Batman, Alfred, Nightwing (blame Deathstroke)
not a surprised given everything in Gotham and how it is normally.

Commissioner Jim Gordon (blame Hugo Strange)
Oh well damn, but that was a given with Gotham going to shit and batman taken out.

Starfire (Her sister was directly responsible)
NOOOOO, damn it BlackFire!

Green Arrow (Killed by Amazo)
I mean... he was just an archer, a damn good one but still, a lot of enemies could have killed him.

Samurai Jack: No one.
HAH, everyone is either captured and imprisoned, sent further into the future, or something but nobody but the robots die.

Scooby Doo: ???
Family Guy: ???
American Dad: ???
I mean.... makes sense considering we either have someone from there and need to discover them via the actions, one of our neighbors, or a bogeyman
Given that the Lazerus Pit's exist the reals question is who has her corpse.
Heck, she may have been cremated (most likely not, but you never know)
But yes, she could - hypoteticaly - be brought back.

Little Lazarus Info: despite having elements of Arkham City thrown in, it's not guaranteed that Gotham City has a Lazarus Pit underneath it.

There is definetly a Lazarus Pit somewhere in China and Tibet, one in the Middle East, and one somewhere in the Usa. But not in Gotham specifically.
Question what season are in for the likes of teen titans, Ben 10 omniverse since Esther is here and other prominent shows like adventure time, Steven universe and etc.

Also suggestion for aggregor cause his main reason for going to earth is too capture the escaped aliens he's gonna absorb to become the ultimate alien so a plot point of him trying to find said aliens could happen here we could have the chance to get the runaway aliens as allies and they aren't bad cause you got some heavy hitters. With a water hazard, armadrillo, amp phibian, and energy as potential heroes to gain.

Also their could be infiltration problems involving the highbreed trying to takeover our area for themselves and likely starting to fight the other kings.

Also the forever knights are definitely fighting against the likes of flame kingdom and any other non human threats in broken America.

And likely Driscoll the forever king is using mount Rushmore as his new base to takeover America if does want that cause the forever knights are a diverse faction.

Also what's Talia al ghuls reaction to her beloved death cause she does loves Bruce with all her heart and likely wants revenge against his killers and likely wants to resurrect Bruce and and likely wants to Mold Bruce to takeover the league of shadows with her which is totally in character for her.

Also what Ra's al ghuls thing cause he'd likely be on the same boat as Talia in eliminating strange and reviving Batman to make takeover the league as he considers him his perfect heir and greatly respects him.

Disappointed in both Batman and Strange [Ra's isn't following the Arkham City plotline]

Who says that she is around..? ;|

Don't know them

adventure time, Steven universe
Season 2 for Steven, Season 7/8 for Adventure Time

He's stranded and without resources.
The forever knights are basically modern day organization of knights Templar think of the templars from assasins creed but more techno knight aesthetic. They were founded by the saint George the dragon slayer to protect humanity and destroy any alien threats cause George was fighting an eldritch horror called dagon who took the form of a dragon and had an army of mind controlling creatures called lucubra which with the help of azmuth who gave him a super sword ascalon banished and Sealed Dagon and the lucubras in tombs forever locked away.

Dagon is a trigon level threat.

After which he created the forever knights to protect humanity from any alien threat and he disappeared but he's an immortal he's mostly laying low letting his successors do their own thing. But he'll return when push comes to shove and humanity is in danger he's gonna comeback to unite his order and fight for humanity.

But moving on the forever knights are a massive organization with deep pockets to the point they have multiple castles as bases in the states have super advanced tech they reversed engineered from the aliens they defeated many of whom were not dangerous but they are a bit xenophobic. Also they are not united as in theirs multiple factions doing their own thing with them disagreeing on how to do it and some are more self serving and want to takeover.

Also they are at times enemies of the plumbers cause they see them as perverted by allying with the aliens but at times they will work with each other if theirs a bigger threat.

Also their true enemy is the esoterica a cult dedicated to Dagon and wish to release him to the mortal plane which would be horrible to everyone.

And here's more info for the forever knights.

I actually like the forever knights as concept as its awesome to have ancient techno knights hellbent on protecting humanity from any extraterrestrial and eldritch threat and using alien technology to advance themselves. But they are foes cause they are too rigid in changing themselves but can be Reasoned with if theirs a bigger threat out their and the fact that the knights are multiple factions can lend us to having diplomacy with the more moderate factions.

Oh I just love Ben 10 and its lore also it's very much assured they are fighting against the likes of the mutraddi and gems and kings to take control for themselves.

Also I just love there aesthetics it's awesome


Forever Knights

The Forever Knights are an organization of human supremacist knights frequently fought by Ben and his team. Created by Sir George, they have existed for hundreds of years. They were first introduced in the Original Series, initially under the codename The Organization and have become recurring...

Sir George

Sir George (birthname Georgius) was an extremely old character in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien. He is the first Forever Knight, having founded them over one thousand years ago. In The Purge, he recruited the Forever Knight leaders to join his own faction of the Forever Knights, uniting all the...

Also the esoterica and dagon cause they are likely using this chaos unbind the seals and releasing the lucubra.


Dagon (or The Dagon) was an extra-dimensional demonic entity who tried to invade the main dimension with the help of his Lucubra army during Earth's medieval era. He was banished back to his dimension when Sir George defeated him by cutting out his heart with Ascalon, a powerful weapon given to...


The Flame Keepers' Circle Soldiers, also known as the Esoterica, are worshippers and followers of Dagon. They are led by a man named Conduit Edwards. All the Esoterica wear clothes with gold, red, and black colors. They wear black shoes with golden braces above them and tight black pants with...


The Lucubra (pronounced Loo-coo-brah)[1] are Dagon's minions. One appeared in The Creature From Beyond, while many appeared as enemies of Sir George in Solitary Alignment. The Lucubra are quadrupeds with greyish teal gelatinous bodies. Their faces consist mostly of red, teeth-like markings in a...

He's stranded and without resources.
He's likely not gonna be stranded for long since he's an Osmosian who's already absorbed multiple aliens and has their powers and can turn his body to any mineral he touches he can pretty Jerry rig something then start building up preparing to come to earth cause he's quite smart and cunning.

Also where's towns Ville located at.
PPG Townsville: Okhlahoma
Huh under Mandy then hhm I don't think MOJO Jojo would like to be under another little girl so what's he doing right now cause I think he'd likely be preparing his own takeover cause he's powerful enough to do it so another rival for Mandy.

Also what are the esoterica and fk doing right now with this information now held has sir George risen to unite the orders to fight against this dark threat.

And has the esoterica released the lucubras from theirs tombs to wreck havoc on the world for their dark master. Only the strong can resist their mind control even Gwen was not able to resist dagon after a lucubra got her.
the update?
When I have the time to sketch it out, of course.
Also, I have to take care of two Quests: This, and my own Original One.

please, be patient.
It goes well. But it is isolationist.
Since the land of Ooo isn't a supercontinent anymore (blame Aku and Anti-Pops who messed up reality), Finn never had the chance to meet Phoebe Pyro [Fire Princess]. Yes, the royal family's last name is Pyro.

Thus, the Fire Kingdom is just... content to exist in North America, letting some Fire Soldiers wander outside to just burn stuff. Everyone is pretty bored there.

If Flame King [Phoebus Feanør Pyro] is ever taken out, barely anything would change. The Fire Kingdom litterally has no stakes in America. Retaking it and Yellowstone may boost some tourism, but otherwise it's competely self contained.
Lady Arkham exists in this Quest.

Yes, she is Vicky Vale. No, she hasn't been transported from the Telltale 'Verse.

Her backstory is different , but it leads to the same result.

She switched over to the Lady Arkham persona when Batman got unmasked and Arkham City became a thing.

Yes, she is still a news star. Just, she is broadcasting for Villain stuff too, as well as taking part in the whole gang war.

Many Gotham, Bludhaven and Metropolis Rougues appear on her show. She's in relatively neutral contact with most of the important criminals.

She's on good terms with Harley Quinn, Scarecrow and Riddler. She has a rivalry with Livewire and Two-Face.

I've decided to write this because , overall, She didn't fit in anything important in the overall Quest. And if I decided to put her as the "big reveal" in an interlude, I fear that people would complain about a waste of time.

(She is the DCAU version of Vicky, mainly BtAS and JLU. Her villain outfit is the same as the Telltale version, only she has a different mask that partially covers her face instead of completely covering it.)