if part three never happened that means logically in part two Joseph died with his fight with Kars instead of surviving it. That means dio is alive but he can't become one with Jonathan's body then.
Jouske never existed then since his dad dies that's a logical conclusion
Dio is most likely Dead. Or still in his Coffin.
Jotaro (and Holly) most likely never got a Stand in the first place.
The Crusaders had "normal" life without Dio's interference (as in, that whole Egyptian mess), but probably still had to struggle in some way.
Maybe Josuke doesn't exist, because MAYBE Joseph didn't sleep around.
Almost definetly no Giorno G
Dio is most likely Dead. Or still in his Coffin.
Jotaro (and Holly) most likely never got a Stand in the first place.
The Crusaders had "normal" life without Dio's interference (as in, that whole Egyptian mess), but probably still had to struggle in some way.
Maybe Josuke doesn't exist, because MAYBE Joseph didn't sleep around.
Almost definetly no Giorno G
Hm. I doubt Josuke's statement. I feel some version of Diamond is Unbreakable may have happened...considering, of course, some movement in the time slot so it happened earlier. And Avdol...I think he may lead to something like the Myth Arc of this Quest, because something feels fishy...
GM, is alright if I ask how much of Jojo's lore you're using for this quest?
so now comes to decipher when the split happened, like maybe Dio did die with Jonathan on that cruise ship during the end of part 1, since I don't doubt part 2 still happened otherwise we may have to worry about some idiots awakening the pillar men.
Otherwise Josuke probably is still out there but just as a normal student, without that pompadour of his, since Joseph was that much of a horndog and by part 3 he was already a powerful bussiness man, since Dio not being out there means that no one on the Joestar family awakened their stand and we know Enya baba was making money by selling out the stand arrows, so the arrow probably still reached the nijimura family and probably the Kira family too.
Otherwise that also means no part 5 which means Italy is a rotten den of stand users under the iron fist of a superpowered neet.
On the other hand that also means the Heaven's plan got totally screwed and certain priest is probably just that a normal priest.
Like really outside of Kira and Diavolo not being toppled this is an overall positive gain.
Polnareff is probably still crippled searching for help to topple Diavolo.
J. Geil was a piece of shit even before entering Dio's service, he probably managed to kill him and Enya once the later came seeking revenge and probably traced back the arrows to Italy.
Other stand users that would indeed be alive and living their lives peacefully would be people like Kakyoin, Iggy, most of Dio's followers really as they really were only villains due to being swayed by Dio charisma or flesh bud.
Really with part 3 never happening that opens up a lot of possibilities on recruitment.
Or you people don't want to eventually search Hol Horse and actually giving him his own arc.
If the Events of Part 3 never took place, then the Events of Part 4 can't have happened the way they did in Canon.
Heck, Kira would not even have a Stand! He got that because his dad got the Stand Arrow through working for Dio and used it on him, IIRC. And neither would Okuyasu's and Keijo's father have turned into this weird monster thing and inspired the latter to create New Stand Users to find one that could put their dad out of his misery.
Anyway, that means we won't have to tangle with Dio. Good. I don't think we could have handled ZA WARUDO.
If the Events of Part 3 never took place, then the Events of Part 4 can't have happened the way they did in Canon.
Heck, Kira would not even have a Stand! He got that because his dad got the Stand Arrow through working for Dio and used it on him, IIRC. And neither would Okuyasu's and Keijo's father have turned into this weird monster thing and inspired the latter to create New Stand Users to find one taht could put their dad out of his misery.
I've been trying to wrap my head around what could and couldn't of happened or what could've happened differently with Part 3 not happening (which is a lot), and yeah Part 4 wouldn't of been the same without DIO, so chances are we got some major AU shit happening to make things happen close to canon.
Honesty, we need to look into Okuyasu's past if we want to understand what's going on with the JOJO stuff. Though chances are the Speedwagon Foundation should still be a thing given that Speedwagon founded it between Parts 1 and 2. Though without a Joestar/JoJo backing us they won't be as willing to help us out.
Joseph better still be alive and beaten the Pillarmen, at least let my boy Joseph have a somewhat good ending here man.
This raises a ton of questions on the exact situation with the JoJo cast, but it's also a good remind for when we go recruiting. Sometimes it's not that the heroes failed their stories, it's that they never even started
seeing as the story takes place in 89, part three I mean, something could've happened in that general time. Or worse, thing could be altered since part 2. I don't take it likely that part 1 itself has changed very much
I think the simplest explanation as to why Part 3 never happened is that it never got the chance to. This is a Villains Victorious, and that would include Part 1...
Sorry for leaving you this message on such short notice, got caught up in trying to figure out more about that crime lord that Nicole found out about. I'll try to have something on them on your desk by the end of the month, I promise.
I know you've been back for only a few months, but the world's changed a lot since you guys left. Power-brokers, superhuman beings, real actual monsters, and things darker than them have emerged out of nowhere and taken control of parts of the United States for themselves. That's not to say that they rule the country, as the Federal Government still exists. We still pay our taxes, politicians are still in office, but things have become a power struggle hidden away from the people. Only things in the Midwest and in the greater North are where the true reality of the situation lie.
I've used Maellard's files to break them apart into multiple subjects for you: Corporate Rivals, Meta-Human Rivals, Alien Rivals, And Other.
Keep in mind that I've added personal comments to areas down below, giving you better understanding of what we're dealing with here.
Evil Adult Industries -- Ran by Benedict Uno, alias "Father". Territories comprised of the states of Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, the Carolinas, Alabama, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia. Dubbed "The Swim" by its residents, it is a polluted, industrialized nightmare where the slightest infringement in work and/or pro-kid activities can result in your house being turned into ash by Father. Literally, the guy possesses fire abilities. Notable associates include a hunchbacked man named "Mr. Boss", a dentistry-themed vigilante called "Knightbrace", a weirdo plumber named "The Toilenator", his private group of creepy child soldiers called "The Delightful Children", and many others going as "sooper-villains". However, he faces hard resistance from outside sources in the east from Boxmore's corporate fingers, while fending off the alien invaders in the west and north.
NOTE: Potential assets to recruit in that area are splinter groups of misbehaving children calling themselves "Kids Next Door" or something silly.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: These "Kids Next Door" appear to be some kind of underground organization of child spy soldiers, using espionage and other maneuvers to sabotage the operations of Father and others like him. Before The Fall, they seemed to span across the globe, but since then, their reach seems restricted to North America only.
Mandark Inc. -- Ran by Susan "Mandark" Astronomonov (yes, that's his REAL name). Territories comprised of the states of Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico in the majority of its regions while vying for control against other kings near him. He had the state of Idaho fully under his thumb, but recently, some red midget named "Voltar" won a big land settlement and claimed ownership of the country belonging to his home town. Mandark has been waging war against him ever since. Beware, though, for Mandark is cruel as he is petty. The slightest infringement in his eyes toward him will lead to the man trying to best you in every way conceivable out of petty narcissism alone.
ADDENDUM: Several of the scientists that worked on the Space Park project has gone over to work for Mandark Inc, due to lack of job opportunities elsewhere. The traitors.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Update to the information above, as it seems that Mandark managed to buy out some member of Voltar's gang to work for him, resulting in Voltar losing hold on Idaho and Mandark cementing his total control over the state. Buuuuut that victory of his last only for a little bit before the Flame Kingdom erupted in the middle of his terriotories.
Also, in recent years, he's lost his hold on all of Oregon and Washington to our neighbors, the H.I.V.E. World. More on that down below.
Endsville -- Ran by Mandy (no pinned last name). Territories comprised of the states of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas in its entirety. Along with that, several sections of the states of New Mexico, Missouri, and Mississippi. Don't let this girl's young age fool you, for she is as ruthless as any corporate leader as they can get and scarier than the demons she rules over. No one knows how she managed to make her way into the Underworld, but ever since then, she's been annexing large chunks of it to her kingdom to expand her enterprise. She deals in manufacturing weapons, armed projectiles and vehicles, and harnessing dark forces to power her fuel supply across all of Endsworld. Rumors speak of her private pirate fleet that sails from the Rio Styx (what used to be the Rio Grande for us mortals) to reap the souls of her enemies.
NOTE: Mandark tried to intimidate her into giving him back the land she claimed from him with a giant robot tearing up parts of New Mexico. Two days later, it was found crushed down into a soda can in Mandark's private office. Be cautious when entering her territories.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Watch out if you decide to go on a road trip to Louisiana. That place is under the thrall of two evil ladies that sacrifice the blood of men to gain strange cat-like powers for themselves, while commanding an army of zombie soldiers. Don't ask how I know all this.
Nowhere -- Ran by Katz (no pinned last name). Territories comprised of the states of Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Kansas. A strange, ominous creature, Katz assumed control over many Midwest states through various scams and backdoor dealings to create a monopoly centered around the weirdness of that region. Were-weevils, insane French ducks, alien chickens, grandma-stealing foxes, and more odd creatures roam the land. His capital is oddly enough the small town of Nowhere, where his palace is built over the ruins of some old farmhouse. And near his base of operations is a caravan of gypsy dogs, strangely enough. It would seem he keeps them there as prisoners out of some sick amusement, picking on one in particular who has no will to fight back.
NOTE: Several states ruled by Katz is infringed upon by other elements, some magical and some alien. Katz has been looking into ways to remedy this.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: It looks as if Katz is more focused on business than fending off invaders. One has to wonder why Katz would be so casual while surrounded by aliens and other magical creatures.
Boxmore -- Ran by Lord Boxman. Territories comprise of Maryland, Delaware, most of New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire and parts of West Virginia, Virginia, and Maine. Running things from his multi-million dollar robotics company, Lord Boxman enjoys making the lives of the people under his thumb a living hell. After the fall of some rival plaza, Boxman quickly moved on to conquer the state during the early years of the Earth Crusades (I think that's what we're calling it, I'm not sure. Ask a historian) and has settled into his state of king rather easily. With an army of diverse and highly dangerous robots, the worst of them being a baby(?) doppelganger of its creator, Lord Boxman associates himself with the Evil Board of Villains, an international group of villains making a profit off of running kingdoms of their own in the Eastern Hemisphere. Boxman is the only one affiliated with them in the Americas, but only time will tell on that.
NOTE: Several people have noted that there used to be fighters that opposed Lord Boxman before his takeover. And rumor has it that some of them, not all, are still operating in that area today.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Strangely, rumors of collaboration between Boxman and the government have been voiced by plenty of people, due to reported sightings of Boxmore assets in the city of Metropolis, a place where the government has put its attention on.
Destroido Corp -- Ran by... ???
H.I.V.E. World -- Ran by Slade (no pinned last name). Territories includes half of California, parts of Nevada, the state of Oregon, and most of Washington. To the north of our beloved home state used to be the headquarters of the enigmatic Teen Titans, a hot-blooded group of teenaged do-gooders that fought against villainy and alien threats in Jump City. However, all of that changed when the mysterious Slade wiped out all the Titans in one night by allying himself with the Brotherhood of Evil, a collection of the Titans' rogue galleries world-wide. Following the defeat of his arch-rivals, Slade expanded his territory to other cities by enlisting the HIVE Academy and other villains from the Brotherhood's roster to create his own meta-human army. It only expanded in numbers when he conquered areas like Townsville and Bellwood, each city having its own share of super-powered humans and/or creatures in its vicinity. No one knows what Slade's goals are, but one thing is certain: if you pick a fight with the man without SERIOUS help, you will lose.
NOTE: Rumored sightings of would-be vigilantes stirring up insurrection in Slade's territories have become common. It was well-known that most of the Titans were part of the Justice League's roster, so it seems that those capes remaining are stirring up trouble for Slade.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: With some help from Wilt, I've learned that Slade was responsible for the destruction of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, which unleashed the worst of the Imaginary Friends onto the USA. Based on Wilt's testimony, some of Slade's minions corralled several of the worst Imaginary Friends into cages for whatever reason.
La Obscura Encordada -- Ran by El Malefico. Territories include parts of Nevada. An urban legend brought to life, El Malefico made his debut to center stage by destroying a famous luchador school before seizing control of most of southern Nevada. He spends most of his days in Las Vegas, the city of sin, by displaying his strange and archaic luchador magic by challenging any hero that attempts to take him down. All who enter the ring leaves in body bags. El Malefico is a prideful being, one who can be easily challenged into accepting a fight but also one capable of winning it. You'd better have a strong body-builder helping you out when you step into the ring with him.
NOTE: El Malefico holds a franchise claim on many casinos and racketeering schemes that earn him a profitable income. Targeting those would be a good way to hurt his authority.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: While cruel, El Malefico's pride can easily goad him into a fight when he is openly challenged by anyone speaking out against him.
Flame Kingdom -- Ran by Flame King. Territories include the Yellowstone Caldera. A literal fireball of magic and anger, this Flame King made his announcement to the world by turning the Yellowstone supervolcano into his own palace. While normally its eruption would be catastrophic, Flame King possess enough power to hold back its sheer destructive might from wiping us all out for his, quote-unquote, 'amusement seeing the little non-pyronites burn each other out'. The king is a sociopath, completely at ease of snuffing out servants for the slightest of infractions and dealing with internal coups every other Thursday. His rule is so uncontested that neither Katz nor Mandark see any point in trying to regain control over what land he owns, citing it to be a 'wasted business opportunity'. So, as long as there is conflict to keep him entertained, the Western Hemisphere is protected from his wrath.
NOTE: Do not engage without proper protection. The area is contaminated by enough sulfur and volcanic ash that you'll choke to death within the first minute of stepping foot into his domain.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Talking with a strange spitfire creature near its borders have revealed that there exists more elemental kingdoms across the globe, each one different from the other in their own ways.
The League of Calamitous Intent -- Ran by The Monarch. The League is a supervillain organization that spans the globe, taking on contracts of villainy for reasonable prices and genuinely seeing it as a profitable business venture. Its leader, the Monarch, is a strange man prone to outlandish outbursts in public and suffers from a crippling self-loathing over some recent mishaps with an arch-rival of his. The rest of the league include villains that have been around for decades, such as the Red Death, and up-and-coming newcomers to the ranks of villainy like a kid named Brain Freezer or a trio of meta-human carnies. They seem to be giving out membership cards to anyone nowadays.
NOTE: Any rumor of a man named "Venture" is bound to drive the Monarch on a mad hunt for whoever they are, dragging many League members along with him.
Arkham City -- Ran by Professor Hugo Strange. Territories include Gotham City in New Jersey. Gotham City is the place where the Batman called home, but in recent years, his disappearance have allowed for his villains to run rampant across the city. When the local police department fell, the government finally stepped in, evacuating the entire city and walling things off seemingly overnight. As such, a man by the name of Hugo Strange has stepped forward, revealing that he's turned the entire city into a sprawling mega-prison, allowing the criminals inside to kill each other to thin out their ranks in a 'survival of the fittest' code.
NOTE: He is supplied with his own private army called TYGER, armed with state of the art weapons and technology to enforce their Warden's rule. No one knows where he's getting his funding from, but my safe bet is our tax dollars. How else could it be explained?!
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Dozens of meta-humans and other infamous criminals are locked away in this mega-prison, some of which are from other continents! It is unknown how far Strange's influence grows, but it is believed that he has TYGER agents in place, ready to snatch up some poor unsuspecting soul to be added to his domain.
The Foot Clan -- Ran by the Shredder (no notable name of interest). Territories include New York City. By far one of the most isolated kingdoms, the Foot is an elusive clan of ninjas, a legendary sect of warriors originating from Japan. Its leader: the Shredder, a ruthless and cold-blooded killer rumored to have been an ancient demon from days long past. However, that is all the information that has been revealed to the public. No one attempting to get inside the state has been able to get out, not without a public display of execution. In this kingdom, there is no hope. There is only the Shredder.
NOTE: Mutated creatures and flying aliens are heard to inhabit this kingdom, but that's all hearsay. Given the rest of the country's state, though, it wouldn't surprise you if any of this were true.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: It might be worth looking overseas to see if there's any credibility to the rumored backstory of the Shredder
Rutopia -- Ran by Stewie Griffin. Territories include Rhode Island, Conneticut, and ALMOST all of Massachusetts. Not gonna lie, this is the weirdest king to claim dominance in America, bar none. A literal baby with plans for 'world domination', only to be stunted by others beating him to the punch. Outraged, he cut off all communications to the outside world from his populace, content on ruling the bloc that he has and enforcing his strange rules upon them. All of them involving the graphic deaths of people over the slightest infringements like not understanding the movie Caddyshack, peeing in the pool, etc. If he's this bitter over not getting what's his, then I'd hate sitting down in a meeting with him.
NOTE: His vice-president is his dog and he apparently used to be buddies with the current president. Go figure.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Yeaaaah, I got nothing on this one. All I've heard from others is that the baby is British?
Porkbelly -- Ran by Bling-Bling Boy (Real Name: Eugene Hamilton). Territories include small parts of Massachusetts. What is it with these kids and gaining their hands on weapons that could conquer the world for them? Well, luckily, this tub of lard was only able to conquer one corner of Massachusetts before he called it quits. All he wanted was claim over some city called Porkbelly (hence the name) and to win the heart of some girl? Ugh. You could probably take this kid on in a fight, but don't expect to be surprised when people get mad over you bullying a kid, even if it is one as dumb as this one.[/center]
NOTE: Apparently in a cold war against the president of Rutopia over a contest of who can build the better death laser. I hate kids.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: That girl that Eugene (I refuse to call him by his alter-ego) tried wooing was some sort of teen scientist, years ahead of her time, along with another sister. Might be worth looking into for them.
Peach Creek -- Ran by the Kanker Sisters. Territories include Atlanta and other local counties in Georgia. One of the strangest rulers of the USA, these kings (yes, plural, there are three of these sisters) have turned the kingdom they rule into their own personal playground. They bring wanton destruction and carnage wherever they go, are content with stealing and murdering anyone that slights them, and are just generally unpleasant to be around. Dan Halen tried striking up a deal with them, only to be hogtied and dragged by the back of a truck to his capital by the Kankers. All they want is to be left alone and have fun, and frankly, Halen is fine with that. These sisters are powerhouses capable of levelling entire city blocks with their bare hands, so make no assumptions about their appearances. They are THAT deadly.
NOTE: Reports note that they've had personal dealings with one of Canada's kings in the past, and the sight of them is enough to make him surrender without a fight. Something to consider for future investments up further north.
Great Diamond Authority -- Ran by Colonial Regent Peridot and Supreme Commander Jasper. Territories include Hawaii and Alaska on U.S. soil, main base of operations located across most of Canada. Yes, you read that right: aliens. I know it's hard to believe-
(You take a moment to ponder on how much of the regular park reports Mr. Maellard read from you before pressing on.)
-but it's true. Aliens have invaded our home and want to use us for whatever nefarious space plans they have for us 'lesser creatures'. With these aliens, I've managed to identify them as Gems, sentient rock ladies capable of harnessing weapons from their bodies and possessing inhuman abilities (strength, speed, durability, intelligence, the whole nine yards) all in the name of conquering us for their 'Homeworld'. Their leaders are a joint pair: the brains being a smug, stuck-up and pointy-looking thing called Peridot, and the other a tower of muscle and the secret child of the Cheetos Cheetah (my investigators have yet to confirm this, but it has to be true!) called Jasper, who is the brawn of these aliens. Together, they've conquered most of Canada and are attempting to annex the United States, only to find most of our kings here refuse to let go of their areas without a proper fight. The government is attempting to launch some kind of campaign against these invaders, but with their current standing, it's hopeless. With alien technology and thousands of soldiers at their command, these alien ladies are not that far from seizing our country for themselves.
NOTE: Rumors have reported a strange splinter sect among these Gem warriors, calling themselves 'The Crystal Gems' whatever that means. They've hit several bases and toppled plenty of them, but are on the backfoot against their enemy's superior numbers and tech. Apparently they even have some humans working with them, based on sightings of a 'warrior knight' carving through legions of Gem soldiers.
ADDENDUM: (Read further reports to note the differences in the Gem caste system).
DAPHNE'S NOTE: I've heard of these Crystal Gems! I had a friend obsessed with conspiracy theories and one of them was about these strange rock-ladies living in Beach City in the Delmarva Peninsula. Perhaps there's some sign of them residing there?
Drone Zone -- Ran by Lady Gelorum. Territories include Minnesota, Iowa, and most of Michigan and Iowa. Though her true origins are up for speculation, one cannot deny the terror that the name 'Gelorum' brings to the humans that dare to live in hiding throughout what used to be the roads of Highway 35. Any humans that her Drones came across are eliminated with swift prejudice, while those that possessed any semblance of racing skills (for some reason) are taken away for what apparently is called 'remodification'. Based on several photographs I have attached to this dossier, you'll find that it's a horrendous fusion of man and machine. Gelorum's regime is one of conquest, of strength. Every day, hundreds of machines are crafted for her Drones to operate and even more humans are abducted for experimentation in the ghastly bowels of Gelorum's private lair. She finds herself locked in a heated war against the Gems up north, matching the Gem warriors with an unlimited number of her own Drone racers and lumbering machines of war. Most dangerous are the cars that possess strange, mystical abilities capable of wiping out an army single-handedly.
NOTE: Gelorum seems obsessed with hunting down and eliminating some street racers that have opposed her rule in the past, and rumor has it some of them are hiding in hide-outs along Highway 35. Might be worth a look.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: I think I might have found somebody that used to be a street racer up in Iowa working here in the City. Might be worth looking into...
Wastelands of Mutradd -- Ran by Lieutenant General Lance. Territories include Illinois, Indiana, most of Michigan, and parts of A young alien soldier from another distant galaxy (how many of these are there?!), this Lieutenant General initially came to Earth seeking some alien fugitive from his place of origin. Unfortunately, any help he asked for was met with poor reception--typical--and so, he sought to do things on his own. Interrupting Gelorum's war of conquest, he occupied areas that they previously had under control, as he did to the League of Calamitous Intent and Father's own kingdom to garner attention. It worked superbly, and now half of them are trying to find this 'Princess Ilana' to give over and get him out of their hair or is trying to wipe out the kid's control over their territories. Which is made increasingly difficult by the horde of beastly monsters he calls Mutraddi and a private legion of mechanized soldiers called 'Magnuses' holding back the other alien invader's forces.
NOTE: The Mutraddi have been reported to shifting their attention east, eyeing Gelorum's realm hungrily. Perhaps they've found that princess they're after.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: A princess from another world? If that's the case, then there could be more allies out there among the stars willing to help us out in our fight against our neighbors.
Elmore -- Ran by... Unknown. Territories include Elmore, located on the borders of California and Nevada. Any spies I've sent into Elmore never come out. It is a void upon California itself, with no one--not Mandark, not El Malefico, and not even Slade himself--wanting to spend any time and resources on it. Any attempts yields no results. It's almost as if the place devours any that goes in there. Reminds me of an old talkie show Pops used to make me watch about some chocolatier. What was it again: "Nobody ever goes in. And nobody ever comes back out!"
NOTE: This world, despite what it may try to paint on the outside, is anything BUT amazing. Finding someone who knows what's going on inside would be a literal godsend.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Nicole and her sons are from Elmore...
Old World -- Ran by Jerry Smith. Territories include western Washington. This one isn't as bad as it seems, despite the... terrible... living conditions. Apparently, some kind of freak genetic mutation turned everyone west of Washington into some fungal monster desperately calling out for someone named 'Morty', which turns out to be the ruler's missing son. Blaming it on his also missing father-in-law, this Jerry has dedicated his life to fixing the mistakes made by his family and is clearing out herds of infected by himself while also establishing settlements for survivors to inhabit. It's turned into a refugee camp for those fleeing from the other kings, which gives the king a decently-sized army, not to mention the land around them warding off the Gems and Mandark's goons from attempting to breach in. The king is a calm fellow, if a bit unorthodox. He has a tendency to speak in the third-person, so take that as you will.
NOTE: As I mentioned, this is one of the few kings considered 'cordial' in the States. Do what you want with that info.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: I'm not going a hundred miles close to that place. If you want someone who can talk to these guys, find someone willing to take a dive into a toxic wasteland with a smile on their face.
Dethgov -- Ran by Nathan Explosion. Territories include Florida. The rule of Dethklok is paradoxical, but straightforward at the least; Metal rules. From their massive Mordehaus, the bandmates of Dethklok control legions of loyal Dethklokateers, who in turn are supported by the throbbing and thrashing hordes of the band's legions of fans, eager to serve their living gods no matter what cost. Spread across the state, there are numerous fortresses erected to hold their legions, each one a massive gothic cathedral of obsidian and iron, armed to the teeth with unholy amounts of weaponry. From these powerbases, the entire state of Florida is at the mercy of the band. And yet, not really much has changed, thanks to Mr. Explosion signing a land deal with the state's former governor (Governor "Plank 2x4") in ensuring reasonable boundaries for purchasing Florida.
NOTE: It's still Florida, but... more honest? Just watch out for the demons flying above your head.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: I've heard that Father's been thinking about making a move down South to personally silence that 'gosh-darn infernal rock & roll music', or so he claims. If things were to escalate between the two factions, it could be worth exploiting.
Paradigm City -- Ran by Alex Rosewater. Territories include parts of Maine. Appearing out of thin air one day, the man calling himself Alex Rosewater spent no time in establishing a foothold in Maine from his capital of Paradigm City. Seizing almost half of it from Rutopia's king, he has taken on a similar stance of isolation from the rest of the country while watching the wars unfold around him. However, with those pesky Gems poking at him from up north, it seems that desperate times may call for Mr. Rosewater to take desperate measures. Whatever those are.
NOTE: Definitely a man out of time scenario, with Rosewater seeming to have no recollection of how exactly he materialized a futuristic city out of thin air. Then again... the same could be said for all of the others. Where did all of these kings come from?
DAPHNE'S NOTE: This is the most mysterious Kingdom bar any in the entire United States. But maybe we can use that to our advantage and strike out a peace offering?
Langley Falls -- Ran by Ricky Spanish. Territories include Washington D.C. itself. One of the deadliest kings in the United States, this Ricky Spanish is a literal ghost who appeared out of the blue one day in a city called Langley Falls, terrorizing the local populace. From there, he went on to do the same for all of the Washington metropolitan area, enjoying spreading his cruel tendencies to anyone he sees: man or woman, child or elder, animals and aliens. Even the government had to abandon our own capital out of fear of this monster's cruelty. No one is spared from the threat of--
NOTE: Ricky has made his home out of the abandoned CIA headquarters outside of Langley, content on partying it up with a harem of sexy demon skanks and the foulest narcotics he can get his hands on.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: If we ever go to war one day, I want this guy's head on a plate after [REDACTED].
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Watch out if you decide to go on a road trip to Louisiana. That place is under the thrall of two evil ladies that sacrifice the blood of men to gain strange cat-like powers for themselves, while commanding an army of zombie soldiers. Don't ask how I know all this.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: These "Kids Next Door" appear to be some kind of underground organization of child spy soldiers, using espionage and other maneuvers to sabotage the operations of Father and others like him. Before The Fall, they seemed to span across the globe, but since then, their reach seems restricted to North America only.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Update to the information above, as it seems that Mandark managed to buy out some member of Voltar's gang to work for him, resulting in Voltar losing hold on Idaho and Mandark cementing his total control over the state. Buuuuut that victory of his last only for a little bit before the Flame Kingdom erupted in the middle of his terriotories.
Also, in recent years, he's lost his hold on all of Oregon and Washington to our neighbors, the H.I.V.E. World. More on that down below.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: It looks as if Katz is more focused on business than fending off invaders. One has to wonder why Katz would be so casual while surrounded by aliens and other magical creatures.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Strangely, rumors of collaboration between Boxman and the government have been voiced by plenty of people, due to reported sightings of Boxmore assets in the city of Metropolis, a place where the government has put its attention on.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: With some help from Wilt, I've learned that Slade was responsible for the destruction of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, which unleashed the worst of the Imaginary Friends onto the USA. Based on Wilt's testimony, some of Slade's minions corralled several of the worst Imaginary Friends into cages for whatever reason.
So Slade and H.I.V.E were the ones to attack Wilt's home, hopefully many managed to find safety.., but what could they be planning with the caught ones?
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Talking with a strange spitfire creature near its borders have revealed that there exists more elemental kingdoms across the globe, each one different from the other in their own ways.
NOTE: Any rumor of a man named "Venture" is bound to drive the Monarch on a mad hunt for whoever they are, dragging many League members along with him.
NOTE: He is supplied with his own private army called TYGER, armed with state of the art weapons and technology to enforce their Warden's rule. No one knows where he's getting his funding from, but my safe bet is our tax dollars. How else could it be explained?!
DAPHNE'S NOTE: Dozens of meta-humans and other infamous criminals are locked away in this mega-prison, some of which are from other continents! It is unknown how far Strange's influence grows, but it is believed that he has TYGER agents in place, ready to snatch up some poor unsuspecting soul to be added to his domain.
NOTE: Mutated creatures and flying aliens are heard to inhabit this kingdom, but that's all hearsay. Given the rest of the country's state, though, it wouldn't surprise you if any of this were true.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: That girl that Eugene (I refuse to call him by his alter-ego) tried wooing was some sort of teen scientist, years ahead of her time, along with another sister. Might be worth looking into for them.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: I've heard of these Crystal Gems! I had a friend obsessed with conspiracy theories and one of them was about these strange rock-ladies living in Beach City in the Delmarva Peninsula. Perhaps there's some sign of them residing there?
DAPHNE'S NOTE: A princess from another world? If that's the case, then there could be more allies out there among the stars willing to help us out in our fight against our neighbors.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: I'm not going a hundred miles close to that place. If you want someone who can talk to these guys, find someone willing to take a dive into a toxic wasteland with a smile on their face.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: I've heard that Father's been thinking about making a move down South to personally silence that 'gosh-darn infernal rock & roll music', or so he claims. If things were to escalate between the two factions, it could be worth exploiting.
DAPHNE'S NOTE: This is the most mysterious Kingdom bar any in the entire United States. But maybe we can use that to our advantage and strike out a peace offering?
Boat or plane to get to Japan. Maybe teleportation if the Magic keyboard still exist in Benson territory.
The thing is this is Shredder from 2003 yet i feels there are elementos of other series.
So dunno if it is decides to travel to Japan, we should instead focus on Making contact, seek power and networking. Because depending of TMNT Shredder the origin chance. Man if i remember correctly at one point there we're múltiple Shredder.
Mmm at this point i think that the only other good king to contact is Jerry, everyone else seem to have too many red flags.
Maybe we could have lucky checking the state of things outside US? I mean not everyone outside of the US could be this evil. Maybe a 90%..... 95%?
It was a strange two months for the world, following the announcement of a new King succeeding Maellard after his passing so soon. Most people didn't bat an eye to the news, let alone tune in to hear Benson's speech about not taking anything from the other Kings and declaring his intentions loud and proud for the world to hear.
And while his exploits in repairing the damages done to his capital and clearing out all crime has attracted some eyes, the world kept on turning, as it always does... until the day a strange broadcast aired on every media output that existed. Television, the Internet, radio, even Spells-cast (a popular substitution for face-time calls) was interrupted by a cool, mechanical voice preaching about the message of hope.
While short, his words left a powerful impact on the world as a whole. And it is shown down below for the Kings of North America...
Evil Adult Industries
Father - 66
K.N.D. Remnants - 14
In his own fiefdom of industrialized suburbia, Father oversees the day-to-day monotonous actions of his corporation with an iron fist. He relishes in the suffering of children with the passage of his new 'No Work, No Play' law, which now sees all children under the age of 6 forced to take up some form of a '9-5 job' in order to earn 5 minutes of playtime per week. His diabolical laughter can be heard over the cries and wailing of children yearning for just a little over-playtime.
For the Kids Next Door still fighting against Father, they are silently fuming at their failure to prevent the NWNP bill from being passed. Their time in the field is now hampered by this new law and are trying to calculate some parameters to work around it. So far, nothing has bore fruit. That hope they heard seems fleeting now.
Mandark Inc.
Mandark/"Number 1" - 46
Think Tank - 71
Within the halls of Number 1's private estate, the corporate overload of Mandark Inc. quietly observes the latest pastimes in the worlds of economics. A failed coup here, a business booming there. Same old procedures, different day. It was getting to be monotonous to the overlord when he paused, noticing a report of some new King attempting to purchase some fast-food restaurant chain, one that extends into his own territory.
Eyes narrowed, the overlord prepares for retaliation when a member of his Think Tank pings his personal phone.
"What is it now, Eddward?" Number 1 spits out.
"Erm, s-sir, I-I-I hate to bother you under the-these conditions, but you wanted us to inform you of when the Think Tank has completed modifying the schematics for your new EXO-Suit."
Number 1 rapped his fingers impatiently. "And?"
"It's finished, sir. We're waiting for you to come down and inspect it yourself."
A slimy grin grows on the overlord's face. Perfect.
Mandy - 4
Lord Boogey - 21
Rumors out of Endsville persist of a strange explosion occurring near President Mandy's estate and more concerning (yet hopefully) reports of Mandy being caught in the crossfire and killed. As many would come to find out, that was not the case. The President took to the airwaves within the following hour, quietly but coldly vowing retribution against the terrorist cell that dared to make an attack on her estate. Some hawk-eyed viewers would note that her big-nosed secretary was not there in attendance for the meeting, as well as noting the subtle shakes in her clenched fists as she spoke. Whether she wouldn't say it out right, the message was clear to those viewers: Something BIG had happened.
Even more damning was when Lord Boogey's personal pirate armada vanished from their routinely patrols in the Rio Styx-Grande, disappearing for weeks on end before returning to their normal patrols. Huh, wonder what that was all about?
The kingdom of Nowhere is enjoying a wonderful tour season this month, what with reports of private island resorts being booked full across all states, thousands of tourists coming in to see the strange findings of Nowhere like the mythical Bigfoot on display or the actual Mona Lisa bought off by Katz in some auction somewhere. The red-haired feline enjoys watching his coffers grow fatter with money.
Oh dear. Lord Boxman could be having a better time right now, what with one of his latest top-of-the-line robotics suddenly going berserk while on display and completely wrecking the building that he was showing it off in. Thankfully, no one but a few dozen Darryl bots were harmed in the process, but this fiasco costed Boxman a lucrative deal with some formal-looking men and women in suits, who left without another word.
His screams of outrage echo throughout the plaza where his headquarters are set up at.
Destroido Corp
Curses! How could this have happened?! He was so close, SO CLOSE, to finding that infernal girl that slipped past his fingers yet again. He's already lost sight of the other one, now this?! Something was happening and he had to put a stop to it before his destiny is denied from him AGAIN!
H.I.V.E. World
Slade - 89
Brother Blood - 86
Grim news are nothing new to be heard out of H.I.V.E. Kingdom, but this one is just outright horrific. It would seem that Slade managed to locate a cell of Titan supporters in Jump City, one of them being a former JLU member named after one of his minions. He decided let out Cinderblock & Plasmius to play with them for awhile. Images of mangled bodies are shown all over television screens from Washington to California, reported by men and women with wide eyes and trembling bodies. And in his new headquarters overlooking Jump City, Slade smiled at what he heard.
Elsewhere, Brother Blood is pleased to report that new trainees for his H.I.V.E. Academy have arrived looking for tutelage in supervillainy, some of them being pro-villains or mercenaries themselves. He is excited to bring them into the fold.
La Obscura Encordada
The king of Vegas is in trouble. Business is down and word on the street says that Luchador is becoming an outdated trend, a relic of the past, some even say. Ridiculous! After cleaning the stains off his floor of those blasphemers, El Malefico locked himself away in his hive of scum and villainy and began plotting ways to capitalize business again. Yet no matter how hard he tried, his mood soured at those reminders and lost focus in a blind fury, over and over again.
The people of Las Vegas didn't sleep straight for a whole week.
Flame Kingdom
The Flame King is content with what he hears in the outside world, his harrowing laughter echoing for miles within his domain. His court laugh with him and the flames of Yellowstone Caldera settle, knowing that its monarch is pleased by the chaos unfolding right now.
And hanging above her father's court, entrapped in a glass prison, the Flame Princess quietly curses her fate.
The Guild of Calamitous Intent
The Monarch is pissed off. So some asswipe named Brother Blood is trying to capitalize off the market of villainy by opening up his own school of snot-nosed brats?! Well, two can play at this game!
Already, an exasperated Dr. Mrs. The Monarch has announced the beginnings of the Institute of Calamitous Intent, a school designed to teach those interested in supervillainy how real pros do it! However, blood in the water report of the Guild's old-school members feeling miffed that the Monarch is allowing young blood into their circle and in such public events.
Arkham City
Hugo Strange - 51
Arkham City Inmates - 71
??? - 92
Hugo Strange raises an eyebrow at the reports he's receiving from his TYGER guards. While Wonder Tower is safely secured and protected by hundreds of loyal minions, the same cannot be said for the few safehouses stationed within Gotham City, which have been raided and stripped of all materials by some of the inmates. Already, reports of Two-Face and Penguin's men clashing in the Bowery District have reached him, along with sightings of Ebon's crew harassing the Toyman up in the old Sionis Steel Mill.
He sniffs imperiously, setting the reports aside. No matter, the freaks would kill each other soon enough. From the reports he's hearing, gang war is at an all-time high right now for reasons he cannot fathom, yet he knows that trying to understand the bipolar methods of these super-criminals would be for naught, given how quick they are to change tactics and strategies on a weekly basis. No, it's nothing more but a response to that strange broadcast they heard about hope.
Hugo lets out a chuckle, reaching for his scotch glass. "Hope," he says. "What a funny, yet ridiculous concept."
Meanwhile... as the world of Arkham City ticks on, something is stirring in the ruins of old Arkham Asylum.
In the swampy bayous of Florida, a mammoth of a man with three claw marks on his face groans, pulling himself to shore. Behind him, the blazing inferno of another accursed ghost ship sinks into the inky abyss of the Floridan waters. Nearby bystanders pay no attention to this, brushing it off as Florida being Florida as usual.
Taking a moment to catch his breath, the man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cell phone. A very old one, but one necessary for this job.
Dialing a number known to only a few people, he waits for the receiver to pick up. And once he does, he says only this.
"It's me. Job's been done, on my way back now."
Without hesitation, he crushes the phone with one hand and staggers off, people moving out of his way.
Across the country, inside his personal abode, the Shredder smiles.
Unbeknownst to him... he's about to receive some bad news in the morning when reports of Edge City's drug-manufacturing lab has been destroyed by that damned Ronin plaguing their territories. Not even Dorian was able to catch the Ronin, the Mask's power seemingly inefficient in catching his pray. He decided to take his anger out on a nearby wedding venue, turning the bride and groom's families inside into swiss cheese with his tommy gun.
Already on his way back home to NYC, the Ronin lets out a quiet sigh, placing his one arm up against the small dinghy he's in and smiles. That broadcast gave him the inspiration he needed to give old Shred-Head the swift kick in the ass that he needed.
Stewie Griffin - 80
Any frivolous charade of 'hope' or whatever was swiftly crushed by President Stewie airing re-runs of Caddyshack 2 for days on-end. Many of the people lost what little hope they had gathered after that terrible ordeal, some of which went as far as to take their own lives to escape the horrors that they witnessed.
Bling-Bling Boy - 61
??? - 62
Bling-Bling Boy was touring through the streets of Porkbelly, enjoying the lavishes of being a King when his jet was shot down by an unseen force. Enraged, he called upon his personal assassins, X and Y, to locate and destroy the source of this attempt on his life. They managed to track down the source of the shot to an abandoned warehouse in Porkbelly's shopping district and levelled it, and the device inside, to the ground.
However, the perpetrators behind it had long since fled the premises...
Peach Creek
Kanker Sisters - 93
??? - 97
The Kanker Sisters' raucous laughter dominates their kingdom with cruel malice, crushing the hopes and spirits of all those in their borders with brute force and crude words. Nothing that anyone tries seems to affect the sisters in any way, and very few (if any) people seem willing to speak out against the terrible trio's terrifying onslaught.
And yet... in the humble woods of Peach Creek, a man working his dead-end job at a gas station listens closely to the broadcast the day it aired. He didn't look like anything special; blue-black hair slicked back and greasy, beady little eyes and a crooked mouthline, and a height that made him look younger than what others his age are at. But none of that mattered to him as he listened, enamored by the words coming out of the nearby radio.
His boss, catching him slacking on the job, smacked him upside the head and shouted at him. "YOU LITTLE SHIT, QUIT DAYDREAMING AND GET BACK TO WORK!! WE'RE BACK UP FOR MILES HERE!"
Glaring at his boss, the man took off his nametag and threw it at his boss's face, making it go from red to purple in a matter of seconds.
"You want help, find someone else who'll do this dumbass job, Carl. I'm outta here."
The man paused in his steps, hesitation preventing him from moving forward. He wonders maybe if Carl was right, if he should go back now and grovel for his job to be given back to him...
That thought lasted until the newspaper slapped into his face.
"Who the hell even reads these things anymore? It's 20XX!" The man grumbled, pulling the paper off his face. Before pausing at what he saw in a little box on the page that slapped into him.
He stares long and hard into this page... before cracking open a wide smile.
"KISS MY ASS, CARL," he cackled, running off into the distance to start packing as fast as possible. "AND WATCH OUT, CALIFORNIA, BECAUSE EDDY MCGEE IS ABOUT TO MAKE YOUR WORLD A LITTLE MORE EXCITING!!"