Okay, we are one point behind the Khem with Prestige, but it has only been three years since we made our public submission so I'm not sure what they will do. It is too soon for them to just demand another submission without looking insecure and at the same time, I doubt they will just go to war after they agreed to not do so a mere three years ago. Especially since they seemed hestiatent of our power back then when we were fighting two major powers and one minor power while we currently have no foes. Now, we are going to be demobilising the Mass Levy because we cannot afford to upkeep it indefinitely, but the Khem don't know that and to outside, it will look like we are doing so due to a lack of wars to fight rather than us being unable to keep it up.

So I have no idea of what the Khem are going to do now.
We're still at war with the Highlanders.
For all intents and purposes, we are not. We don't have a formal peace, but the fighting with Highlanders stopped three years ago and we voted against going ahead with any offensive actions.
Okay, we are one point behind the Khem with Prestige, but it has only been three years since we made our public submission so I'm not sure what they will do. It is too soon for them to just demand another submission without looking insecure and at the same time, I doubt they will just go to war after they agreed to not do so a mere three years ago. Especially since they seemed hestiatent of our power back then when we were fighting two major powers and one minor power while we currently have no foes. Now, we are going to be demobilising the Mass Levy because we cannot afford to upkeep it indefinitely, but the Khem don't know that and to outside, it will look like we are doing so due to a lack of wars to fight rather than us being unable to keep it up.

So I have no idea of what the Khem are going to do now.

For all intents and purposes, we are not. We don't have a formal peace, but the fighting with Highlanders stopped three years ago and we voted against going ahead with any offensive actions.
I suggest we write up a declaration of white peace, load it into a clay pot, and lob it over their walls with a trebuchet we build specifically for this use.

Then pull back so they have to come over the boarder to fight us, and wait a few years to see if they have accepted.
I just figured out the most likely course of action for the Khem to take as the best one from their point of view. They need to improve their prestige and the most easy way to do that is at the expense of someone else. They can't afford to pick us as their victim again right now, but they got other enemies. The Khem could go after Abyss, Berba, Hellas or one of the other Saffron Sea powers in attempt to improve their prestige.

Personally, I think they will go after Hellas. Not only are the Hellas weaker than Berba or Abyss, but they technically won their war with us while getting militarily wrecked so those two things make them an excellent target for the Khem to beat on for Prestige.
Are there any prestige lowering actions that are viable for us to do? Like, at all?
We can take out a loan or make an unfavourable trade deal with a less prestigious state, but that is it. We want to look into repaying our loans rather than taking out more at the moment, but I suppose we could try an unfavourable trade deal with either Magyar or Ealam in preparation to get a Kus ally. However, we can only do so many unfavourable trade deals before that income begins to add up, especially since we got a big income drop from Thunder Plateau incoming in the near future.

So basically we could take one or two unfavourable trade deals, but that is about all that is viable when you consider other factors involved.
Are there any prestige lowering actions that are viable for us to do? Like, at all?
We could offer a favorable trade deal to a lower prestige polity.

But I don't think there is anyone whom it would make sense to offer such a deal to.

On the other hand, Walam stands at 7/10 opinion. We may be able to offer them a favorable trade deal in the end goal of getting them to 6/10 and a 2/5 alliance, so if Khem DOES start crap we have a navel ally on the monsoon sea we can pull into a mutual defense pact.

I would like to cultivate an ally on the Monsoon Sea.
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We could offer a favorable trade deal to a lower prestige polity.

But I don't think there is anyone whom it would make sense to offer such a deal to.
We could do one to Magyar or Ealam in preparation to getting one of them as an ally to be our friendly Kus power, but that is about it.
We could do one to Magyar or Ealam in preparation to getting one of them as an ally to be our friendly Kus power, but that is about it.
Yeah, I was just thinking that.

Ealam stands at 7/10 opinion. We may be able to offer them a favorable trade deal in the end goal of getting them to 6/10 and a 2/5 alliance, so if Khem DOES start crap we have a navel ally on the monsoon sea we can pull into a mutual defense pact.

I would like to cultivate an ally on the Monsoon Sea.

EDIT - Also the Khem opinion of us seems to have declined again, to 4/10. I think this is going to come to blows rather shortly. It's to the point I wonder if we should ride on the loans for a bit to build navy.

EDIT EDIT - Can we get a intrigue action to spy on some other polity's military. It would be good to know what Khem's actual naval score is.
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Yeah, I was just thinking that.

Ealam stands at 7/10 opinion. We may be able to offer them a favorable trade deal in the end goal of getting them to 6/10 and a 2/5 alliance, so if Khem DOES start crap we have a navel ally on the monsoon sea we can pull into a mutual defense pact.

I would like to cultivate an ally on the Monsoon Sea.

We would need to decide whether or not to cultivate Ealam or Magyar as an ally. They are going to be rivals so committing to one means alienating the other and I would like to find out more about each before making a commitment one way or the other.
We would need to decide whether or not to cultivate Ealam or Magyar as an ally. They are going to be rivals so committing to one means alienating the other and I would like to find out more about each before making a commitment one way or the other.
Hilarious keukeukeu plan.

We encourage the Magyar to expand into the Kuss minors, backing them with rented banner companies and loans. This pushes the Magyar prestige over the Khem's prestige before we cap them, causing the Magyars and Khem to go to war before the Khem can war dec us.

EDIT - Question, are we competing in the North Saffron KoTH contest? If so, we may have a problem with Rex Germania as we are soon to pass them in prestige as well.
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Turn 28 (1621 Andyidh Dyadorn)
Turn 28 (1621 Andyidh Dyadorn)

KMT has approached you desiring to buy bombards and culverins.

[] Sell (+1 Treasury)
[] Don't Sell

Total Dice: 5 Influence, 2 Authority
Committed: 1 Influence, 1 Authority
Available Dice: 4 Influence, 1 Authority

The Peacocks want to found a Banner Company within the next three years. +1 Influence if this happens, -1 Influence if not.


War Mission: Send the army to fight enemies. Can only be taken once per turn for any given enemy. (95%. 1 Year. Success and length of campaign rolled separately. Possible influence gains or losses depending on the result.)
-Write in Targets, one per influence

[] City Levy: Gather up some of the excess population in the cities and throw them at an enemy. Can only be taken once per turn for any given enemy. (90%. 1 Year. Expensive. Success and length of campaign rolled separately. Possible influence gains or losses depending on the result.)
-Write in Targets, one per influence

[] Activate The Mass Levy!: Arm and mobilize up to a million soldiers. The earth quakes at your approach. None can stand against the might of The People. (85%. 1 year. Success and length of campaign rolled separately. Possible influence gains or losses depending on result. Unsustainably expensive)
-Write in Targets, may choose as many as you like

Unavailable while the Mass Levy is active

[] Shift Deployment: The Mass Levy is large and unwieldy. Changing circumstances require a shift in deployment patterns. (80%, 1 year, Deployment shifted, malus to war rolls if failed)

[] Construct Warships, Redshore: With unified control of the Yllython shattered, there are going to be pirates and rebels in the sea closest to the core. The people need to build warships to suppress pirates and fight enemies. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)

[] Construct Warships, New Blackmouth: The shipyards of New Blackmouth are once more ready and operational. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)

[] Construct Warships, Trelli: You once more have Trelli. Its dockyards and shipyards are robust and capable. With those facilities you can build even more warships. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)

[] Construct Warships, Salt Sea: You now share a sea with the Black Sheep. They will surely send foes by sea as well as land if they wish to achieve their ambition of displacing you. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)

[] Construct Warships, Harmurri Gulf: Do you really need warships on the Monsoon Sea? The trade there is quite civilized with much less piracy than on the Saffron Sea. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)

[] Found Banner Company: The storied mercenary companies of the Melkut Ymaryn were ancient institutions, that played important roles in both martial and diplomatic matters. Having a banner company at your beck and call, able to be loaned out to allies or against enemies, it is a powerful tool. An expensive one though. (100%. 3 Years. Expensive, -.5 Income, potentially profitable, may be taken more than once)


[] Seek Loan: You are strapped for cash. Other states have money that you could use. Ask them if they would be willing to float a loan. (85%, +1 Treasury Status, -.1 Income, -1 Prestige)
-Write in who to seek loan from, requires at least 5/10 opinion, may be taken more than once

Repay Loan: You now have the money you need to repay a loan, do so. (100%, 1 Year, -1 Treasury, +.1 Income, unlikely +Prestige, loans expire on their own after 100 years)

[] Diplomatic Contact, Highlanders: What have the Highlanders gotten up to in these last thousand years? Do you even care so long as they stay in their hills? (???% 1 Year. Possible -Influence)

[] Diplomatic Contact, Pulska: Who are the Pules and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)

[] Sell Weapons: It turns out an easy way to make a lot of money quickly is to sell weapons to countries who are at, or planing to go to, war. (Variable Success, 1 year, Profitable, may be taken multiple times with different targets who must be either a major power or the minors of a region)
-write in target

[] Negotiate Trade Deal: In the cutthroat world of commerce it is said that for one to benefit another must lose. Even so, it might be worthwhile to formalize trade deals with various powers. (85%. 1 Year. +.1 Income and -1 Opinion if Prestige > Target or -.1 Income and +1 Opinion if Prestige < Target, may pay 1 prestige to give a favorable deal to a less prestigious state, may be taken multiple times with different targets, possible opinion effects on third parties)
-Write in target

[] Build Ties: Common Ground can be found anywhere, since people are always people. Simply by dealing forthrightly with people, and addressing their concerns in an honest manner or telling them why you can't, you can improve their opinion of you. (10%, 4 years, +1 Opinion)

[] Deepen Alliance: Having built the foundations of a strong relationship with another polity, see about deepening the ties that bind you. (80%. 2 Years. +1 Alliance Level, -Opinion = new Alliance Level, cannot be used if this would take their opinion below 5)
-Write in Target

Offer Loan: The Melkut Ymaryn is rich beyond measure, but other polities need money too. You could offer to lend them cash when they need it. (Narrative%, 1 year, -1 Treasury, unlikely +Opinion)

[] Forgive Loan: Other people owe you money, but it's not like you need the cash. Their gratitude at being let off the hook may be more valuable than mere silver. (100%, 1 Year, -.1 Income, +Opinion, Possible ± Prestige, Narrative effects)

Unavailable while Mass Levy is Active


[] Reestablish Administrative Control, Western Wall: The time has come to once more bring Western Wall under the control of Valleyhome. (100%. 1 Year. +1 Influence, +1 Treasury, +2? Income, Decision Point)

[] Demobilize: The Mass Levy has been active long enough. Demobilize them and give the veterans the training they need to reintegrate into civilian society. (60%, 2 years, .5 per year)

[] Math Reform: The Kus have made advances in the notation of mathematics beyond the wildest dreams of the people. Not to mention the substance of math. "Zero"… it will change everything once people get a handle on it. If you were to institute reforms that changed the Melkut Ymaryn to the superior Kus system of math, then there would be immense savings simply from more precise ability to keep track of things. Of course, until the bureaucracy got a hang of the new numbers, it would be pure chaos. (45%. 5 Years. Extremely Expensive, -1 Authority immediately, +1 Income)

[] Survey Hathytta Province: Hathytta has long been the center of your mining industries. Many enterprising citizens will even try to survey and find valuable resources on their own initiative. Still, the land is rich and another survey can do no harm. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
-On cool-down until turn 31

[] Survey Txolla Province: Txolla has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use on the floodplains. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)

[] Survey Tinshore Province: Tinshore has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use there. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)

[] Survey Core: The Core has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use there. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)

[] Survey Stallion Province: Stallion Province has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use there. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)

[] Survey Memory of Spirits Province: Memory of Spirits has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use there. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)

[] Survey Greenshore Province: Greenshore Province has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use there. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)

[] Survey Thunder Plateau Province: The Thunder Mountains have been surveyed many times, but a lot of information about their resource deposits would have been lost in the chaos of the Black Sheep takeover during the Collapse. Additionally, technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
-on cooldown until turn 37

[] Develop Wagon Ways, Stonepen: Stonepen was always the smallest of your great cities, as it did not have an easily navigable waterway to help feed it. With wagonways, such as you have in mines and in the great cities of Redshore and Trelli, it would be possible to roughly quadruple the ammount of goods shipped to and from Stonepen. (55%. 4 years. Very Expensive, +.1 Income, +15% on Wagonways Megaprojects)

[] Support Province: Give one of the provinces considerable sums of money to assist in their current infrastructural projects. (85%, 1 Year, Expensive, +Province Loyalty)
-Write in which province

Train Thunder Plateau Administrators, Elective: Long ago, in the oldest laws, nobles were elected and gentry appointed by the nobles. Even now, the legitimization ceremonies of the nobility involve leaders of the places they administer giving consent to their authority. The families with the greatest aptitude naturally rose to the top and their ability recognized to the point where the elections eventually became a formality that was done away with by the Dragon King. With the former nobility of Thunder Plateau… erased it may be wise to implement the system of the Ancients, at least until the best families have revealed themselves. (70%, Length of Thunder Plateau Campaign+2 years, possible -1 Influence, ability to reestablish administrative control of Thunder Plateau. Mutually exclusive with Appointive) In Progress


[] Establish Spy Network: Establish a spy network in one of the places you have diplomatic contact with. (33%. 3 Years. Fails entirely if it fails once. Unlocks options. May be taken multiple times, but only with different targets.)
-Write in Target

[] Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
-[] Write in a polity you have diplomatic relations with, may be taken more then once with different targets for each time the action is taken.

[] Assassinate Faction Leaders: Assassinate the leaders of political factions that have been identified in foreign polities.

[] Fund Faction: Fund a faction in a foreign polity that has been identified.


Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau: The Sacred Warding in the Thunder Plateau collapsed when the Black Sheep took the Sacred Herds to add to their own. Although it would be made much more difficult by the nearly nonexistant bureaucracy, you could start rebuilding the Warding in that province. (30%, 5 years, ++Thunder Plateau Loyalty)

[] Spreading the Warding, Abyss: The land of Abyss seems to be a robust and centralized state. It can be trusted with the knowledge of the Sacred Warding. Fighting the starpox is always desirable. (50%. 5 Years. +1 Abyss Opinion, possible +1 Abyss Opinion. Starpox fought.)

[] Spreading the Warding, Pamplona: Pamplona has established a robust enough bureaucracy that they can be trusted with the Sacred Warding. Give it to them to continue Bynwyn's work. (50%. 4 years. +Pamplona Opinion. Starpox fought.)

[] Calendar Reform: The calendar adopted from the Khemetri in the wake of the Godfist has the disadvantage that the year shifts, losing a day every four years. It had been planned that once a full rotation had been completed, there would be a reform that adds an extra day every four years. However, the Collapse serves as an important enough event that a new calendar that begins at the end of the collapse would be warranted and allow the reform to occur thousands of years ahead of schedule. (60%, 3 years, +1 Influence, better calendar)


[] Rent out Banner Companies: Uncommitted Banner Companies may be rented out for a five year term. (Profitable).

[] Deploy Banner Companies: Uncommitted Banner Companies may be deployed to a war zone of your choice.

[] Shift Banner Companies between fronts: Banner Companies may be shifted between active fronts and reserves as a free action while the Mass Levy is active.


Greenhouses: The Kings of old built a number of grand greenhouses to tend exotic plants from far away, so that they could be studied and for their own enjoyment. Most of these greenhouses were smashed by the Great Khan. Restore them. (Authority + 90%, 20 Years, -1 Treasury Status every four years)

Signal Towers: One of the issues that always plagued the governance of the Thunder Plateau was how far away and difficult to reach it was. It would be possible to set up signal relay towers along the way, which would greatly speed up messaging between the Plateau and the Core. It would take a lot of precision glasswork for the spyglasses, however. (Authority + 75%, 20 Years, -1 Treasury Status every four years)

Wagonways, Thunder Plateau: One of the issues that has always plagued the governance of the Thunder Plateau was how far away and difficult to reach it was. The transportation of goods especially suffered from this. However, it is possible to remedy this. There are rails used in the mines to ease transportation, and such things are also used in the Great Docks of Redshore. It would be possible to make rails of iron to vastly improve the carrying capacity of the horse wagons. However, this would require truly vast amounts of iron. (Authority + 50%, 25 years, -1 Treasury Status every four years, Expensive)

Reform THE LAW: It has been a very long time since the last time the Law was compiled and streamlined. There has been much accumulation of loopholes, drifts, and patching as the times changed. The current law is confusing and difficult and in many ways outdated. It should be simplified, updated for the current age, and recodified. (Authority + 90%, 20 Years, -1 Treasury Status every four years, +1 Authority on completion)

Personal Action (Choose One):
[] Work Overtime (+1 temp Influence, +Stress)
[] Relax with Family (-Stress)
[] Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)
[] Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
-[] Write in Action

Voting is by plan.
Two Hour Moratorium.
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Ohh... Lots of options here.

On guns to the KMT - Influence free treasury - Yes please. I don't think there is anyone particularly critical this will piss off. I think the Khem are gearing up for a prestige war and I think this is a good thing for us so long as we are not the target. Their advisers are likely telling them our conquest is done for at least a generation and they can stay ahead of us with a single solid boost.
[] Sell (+1 Treasury)

I also want to do the banner company. It would be good to preserve the Black Sheep nomad light calv and the best way to do that is to found a banner company of them.

Beyond that, authority to demobilize. Once we have solved that we can chase other priorities.

As for influence...
[] Diplomatic Contact, Pulska: Who are the Pules and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
[] Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
-[] KMT
[] Reestablish Administrative Control, Western Wall: The time has come to once more bring Western Wall under the control of Valleyhome. (100%. 1 Year. +1 Influence, +1 Treasury, +2? Income, Decision Point)
[] Construct Warships, Trelli: You once more have Trelli. Its dockyards and shipyards are robust and capable. With those facilities you can build even more warships. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)

Though I am open to suggestions.


[] Plan Fouredged
-[] Authority - Demobilize: The Mass Levy has been active long enough. Demobilize them and give the veterans the training they need to reintegrate into civilian society. (60%, 2 years, .5 per year)
-[] Influence - Diplomatic Contact, Pulska: Who are the Pules and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence - Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[] KMT
-[] Influence - Reestablish Administrative Control, Western Wall: The time has come to once more bring Western Wall under the control of Valleyhome. (100%. 1 Year. +1 Influence, +1 Treasury, +2? Income, Decision Point)
-[] Influence - Construct Warships, Trelli: You once more have Trelli. Its dockyards and shipyards are robust and capable. With those facilities you can build even more warships. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)
-[] Rent out Banner Companies: Uncommitted Banner Companies may be rented out for a five year term. (Profitable).
--[] Both
-[] Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)
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KMT has approached you desiring to buy bombards and culverins.

[] Sell (+1 Treasury)
[] Don't Sell
The Khem want to war someone else who isn't us it seems if they both want to buy guns and they want to buy them from us.
The Peacocks want to found a Banner Company within the next three years. +1 Influence if this happens, -1 Influence if not.
@Aranfan Is starting the action within the next three years or completing it within the next three years?
[] Demobilize: The Mass Levy has been active long enough. Demobilize them and give the veterans the training they need to reintegrate into civilian society. (60%, 2 years, .5 per year)
We have to do this and we shoudl stick an Authority on it to make sure it goes off without a hitch.
[] Reestablish Administrative Control, Western Wall: The time has come to once more bring Western Wall under the control of Valleyhome. (100%. 1 Year. +1 Influence, +1 Treasury, +2? Income, Decision Point)
This is a nice easy action for us to take. The decision point will almost certainly be dealing with the Rus settlements. If we do take this, I also want to try and contact the Pulska again since they are currently our neighbour thanks to Western Wall's conquest. I don't want to end up choosing to let the Rus go just to see the Pulska decide to go crusading against the Rus infidels.
I'm thinking yes on the guns. We currently have a surplus, it pays for the demob, the strategic interests of the KMT and MY have aligned often enough in the past even if we don't like Namar. Given how eagerly we sell guns to anyone with money, turning down a sale makes a strong statement that I don't want to make here. Also, when we turned down Rum, people stopped coming to us instead of us having to guess who might buy and using an action.

[] [Guns] Sell (+1 Treasury)

@Aranfan, can we change our naval deployment from 2:8 Saffron:Ylthon to 7:3 as a free action?
[] Sell (+1 Treasury)

The Khem deciding to invade someone else is good for us and if they want us to be their supply, we could do with the money.

[] Plan Oshha
-[] Authority: Demobilize: The Mass Levy has been active long enough. Demobilize them and give the veterans the training they need to reintegrate into civilian society. (60%, 2 years, .5 per year)
-[] Influence: Reestablish Administrative Control, Western Wall: The time has come to once more bring Western Wall under the control of Valleyhome. (100%. 1 Year. +1 Influence, +1 Treasury, +2? Income, Decision Point)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Pulska: Who are the Pules and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence:
-[] Influence:
-[] Relax with Family (-Stress):

We need to start demobilising and we don't want it to go wrong so I'm sticking our new Authority on it. Otherwise, we want to begin reintegrating Western Wall and since we are going to be bringing up the decision with how to handle the Rus conquests, I want to see what is up with the Pulska and how they might react to however we end up handling the Rus. The personal action goes on reducing stress and I am not sure what to do with the last couple of Influences.

And while I do want to eventually start renting out the Banner Companies for some additional Treasury now we have no wars for the near future, I want to wait until we have successful demobilised the Mass Levy before trying that.


Note also that the Peacocks are no longer backed by PSN, so it's actually possible to make them go away if you weaken them enough. For instance, by ignoring their demands.
While making them go away is good, we could do with that Influence and have I've been wanting to get a Banner Company. That said, the best time to start doing another Banner Company is 1623 so it will complete in 1625 at the earliest and let us avoid that -0.5 Income for as long as possible.
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Pulska we need to try again to make diplomatic contact; they're future neighbors and/or potential competitors. With our upgraded diplomacy we probably know to send Meshamini diplomats, and they only turned us away last time, so I think foul play is unlikely.

The Highlanders... probably wouldn't appreciate us trying again, so leave them be for a decade or more.

They probably killed our diplomats. Thankfully, we couldn't quite confirm it, otherwise it's REE!
I like to do the Calendar Reform this turn and start the stonepen wagonways in the next one once we know what treasury we have once demobilized and set up the western wall admin
What are our dice committed on atm and when do they release? I'm thinking we probably can spare a slot for calendar reform this time if others free up soon.
What are our dice committed on atm and when do they release? I'm thinking we probably can spare a slot for calendar reform this time if others free up soon.
We got one Authority committed to the Thunder Plateau Sacred Warding and an Influence committed to training the new administrators for Thunder Plateau. The former has three turns of needing an effective 21+ while the latter has four turns left of needing a 31+.
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Ohh... Lots of options here.

On guns to the KMT - Influence free treasury - Yes please. I don't think there is anyone particularly critical this will piss off. I think the Khem are gearing up for a prestige war and I think this is a good thing for us so long as we are not the target. Their advisers are likely telling them our conquest is done for at least a generation and they can stay ahead of us with a single solid boost.
[] Sell (+1 Treasury)

I also want to do the banner company. It would be good to preserve the Black Sheep nomad light calv and the best way to do that is to found a banner company of them.

Beyond that, authority to demobilize. Once we have solved that we can chase other priorities.

As for influence...
[] Diplomatic Contact, Pulska: Who are the Pules and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
[] Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
-[] KMT
[] Reestablish Administrative Control, Western Wall: The time has come to once more bring Western Wall under the control of Valleyhome. (100%. 1 Year. +1 Influence, +1 Treasury, +2? Income, Decision Point)
[] Construct Warships, Trelli: You once more have Trelli. Its dockyards and shipyards are robust and capable. With those facilities you can build even more warships. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)

Though I am open to suggestions.


[] Plan Fouredged
-[] Authority - Demobilize: The Mass Levy has been active long enough. Demobilize them and give the veterans the training they need to reintegrate into civilian society. (60%, 2 years, .5 per year)
-[] Influence - Diplomatic Contact, Pulska: Who are the Pules and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence - Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[] KMT
-[] Influence - Reestablish Administrative Control, Western Wall: The time has come to once more bring Western Wall under the control of Valleyhome. (100%. 1 Year. +1 Influence, +1 Treasury, +2? Income, Decision Point)
-[] Influence - Construct Warships, Trelli: You once more have Trelli. Its dockyards and shipyards are robust and capable. With those facilities you can build even more warships. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)
-[] Rent out Banner Companies: Uncommitted Banner Companies may be rented out for a five year term. (Profitable).
--[] Both
-[] Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)

Remember that founding a new Banner Company will strengthen the Peacocks.

I agree with you that a banner company maintaining the Black Sheep's light cavalry heritage will be very useful. We just need to remember that doing what any faction wants, strengthens that faction. (As I did not understand clearly back in POC)
We are going to punish those assholes that forced us to make peace with them when we were desperate right. Because I want to ruin their kingdom for generation for stabbing us in the back.
I am not sure killing the peacock movement is 100% a good thing. I don't want to let them be dominant, but I would also like to occasionally get influence for military buildups.

And if we kill them off, our society will develop a new split that may not be any more fun.