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They're a narrower capability because they cannot hold against larger ships or boarding attempts.

They're cheaper in terms of opportunity cost because they advance another goal beyond immediate defence (better ships for our fleet) while costing us the same resource, roughly—one action. The BP cost can be safely offloaded to Denva, who has a lot more BP than us. And then we can design a coupl'a proper ships they can make on the hangars we know they're repairing.
They're pretty decent at fighting larger ships, for their size and not being dedicated torpedo platforms, with the medium lance. Of course, 6 of them is significantly less ship than a serious cruiser.

And...what kind of boarding attempts? They're fast and agile, so they can avoid direct ship-to-ship boarding and get out of the path of boarding torpedoes. They're weak to boarding shuttles for lack of point defense. They've got good shields to resist teleport boarding, and can try to stay out of range, but are likely to be hurt if they do get hit with such a strike.

Hoping Denva follows the particular strategy you've imagined is not a solution, and researching heavy void shields doesn't in any way change that. Performing a diplomacy action to sell the idea might, but there goes your action economy.
Can't put Heavy Void Shields on destroyers anyway.

-[] Heavy Void shields (150 RP) Your current shields are good, but they could be better. Specifically, you want to make multi-layered shields, which could be applied to anything larger than a destroyer (Unlocks heavy void shields for ships and stations, as well as further research for void shielding improved for recharge speed, layered defenses, etc.)
We, unfortunately, can't probably still defend those well enough against any serious invasion. We've been winning this far with overwhelming our enemies with numbers. Better weapons and other upgrades are desperately needed both for our ships and our bots and other ground units.
Makes sense. Still points to more research rather than popping out a couple dinghies, though.
They're pretty decent at fighting larger ships, for their size and not being dedicated torpedo platforms, with the medium lance. Of course, 6 of them is significantly less ship than a serious cruiser.

And...what kind of boarding attempts? They're fast and agile, so they can avoid direct ship-to-ship boarding and get out of the path of boarding torpedoes. They're weak to boarding shuttles for lack of point defense. They've got good shields to resist teleport boarding, and can try to stay out of range, but are likely to be hurt if they do get hit with such a strike.

Hoping Denva follows the particular strategy you've imagined is not a solution, and researching heavy void shields doesn't in any way change that. Performing a diplomacy action to sell the idea might, but there goes your action economy.
They would seem to be keen on it, considering they are building their own space hangars. I doubt W is sleeping on it, or that the government is. If they are, I'll stand corrected and we can pop some ships next turn and bonk Denva over the head for making the same mistake again.

It is their home to defend, after all.
Can't put Heavy Void Shields on destroyers anyway.
True, but they can be put on stations. Then you mount some cannons or torpedoes and the system becomes much hardened.
You know, these are fair points. Void shields are expensive, and we can't dictate Denva's manufacturing priorities - only provide opportunities, incentives, and help to do things that they're okay with doing.

And oh, incidentally, they happen to have an unresolved military problem that they're more or less leaning on us to help, or at least take the lead since we're here. Now, where have I heard that one before...

oh yeah

-[] Void Shield Discounts (300 RP) You have some ideas on how to swap out materials or simplify designs to reduce the costs of void shields. (Reduces the cost of void shields across the board. May lead to new kinds of mundane applications for void shields, such as manufacturing modules, shielded fighters or shuttles)

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As long as we are batting around research ideas and wishes, I think we should get the basic Necron study done sooner rather than later. The description of the tech gives a pretty big hint that we shouldn't wait to long on this (Emphasis mine).

-[] Necron Initial Investigations (200 RP) You've got these scary robots lying in prison cells as if you're afraid they'll come to life and attack. Which you are. But the reason you have them is to study them, so start studying them. Everythign about them is fascinating, from the matierals they're made from to their mode of articulation to their processing units and even some faint radiation they're giving off. (Begins the necron research tree). Requires advanced technological research lab.

Actually... we have a lot of samples kicking around. Might be worth a turn of just clearing samples.
They would seem to be keen on it, considering they are building their own space hangars. I doubt W is sleeping on it, or that the government is. If they are, I'll stand corrected and we can pop some ships next turn and bonk Denva over the head for making the same mistake again.
What are you talking about with 'space hangars'? I don't see anything like that in the chapters. Also, whatever that means, it certainly doesn't mean planetary shield-and-gun fortresses, nor does it mean converting Klyssar's Nest into a battlestation. Which is what you're presenting as an alternative to 'having any ships whatsoever'.
True, but they can be put on stations. Then you mount some cannons or torpedoes and the system becomes much hardened.
Under the build rules, weapon platforms are basically worthless. It costs very nearly the same amount to put X weapons on defense platforms as to put it on mobile ships. There's no upside of note. More, while we've got the pre-made hulls available.
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Speaking of, here are my thoughts and ideas about research that makes sense to do now, and some mathematics on it. Please comment or critique!

New and improved Target Research List:

Gravity Weapons (200)
Biggest Boom (150)
Equipment Efficiency (100)
Improved Passive Stealth (50)
Improved Engines (125)
Heavy Shields (150)
Large Scale Machine Spirits (75)
Reasoning: at least one weapons tech would really make our ships better; gravity has the advantage of small arms application. Equip efficiency is good for the Spark and for ship designs. Passive Stealth is cheap, and getting that out of the way would let us look at the Drukhari ship.

Improved Engines might let us win the manoeuvring game against most if not all aggressors, and Heavy Shields pull double duty for ships and stations.

Large Spirits would help with CP and chaos resist, but its main thing is for Denva, for large scale OMC.
Total: 775
My recommendation: Gravity Weapons + Equip Efficiency + Heavy Shields (450)
Superconductors (50)
Large Scale Void Manufacturing (100)
Advanced Materials (250)
MS ship manufactories (75)
Reasoning: Superconductors is a straight boost, though small. LSVM is straight unbeatable for shipboard manufacturies. MS manufac would combo well with it, though.

AdMat would unlock megastructures we can leave the Void Miners building, and it would synergise with Necron research.
Total: 400
My recommendation: LSVM. AdMat as stretch goal (100 + 250).
R&D Collab (250)
Ms halluc (300)
Int Code (230)

Reasoning: R&D Collab potentialises the cogitare we have and the ones Denva does, plus it allows us to get a boon. Int Code is foundational to perhaps the most powerful of our tech trees.

MS Halluc is here because there's no other RP providing research besides these three.
Total: 750
My recommendation: R&D, with Int Code as a stretch goal (250 + 230)
Medium Defence (50)
Heavy Shields (150)
Heavy Atm Shields (100)
OMC Improvements:
Gameified OMC (75)
Streamlined OMC (125)
R&D Collab (250)
Lower specs OMC (150)
Transfer OMC (100)
Large Scale OMC (75)
Reasoning: Briefly, all of them help fortify the system or improve the omc tech significantly.
Total: 1075 (400 repeat)
My recommendation: get what we were getting anyways, with Medium Defence and Large Scale OMC as stretch (0 + 125)
Demonology (100)
Yellin' (150, but really 300)
Empathy @ Range (150)
Warp Comms (???)
Imm. Und (200)
Faith (60)

Reasoning: Demonology so we can reuse the Oubliette and can smite Chaos. Warp comms because we travel a lot. Imm Und. is just veey powerful, though we may want to save the level up for after 20.

Faith is good for more chaos protection, a productive faith, and meeting (or designing!) friendly entities. Should pair well with Demonology.
Total: 810+
My recommendation: Faith + Warp Comms + Demonology (610+)

Necrons (200)
Humming Gems (100)
Dark Eldar Craft (150)
Dark Eldar Weapons (150)
Chaos Marines (150)
Dark Eldar Dissect (75)

Reasoning: Necrons are terrifying and have way more advanced tech than us, something few samples will contain. Including regenerating metal. The Gems may help with shields and Psytech (especially Psychic Materials). The Craft will help with stealth, and Deldar weapons will help our bots be more effective.

The last two, especially Marines, will help with our genetics research for the next bit.
Total: 825
My recommendation: Necrons, with Craft & Marines as stretch (200 + 300)
In Vitro (100)
Navi Genetics (400, but really 550)
Navi Gestation (150+)

Reasoning: Having a navigator would be great, and we want to level them up. Looking at it right now, it may be impossible to do properly right now. But we should start.
Total: 700+
My recommendation: In Vitro + Complex Enhancement (250)

TOTAL: 4935+
Total from my recs: 1860 + 905 stretch.

Hence my desire to get more RP ASAP—as it is we might make the non-stretch goal with three turns of double research. Might.
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As long as we are batting around research ideas and wishes, I think we should get the basic Necron study done sooner rather than later. The description of the tech gives a pretty big hint that we shouldn't wait to long on this (Emphasis mine).

Actually... we have a lot of samples kicking around. Might be worth a turn of just clearing samples.
Agreed. Though note that we have word of QM that we'll get a more out of the Necrons if we do Ad. Mat. first.
What are you talking about with 'space hangars'? I don't see anything like that in the chapters. Also, whatever that means, it certainly doesn't mean planetary shield-and-gun fortresses, nor does it mean converting Klyssar's Nest into a battlestation. Which is what you're presenting as an alternative to 'having any ships whatsoever'.

Under the build rules, weapon platforms are basically worthless. It costs very nearly the same amount to put X weapons on defense platforms as to put it on mobile ships. There's no upside of note. More, while we've got the pre-made hulls available.
Sorry, shipyards. They started working on them once we killed the Echo, so they've had some time to put work into them. And I was thinking Denva could get some use out of building Defence Platforms around Klyssar and Denva themselves. That precludes needing to place anti ship weapons inside.

And Klyssar had anti boarding weapons before we came in, so those can definitely be installed without converting the whole place into a battle station.

Quote re: Denva shipyards:
You kept the ships, they're yours unless you finish them or give them back (which won't earn a boon unless you've finished them). They're already starting to lay the frameworks for new shipyards in Aetherion orbit, though it's not currently their absolute highest priority because you're still here.
Demonology (100)
Yellin' (150, but really 300)
Empathy @ Range (150)
Warp Comms (???)
Imm. Und (200)

Reasoning: Demonology so we can reuse the Oubliette and can smite Chaos. Warp comms because we travel a lot. Imm Und. is just veey powerful, though we may want to save the level up for after 20.
Total: 750+
My recommendation: Warp Comms + Demonology (550+)

Missing Faith Studies. Important for giving us broader defenses against chaos, better psyker training programs, understanding the warp more broadly, and maybe summoning living saints and other less hostile warp entities.
True, but it is also likely to discount Ad Mat if we do Necron's first. So I think either would work.
That was not really implied in that conversation, that I recall. I think the idea is Ad. Mat. is too basic for the necrons to help with it.
Missing Faith Studies. Important for giving us broader defenses against chaos, better psyker training programs, understanding the warp more broadly, and maybe summoning living saints and other less hostile warp entities.
Facts. Will add.
My ideal research in a vacuum for next turn is shaping up to be:

Collaborative Computational R&D (250 RP)
Void Abacus Manufacturing (50 RP)
Faith is my Shield (60 RP)
Demonology (100 RP)
-Boosted (+25 RP)
Intelligence Coding (+50 RP)

This would get us more RP, another Boon, and finally bind Bongo into a cage.
Sorry, shipyards. They started working on them once we killed the Echo, so they've had some time to put work into them. And I was thinking Denva could get some use out of building Defence Platforms around Klyssar and Denva themselves. That precludes needing to place anti ship weapons inside.

And Klyssar had anti boarding weapons before we came in, so those can definitely be installed without converting the whole place into a battle station.

Quote re: Denva shipyards:
A small weapon platform has four advantages over a destroyer: it doesn't have to pay 50 BP to be able to move, it takes 10 CP instead of 50 to run, it doesn't require a shipyard to build, and it's allowed to be 100-199 BP if you want for some reason.

On the other hand, it's capped at 400 BP instead of 500 and cannot move. And of those advantages only the lower CP cost is even worth the text to mention it, and that's negligible at present. They are a total waste of BP and attention.

By anti-boarding defenses, do you mean point defense guns to shoot down shuttles, or internal fortifications? Being able to shoot down shuttles sometimes does not actually prevent boarding at all. Also, neither of them prevents hammering the station into a hulk and looting the wreckage.

It's true that most Drukhari raiders wouldn't blow very much stuff up because they'd be too busy enslaving as many people as they could fit aboard. But that's just the Drukhari.
One definite advantage of defense platforms is that they don't require shipyards or ship construction slots to build.

I'm also optimistic that they scale up faster and with less required research than ships, but that's speculative.
I also wonder if a network of stations could put a void shield around a whole planet...
I think that's more a job for a groundside megaproject - though it's more luxury than necessity once you're otherwise fortified so that enemies can't loiter over your ground and can't bombard any of your high-value locations.
That's generally true, but at this specific moment in this specific system, it's actually a huge advantage.

Shipyards can't yet be run by OMC, whereas factories by themselves can and are.
I don't see the huge advantage.

Shipyards mean putting a bunch of non-OMC people in space, sure, but that's not an actual problem, just a modest expense.
I think that's more a job for a groundside megaproject - though it's more luxury than necessity once you're otherwise fortified so that enemies can't loiter over your ground and can't bombard any of your high-value locations.

I don't see the huge advantage.

Shipyards mean putting a bunch of non-OMC people in space, sure, but that's not an actual problem, just a modest expense.

It also means training a bunch of non-OMC people in a complicated and dangerous job to be done in space, starting from absolute scratch because everyone with any experience operating a shipyard died when the Echo took control of the one they had or when we took control of it back.
It also means training a bunch of non-OMC people in a complicated and dangerous job to be done in space, starting from absolute scratch because everyone with any experience operating a shipyard died when the Echo took control of the one they had or when we took control of it back.
OMC operating a shipyard is even more a skill coming from scratch. And training a bunch of people to do a job is just elementary things a government does all the time.
OMC operating a shipyard is even more a skill coming from scratch. And training a bunch of people to do a job is just elementary things a government does all the time.

Yes and?

None of that changes or detracts from anything I've said?

Denva could put 46 Caltrops in orbit using just the VBP they were able to spare for us and exactly 0 destroyers because trying to build the latter runs into a hard logistical block that they're unlikely to overcome for at least another turn or two. If we were to research and design larger platforms they could build those just as easily and they would be similarly incapable of building larger ships.

You say that needing to build a shipyard first isn't a significant obstacle, I say that if it wasn't they'd have one built by now and we wouldn't be having this discussion. If spontaneously hiring thousands of people trained in a dangerous technical profession for which every living worker with any actual experience is dead were a routine task for a government, then the subject of OMC training time would have never come up in the thread. If finding the BP to make it happen were the only thing holding them back, they could have built 88 ship construction slots worth of yards last turn rather than only having some in progress now.

I'm not saying it's not a niche situation, and I never said it was a huge advantage, but not needing shipyards is absolutely an advantage that makes defense platforms worth considering, especially in the current situation.
My current plans:

[] Plan: Collab R&D w/ Warp Comms prep
-[] Voidforge Miners: Build more manufactories for us?
-[] Construction: repair shipyard, build 6 candles. Turn over candles to Denva.
-[] Diplomacy: Help Denva get their R&D up and running, in cooperation W/ Cogitare. Let Cogitare and Voidforge miners use our manufacturing capacity when we're not using it.
-[] Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 545 RP)
--[] Collaborative Computational R&D (250 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Faith is my shield? (60 RP)
--[] Large Scale Machine Spirits (75 RP)
--[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP)
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (+10 RP)
-[] Turn over Collaborative R&D to earn a boon together with the diplomacy action.

[] Plan: Warp Comms at Speed
-[] Voidforge Miners: Build more manufactories for us?
-[] Construction: repair shipyard, build 6 candles. Turn over candles to Denva.
-[] Diplomacy: Check up on the Vellkar over on Denva Primus, make sure the cultists didn't cause them any problems, and maybe negotiate the usage of their Kultrinium deposits.
-[] Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 545 RP)
--[] Superconductive Shenanigans (50 RP)
--[] Faith is my shield? (60 RP)
--[] Large Scale Machine Spirits (75 RP)
--[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP)
--[] Empathy at Range (150 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (50 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (+10 RP)

[] Plan: Necrons W/ Warp Comms Prep
-[] Voidforge Miners: Build more manufactories for us?
-[] Construction: Advanced Tech Lab, repair shipyard, build candles. Turn over candles to Denva.
-[] Diplomacy: Check up on the Vellkar over on Denva Primus, make sure the cultists didn't cause them any problems, and maybe negotiate the usage of their Kultrinium deposits.
-[] Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 545 RP)
--[] Superconductive Shenanigans (50 RP)
--[] Faith is my shield? (60 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Large Scale Machine Spirits (75 RP)
--[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP)
--[] Necron Initial Investigations (200 RP)
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (+10 RP)

Not entirely sure which of these is best. Note that we *need* to start on warp comms soon if we're going to get them set up before we leave Denva. And that means doing ASM this turn, EaR and YitW next turn, and Warp Comms itself the turn after.
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A small weapon platform has four advantages over a destroyer: it doesn't have to pay 50 BP to be able to move, it takes 10 CP instead of 50 to run, it doesn't require a shipyard to build, and it's allowed to be 100-199 BP if you want for some reason.

On the other hand, it's capped at 400 BP instead of 500 and cannot move. And of those advantages only the lower CP cost is even worth the text to mention it, and that's negligible at present. They are a total waste of BP and attention.

By anti-boarding defenses, do you mean point defense guns to shoot down shuttles, or internal fortifications? Being able to shoot down shuttles sometimes does not actually prevent boarding at all. Also, neither of them prevents hammering the station into a hulk and looting the wreckage.

It's true that most Drukhari raiders wouldn't blow very much stuff up because they'd be too busy enslaving as many people as they could fit aboard. But that's just the Drukhari.
Hence wanting to research Medium platforms. Those can be larger! And they don't need to move if they're defending stationary places, like a planet or station. Plus, the CP reduction is very significant since Denva relies on OMC.
Yeah, but if you're building a meaningful amount of defenses, the price of a shipyard isn't going to be dominating your investment.
It is if you want to get a bunch of them online at once (since you'll need more shipyarss for more slots).
My current plans:

[] Plan: Collab R&D w/ Warp Comms prep
-[] Voidforge Miners: Build more manufactories for us?
-[] Construction: repair shipyard, build 6 candles. Turn over candles to Denva.
-[] Diplomacy: Help Denva get their R&D up and running, in cooperation W/ Cogitare. Let Cogitare and Voidforge miners use our manufacturing capacity when we're not using it.
-[] Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 545 RP)
--[] Collaborative Computational R&D (250 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Faith is my shield? (60 RP)
--[] Large Scale Machine Spirits (75 RP)
--[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP)
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (+10 RP)
-[] Turn over Collaborative R&D to earn a boon together with the diplomacy action.

[] Plan: Warp Comms at Speed
-[] Voidforge Miners: Build more manufactories for us?
-[] Construction: repair shipyard, build 6 candles. Turn over candles to Denva.
-[] Diplomacy: Check up on the Vellkar over on Denva Primus, make sure the cultists didn't cause them any problems, and maybe negotiate the usage of their Kultrinium deposits.
-[] Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 545 RP)
--[] Superconductive Shenanigans (50 RP)
--[] Faith is my shield? (60 RP)
--[] Large Scale Machine Spirits (75 RP)
--[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP)
--[] Empathy at Range (200 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (+10 RP)

[] Plan: Necrons W/ Warp Comms Prep
-[] Voidforge Miners: Build more manufactories for us?
-[] Construction: Advanced Tech Lab, repair shipyard, build candles. Turn over candles to Denva.
-[] Diplomacy: Check up on the Vellkar over on Denva Primus, make sure the cultists didn't cause them any problems, and maybe negotiate the usage of their Kultrinium deposits.
-[] Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 545 RP)
--[] Superconductive Shenanigans (50 RP)
--[] Faith is my shield? (60 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Large Scale Machine Spirits (75 RP)
--[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP)
--[] Necron Initial Investigations (200 RP)
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (+10 RP)

Not entirely sure which of these is best. Note that we *need* to start on warp comms soon if we're going to get them set up before we leave Denva. And that means doing ASM this turn, EaR and YitW next turn, and Warp Comms itself the turn after.
I am not a fan of doing Necrons when we could do Ad Mat first. Also, R&D will give us up to 40 RP/turn, so I say do that one first if we do it at all.

My current thinking is:
[] Plan: Denva Development
-[] Voidforge Miners: Build more manufactories for us?
-[] Diplomacy: Help Denva get their R&D up and running, in cooperation w/ Cogitare.
--[] Turn over Collab R&D
-[] Diplomacy: Check on the Velkar. See if there's corruption + if we can obtain a mining agreement
--[] Victan
-[] Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 545 RP)
--[] Collaborative Computational R&D (250 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Empathy at Range (150 RP)
--[] Heavy Shields (145 RP)
Yes and?

None of that changes or detracts from anything I've said?

Denva could put 46 Caltrops in orbit using just the VBP they were able to spare for us and exactly 0 destroyers because trying to build the latter runs into a hard logistical block that they're unlikely to overcome for at least another turn or two. If we were to research and design larger platforms they could build those just as easily and they would be similarly incapable of building larger ships.

You say that needing to build a shipyard first isn't a significant obstacle, I say that if it wasn't they'd have one built by now and we wouldn't be having this discussion. If spontaneously hiring thousands of people trained in a dangerous technical profession for which every living worker with any actual experience is dead were a routine task for a government, then the subject of OMC training time would have never come up in the thread. If finding the BP to make it happen were the only thing holding them back, they could have built 88 ship construction slots worth of yards last turn rather than only having some in progress now.

I'm not saying it's not a niche situation, and I never said it was a huge advantage, but not needing shipyards is absolutely an advantage that makes defense platforms worth considering, especially in the current situation.
Yeah, but I think the logistical block doesn't exist. They haven't built a shipyard yet because they haven't dedicated the BP, not because running shipyards is hard and requires decades of HR work. The same BP that would build the shipyard would be the ones spent to build a largely useless number of defense platforms.

1000 BP for a small shipyard is way better than spending the same BP on 2-3 rubbish defense platforms.
Hence wanting to research Medium platforms. Those can be larger! And they don't need to move if they're defending stationary places, like a planet or station. Plus, the CP reduction is very significant since Denva relies on OMC.
It is if you want to get a bunch of them online at once (since you'll need more shipyarss for more slots).
My bet's on medium platforms being just as worthless, because the underlying problem is the core build mechanic. For static defenses to be worth buying they need to be bought at a large discount compared to an equivalent fighting strength of mobile elements, and that's simply not how our rules work. (This can take the form of discounts or of capability boosts or both, but we don't really have either.)

I don't think Denva has a CP shortage, and ships won't be a significant CP draw until they actually have a significant number of them. A destroyer pulls the same CP as a single non-MS manufactory. They've got a lot of manufactories. By the time that's relevant, they'll hopefully have MS destroyers, too, which may not take much CP at all.

And yes, if you were going to spend, say, 10,000 BP on defenses in one turn, you might need...a 3000 BP shipyard instead of a 1000 BP shipyard. But that's not a big problem and not actually the situation. If it was, well, I'd be pretty happy with them building either 4 ships with a small shipyard and some fixed defenses, or a medium shipyard and 4-5 ships but having the shipyard.

And, actually, moving is an enormous advantage even for defending a fixed location. Especially a big fixed location like a planet. Fixed defenses either cluster together to cover each other, but not cover the objective well, or spread out and are exposed to defeat in detail. It's an even more enormous advantage when you have more than one fixed location, which we do, because it means all your defense can be where it is needed instead of being trapped where it isn't.
Hence wanting to research Medium platforms. Those can be larger! And they don't need to move if they're defending stationary places, like a planet or station. Plus, the CP reduction is very significant since Denva relies on OMC.

It is if you want to get a bunch of them online at once (since you'll need more shipyarss for more slots).

I am not a fan of doing Necrons when we could do Ad Mat first. Also, R&D will give us up to 40 RP/turn, so I say do that one first if we do it at all.

My current thinking is:
[] Plan: Denva Development
-[] Voidforge Miners: Build more manufactories for us?
-[] Diplomacy: Help Denva get their R&D up and running, in cooperation w/ Cogitare.
--[] Turn over Collab R&D
-[] Diplomacy: Check on the Velkar. See if there's corruption + if we can obtain a mining agreement
--[] Victan
-[] Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 545 RP)
--[] Collaborative Computational R&D (250 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Empathy at Range (150 RP)
--[] Heavy Shields (145 RP)

Again, warp comms. ASM is the start of the longer leg, so we should do it first. I'm down for collab R&D, its in my first plan, but we can't keep sleeping on ASM.
Voting is open for the next 22 hours, 9 minutes