedly only vague knowledge of Anima, to attempt to use it as a weapon. I do think you're right about Glorious Reenactment of combat working like that, but I don't think that's the only way to weaponize Anima. To be honest my favorite style of weaponization is probably the Killing Intent version, since it's the closest to being mundane, it's "just" being so intimidating the enemy is struck still.
But as the inventor. You could kinda tie into how wisdom is spreading right? The first has his strike of thought when the intelligence ritual was cast, and upon that he starts to refine his idea. At the same time, the secrets of the Tower are making root within the mundane society, so the Protege is one that is more firmly routed in "Philosphical thinking", and can actually follow through where the inventor of the style couldn't quite. With the inception of it going from an mundane style to something else upon the eve of Cradle ascending, perhaps. The act of Higher realms drawing closer.
I do really REALLY like this idea. I think this is the route I'll follow.

The Second Weaponmaster as a title?
A philosophy of Combat.
In Gjalfmarr there was a strange lineage of Precise.
Not a Lineage of Blood, but one of Thought and Skill.
It dates back to the Invocations of Intellectual Excellence, in the Third Quarter of the Cycle of Growth. There, in Gjalfmarr there was a man who pursued mastery of the Spear, the Art of Combat.
The man dreamed of a way of combat, of an idea for superior way of fighting, of the Best way of Fighting with a spear. This dream drove the man to be one of the First of the Precise, and one of the few Combat Precise. Honing his motions until each one was Precise, exactly the same, exerting as much strength and speed as his body could handle. Practicing his aim till he could strike the wings off a fly with his spear. And yet, even as he reached the limits on what the Teachings of the Precise and his own body could do, the Dreams whispered to him that there was more.

There were Higher Peaks to be sought, Greater Arts of combat. Ways of fighting that could go beyond the Physical. Those dreams lit a Spark in the man, one that would blossom into a grand fire. This fire would continue to burn well after the Invocations ended, driving the man to go Higher, be Stronger. And so, Following those dreams, he sought to continue to be better. Striking out on his own into the wilds of Cradle the man delved ancient ruins and hidden depths of the world, when the things he found tried to kill him, he fought them. For 3 quarters would he journey, wandering the world, fighting many beasts and challenging other Masters of the Art of Combat in order to learn their ways of fighting and combine their insights with his own. He would grow immensely in this time, but eventually, time began to catch up to him.

His body began to slow, his muscles tire, as age began its terrible onslaught. And so the man, now a Master of Combat, would return to the city of his birth, and begin to write of all he had seen and experienced, that his knowledge not fade with a single generation.

At this time, in Gjalfmarr, a tragedy had taken place. One of a similar type to those happening across the world in a thousand places across cradle. For the Age of the Order may be an age of many wonders, but some things never change. Sickness is still a fact of life, in cities so large. Quarantine and the aid of Philosophers keeps the number of casualties to it down, but it's never zero. And so would a young child lose their family to disease, and become orphaned. Without family, the child was left directionless, and sought to join the Doomed, however the Doomed would never accept someone so young.

It was a mere chance that caused the two to meet, an old master with everything to teach, and a young girl who'd lost her entire world. The master saw something in her though, something similar to him, a Drive. And so he would take her in, and begin to train her as a Successor to him, a new Master of the Spear, someone who might be able to take the art even higher.

The orphan would take well to the spearmaster's teachings. But she was a child of a different Era from him, from a time when the arts of the Philosopher were steadily bleeding down into the Mundanes. Parts of his dream which were but minor details, notes on patterns in the ways fighters thought and moved, there were many parts of his teachings that he, lacking the insight of one with even some limited knowledge of Philosophy, and with his view of the world rooted almost solely from a Mundane perspective, couldn't comprehend. But his apprentice could, and so she took his way of fighting yet Higher. Traces of the Philosophical beyond just Precision beginning to mingle with it. Still mundane, but on the edge of something greater.

Time would go on, and after many years the Old Master would pass on, leaving behind the girl as his Heir. She would win every informal tournament in Gjalfmarr she entered, an uncontested Champion. But she was uncontent. She could feel how close her Style was to transcending the mundane, and constantly sought something to push it over the edge.

And then, Cradle ascended. And with a world now closer to heaven, she was able to progress, like some great wall was removed from her progress. The Glimpses of Higher worlds and the touch of the heightened cradle's matter on her body and mind would push the spear style over the edge.

The Second Spearmaster was brought to the Attention of the order thanks to a member of the Sundial tower, who was pursuing a minor side project. A project to improve the Doomed by seeking out better teachings of combat for them. Of course, upon seeing the style of combat used by the Second Spearmaster, all that went out the window.
A philosophy of Combat.
In Gjalfmarr there was a strange lineage of Precise.
Not a Lineage of Blood, but one of Thought and Skill.
It dates back to the Invocations of Intellectual Excellence, in the Third Quarter of the Cycle of Growth. There, in Gjalfmarr there was a man who pursued mastery of the Spear, the Art of Combat.
The man dreamed of a way of combat, of an idea for superior way of fighting, of the Best way of Fighting with a spear. This dream drove the man to be one of the First of the Precise, and one of the few Combat Precise. Honing his motions until each one was Precise, exactly the same, exerting as much strength and speed as his body could handle. Practicing his aim till he could strike the wings off a fly with his spear. And yet, even as he reached the limits on what the Teachings of the Precise and his own body could do, the Dreams whispered to him that there was more.

There were Higher Peaks to be sought, Greater Arts of combat. Ways of fighting that could go beyond the Physical. Those dreams lit a Spark in the man, one that would blossom into a grand fire. This fire would continue to burn well after the Invocations ended, driving the man to go Higher, be Stronger. And so, Following those dreams, he sought to continue to be better. Striking out on his own into the wilds of Cradle the man delved ancient ruins and hidden depths of the world, when the things he found tried to kill him, he fought them. For 3 quarters would he journey, wandering the world, fighting many beasts and challenging other Masters of the Art of Combat in order to learn their ways of fighting and combine their insights with his own. He would grow immensely in this time, but eventually, time began to catch up to him.

His body began to slow, his muscles tire, as age began its terrible onslaught. And so the man, now a Master of Combat, would return to the city of his birth, and begin to write of all he had seen and experienced, that his knowledge not fade with a single generation.

At this time, in Gjalfmarr, a tragedy had taken place. One of a similar type to those happening across the world in a thousand places across cradle. For the Age of the Order may be an age of many wonders, but some things never change. Sickness is still a fact of life, in cities so large. Quarantine and the aid of Philosophers keeps the number of casualties to it down, but it's never zero. And so would a young child lose their family to disease, and become orphaned. Without family, the child was left directionless, and sought to join the Doomed, however the Doomed would never accept someone so young.

It was a mere chance that caused the two to meet, an old master with everything to teach, and a young girl who'd lost her entire world. The master saw something in her though, something similar to him, a Drive. And so he would take her in, and begin to train her as a Successor to him, a new Master of the Spear, someone who might be able to take the art even higher.

The orphan would take well to the spearmaster's teachings. But she was a child of a different Era from him, from a time when the arts of the Philosopher were steadily bleeding down into the Mundanes. Parts of his dream which were but minor details, notes on patterns in the ways fighters thought and moved, there were many parts of his teachings that he, lacking the insight of one with even some limited knowledge of Philosophy, and with his view of the world rooted almost solely from a Mundane perspective, couldn't comprehend. But his apprentice could, and so she took his way of fighting yet Higher. Traces of the Philosophical beyond just Precision beginning to mingle with it. Still mundane, but on the edge of something greater.

Time would go on, and after many years the Old Master would pass on, leaving behind the girl as his Heir. She would win every informal tournament in Gjalfmarr she entered, an uncontested Champion. But she was uncontent. She could feel how close her Style was to transcending the mundane, and constantly sought something to push it over the edge.

And then, Cradle ascended. And with a world now closer to heaven, she was able to progress, like some great wall was removed from her progress. The Glimpses of Higher worlds and the touch of the heightened cradle's matter on her body and mind would push the spear style over the edge.

The Second Spearmaster was brought to the Attention of the order thanks to a member of the Sundial tower, who was pursuing a minor side project. A project to improve the Doomed by seeking out better teachings of combat for them. Of course, upon seeing the style of combat used by the Second Spearmaster, all that went out the window.
Upward go the paths, from many ways and many directions, toward one Goal.
Endless paths, among them, thoses of Combats.
A Mundane hero dedicated to Combat.
A locking-in and enhancement of one, combat related action.
A Mundane hero dedicated to Combat.
A locking-in and enhancement of one, combat related action.
As much as I kind of want to go for the Mundane Hero dedicated to combat, the Enhancement of a combat related action is probably the better choice. Before I make that choice can I ask which action would get "Locked in" what "Locked in" Means in this context (Just that it won't go away or will it be automatically be completed next turn, I assume the former but I feel it's prudent to ask), and finally how it would be Enhanced, if that's not a spoiler at least.

I do think that despite my gut telling me the combat action is probably the better choice I'll end up going for the Hero. Since Heroes also improve the results of actions, and a mundane hero might also incidentally shape the choices of the Conclave, due to being a person of great power and presumably also some influence, if through their fame influencing the desires of the people if nothing else.
As much as I kind of want to go for the Mundane Hero dedicated to combat, the Enhancement of a combat related action is probably the better choice. Before I make that choice can I ask which action would get "Locked in" what "Locked in" Means in this context (Just that it won't go away or will it be automatically be completed next turn, I assume the former but I feel it's prudent to ask), and finally how it would be Enhanced, if that's not a spoiler at least.

I do think that despite my gut telling me the combat action is probably the better choice I'll end up going for the Hero. Since Heroes also improve the results of actions, and a mundane hero might also incidentally shape the choices of the Conclave, due to being a person of great power and presumably also some influence, if through their fame influencing the desires of the people if nothing else.

If i had to make a guess, the locked in action, is the establisment of a combat school of some kind. Where the Second weapon master ends up becoming a kind of Teacher passing on the art to students, and establishing it as a Guild, or empowering the Doomed with it. But, since it essentially "ties" her up with teaching, she does not become aviliable as a combat hero.

While the hero is more obivious in what it would be, functioning like our other hero's in changing and empowering various different actions. Is what my guess would be here.
As much as I kind of want to go for the Mundane Hero dedicated to combat, the Enhancement of a combat related action is probably the better choice. Before I make that choice can I ask which action would get "Locked in" what "Locked in" Means in this context (Just that it won't go away or will it be automatically be completed next turn, I assume the former but I feel it's prudent to ask), and finally how it would be Enhanced, if that's not a spoiler at least.

I do think that despite my gut telling me the combat action is probably the better choice I'll end up going for the Hero. Since Heroes also improve the results of actions, and a mundane hero might also incidentally shape the choices of the Conclave, due to being a person of great power and presumably also some influence, if through their fame influencing the desires of the people if nothing else.
Enhanced depend on the action.
Locked in mean the action will be available from turn to turn beyond the limit of Interest.
Enhanced depend on the action.
Locked in mean the action will be available from turn to turn beyond the limit of Interest.
Yeah I think I'll go for the Mundane Hero then. She's still a precise so she'll probably be applicable to things beyond straight combat.

Edit: This will probably also shape our plans for the next few turns since Mundane heroes are uh... Limited, in lifespan.
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Yeah I think I'll go for the Mundane Hero then. She's still a precise so she'll probably be applicable to things beyond straight combat.

Edit: This will probably also shape our plans for the next few turns since Mundane heroes are uh... Limited, in lifespan.

To an extend. She'd most likely be tied up with the past-dwellers at the moment, if i had to make a rough guess right now. We know that those are dangerous action(The Eye being most noticable), and the other various exploration actions having other dangers.

And i don't think we've discussed too on what kind of expiditions we've wanted there however. We could do Forgotten violence in order to empower the Past-Dwellers even more, and she'd probaly end up acting as a teacher there.

But, personally, i do kinda wanna start actually exploring stuff. Though which, i'm not fully sure on yet.
But, personally, i do kinda wanna start actually exploring stuff. Though which, i'm not fully sure on yet.
The Summoners one or seeking the Egg. Summoners because I want that tower, A LOT. Angels just seem like they'll be incredibly helpful in a wide range of ways, plus their residual traces feel likely to be useful and less likely than the Devils to be, well, actively hazardous. The words and wisdom of angels feels like it could be useful even with the angels themselves long gone.
And i don't think we've discussed too on what kind of expiditions we've wanted there however. We could do Forgotten violence in order to empower the Past-Dwellers even more, and she'd probaly end up acting as a teacher there.
I would like to have her pass on her knowledge first, yeah, which limits our choices to forgotten violence or the Arenas, and I don't think Arenas would quite do what I want. I want her to do at least a little teaching so we don't fully lose her capabilities with her death. Though given her whole... Shtick now that I think about it she might end up having a lifespan longer than most mundanes due to her transgression into the realm of Philosophy. Excellent physical fitness, and a combat style that specifically pushes beyond the mundane, she might be a bit longer lived than would normally be possible.
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The Summoners one or seeking the Egg. Summoners because I want that tower, A LOT. Angels just seem like they'll be incredibly helpful in a wide range of ways, plus their residual traces feel likely to be useful and less likely than the Devils to be, well, actively hazardous. The words and wisdom of angels feels like it could be useful even with the angels themselves long gone.

I would like to have her pass on her knowledge first, yeah, which limits our choices to forgotten violence or the Arenas, and I don't think Arenas would quite do what I want. I want her to do at least a little teaching so we don't fully lose her capabilities with her death. Though given her whole... Shtick now that I think about it she might end up having a lifespan longer than most mundanes due to her transgression into the realm of Philosophy. Excellent physical fitness, and a combat style that specifically pushes beyond the mundane, she might be a bit longer lived than would normally be possible.

Hm, let's take a look at the expiditions then, and why i think we should do an expidition first! So, we've had options for expiditions for a while, but haven't done them because we wanted to build up stuff. We have allready done that, with founding the past-dwellers, creating Xipe Topec as well as a temple to bring him into the world of matter. The past-dwellers are also, despite mostly being a mortal Guild, still filled with Philospher-historians(Mostly from the Tower that Think, is my guess), and we got the Hive Knights with the Singing Shepards.

I think, while we could still do more preperation, we are at the cusp of the cycle of discovery, and we've made alot of preperations. We should do an expedition, and find out what it entails. I'll also note that
New actions will be unlocked after at least one successful expedition

There are actions locked behind actually completing one, which i think we got a decent shot at doing, with the Temple-Maze, Philosphers, Singing Shepards and Past-dwellers! So, i'd heavily recommend doing one now, even without the Second Weaponmaster or not(If we're putting her on something else as an example.
[] Constructive Rebirth of Forgotten Violences [Sundial Tower] [Path of History] [Mundane] [0/1] NEW

Amongst the more martial inclined Mundane trained as assistant and historians by the Past-Delvers, an idea as spread to restore forgotten ways of battles, from the stories of long-dead warriors and the traditions carried by line of soldiers once sworn to fallen Kingdoms.

Increase martial capacity of the Past-Delvers, trigger a roll on a prepared loot table.

So, looking at the action here, it's noted as restoring forgotten ways of battle from ancient kingdoms, right? I think, this action would probally get better if we did some of the kingdom battle delving first, so the history that would be restored would be more complete when we are doing this action. While martial capacity is good, i also think we got enough that we can start poking at the smaller exeditions first.

Also, thinking further on it, in terms of Second Weaponmaster, i think this would primarly work as her training them to be better at violence, rather then passing on her art, since this action is spesifically about "restoring" old martial traditions, rather then passing on a new one. I'd suspect we'd need to do the arena or something else, if that's the goal rather then this. Either way, i don't think this is the path, if that's the goal.

Now, as for the actual expiditions themself, they are generally sorted into three categories.
Those that destroyed themselves
Before the Order could be founded, two lesser orders, one of angel summoners, one of demons binders, destroyed each other in a senseless war, turning themselves into Sorcerers in the process. Ruins of their works remain, carefully quarantined by the Order. We could dare delve into them.

The First category, which is about other tower's outside the order. I'd suspect these are amongst the more dangerous one, due to fact that it would contain works of Philosphy, and Philosphy the Order wouldn't be as familiar with. This one is probaly more about the Order learning how other tower works, and using that as a basis into establishing those Tower. I think, that would be the primary benefit here, and we'd not expect much else from it(But, a Tower is an immense reward).
[] Fallen Chains [0/1] [Path of Binding]
Once, in the northwest of Cradle, there was a land of mountains and dark forests, filled with hatred, wars between neighbors, poverty and plagues. Then one hermit from a burned village found the names and faces of the demons that plagues this land, and began the work of binding them.
Years laters, his successors binded all the evil of this land into one Tower of Chains, and the sun once again shone into scarred, but free people.
Now the chains lie broken on the ground, in a land lifeless, devils bound and blinded whispering their pains on the wind. Shall we dare explore those Chains ?
Explore the ruins of the Tower of Chains, home of the Binders.

[] No longer Holy [0/1] [Path of Summoning]

Once, in a kingdom of mountains ruled by one King, there was a temple on a mountaintop, and a person in it. The person prayed so that the King and people would be guided by virtues and not ambitions, that workers would build road and terrace fields for the people and not the King's conquering armies. Then, prayers brought a light into the world, and this light was an angel called Rightful Rule.
From one person and one angel, many others were birthed, until beings of virtues guided the weak and strong toward felicity, and faithful summoners Worked without vice.
Now, the temple of light is a ruin, and the angels have left this world, shamed and disgusted. Shall we dare delve into the ruin of fallen virtues ?
Explore the ruins of the Temple of Light, home of the Summoners.

So, we got both the Tower of Chains, and Tower of Heaven, both being Theurgy type Towers, if the First Work post is accurate to this. Which it might not be to the Order that stands today.

That being said, i do think we actually want to wait with doing these. We know there are some degree's of rolling with this, and while we do want to do expidtions now, we probaly want to complete a few expiditions first, so the Order can unlock actions towards improving the Past-Dwellers and understand more how it works, so we can make sure we are doing these properly.

I also think, we've spend an entire turn poking at the Tower of Mountains, and while getting more Tower is always great, we don't want to mono-focus on that. I'd really like us to turn our attention to other stuff first, so doing this later would fit more into that. My conclusion, is that we'd want to get a few expiditions, and their releated results under our belts first.

Our precursors
Those who inspired the Order, those we still honor. The ruins of their success and failure wait for us.

The second category, one that focuses on the precoursers for the Order. We'll probaly expect to find relevant Tower upgrades here, for the differnet Towers, while probaly still dangerous because Workings(Even if lesser), this is Philosphy the Tower should be a lot more aquinted with, and so i think while dangerous this is a lot less then the Chain and Heaven Towers action might be. This could be a good starting point.

[] Once a Garden [0/1] [Path of History]
Once, in the Southwest of Cradle, between two lakes, there were wise users of herbs, healers of men, beasts and crops. They built a garden of the world as it should be, free from pain, all the bounty offered, and some of their numbers , seeing signs of coming doom, left and joined a young Order.
Now, the garden of those that once healed King and slave is an overgrowth island filled with monsters and poisons. What happened ?
Explore the garden of those whose legacy live in the Living Tower.

[] Valley of the Nameless King [0/1] [Path of History]

Once, in the great land fed by the greatest river of Cradle, there was a King, lord of a dying land. For the desert was growing, and the great river's water turned slowly into a blood-colored poisson. The King sought a way to save his Kingdom, to make it survive poisson and drought, in texts forbidden, bounty of long-slain Sorcerers.
The King learned much, faster than all could expect, and soon he took on a new name, and inscribed it on every building of his Kingdoms, and his subjects that could see it were bound to him, obeying and working despite hunger and thirst.
The King, with his army and knowledge, enslaved every wise one he could find, binding them to his name, and filling their dreams with orders and painfull learning. Soon, subjects and wises worked on one grand project, in an auspicious valley, to build a grand tomb-palace complex, of pyramids and tunnels, all in the name of the King, so that once build, the King would persist beyond death, and with him his Kingdom, and all is subjects, bound even as dried corpses.
But a few of the wises he enslaved worked against him, and with a subtle act of cunning, altered the work, by weaving two concepts together. The King became the Kingdom, the Kingdom the Palace-tomb and the Valley, and all beyond became beyond the reach of the King, all the engraving and amulet of his name fading to dust, for his name was now the name of the Valley, and the Valley had no name in the tongues of man.
So the wises fled their deathless lord, to join a young Order.
Now, the Valley and the Palace and the King still are, untouched by time.
Explore the Valley of the Nameless King, whose legacy live in the Tower that Think

[] The Perfect Fallen City [0/1] [Path of History]

Once, there was a land under an Emperor, field with feuding noblemen, where unity did not bring peace. In it walked a Philosopher, who shared a dream. Of a land bound by impartial laws and perfect infrastructure, where the evils of men were contained by the work of mind like a river tamed.
Many listened to his message, and built a city according to his teachings, where each law and each building was ordered.
In this city of perfected order, however, all punishments were the same. Death for murder, death for thief, death for being late. For the Philosopher desired to reach his visions at all cost.
He ruled and punished until those once loyal rose against him, and a few left, guided by a woman who vowed to guide and never force.
Now the city is ruined, perfect order and laws turning to dust. Shall we dare face fallen dreams of impossible Order ?
Explore the city of one whose legacy lives in the Sundial Tower.

The Garden, is between two lakes, and sounds remarkable similar to the healing city. We'd probaly uncover herbs and healer techquies here, and it would serve to help us with the foundation and creation of Health actions, and maybe into how to create monsters(Spawn-improvements?) and poisons. So, this could be really good, given we are getting a Alchemist Hero soon, and are probaly going to start poking at the alchemist actions.

The valley of the king, is hmm. We talked about how a God of memory might contain the shards and knowledge of the Order beyond their lifespan. This actually sounds somewhat similar to that, in creating an undying idea/concept. It's also noted as being sorcerrours in origin though, so the extend to which it's going to be usefull to us is also in the air.(Also, it might trigger the flaw of the Tower that think, so we'll have to consider this one carefully, when we are doing it)

The perfect city. This one would probaly unlock heavenly city upgrades, or something along those lines. But, it's one that goes really heavily into the flaws of the Sundial Tower, but we've allready(espesically with the latest update on straightening the World), made the Sundial Tower learn to the extend which their "perfection", isn't always clearsighted. I think this might have been dangerous for us once upon a time then, but now should a lot safer to explore. So, i'd put this one tentatively high. It might also come in relevant for the Havens actions, we are doing. Since those are about creating a perfect society right? So, it might give us a lot of clues on how to handle that.

Beyond Philosophy
Theirs are ruins and secrets beyond those that inspired our Order. There are many secrets worthy of being undiscovered, there are many threats worthy of being destroyed.

So, here are the more mundane expedition actions and the third category. Ones that don't concern any of the tower's super peticulary.

[] The Lessers, the Unfound [0/2] [Mundane]
There are many ruins on Cradle, buried in the desert, isolated on mountain's peak, or under the seas. Ruins almost untouched by greater ills and deeds, but still filled with the past, ready to be uncovered.
+1 Reliques

[] Seek the Egg [0/1][Path of History]

Neter nature nor a merciful creator brought humanity to Cradle, but a cruel Egg, creating and destroying in service of one vision. Thanks to Fate, the Egg now lies broken in the depths of the seas, and our kind was able to grow without the Egg's presence and cruel judgements.
Like a boy wounded by his father, and now a man, it is time for us to seek the Egg, reach it, and demand answers.
Why were we made ? Where do the Egg and our kind come from ? Why was the reason for the Egg's cruelty ?
Seek the Egg, and extract answers from it.

[Second Circle of Divination]

Even wounded, the Egg can still destroy. Be prepared.

[] Into the Deep [0/?]
Below the World-Spine lie lands unseen and creatures undiscovered. Life that seems not kin to us. The secrets of Cradle's own past. Shall we dare face the deep ?
Explore the depths of the Underworld and seek the first lives.

The lesser seems more like a generic exploration action. It might be repetable? But, it does cost two points to do, so it's not exactly "free" so to speak. Gives us a reliques, which does unlock variation of actions(Like we saw with the Storm one). Also potentially destroyable for an AP, so if this is repeatable it might be consider a way of trading in 2 MAP for 1 AP. I think, a reliques is all we're getting from this though, so no other actions unlocked.

The Egg. The egg is a mysterious lootbox, what will we learn, how will it affect us? Who's to say! I think, we might consider doing this on the last turn of the Second Weaponmaster. We should have hopefully done a few exploration, and gained experience at that point, and since this seems to be a combat expedition, with the Divination warning, the second weaponmaster would probaly help a lot here. So, on the last turn of the Second Weaponmaster is when i'd want to do this.

Into the Deep. This is probaly one that might unlock really weird stuff, since we'd encounter things that doesn't have a "Human" origin so to speak. I think, this is one that's going to have a really large and wide impact, on what it could potentially unlock, but one that we are not fully sure on what exactly it's going to unlock. It's also a mystery action at (0/?) in progress.

So then, what do i think we should do. I'm currently leaning towards us doing one of the precourser tower actions. The Tower of Chains/Heavens can wait a bit, and untill we are more prepared, while the precourser would be easier to start poking at.

I think the Once a garden, is the most promising of those. We are getting an alchemist Hero, the City of Health, has a health releated action, and this is probaly going to be more options(upgrade the actions there) for that. It's one that's relevant, we are most likely going to be spending actions on anyway, so it fits a lot of what we'd want. So, this is what i'd recommend as our first expeditions, and what we should start on doing next turn!

The perfect city, is a good second option. Since we are doing fortress-city and the Havens, and this might be relevant in terms of those. And leaves us with more to do in terms of actual City-Building and understanding.

The third potential option, is into the Deep. The reason why it's only third, is because of the ? progression required, and while that isn't super terrible. We want to actually do one sucesfull expedition, since that is noted as having actions locked behind it. So, we'd want to do something [0/1] first, before we start going into the Deep. But once, we've done one or two, i'm gonna start debating for this.

Honestly, if we had some mundane kingdoms, i might have wanted to do that first, but we don't(or more accuratly, it's probally part of the "lesser and unfound" action), but since we don't, i think the Garden should be our first goal. A problem, with unlocking actions, is that it cost AP, and we kinda need to do a lot of space actions, but since we are most likely going to be pursuing health/alchemist actions anyway, this is going to slide in nicely there. Though, i suppose there is an argument to be made for waiting, so we can put our Alchemist action on the Garden exploration. Even if i think, that argument isn't enough for delaying it!
I wonder what new options are unlocked for future and how colonization would go once we get started
Early colonization is probably going to be... WEIRD because of our capabilities. It's more about getting Workings set up than proper colonization with us. As long as we can ensure a large enough population to set up a God City exists, and as long as the planet can support Spawn we can colonize the place, at least initially. But also for us terraforming is definitely much more possible and probably something we'll engage in a lot more than technological civilizations, for goodness sake we already basically terraformed our destroyed planet once.