We need to shift the levy's deployment over to Western Wall. Their peace terms might be bad.
That's happening automatically. Dyfund will arrive late this turn.

Support Province (Thunder Plateau) perhaps? The admin heir genius said this was a good idea.

We are hitting them with loyalty ++ in just a few turns as the warding completes and we will need that treasury to pay off loans. Investing later to shore up support may be required, but we are running hot as it. Spending money that doesn't end the war faster or make money should be avoided.
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I would rest and spend a second influence on WW rather than focus efforts on WW surrender. We just ate 3 stress and need to recover from that. Let the king go to plays and debates and hear the voices that are calling him wise and humble and victorious.
That might be worth considering, but I'm not sure if a second Influence will have the same n narrative benefits as as the king personally getting involved.

@Aranfan What would be the benefits of Influence and Personal Attention vs two Influence on the Western Wall talks?
Support Province (Thunder Plateau) perhaps? The admin heir genius said this was a good idea.
I did consider that, but I would rather wait until we got civilian administration set up again and the Sacred Warding back in place before doing that. Also Brynn is only an Admin Hero as far as I am aware and not all the way up to Genius level. Plus we got a few loans to pay off as well on top of still paying for the Mass Levy so I want to be careful about doing Expensive actions right now.
It's not the loyalty, it's the fact that the province is in disarray. Some money spent now means a more stable province faster, and income from the province faster as well.
We need to get the admin in line first, or the money is just going to vanish into people's pockets. You can't invest properly without the administration in place to control it.

I'm not sure either way, but I am currently leaning more than a little to agreeing with Sword here as I am not sure we will get the full benefits of supporting the province when the administration has yet to be set up. @Aranfan What do our advisors advise on this subject?
@Aranfan What would be the benefits of Influence and Personal Attention vs two Influence on the Western Wall talks?

Well, WW did try to assasinate Balthazar. So going to personally negotiate has ups and downs.

I'm not sure either way, but I am currently leaning more than a little to agreeing with Sword here as I am not sure we will get the full benefits of supporting the province when the administration has yet to be set up. @Aranfan What do our advisors advise on this subject?

Wait until the Mass Levy has ended pls.
I wonder if there would be something to be gained by putting his personal attention on forming the diplomatic organization?

And if that would potentially be worth not taking a stress reduction action...

Likely not. I still support stress reduction through plays. I want to see what the public debate on the subject looks like.

I am opposed to sending him to negotiate personally. The WW is desperate. Desperate people try dumb shit that forces us to burn them to the ground.
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Well that's clear enough, plus redoing Pulska or Highlanders should wait until after Diplo corps, as would internal Factions on anyone we would want to do that on. Surveys again, I guess?
I think we concluded that surveys are best done with 2 influence. I think putting a second influence behind ether the peace deal or diplo corps would be good...

Though @Aranfan - Can we put 1 influence and 1 authority in an action and potentially get 2 progress a turn if we roll well? If so I could see doubling up on the warding.
[] Plan Oshha
-[] Authority: Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau: The Sacred Warding in the Thunder Plateau collapsed when the Black Sheep took the Sacred Herds to add to their own. Although it would be made much more difficult by the nearly nonexistant bureaucracy, you could start rebuilding the Warding in that province. (30%, 5 years, ++Thunder Plateau Loyalty)
-[] Influence: Seek Western Wall's Surrender: Western Wall has started sending feelers that they may be open to negotiating their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year, peace terms)
-[] Influence: Found Diplomacy organization: Currently diplomacy is mostly an ad hoc thing. Properly organizing it, and having people whose job it is to talk to people, would let you do it better. (70%. 1 Turn. -1 Influence, improved diplomatic capabilities)
-[] Influence: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[] Amber Road
-[] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)

I've switched the personal from Western Wall talks to the plays and debates since people seem to prefer that. Third influence goes to figuring out Amber Road's internal politics since they are already our allies and I want to try and figure out the best way to improve the already existing alliance.
[] Plan Oshha
-[] Authority: Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau: The Sacred Warding in the Thunder Plateau collapsed when the Black Sheep took the Sacred Herds to add to their own. Although it would be made much more difficult by the nearly nonexistant bureaucracy, you could start rebuilding the Warding in that province. (30%, 5 years, ++Thunder Plateau Loyalty)
-[] Influence: Seek Western Wall's Surrender: Western Wall has started sending feelers that they may be open to negotiating their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year, peace terms)
-[] Influence: Found Diplomacy organization: Currently diplomacy is mostly an ad hoc thing. Properly organizing it, and having people whose job it is to talk to people, would let you do it better. (70%. 1 Turn. -1 Influence, improved diplomatic capabilities)
-[] Influence: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[] Amber Road
-[] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)

I've switched the personal from Western Wall talks to the plays and debates since people seem to prefer that. Third influence goes to figuring out Amber Road's internal politics since they are already our allies and I want to try and figure out the best way to improve the already existing alliance.
I really hope they have an explicit "Pro Ymaryn ties" faction. I would think that's a distinct possibility with them having a direct tie to a friendly great power. I would imagine their internal politics is about a debate on what sort of society to have, Ymaryn, Rex Germanian, or something closer to step feudalism.
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I really hope they have an explicit "Pro Ymaryn ties" faction. I would think that's a distinct possibility with them having a direct tie to a friendly great power.
They will almost certainly have one of those. Since it was a while ago, a bit of a recap on Amber Road's current situation.

Amber Road isn't actually just Amber Road, it is an alliance of locals in that area that Amber Road put together to repel the nomad splinters called Pobedonosnyy Soyuz or Victorious Alliance. Amber Road appears to be somewhat in charge as a first amongst equals situation and they seem to desiring closer relations with the Ymaryn without actually returning the Ymaryn Empire. Us giving them a loan to pay for their war against Norsca as well as sharing the Sacred Warding with them has almost certainly strengthened that sentiment as more of the locals are sold on the idea of using Amber Road's Ymaryn ties.
Well, WW did try to assasinate Balthazar. So going to personally negotiate has ups and downs.
...So I guess, sending the king would have benefits in the negotiations, BUT also risks a Lincoln scenario because the only hope of winning the war for the WW is to sow chaos by taking out both the king and his/her successor, and the action would put the king in WW lands...
...So I guess, sending the king would have benefits in the negotiations, BUT also risks a Lincoln scenario because the only hope of winning the war for the WW is to sow chaos by taking out both the king and his/her successor, and the action would put the king in WW lands...
Honestly, losing our current king wouldn't be that bad. If he was to die and Brynn takes over, we would get another Authority and two Influence compared to what we currently have while Brynn has been our heir for most of a decade now so she will have had plenty of time to get settled into being the heir by now.
Honestly, losing our current king wouldn't be that bad. If he was to die and Brynn takes over, we would get another Authority and two Influence compared to what we currently have while Brynn has been our heir for most of a decade now so she will have had plenty of time to get settled into being the heir by now.
Yes, but it would strengthen the peacocks and create a demand that we absolutely SMASH the Western Wall for being kingslaying bastards whom we cannot even trust far enough to talk about peace with. That's like, at minimum 3 extra years of war, and bloody war with little quarter offered as well.

I don't mind the king dying. We have a system in place to ensure the king is replaced relatively painlessly. I don't want the king dying in a way that makes our population go REEEE all over again. Let the king die in bed surrounded by his family and friends and with the love of his people.

I want to take the Western Wall in as close to mint condition as possible, though it is clear that with each year that ship is further and further already sailed. That means peacefully ending the war as rapidly as we can.
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Honestly, losing our current king wouldn't be that bad. If he was to die and Brynn takes over, we would get another Authority and two Influence compared to what we currently have while Brynn has been our heir for most of a decade now so she will have had plenty of time to get settled into being the heir by now.
I know, the Lincoln scenario wasn't actually that bad for the US either...
And both, are honestly very similar especially since if they are gonna assassinate the king they are probably also try and get our successor, very much like how the Lincoln assassination's was actually a small part of a bigger operation involving attempted assassination's on a lot of important people. Though in that case, only the Lincoln assassination worked, which made things even worse for them due the the replacement being far less friendly...
I know, the Lincoln scenario wasn't actually that bad for the US either...
And both, are honestly very similar especially since if they are gonna assassinate the king they are probably also try and get our successor, very much like how the Lincoln assassination's was actually a small part of a bigger operation involving attempted assassination's on a lot of important people. Though in that case, only the Lincoln assassination worked, which made things even worse for them due the the replacement being far less friendly...
You are kidding right? Lincoln's replacement bent over backwards and fucked up reconstruction badly.
It would not be cost effective at all so not at all feasible, especially since we got so many other better ways to use a Banner Company.
We have an army for regular garrison duty like this. The only reason the highlander attack worked at all was because they got recruited to be officers in the levi and so couldn't also guard the boarder.
[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau: The Sacred Warding in the Thunder Plateau collapsed when the Black Sheep took the Sacred Herds to add to their own. Although it would be made much more difficult by the nearly nonexistant bureaucracy, you could start rebuilding the Warding in that province. (30%, 5 years, ++Thunder Plateau Loyalty)
-[X] Influence: Seek Western Wall's Surrender: Western Wall has started sending feelers that they may be open to negotiating their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year, peace terms)
-[X] Influence: Found Diplomacy organization: Currently diplomacy is mostly an ad hoc thing. Properly organizing it, and having people whose job it is to talk to people, would let you do it better. (70%. 1 Turn. -1 Influence, improved diplomatic capabilities)
-[X] Influence: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[X] Amber Road
-[X] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)

Authority on Thunder Plateau Sacred Warding due to its low chance of success and us needing it done as soon as possible. Influence on trying to get Western Wall to surrender while another Influence goes to improving our diplomatic capabilities. The final Influence goes to figuring out the internal politics of Amber Road to figure out how we can best improve the already existing alliance with them. Since people in the thread seem to want it, the personal action goes to plays and debates.