[] Plan Oshha
-[] Authority: Peace Talks, Styrmyr: You have achieved your war goals, attempt to negotiate peace with the styrmyr. (Narrative%. 1 Year. Peace.)
-[] Influence: Reestablish Administrative Control, Greenshore: Greenshore is once more within your control. All that remains is to switch from the military administration to the civilian bureaucracy. This will involving raising new nobles to replace traitors and Styrmyr, on the model of what happened in Tinshore. (90%. 1 Year. +1 Treasury, +.5 Income, +1 Influence.)
-[] Influence: Against Cholera, Pamplona: The people of Pamplona are without a treatment for cholera. Help them fight it. (85%. 1 Year. Possible + Pamplona Opinion)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Hellas: Who are the Hellas and what do they want? Besides Trelli. (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Berba: Who are the Berba and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Norsca: Who are the Norsca and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
--[] Reestablish Administrative Control, Greenshore

Updated plan. Since it is redundant with Authority, Personal Attention instead goes to ensuring that we do integrate Greenshore this turn.
I'd like to do at least one bombard sale this turn.

What for? If it is about getting money, we're getting 1 Treasury this turn from Greenshore if that action succeeds. It not only has a higher chance of success than selling bombards, but it is the only action that gets us a full point of Treasury without risking a loss of opinion. That action also gives us 0.5 income so we will only lose 0.3 Treasury in 1610 and 1615. Provided we don't take any expensive actions or do anything else which costs us Treasury, we got enough money for the Thunder Plateau campaign and even then we can afford to lose one or two Treasury.
An analysis of our financial situation. We want 5/10 or 6/10 Treasury for our Thunder Plateau campaign in the next two or three turns. We currently have 5.8/10 Treasury with -0.8 every fifth year and +1 every even year, which will put us at 6/10 Treasury next year. Assuming that we integrate Greenshore, that goes to 6.8 Treasury with -0.3 every fifth year and +1 every even year, putting us at 6.5/10 Treasury next year.

Provided we don't go on a spending spree, we are financially secure for the Thunder Plateau campaign barring any sudden and unforeseen expenses and even then, we can afford that since the 5/10 or 6/10 estimate gives us room for an margin of error.
[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Peace Talks, Styrmyr: You have achieved your war goals, attempt to negotiate peace with the styrmyr. (Narrative%. 1 Year. Peace.)
-[X] Influence: Reestablish Administrative Control, Greenshore: Greenshore is once more within your control. All that remains is to switch from the military administration to the civilian bureaucracy. This will involving raising new nobles to replace traitors and Styrmyr, on the model of what happened in Tinshore. (90%. 1 Year. +1 Treasury, +.5 Income, +1 Influence.)
-[X] Influence: Against Cholera, Pamplona: The people of Pamplona are without a treatment for cholera. Help them fight it. (85%. 1 Year. Possible + Pamplona Opinion)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Hellas: Who are the Hellas and what do they want? Besides Trelli. (???%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Berba: Who are the Berba and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Norsca: Who are the Norsca and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
--[X] Reestablish Administrative Control, Greenshore
We have to be careful with the Sacred Warding. It was less than a decade ago that we had to be careful about not having enough cows to spread it any further. We ended up with enough for Tinshore, but between that and going it with the Hung, I want to make sure that we have enough cows to spread the Sacred Warding to Greenshore. If we still got enough spare cows after we restored the Sacred Warding in Greenshore, I will be interested in spreading it to Amber Road, but until then, I want to conserve what we got left lest we spread the Sacred Warding too thin and it begins to develop cracks or just collapses.

Edit: It was only five years ago that we had to roll to see if we had enough cows to spread the Sacred Warding to Tinshore. We have already taken a risk by spreading the Sacred Warding to Hung. We can't afford to start spreading it to Amber Road when we have yet to spread it to Greenshore.

We have Txolla, Hat-chan, Tinshore, MoS, the Hills, and the Core itself all with Sacred Herds. And you're saying we're going to run out of herds?

@Aranfan Do we have enough herds for both Greenshore and Amber Road? And maybe even PompPomp?
We have Txolla, Hat-chan, Tinshore, MoS, the Hills, and the Core itself all with Sacred Herds. And you're saying we're going to run out of herds?

It isn't about how many herds we had, but how full or depleted we were. It was only a decade years ago that we barely had enough cows to maintain the Sacred Warding.
It isn't about how many herds we had, but how full or depleted we were. It was only a decade years ago that we barely had enough cows to maintain the Sacred Warding.

Herds, cows, whatever. Repairing the infrastructure for MoS and Txolla required a lot of strains on our Sacred Herds.

But of course, we decided cows for the Hung, which probably added quite a bit of strains.
--Khem on Cooldown until 1618
Oooh. I like this as a mechanic to keep the thread hivemind from mono-focusing someone

[] Reestablish Administrative Control, Greenshore: Greenshore is once more within your control. All that remains is to switch from the military administration to the civilian bureaucracy. This will involving raising new nobles to replace traitors and Styrmyr, on the model of what happened in Tinshore. (90%. 1 Year. +1 Treasury, +.5 Income, +1 Influence.)
I realize we're going to be negotiating peace, but is it really a good idea to try to reestablish civilian infrastructure *while a war is still ongoing*? This seems risky, if things turn sour this campaign season....

[] Create Sleeper Cells, Black Sheep: You have your hooks in the Black Sheep. Find people who are willing to join your cause when you go to liberate them. (???%. ? Years. ???)
Someone who knows the Black Sheep timeline better than me (*cough* @Oshha *cough*) what's the latest we might do this and hope to have it be effective?

[] Attempt Assasination, Styrmyr Heir: Styrmyr's heir is the man primarily responsible for their continued resistance. Murder him. (???%. 1 year. Styrmyr's Heir dead.)
Ooooh man. I'd be down to bring back the Blackbirds in a big way with this.


We certainly have enough to do one, but Greenshore will have to take priority over Amber Road. I want to try and do Amber Road once Greenshore is done, but unfortunately, we will need to wait until the Sacred Warding has been spread to Greenshore.
Agreement. Areas under our direct control first.
Oooh. I like this as a mechanic to keep the thread hivemind from mono-focusing someone

I realize we're going to be negotiating peace, but is it really a good idea to try to reestablish civilian infrastructure *while a war is still ongoing*? This seems risky, if things turn sour this campaign season....

It's currently being run by the military. With civilians in place, the military can refocus their effort on military logistics while the civilians run everything else. It also makes Greenshore loyal to us since the new nobles are going to be from Greenshore.

Ooooh man. I'd be down to bring back the Blackbirds in a big way with this.

Not a good idea when trying to negotiate an amicable peace.
Someone who knows the Black Sheep timeline better than me (*cough* @Oshha *cough*) what's the latest we might do this and hope to have it be effective?

The timeline depends on how quickly we wrap up the war with Styrmyr. We might have one turn between winning the war with Styrmyr and going to war with Black Sheep where we do a diplo demand or we might just jump straight into attack on the Black Sheep. We could be invading Black Sheep as early as next year if we make peace with Styrmyr this year and decided to jump straight into the attack next year.

As for how effective that action might be, we never no idea. With that ??? chance of success, I don't want to risk it without doing an authority, but we don't know how many turns it will take to complete either so I don't want to risk it, especially since it might be or two turns before we invade Black Sheep. If it was a single turn, I might consider sticking an Authority on it next turn, but it is only worth taking if the action takes one year or the war with Styrmyr drags out some more.

Ooooh man. I'd be down to bring back the Blackbirds in a big way with this.

Unknown chance of success with plenty of backlash while we are trying to make long-term peace with the Styrmyr. Too little gain for too much risk. If we were planning to go another round with Styrmyr or it was before the start of the war, it might have been worth doing, but not now.
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To me, blackbird is like the word 'ninja'. It makes me sad that we can't call our scout blackbirds ninja again.
We certainly have enough to do one, but Greenshore will have to take priority over Amber Road. I want to try and do Amber Road once Greenshore is done, but unfortunately, we will need to wait until the Sacred Warding has been spread to Greenshore.
Naturally, Greenshore takes priority, but it's not necessarily the case that we need to finish one before starting another. Given fast cow reproduction rates (especially with our priests accelerating the process) and the Amber Road's sparse population, it's plausible that waiting just a year will give us enough spare cows for sure (rather than "should"); hence my earlier question.

Areas under our direct control first.
Keep in mind that our providing Sacred Herds cements Amber Road's importance among the Pobedonosnyy Soyuz and reaffirms to the various tribes the importance of our alliance. If we start rebuilding their Sacred Warding within four years of making contact (i.e. next year), it sends a strong signal that the Ymaryn are on their side. Five years+ is less so.

The Soyuz's stability has been worded to suggest an iffy long-term prospect (though it's not urgent enough that it must be done this turn, getting an allied not!Russia is essential enough that it should be ensured ASAP).
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I think turning Greenshore over to civilian oversight even in war is still OK. Our civilian oversight isn't all that civilian. It's a militerized nobility. They are going to likely be raised from those who have proven themselves in the military.
We'll also be getting the option to be giving Pam the Sacred Warding next turn by the way. The QM rolled for it on the Discord.
Good to know, Oshha.

If we have enough herds for Pam, we certainly have enough for Amber Road, to stabilize their union and ensure continued Ymaryn leadership, our most essential goal.

not!Russia is by far our most important ally in the next few centuries, expanding access to Kyberia and the Pacific where we can't, and guarding our northern trade routes. A high-success rate Warding now pays dividends all the way to the 20th century EY. Let's make it happen next year.

In the meantime, I'm okay with:

[] Plan Oshha (Edit: concerns about too much prestige and Great Powers War, pending clarification)

Update: Plan Avoid Great Powers War
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