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Ascalon is going to tell us a lot about whether 1 turn per system is going to be how things go or not, I think.
The thing about us staying in a system is the benefits get from doing so without warp comms there's no real point build an industry unless we get paid for it even if that payment is crew numbers, samples of tech that equate to RP or rare trade goods that we can use to open diplomatic doors, maybe we find a good expansion for Denva then we use that for a boon.

I'm not saying we have to rewarded for everything but we've spent 20 turns building up one planet based on the idea that we'll be able to use it when we come back while we're in the sector we don't want to do that all over again unless we absolutely have to.

One of the ideas I have for latter is an AI controlling a mobile starfort that is mostly manufacturing and when we get to a sector we settle it down somewhere central and then explore while using it as a Hub so we don't have to continuously. reestablish home ports
The thing about us staying in a system is the benefits get from doing so without warp comms there's no real point build an industry unless we get paid for it even if that payment is crew numbers, samples of tech that equate to RP or rare trade goods that we can use to open diplomatic doors, maybe we find a good expansion for Denva then we use that for a boon.

I'm not saying we have to rewarded for everything but we've spent 20 turns building up one planet based on the idea that we'll be able to use it when we come back while we're in the sector we don't want to do that all over again unless we absolutely have to.

One of the ideas I have for latter is an AI controlling a mobile starfort that is mostly manufacturing and when we get to a sector we settle it down somewhere central and then explore while using it as a Hub so we don't have to continuously. reestablish home ports
We'll probably get warp coms in 3-5 turns, IMO? We know roughly where in the tech tree they are, and are quite close to them. We just need to find the RP to dig them out, and roll reasonably well along the way.
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The thing about us staying in a system is the benefits get from doing so without warp comms there's no real point build an industry unless we get paid for it even if that payment is crew numbers, samples of tech that equate to RP or rare trade goods that we can use to open diplomatic doors, maybe we find a good expansion for Denva then we use that for a boon.

I'm not saying we have to rewarded for everything but we've spent 20 turns building up one planet based on the idea that we'll be able to use it when we come back while we're in the sector we don't want to do that all over again unless we absolutely have to.

One of the ideas I have for latter is an AI controlling a mobile starfort that is mostly manufacturing and when we get to a sector we settle it down somewhere central and then explore while using it as a Hub so we don't have to continuously. reestablish home ports

Also it kind of makes sense for the Denvans to expand this way and build the industry themselves both as a continuation of their ethos and to get some more pop/strategic depth. The closer we are to Denva the more sense it is to leave things to the Denvans and Ascalon is as close as it gets. That said I do not think we are lucky enough to find another iconoclast polity, those would not be that common. If we do find Imperials they are likely to be dogmatic, in which case we might want to overthrow the local nobles or just, again, leave that to the Denvans.
How well does Anexa do with them? Rolling - 31+12(Anexa's level) = 44. Success.
+50 tech-priests, led by Magos Quorath Velis

I just realised the pun in this guy's name.

We made the 40k equivalent of an internet forum where young tech-priests asked questions, and the dude is named Quorath.

I was wrong this whole time, it wasn't 4chan, it was Quora.
The thing about us staying in a system is the benefits get from doing so without warp comms there's no real point build an industry unless we get paid for it even if that payment is crew numbers, samples of tech that equate to RP or rare trade goods that we can use to open diplomatic doors, maybe we find a good expansion for Denva then we use that for a boon.

I'm not saying we have to rewarded for everything but we've spent 20 turns building up one planet based on the idea that we'll be able to use it when we come back while we're in the sector we don't want to do that all over again unless we absolutely have to.

One of the ideas I have for latter is an AI controlling a mobile starfort that is mostly manufacturing and when we get to a sector we settle it down somewhere central and then explore while using it as a Hub so we don't have to continuously. reestablish home ports
I'm not suggesting we build an industrial base unless we have a clear need. Although I do think we will need a Vitan rather than Denvan industrial base again at some point, that's not what the current expedition is about and we certainly don't need factories at every star.

But simply exploring every PoI in a system might take more than a turn! Denva might have, even ignoring Denva Secundus itself, if we hadn't critted the system exploration check.

(And occasionally we might want to use our shipboard manufacturing and park an expendable high energy physics or warp lab and research something particularly exciting and excitable.)
But simply exploring every PoI in a system might take more than a turn! Denva might have, even ignoring Denva Secundus itself, if we hadn't critted the system exploration check.

I get that but at the same time I don't want to be stuck in a system doing POI scans for more than 2 turns because while that is more time for research it's also time for things to go wrong and with an awakened tomb world that's just a matter of time
I get that but at the same time I don't want to be stuck in a system doing POI scans for more than 2 turns because while that is more time for research it's also time for things to go wrong and with an awakened tomb world that's just a matter of time
It's not really more time for research if we're doing explore actions...

But I don't see any upside to a particular per-system time limit. Deciding some PoIs aren't worth the candle is possible but is a function of what we think we're getting for our actions, not of how much is in a given spot.
I just realized something.
This ship arrived through warp and thanks to slaanesh Eldar cannot into warp because nom nom nom.
So my question is how? Is this quirk of this quest or something else going on?

Depends on the Eldar. Craftworlders have to have heavy shielding, Exodites don't usually travel so who knows, Harlequins still have an active God protecting them and Dark Eldar can in fact Warp Travel but it wets their appetite something fierce any time they do it so they avoid it as well unless the target is really really worth it.
Depends on the Eldar. Craftworlders have to have heavy shielding, Exodites don't usually travel so who knows, Harlequins still have an active God protecting them and Dark Eldar can in fact Warp Travel but it wets their appetite something fierce any time they do it so they avoid it as well unless the target is really really worth it.

I think Exodites would just die, the way they resist Slaanesh is their bond to the World Soul, but if they are in the Warp they are not on their planet and thus screwed.
I think Exodites would just die, the way they resist Slaanesh is their bond to the World Soul, but if they are in the Warp they are not on their planet and thus screwed.

Well yes if they no longer have their bond to their World Soul they die. Thing is Space Wolves Rune Priests maintain their bond to Fenris' World Soul just fine and use it to power themselves so if Space Marines can do it why would Eldar be unable to?
Because rune priest soul do not belong to slaanesh.

And Exodites do? Last I checked the Exodites don't feel the touch of Slaanesh precisely because they are Exodites. Even Craftworlds still participated in the debauchery of the Eldar Dominion, the Exodites are the Eldar that abandoned the Dominion and renounced its decadence.
And Exodites do? Last I checked the Exodites don't feel the touch of Slaanesh precisely because they are Exodites. Even Craftworlds still participated in the debauchery of the Eldar Dominion, the Exodites are the Eldar that abandoned the Dominion and renounced its decadence.
Slaanesh do not discriminate, all elder souls belong to slaanesh only difference is that some souls also have additional claimants.
And Exodites do? Last I checked the Exodites don't feel the touch of Slaanesh precisely because they are Exodites. Even Craftworlds still participated in the debauchery of the Eldar Dominion, the Exodites are the Eldar that abandoned the Dominion and renounced its decadence.

IIRC, the claim that Slaanesh has is over the souls of the entire Eldar species regardless of whether they participated in her formation or not, no matter how distant they were from the Eye of Terror and no matter the relations they had with the Dominion.

It's a narrative claim on their souls since Slaanesh basically ate all of their gods and any concept of an Eldar afterlife / reincarnation got gulped down with their gods, she is now their afterlife.

(That last part might not be canon but I choose to believe it is)

EDIT: The Craftworlders stave off Slaanesh by basically committing their entire psyche to a specific role or purpose for a few years to keep themselves from hyperfixating on a chosen role and losing themselves in the process (The Path System) and use spirit stones to capture their souls so they don't go to Slaanesh.

The Exodites rely upon an equal mix of subsisting with the bare-minimum amount of technology and resources to stay alive in 40k but not grow decadent + creating a world-spirit on their planets to capture their souls instead of a spirit-stone, if they leave the planet and aren't given some way of keeping their souls safe when they die, they get schlorped up.

The Harlequins are different because their souls go to Cegorach instead of Slaanesh because his claim on them is higher, but Solitaires (Harlequins who act out the role of Slaanesh in their retelling of the Fall and thusly catch her attention) have their souls claimed by Slaanesh (although Cegorach is said to try and contest her claim when possible)

The Deldar basically don't stave off Slaanesh, but instead they kind of 'Top-Up' their leaking souls by feeding off of the pain of others.

To sum it up, the Eldar are always affected by Slaanesh in some way, to the point that they had to socially re-engineer their entire culture thrice over just to survive (with the Deldar doubling down).
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I think that the Exodite dragon riders canonically travel around without soul problems.

In any case, they should also be safe in general if we considers that Exodites use soul stones like the Craftworlders.
Slaanesh do not discriminate, all elder souls belong to slaanesh only difference is that some souls also have additional claimants.

IIRC, the claim that Slaanesh has is over the souls of the entire Eldar species regardless of whether they participated in her formation or not, no matter how distant they were from the Eye of Terror and no matter the relations they had with the Dominion.

It's a narrative claim on their souls since Slaanesh basically ate all of their gods and any concept of an Eldar afterlife / reincarnation got gulped down with their gods, it is now their afterlife.

(That last part might not be canon but I choose to believe it is)

No. That is not how that works. True Exodite souls don't belong to Slaanesh. The problem with that is that True Exodites are the Eldar who have fully renounced the decadence of the Dominion. Most Exodites have only renounced the automation of the Dominion and then tell themselves that it is their cousins' fault their souls are also at risk while still being the arrogant perfectionists that almost all Eldar are.

If an Eldar renounces fully and truly the "mastery" they have held since the end of the War in Heaven then their afterlife is not in Slaanesh's gullet. Two problems with that:

1) This "mastery" was never fully defined in canon and I can't recall it being brought up recently, but that last part doesn't mean anything since Vampires are also bought up rarely in 40k yet are still canon to the setting as of 2021.

2) The description of a True Exodite afterlife was never given.
I think that the Exodite dragon riders canonically travel around without soul problems.

In any case, they should also be safe in general if we considers that Exodites use soul stones like the Craftworlders.
Exodites are mostly safe because of the planets they live on, when planet is starting to have problem then Exodites are starting to have problem.
There were instances of Exodites being evacuated to craftworlds.
And Exodites do? Last I checked the Exodites don't feel the touch of Slaanesh precisely because they are Exodites. Even Craftworlds still participated in the debauchery of the Eldar Dominion, the Exodites are the Eldar that abandoned the Dominion and renounced its decadence.

From what I recall all of them do not so much because they participated, but because She Who Thirsts ate (Most of) the Eldar Gods. She is technically the head of the Eldar Pantheon by Right of Conquest Omnonnon.
From what I recall all of them do not so much because they participated, but because She Who Thirsts ate (Most of) the Eldar Gods. She is technically the head of the Eldar Pantheon by Right of Conquest Omnonnon.

And Ynnead is supposed to contest that by being both the Eldar God of the Dead and one created specifically in defiance to Slaanesh. It's why Eldrad even attempted that ritual of his at the end of M41: To align Ynnead more into opposition to Slaanesh conceptually.
And Ynnead is supposed to contest that by being both the Eldar God of the Dead and one created specifically in defiance to Slaanesh. It's why Eldrad even attempted that ritual of his at the end of M41: To align Ynnead more into opposition to Slaanesh conceptually.

If Ynnead extends protection to non-Ynnari in this half born state then it is spread out over all Eldar in which case the Exodites do not get any special protection, they'd be as open to her as the Dark Eldar (also in a post Ynnead world). At best they would get... hungry. At worst they'd get killed anyway.
No. That is not how that works. True Exodite souls don't belong to Slaanesh. The problem with that is that True Exodites are the Eldar who have fully renounced the decadence of the Dominion. Most Exodites have only renounced the automation of the Dominion and then tell themselves that it is their cousins' fault their souls are also at risk while still being the arrogant perfectionists that almost all Eldar are.

If an Eldar renounces fully and truly the "mastery" they have held since the end of the War in Heaven then their afterlife is not in Slaanesh's gullet. Two problems with that:

1) This "mastery" was never fully defined in canon and I can't recall it being brought up recently, but that last part doesn't mean anything since Vampires are also bought up rarely in 40k yet are still canon to the setting as of 2021.

2) The description of a True Exodite afterlife was never given.

Not... really? The Exodites (and forgive me if I'm being innacurate, they're barely covered in the lore aside from being the punching bags of the narrative) reject almost everything about the Dominion, down to most forms of technology more advanced than whatever they need to defend against outside threats (when there isn't plot-armour being used), they quite literally live a hunter-gatherer lifestyle where they have to work for everything instead of the Craftworlds where basic needs are met and most stuff is somewhat automated or the Drukhari where murder-sex is in vogue.

The whole reason they're able to stem the influence of Slaanesh is because they're literally too busy returning to monke to engage in the same decadence of even the Craftworlders. In addition to their world-spirits basically insulating them from Slaanesh.

Renouncing mastery and eating humble-pie isn't going to stop a Chaos God from slurping their soul like spaghetti.
No. That is not how that works. True Exodite souls don't belong to Slaanesh. The problem with that is that True Exodites are the Eldar who have fully renounced the decadence of the Dominion. Most Exodites have only renounced the automation of the Dominion and then tell themselves that it is their cousins' fault their souls are also at risk while still being the arrogant perfectionists that almost all Eldar are.

If an Eldar renounces fully and truly the "mastery" they have held since the end of the War in Heaven then their afterlife is not in Slaanesh's gullet. Two problems with that:

1) This "mastery" was never fully defined in canon and I can't recall it being brought up recently, but that last part doesn't mean anything since Vampires are also bought up rarely in 40k yet are still canon to the setting as of 2021.

2) The description of a True Exodite afterlife was never given.
This is literally the first time I'm reading of the concept of a 'True' Exodite, ever.
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