Found some neat fanart that I thought I might aswell share:

It appears to be a situation where the Masters and Servants of Fate/Zero switch positions (Masters are now Servants and vice versa). Not sure about the red and black color scheme for all the new Servants though.

EDIT: Why the hug?
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Found some neat fanart that I thought I might aswell share:

It appears to be a situation where the Masters and Servants of Fate/Zero switch positions (Masters are now Servants and vice versa). Not sure about the red and black color scheme for all the new Servants though.

EDIT: Why the hug?
So what Classes are the Masters turned Servants?
So what Classes are the Masters turned Servants?

It doesn't say. My guess?

Kiritsugu Emiya: Archer perhaps?

Kirei Kotomine: Not sure here

Tokiomi Tohsaka: Caster

Kayneth Archibald: Berserker perhaps? Though, I'm honestly getting Avenger vibes from him.

Waver Velvet: Lancer?

Kariya Matou: Either Caster or Berserker

Uryuu Ryuunosuke: Assassin?

Honestly, none of them looks like they belong in the Saber class or the Rider class so it's difficult to say.
For absolute clarity, the person who does it will experience the same fate as that chair from Tsukihime.

Let's not mess around here. This franchise has a lot of elements that should not be present on this forum, and that manga is one of them.
Shouldn't you be using your modcolor for a warning like that? When you post without a modcolor, the general meaning is "I am not performing my duties right now; please treat me as an average member."
Double mats entry today
True Name: Marie Antoinette
Class: Caster
Source: Historical Fact
Region: France
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Height: 160cm
Weight: 48kg

Scenario Writer: Hikaru Sakurai
Character Illustrator: Ginka
Character Voice: Risa Taneda
Appearance in Main Works: Fate/Grand Order


Strength: E
Endurance: D
Agility: C
Mana: A
Luck: B+
Noble Phantasm: A+

Class Skills

Territory Creation: A
"Let's see, from here to here is my position, ok? Beach volleyball!"

Item Construction: D
"Hehe, I even tried to prepare a ball. I heard that this is called a beach ball. Don't you agree that it has a lovely color?"

Personal Skills

Beach Flower: A+
How much looks of public attention one can gather at the beach. Since she also has A+ in this, she has reached the domain of a celebrity.

Sunflower Sparkle: A
Sparkling, sparkling, sparkleーーーSurely for her who displays such a smile at the beach, it is fitting to call her a flower of the sun (sunflower).

Princess of Loveliness (Sea): A
A charismatic nature not for leadership, but to bring and attract to her the people in her surroundings. Due to a composite effect with the Beach Flower Skill, Marie is revered and protected as a princess of the beach simply by existing as usual.
… I want you to take a good look. Just now, those who protected Marie from the enemies did not consist of only a musician, an executioner and a knight of white lilies whom disguised their appearances and happened to pass by coincidentally…

Noble Phantasm

Crystal Dress: A Brilliance that Must Be Loved for Eternity
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Army/Anti-Populace
Range: 1~50
Maximum Number of Targets: 200 people

In the olden ages, there are illusions that have surely existed───putting on her body the radiance of royal authority itself. Take a good look at Marie's radiance, who shows her earnestness as a flower of the beach, as a flower of the sun. Super sparkling, sparkling, radiant, sparkle! Functions as damage and debuff for the enemy camp, and as a buff for her own team.

First Pronoun: watashi
Second Pronoun: anata
Third Pronoun: kare / kanoko / **-san / **-sama


The same Marie Antoinette as always. Given that it is the resort, she is slightly in high spirits. She feels that royalty is at home in a summer resort. Having successfully materialized in a swimsuit, she does not really care about the large amount of skin exposure. Marie Antoinette continues to sparkle beautifully, pleasantly, and gorgeously. Concerning her appearance, because she is rather unmindful of it, it may not be known that in the eyes of others, she comes out all the more boldly.

Motivation/Attitude towards the Master

Basically, the same as usual. Spending every summer day with Marie Antoinette seems to be, genuinely, letting one have a dream of a real celebrity vacation. Since it is a dream, one will wake up someday, but memories of it will undoubtedly be left behind.

Dialogue Examples

"Hey, I like the beach. I love it! You, as well as everybody, let's all surely enjoy it, ok? ───Vive la France!"
"Oh? Mr. Crab got on my head. Hehe, nice to meet you Mr. Crab!"
"Are you going out to play? Of course, would you also like to play together with me?"
"A vacation is fun. Occasionally, although there are serious matters too, it is nonetheless fun!"
"I like new things. Let's quickly go make things livelier!"

Historical Character Image

It is completely the same with her materialization as a Rider.

Character Image in "Fate/Grand Order"

Whether at the royal palace or at the beach, a queen consort is a queen consort. She is Marie Antoinette as she still is, even if her Saint Graph has been tinkered with by Scathach. Nevertheless, she is somewhat in high spirits, and comparing with her materialization as a Rider, the number of times she smiles has increased by a tiny bit. Unnoticed goes the crab that got on her head (only in her first stage Ascension).

She uses a beach ball in combat. Or more precisely, there is a possibility that Marie herself is merely playing with a ball at the beach, all while not being aware of the battle.

General Armaments

A beach ball as mentioned above. Umph!

Connection with Characters

Goodness gracious! As I expected, you're looking quite pale. Your face has become pure white. Let's take a break somewhere. Ok?
W-WhatーーーMy third stage Ascension is dangerous? Why would you say that?

Charles-Henri Sanson
Ah, Sanson. Hey, please look. Miss Scathach prepared a swimsuit for me… Huh? Sanson? Why aren't you looking at me?

Chevalier d'Eon
Come on, you should enjoy your vacation too! Hehehe. Look here, I chose some clothes and swimsuits that seems to suit you nicely. Oh! That's right, it might also be a good idea to walk to the merchant shop and find something together!

Merci mille fois. For the first time in a while, I relish in the mood for a vacation.

Comment from Illustrator

It was fun because I was able to even design 2 swimsuits and 3 kinds of one-pieces. At first, I was wandering off course, acting quite rashly and recklessly with something like deciding on a blue one-piece as I was too conscious about the resort feeling, but with Mr. Takeuchi's safe words of advice, I did a white dress! I'm safe!! Given that the Noble Phantasm was already in the shape of a raid boss at the occasion of its ordering, I presented it to them in high spirits. I even extended her hair within the short moment when they weren't looking…

True Name: Anne Bonny / Mary Read
Class: Archer
Source: Historical Fact
Region: Caribbean Sea
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral / Chaotic Neutral
Height: 171cm / 158cm
Weight: 54kg / 46kg

Scenario Writer: Yuuichirou Higashide
Character Illustrator: I-IV
Character Voice: Ayako Kawasumi & Ai Nonaka
Appearance in Main Works: Fate/Grand Order


Strength: D
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: D
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: A

Class Skills

Magic Resistance: D
Cancels the use of Single-Action spells on them. A Magic Resistance of the same degree of an amulet that rejects magical energy.

Independent Action: A
The ability to remain independent for a while even when rejecting the Magical Energy supply from one's Master. As they have A Rank in this, it is possible for them to remain materialized in this world for a week even if they are without a Master.

Personal Skills

Beach Flower: A+
How much looks from the opposite sex one can gather at the beach. Since she also has A+ in this, she has reached the domain of a celebrity.

Treasure Hunt (Sea): C
Speaking of the sea, let's search for treasure!
Attribute: The Sea attribute is equipped on Skills and allowed only for people who live at the sea.
There is a medium probability of discovering treasures that were sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

Honor of Pirates: C+
Because they were not a captain of a ship, the rank drops a little. However, during the moment when their ship captain becomes cowardly, on the contrary, their honor rises.

Noble Phantasm

Caribbean Free Bird – Act 2: Wings Abreast as if Trees with Entwined Branches
Rank: C++
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1~3
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person

A combination Noble Phantasm in which Anne, who has equipped a musket, covers for Mary, who wields a cutlass in her hand. The materialization of their anecdote in which, just before they were arrested, these two fought hard up to the very end while being surrounded by countless numbers of soldiers. If the state of affairs around them are disadvantageous, the more disadvantageous it is, the more advantageous damage bonuses they acquire. Even if they got swimsuits, their style did not change that much.


First Pronoun: watakushi
Second Pronoun: anata
Third Pronoun: kare, kanojo


First Pronoun: boku
Second Pronoun: kimi
Third Pronoun: kare, kanojo


They begin their approach in the same way as the original Anne & Mary that attained Bond 5. Since it is summer, they feel a little bolder in approaching their Master.

It is completely okay if you see them to that extent. It is even okay to touch them. Will you proceed with this up to the very end?

Attitude towards the Master

They are a rare pair of female pirates, but this time, they visit the Master in swimsuits carefreely. With a "Bonny!" feeling, Anne attacks the Master in a swimsuit with a high degree of exposure, while Mary pouts in deretowards the Master with a physique that has a "Read!" feeling, turning into a pincer attack.

Dialogue Examples

Anne: "Come on Master… Making us fight with such an appearance. You are such a brute, hahah."
Mary: "I really protested this to Master, but…"

Mary: "Heyyy Master. Anne might come to compel you excessively, but that person is so going to arouse you persistently instead. So, you shouldn't go along with her ride, ok? If you get on board with that, I'll scorn you, really scorn you! Really!"
Anne: "Master… Master, Master, Master. Hehe, what a wonderful sound. Even if they are passions that will only last for a single summer, I am happy right now. Yes, awfully so."

Historical Character Image

As a matter of course, it is the same with them as a Rider.

Character Image in "Fate/Grand Order"

Due to getting into swimsuits, the duo decided to notify to others more and more of their dere frequencies. Furthermore, they truly do not want the Master to feel something the likes of them wanting him or her to choose either one of the two; rather, they intend for the Master to choose them as a set.

General Armaments

A musket.

Connection with Characters

Other Swimsuit Characters
What are you afraid of? Here is The Great Duo that combined the set of large and small. There is no one out there that will surpass their charm, no matter how much alluring the others are… or so they think.

"For the summer period, should we not gouge out his eyes?"

Comment from Illustrator

You know, I set these two up with those appearances. Last time, I really did not consider that Anne as she is would truly undergo Ascension too. I was able to accept tearing off her skirt and stockings to put into that feeling of revenge. For the swimsuit event this time, although I even like skirts, I also really love waists and bare legs that nicely reaches that thickness.

Last time, I was imagining their golden age that included the time when they were pirates, but this time, these women themselves recognizes that they have these transient lives as Servants, finishing their once human lives after they were clearly arrested, and that became the premise of these designs. I attached to their wrists some shackles as their collars, of which one of them has each other's hair so that they can be together even when they die separately.

Mary's additional weapon, well… I wonder if it was something that was impossible to exist if it was from that era, so I guess it became a fictional weapon from something that was floating on my mind. Perhaps during Mary's lifetime, it was a product stolen from the site that manufactured and dispatched only one of said weapon and was made for rich people, and although her heart was unusually drawn to it and she wanted to wear it on her person, it was heavy, easy to break, hard to shoot and kill with, and it was difficult to repair those peculiarities, so it seems that there was no opportunity to make use of a little bit of that item up to the very end when her life was taken into custody.

Even so, it's different right now after she died. Pulling it from her memories as something joyful in her mind, it is probably that sort of feeling, among other things, that makes her start taking it out completely to her heart's content compared to when she was not up to the task of using it during those times. Naturally, during the times she does battle, it breaks every time she uses her Noble Phantasm, so it is a weapon similar to garbage that does not even have a great mystery behind it. Given that she can repair it as many times as she likes, it is probably not satisfying to smash it apart when using it carefreely.

In the picture of their last Ascension, these two women are allowed to remove their shackles, and they put their hands on top of each other's; this unlikely scene is only after such things are reached. A large quantity of gold coins and a pirate flag (although frankly, that pirate flag is almost not in sight) are laid out underneath their buttocks, and it was fun for them to enjoy themselves a lot. Also, they are wearing the smiles called tomorrow. Because Mary is satisfied with this and that, she is not holding onto her weapons. But Anne cannot relinquish her weapon. Even if she shows a smile on her face, she is still anxious. Even if she grasps this as an ephemeral dream, it is nevertheless the embodiment of a lingering attachment she does not want to lose this time.

Although, that is further nonsense since a heavy story such as that does not suit them as they are now. If that is a heavy story, then let's try discussing about how nice are flesh that seems to be soft and heavy - yeah, let's try to stick to that. Right, it is an important point for flesh to appear heavy.

Why are those their established body weights? Because that is their setting. Oh, I mean, for Anne, since she has a tall stature, an excellent body build, and splendid muscles as well, even a light estimate would be - no, being responsible for somewhat sensitive talks like this must go through a different section, so I find it difficult to really answer that.

Fate/Grand Order Mats - Page 238
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From World / Word 08:
デッドフェイス・Dead Face

Cyber Ghosts are existences absent of corpora, which yet linger in their pursuit of life.
Opposingly, a Dead Face is while alive entrapped by death;
a variety of Malicious Data from which nothing can be born.
As in the context of Se.Ra.Ph, the death of the corpora and the death of the psyche are from one another distinct,
if a death fails to complete in rendition, the activity of the psyche can as well accumulate as a Curse.
As of the sealing of the Angelica Cage, and the conclusion of the Grail War,
those faculties that governed the dissolution and purification of the regrets of the dead were suspended, and death was set aside to neglect.
That which from this was born was the Countenance of the Dead -- the Dead Face.
The Psychic Data of that which even as it welcomes death is yet undying becomes as mask of electric light, animating a corpus deceased;
and as even the corpus is altered in essence to become as Malicious Data, its bared face is repainted as the countenance of the dead.
Even those corpora that in satisfaction welcome the end can be infected; and as of becoming 『the walking dead』,
[the deceased] are of the meaning of their lives entirely deprived, becoming as Calamities that wander the Floors.​

Those who unto themselves include the data of a Servant, and come therefore to inherit their capabilities.
Fundamentally, such cannot come to establishment except by way of the Summoning and Contracting of a Servant.
However, a Master would irrelevant of their nature be incapable of withstanding the Saint Graph of a Heroic Spirit,
and would in the midst [of the process] come to collapse.
The possibility exists that an individual who was for such a purpose adjusted since birth would be capable of withstanding [the process], but ---​
Ergo, Dead Face is what everyone already expected.
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I will say the latest Fate/Extra episode was pretty good. I'm really looking forward to how all the pieces fall since Twice has apparently given up.
Minor spoilery stuff from FGO

I think the interlude didn't go in depth on that, just that he used it and its name was revealed as Age of Babylon: The Wisdom of the Citizens.

For Angra's interlude, he gives some details about what constitutes the character of an avenger (not the qualifications per say, but I wouldn't be so sure on that).

"You haven't told anybody, yes? The definition of an avenger, how to distinguish one. Those born from hatred talks of love / showing pity to their neighbours at the end of their cruelty, those born from love talks of hatred / those who lived in happiness ended in betrayal. Avengers are usually divided into two areas. It is a difference between one that burns with hatred and one that ridicules love."

Here's the image that talks about the statements above, maybe can someone confirm if I got those statements correctly:

But yes, basically, there's two kind of avengers in regards to their personality, and I think it is distinct enough that we can classify all existing Avengers on which side they fall into.

Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS) - Page 2185
Minor spoilery stuff from FGO

"You haven't told anybody, yes? The definition of an avenger, how to distinguish one. Those born from hatred talks of love / showing pity to their neighbours at the end of their cruelty, those born from love talks of hatred / those who lived in happiness ended in betrayal. Avengers are usually divided into two areas. It is a difference between one that burns with hatred and one that ridicules love."

Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS) - Page 2185
The Angra Mainyu Interlude unlocks at Bond Rank 10, so it'll probably be years before I gain access to the actual rawtext of the script, unless somebody uploads a text dump. That said, a more literal translation:
An existence born of hatred, which yet speaks of love,
/ which as of the termination of cruelty rendered compassion unto its neighbor.

An existence born of love, which yet speaks of hatred,
/ which while possessed of happiness came unto its termination in betrayal.
Ergo, purely by the grammar of the lines in blue, it isn't necessarily "the Avenger" that acted in "cruelty"; and it isn't necessarily "the Avenger" that "betrayed."

Taken in context of the lines in white, however, the implication exists that in the first line, "the Avenger" was the subject of "cruelty," but rendered "compassion" to his neighbor; and in the second line, "the Avenger" once possessed happiness, but expresses "hatred" owing to "betrayal."
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Basically, there's two kinds of Avengers, those that were born monsters but found love and stopped, and those that had their love torn away from them and became monsters.
Basically, there's two kinds of Avengers, those that were born monsters but found love and stopped, and those that had their love torn away from them and became monsters.
Angra Mainyu himself was "born of cruelty," but acted so as to render "salvation" to the people of his village. So, it's not precisely "born as monsters, but came to find love."

Acting as their sacrifice, he accepted all of their Curses.
Class: Berserker
True Name: Sakata Kintoki
Gender: Male
Source: Historical fact
Region: Japan
Allignment: Lawful Good
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 88 kg


Scenario: Haganeya Jin, Sakurai Hikaru
Character Design: Honjou Raita
CV: Yusa Kouji
Appearance in Main Works: Fate/Grand Order

Class Skills

Mad Enhancement: E

Retains normal capacity to think, but the benefits of status boost are not received.
A Luck Check is performed whenever he receives damage.
When check failure occur all status except MAG and LCK will rise. In exchange, he will go berserk and become wild.
Upon being Mad Enhanced, his whole body becomes completely red. Anger Gauge Max.

Divinity: D
There's a theory which states that he is the child of Raijin.

Personal Skills

Monstrous Strength: A+

Rank ups his STR parameter.
While originally a Skill possessed by monsters, as Kintoki is the child of Raijin as a Red Dragon and the cannibal Yamauba, he displays a high Rank by carrying the former Skill to the extreme.

(Footnote: Wikipedia has it that Yamauba got impregnated by a clap of thunder sent by a red dragon)

Innate Fitness: A
Born with a perfect (golden) body as a life form.
Plus Correction is bestowed to his STR.

Animal Dialogue: C
Enables mutual understanding with animals that don't possess language.

Noble Phantasms

Golden Eater
Gold Eater

Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 1
Maximum Targets: 1

Golden Eater.
The True Name of this Noble Phantasm is probably not this. It's definitely not this, but it is invoked with such Name. Unreasonably Golden.
A Masakari imbued with the power of Raijin. It has such weight in which it certainly can't be lifted without Kintoki's Monstrous Strength.
Its destructive power rises through the explosion of its lightning-loaded cartridges.
The destructiveness varies depending on the number of cartridges used. The maximum is 15. Sometimes, jamming would occur.
More details can be seen in the illustration references…Its shape is probably not like this originally. Unreasonably Golden.

(It is used in Fate GO, but its True Name Release is not employed.)

Golden Spark
Gold Impact

Rank: C-
Type: Anti-Army/Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 5-20/1-4
Maximum Targets: 50/1

Golden Spark.
Lightning is generated from the Masakari to mow down the targets. 3 cartridges are expended for the usage of this Noble Phantasm.

(It is used strictly as an Anti-Unit attack in Fate GO)


First person pronoun: ore, sometimes oira/orecchi
Second person pronoun: anta
Third person pronoun: aitsu


A rowdy, overbearing, and dangerous man----In fact, he is a compassionate and righteous person.
That is the impression given off by the brat who has grown up staying the way he is.
His mentality is that of a 1st​ grade elementary school student.

Impulsive and passionate, weak to feelings and easily moved to tears.
He is particularly kind to mothers and children. His life matters not if it's for the sake of protecting the children and their mothers.

Due to being summoned in the present world, he is completely dyed by its nature. Likes flashy things, shining things, and especially gold (he super likes it).
His catch phrases are "Gold" and "Golden". Those are the words lauded from his heart.
Likes strong things, big things, cool things, adorable things, and so on. How to say it, he is childish.
He is actually painfully weak to love affair - his greatest weakness.
A late bloomer in the sense that he is unable to insofar make eye contact with the girl he likes.
He morosely averted his eyes when meeting a girl with lots of skin exposure->Is he angry?->Actually just averted his eyes due to embarrassment.

He is a sweet tooth who is bad with alcohol. There was a time where he ate Kintaro-ame* without letting it melt in his mouth.
Don't crunch it.

He fell in love at first sight with a teddy bear.
"What Golden loveliness….!"

*Kintaro-ame = a cylindrical sculpted candy where upon being sliced shows Kintaro's face in its cross-section.

Motivation/Attitude toward Master

"I've never seen things like the Holy Grail, but it's that, yeah? It's gold, right? Then it can't be a bad thing. Its content aside, its appearance is definitely awesome!"
… his ostensible reasoning.
But the truth is he has a reason for seeking the Grail.
That is "To revive Shuten-Douji".
A member of Minamoto Raikou's Oni extermination squad. They helped the weak and crushed evil, truly the exemplar of justice. Even though they said it was the Oni or Tsuchigumo who lit the sparks, in reality, it was a pretense maintained by the government in order to deal with meddlesome lot. Moreover, they had employed a foul trick on Shuten-Douji. That was a conduct far detached from Kintoki's idea of justice. Hence, he yearns to at the very least, just once, fight against Shuten-Douji fair and square.

Because he frankly socializes with the Master, he has extraordinarily good affinity with the type who pursues equal relationship. In reverse, his affinity with the type who hurts women and children is lethally bad. He is the perfect protagonist type.

Speech Examples

"Ou, I'm in your care. Sorry, but I'm gonna be crashing here for a while. Call me Golden."
"I've got no sympathy for villains."
"Ain't this rocks, I've taken a liking to ya, Chief!"
"…You may be an enemy, but ain't ya Golden."
"Quell the evil Oni, beat down the Rhaksasa, shine, Masakari Golden!"
"Get blown away, hissatsu!----Gooolden Spaaark!!"

*hissatsu = one blow annihilation.

Historical Figure

Sakata Kintoki.
One of the members of Minamoto Raikou -Heian Period's strongest Mystery Killer-'s Shitennou*. Widely known by his childhood name, Kintarou.
While living with his mother in Mount Ashigara, he was found by Raikou and became his retainer.
Had participated in the extermination of Mount Ooe's Shuten-Douji. By disguising himself as a monk, he struck down Shuten-Douji after making the latter drank spiked sake.

*Literally: Four Heavenly Kings. It's also a buddhist term which represents four deities governing each cardinal direction. Suzaku, Byakko, Seiryu, and Genbu for the Japanese version of it.

In Fate GO

Kintoki is the child of Raijin as a Red Dragon. His mother is the cannibalistic Yamauba living in Mount Ashigara.
Having inherited the power of a monster, he had fought against the mountain beasts and killed them.
Eventually, his female Oni mother was vanquished by Usui Sadamatsu*. Kintoki was then adopted by Minamoto Raikou, was taught the way of man, and became the latter's retainer.

Due to being born with blond hair and blue eyes, he was feared as the child of an Oni wherever he went. But thanks to his positivity and Raikou's guidance he was able to grow into a splendid warrior.
Eventually, he would participate in many Oni extermination quests as a member of Raikou's Shitennou.
And then, he encountered Shuten-Douji in Mount Ooe---

His outrageous appearance that is much unlike a hero is due to being dyed by the present world upon his summoning.
At first, he is embarrassed by the name "Kintoki", but upon knowing the wonderful ring of "golden", he became poisoned by western culture.
He loves strong things, big things, and cool things. His mentality is that of 1st​ grade elementary school student. Weak to love affair. Changing topic a bit, his favorite apple is Golden Delicious.

*A member of Shitennou, his weapon is the lance.

Favorite Dog
Golden Retriever.

Favorite Holiday
Golden Week.


"Ohh….You're super cool, manA golden that surpasses dimension….Truly a Gold among Gold…You're without a doubt the true Golden King."

Awed by Excalibur's "Golden splendor".
"Ohh…What a Golden Flash….The Golden Rainbow that cleaves apart the dark night. You're truly without a doubt the Knight of Gold!"

A relation etched between lightning and electricity.
Frankenstein is irritated by his wasteful manner of dispersing electricity.
Also, due to her characteristics of "monster girl" and "forbidden love", Kintoki probably sees an image of Shuten-Douji in her.

Nikola Tesla
To be frank, this relationship is forced upon by the latter. To Kintoki, he's a fitting opponent for a contest of strength, but the way he constantly meddles with him is troublesome.

They had shared a deep history in their previous lives.

Minamoto Raikou
They had shared a deep history in their previous lives.
Being his lord, Raikou also acts as his parent. There was a time when Kintoki considered the latter as his stepparent upon leaving the mountain. However, ??????????????????

Comment from Illustrator

His design has been done for quiteeee a long time, and we finally got to see Kintoki-san in FateGO. It's been a long time coming. But it was worth the wait! I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to work with such a charming character. I hope people are able to like the mischievous Kintoki who tends to play pranks and the cool Kintoki when he's serious. I would be really happy if they do. Someday I want to try drawing Kintoki-san choosing sweets together with neighboring children in a dagashi store as they melt into the downtown night. (RAITA)
Fate/Grand Order Mats - Page 240

If some of the writing is italicized read it in Engrish apparently.
I remember there were a few jokes about Type Moon's growing influence here a little while ago, so I think you guys will appreciate this recent news.

Apparently Tokyo Bay is going to be celebrating the Japanese artist Hokusai's work with a waterfront festival that will include a "water-mapping" projection of Fate/Grand Order's depiction of said artist. From what I've gathered (what the article says), a water projection screen will be used to project the character illustrating some of Hokusai's famous works onto the water, while onlookers can view it from either the bay or a buffet-serving boat. Link to the relevant article below.

Tokyo Bay Summons Hokusai (and Daughter) for "Fate/GO" Art Event

I gotta say, this seems like a serious step up from the convenience store and restaurant collaborations that I've heard of Type Moon using before. It seems that FGO is growing stronger everyday.

FGO's Reality Marble grows stronger by the day. :V
Summary of Enkidu's interlude

So in El Cid interlude
We begin with who is presumably a small girl from the tone talking to presumably enkidu. She asked if enkidu is going to leave, and express how she is enbious on how enkidu will never change, while "she" will not be "she" anymore the next time they meet.

The whole thing gives off a cute but sad impression.

Next scene is Gudao waking up mid corridor. We then meet Enkidu who is, uh, playing poker with Moriarty, Mephisto, and Nursery Rhyme.

Yeah p damn unusual combo. Some shenanigans happened, such as Moriarty commenting "wait srsly am i the only one actually cheating in this game" and stuffs. Apparently Enkidu was the one who had gathered them here.

Anyway, we said to Enkidu that we had thought that he is the loner type, not one who would proactively seeks meeting like this. Enkidu confirms, he said that he indeed does not dislike solitude, but being a system is what hisnlife means, and as a system sometimes he also needs to do this. That, and he had always been interested with those 3 ever since he got summoned to chaldea.

Suddenly, red alarm. Davinci summoned us to the commander room. We got a weirdness going on on babylon singularity, one that cannot be clearly detected. Since Enkidu has OP presence detection that should help, we layshifted together.

When we arrived, turns out we got the 3 servant as stowaways. When asked how the hell did they do that, Moriarty reveals that once he finds out hiw to do it, slipping in 3 servants to layshift isnt that hard. Which is scary, professor is scary. Anw mashu and davinci asks why they do that, and ProfM said that even he has things he is curious about Enkidu. Things that cant be known just by playing poker. Tho he would, cuz he's a genius. Anyway, he just think itd be fun to find out what it is that ENkidu wishes for by adventuring together like this.

Oh and he calls Enkidu as Enkidu-

Nursery is very excited to be in Babylon, source place of the first story ever. I zone out as to what Mephisto said because for some reason i just reaaaally dislike how he speaks, sumanai.

Anw we asks Enkidu if he be detecting something.
He said the whole forest feels weird, and.. wait, why are there things drawn to his presence instead. Enkidu feels them even befire Chaldea system manages to. Top OP.presence detection.
Cue in Lahmus sprite. Boy was i legit surprised. So was p much everybody on the party.

After we beat them, we really wonders what the hell is going on here. Presence Detection is strangely unable to detect the abnormality source exactly, so we had to do this the old fashioned way. Enkidu commented to himself that perhaps its time to do some system update. ProfM is like ohhhh my god this forest trekking is killing my back, mephisto calling him arafifu-rou (oldman around fifty), and ProfM was like look ok arafifu is fine but cut off the rou, then Meph said hey why dont we just super jumo the whole forest and ProfM was like LIKE I SAID ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL MY BACK and then Meph was like alright, lets just burn the whole forest then! and NR was like nooo no forest burning! lets just call bunyan and properly cultivate it.

Anw enkidu then explains that the whole area is incompatible with him, as if there is a curse going on. He could have gone full spec otherwise and if we remove the culprit of the curse.

Suddenly DaV said speak of the devil, and the devil shall come. Theres a saint graph incoming, one that Mash knows of.
Enkidu was like "master please step away from me 3 steps"

Enkidu told us that because bam, suddenly arrows from the sky. Welp, it was Ishtar. The babylon ver, not the chaldean version.
We then were like "putting that aside, what about Ereshkigal?"
And she was like "look i know this situation has more impotant things about but seriously!? THATs the first thing you say!?"

Anyway since the interlude is happening near Ishtar's domain of Ebih and the whole bad blood between Ishtar and enkidu, they ended up fighting. With lots of vitriol. Non joking, hate dripping vitriol to each other.

Mash tried to make peace by saying this is not kingu, this is the real enkidu.
Ishtar was like "...look mash, can you give
me a little.more credit here? Of course i know this one is the real Enkidu. Its BECAUSE i know that that i am doing this!"

Mash was like "seriously..." while DaV snipped about "ah yeah yeah, this 2 even in the original legend REALLY doesnt get along, so of course things are going south like this"

Ishtar then said my, sneaking around like this to my territory, seems like you REALLY want to die huh? Alright, ill make you disappear
Enkidu was like ahh Im so glad you dont change at all, you are still your usual vulgar fiend that i have no need to hesitate eliminating you then, even in front of master

He then remarks that babylon gods are no longer worshipped by humans, ishtar fires back that yeah yeah, says the one who isnt part of the humans. You may gained a close friend. But by betraying the gods, no god is within you either. Enkidu then fires back by saying Im just a system. Things like protection from gods or being part of the norm are wasted on me.

Ishtar was like " dont tell me you still have regrets about what happened to that "child"?"
Enkidu "..."
Ishtar "now that i take a look, the Heroic Spirits accompanying you here are all..."
NR, profM and Meoh was shown on screen.

Ishtar "Hmph. Ridiculous. You say youre just a system and all that stuffs, all the while still regretting about what happened with that "child"."

Enkidu "you really havent change at all. You wont know modesty even if it hits you in the face. An embodiment of god's pride that believes without a doubt that everything belongs to them."

Ishtar "ohh, so youre finally going to get serious?"

"Glory and wound engraved on the planet, it is time for you to sing with all of your might.
Age of Babylon
Wisdom of the People​
*cue in cool OST here*

Moriarty tells us to calm down, its just his creating sword and weapons from the ground thing, which is apparently a NP all along

Ishtar "Fine. Weapons created by a junkscrap would still be scrap in the end. Let me show you what TRUE beauty would create!"

*ugly monster sprite shows*

We went "This is.... the crystallization of beauty...."

Enkidu (pitiying expression)"...... I wouldnt comment on this. At the very least, im still loaded with the system function of mercy."

Ishtar (smile)"My, my, I on the other hands have no such thing for you. Go die OR DIE (in engrish)! Ill have you learn the power of the sacred ground of Ebih. Just as the supreme deity An himself has said! "To oppose Ebih is a thing of a fool!""

Mash "But isnt that what he said to YOU!?"


Ishtar was like aw! why are you helping HIM attack ME!? and we were like um, the one who attack first was like, you, and ishtar was like but but im fighting enkidu! a preemptive attack is but a common sense of the human order right? and profM was like ahh, what a time it is where gods raises the matter of human order. i sure do wonder what the other gods have to say about it! for it sounds most exquisite! and ishtar was like STOOOOP YAMETE YOURE GONNA MAKE ALL THIS COMPLICATED

anyway they stopped killing each other for the moment, and enkidu thinks we'll put a
on him if he continues for that matter. he advice us to be careful on relying on Ishtar; too much pride and disarray, and while she may says that what she does, she does for humans, but their thought pattern is different to begin with and she wouldnt even realize it. SHe is deluded that she is in total control of the whole world, like those oddballs that appears each time spring comes (is this a japanese idiom thing? i dunno)

Ishtar (smiles) "AhahAHaha, sO bRave of yOu (heart). JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL GUDA ISNT AROUND..."

*cue in change sprite to a more sinister design*

"Were this a different world unrelated to Chaldea, now would have been the time I shred you to pieces with all of my divinity and my soul (heart) ."

(Ishtar said 全身全霊 but with 神 instead of 身)

Enkidu "Deplorable, but such miracles wouldnt occur to begin with without Chaldea or the danger to Human Order."

Oh enkidu you sweet summer child.

anw they made peace for now. Enkidu asks if Ishtar realy is ok stopping here, and Ishtar was like oh shut it, i dont really have any reason to go further myself. or what, you wanna go at it huh huhh

Enkidu "... No. That is not the case. Allow me to apologize for being impolite. Not to Ishtar, but to the young woman fused with her. I pay my greatest respect to her. For somebody with the same essence as Ishtar to be able to make her amicable to such a degree... she must have such a virtous soul. Or perhaps I should say sturdy. Foolhardy in nature."

so then ishtar leads us to the source of abnormality, which she knew what is all along, all the while enkidu went some fuwa2 scene with the other 3 servants.

(that enkidu, perhaps he really think he could get a clue from this bunch)
(of something that not even he together with gilgamesh could find, of a way to save that

so while we're walking, enkidu asked us about kingu. about corpse of enkidu that took the name of kingu. we were hesitant about it cuz we dunno the whole thing about enkidu, but NR was especially daijoubu-ing us, she's really in for it. She especially makes important that the one Enkidu wants to hear is the "story" of Kingu that we personally experience. Because every story becomes something new each time someone new experience it to begin with.

After we tell Enkidu about Kingu, of how the "chain" is one of the important element on saving Uruk, Enkidu said that Kingu, that the "me" of this singularity, until the end lives just as he would live.

When we asked "the me of this singularity?", enkidu said that he didnt mean any insult to kingu, its just how his body made. That the everything that is his personality is something engraved on his body. Even if some other soul gets inside it, the "path" of the body made up by the gods is already recorded within the world .
Path, or perhaps "circuit".
To begin with, ENkidu did not start with personality. It was just a prime body made by gods. Like a PC or a tablet, only a machine without the software. The current him is the result of humanity engraved within him by a certain old companion of his, Shamhat, and of course Gil. The Enkidu we are talking to now is the software born at that time.
As far as the world and the gods concerned, what matters is only the hardware that moves the system.

DaV "What a weird thing to say. Then you are saying that the thing recorded in the Throne is not your soul but the manner of your body instead?"
Enkidu "Indeed. I suppose that is the most fitting answer."
To be more specific, rather than the path that Enkidu walked on, the one recorded on the Throne is the system known as Enkidu.

"Thats why I respect Kingu. The path that he walked is definitely different from mine, that of a "human", and one that I cannot help but admire. He became the new human and lived through in this world, just as her respected mother wants him to be, yes? Then as the result, he became not a puppet for the gods to use, but a "new human" that prioritize his own will. Just like the people of Sumer; from "a life without will" to "a life possessing will". After that happened, he expended his life. As he opposed the feeling born within him towards the goddess he revered as his mother. Kingu had struggled and arrived at something that I had never managed to acquire even until the end.

Perhaps I should feel envy. Or perhaps, I should feel the relief of not ending up like that.

I should have been just a system. To live as a human would be an act of treason."

We were like ehh, youre human enough as it is.

"I thank you. But perhaps that is simply how it looked like. Is it not possible that I am but a program that replies and looks just like a human?"

Ishtar "Again you're fooling yourself with that kind of serious words. This is why I just cant stand you. Youre a junkscrap, one broken by good emotion. Broken because you do have a personality. Heh, perfect being my foot. Dont make me laugh. The only perfect being allowed to exist is me!

Still, thats exactly why you can have regret, no? Regret of dying and leaving behind that obstinate king. Or perhaps you regret the manner of your deed that pollute that "isolation" of his?

Either way, you had died with regrets. Just accept already that in the end, your last moment was spent while squirming and drowning within human emotion."

Enkidu "Is it really something you should say, Goddess Ishtar? You, who had relied on the other gods to put a curse on me?"

Ishtar (creepy smiling yellow eyes) "Of course. I shall say this no matter how many times; if need be, I'll do it all over again. Thats the one thing I wont yield on."



Mash had been worried that theyd fight again, but apparently we had reached the source of the problem.

It was Tiamat's piece of flesh, bounded by the chain that was Kingu.

It was exactly the reason why Enkidu wasnt able to detect it. The chain is basically one part of his body. His Presence Detection is not by means of mind sharpening, but by uniting with the land and revealing the abnormalities. THe surroundings had been masked with maryoku of the same kind of his body, masking the Lahmus in effect.

The Lahmus production was an act of resistance. If left be, perhaps the piece of flesh, even if its as big as a house, would be amended by the revision process of the singularity, especially since it's bounded by the chain that is kingu. The power of the chain is currently strong perhaps exactly because of that. When the flesh is extinguished, so will the chain. While Ishtar holds grudge against Enkidu, she holds nothing of the sort towards Kingu, which is why she had thought to let this be and protect Kingu for the reamining time.

We vote to just let go of it instead. All of our party agrees in their own way. Moriarty's was especially cool. With his evil, villainous expression

"...Annihilating the remains of a goddess? My, now THAT is blasphemous. Perfectly fitting for me and dear Mephisto to take care of such dirty work, no?"


We won, but the Lahmus just wont give up.

Enkidu "...It is noble of you to protect the body of your mother until the very end. But I have to tread on that due to my own circumference.

The one you should curse is not humankind, now it is my Master. But me. "

This is what apparently the Lahmus said code wise:

"...WE .....PITY YOU.... PITY YOU"

After that, Enkidu stayed infront of the chain. DaV asked why, and he said this is him paying respect.

"...I thank you, Kingu. You are, without a doubt, a human. A hero.
My gratitude to you, the noble soul that binds together the people, the earth, and the sky."

After that the chain fragment got absorbed to Enkidu's saint graph. We were surprised, but DaV said that since they are of the same body to begin with, this isnt so weird. Also, after absorbing the fragment, Enkidu can now Presence Detection deeper, and aspects of Kingu may surface now and then.

He also got a bit of Kingu's mind, relieved that Gil has become such a good king in the era. He then said to go back to Chaldea. Ishtar was surprised that Enkidu wont try to see Gil. Gil is the kind of guy who would come, be it from the underworld or from his throne, were there to be thieves encroaching his treasure vault. He would definitely come to Enkidu too.

Enkidu said yes, he would love to meet him if he could. But the Gil of this era is the Gil that had parted with Enkidu. A "king". While Gil himself wouldnt treat Enkidu particularly differently, its a different case with the people of Uruk. There would be roar and chaos. The people would ask if Enkidu had brought the soul of the king back from the underworld. In fact, Enkidu might ended up doing exactly that. We said that the people of Uruk is not that measly, but then Enkidu said all the more so that there is no need for him to meet Gil.

He also commented that while the whole world is Gil's garden, Gil himself is admirable because there is no way he would be satisified on just walking and strolling it. One day, when he reached the end of this garden, he would expand to the space. We were like "ooook maybe "space" is stretching it."

Enkidu "Haha, I wonder. His treasure vault is the microcosm of human history itself. Whether or not Gil would go really only depends on his mood and nothing else."

Ishtar "...You really arent honest, you know that? I've never really understand the inside of your head, ever since the old days..."

Enkidu "I do know that I am not easy to understand. But such is the
I am. I wish to convey that to you, Master. Which is why... I want you to think of me as nothing but a tool. As something that you could use or shut down by will."

Mash "Please do not say such sad thing. Senpai would never, ever think of Servants as mere tools."

Enkidu "I cannot recommend that course of action. There will comes a time where you must shut me down in order for you to survive. "

Us "Well, isn't it fine for human and tool to just coexist together?"

Enkidu "...You really do have a certain charm, Master. Completely different from Gil, but unique in your own way. No. Its the contrary. Perhaps you yourself is the very nominal value of a human being. I do think it is quite hard to come by as a Servant of such a human.

I already have the one, sole, peerless true friend. But if you would rely on me as a tool, then I shall do my best to answer you.

Exactly because of that, that I want you to take me as something you use and shut down. That in itself would give meaning of me arriving at Chaldea."

Mash "Enkidu..."

Moriarty "Good grief. I've been listening to this for a while, but you really unexpectedly are hopelessly honest, aren't you,

Mash "Professor...?"

Moriarty "Indeed,
Enkidu is truly created as a pure puppet. The best kind of mark, of victim, for a villain such as I."

Enkidu "Fascinating. Indeed, I am far from your equal in the ways of scheme and trickery."

Moriarty "I am not saying such a self-satisfying and obvious thing. I am speaking of your previous behavior towards Kingu and this world."

Enkidu "Behavior towards Kingu... and this world?"

Moriarty "Kingu had acted violently with your figure. Were the people of Uruk to look at you, they would definitely think that the enemy has come again."

Enkidu "Yes, indeed. Which is why I--"

Moriarty "But you yourself has no intention on condemning dear Kingu. Even though it was him that had disfigured your existence so, you would go as far so as to hold admiration towards him and accept everything to your own spirit foundation!

To conclude, you have resolved to take the burden of not only his soul, but also the tragedy and hatred he had brought forth, no?"

Enkidu "....."

Moriarty "Allow me to say this once again. You are a fool, my dear mud doll.

You are neither a good person nor an evil person. You are just-----a
Heroic Spirit
. A hopelessly honest one."

Enkidu ".....!"

Nursery Rhyme "I think I somewhat understand why you are interested in us. Enkidu, it's because you feel a sense of kinship with us."

Mephistopheles "My oh my, don't tell me you havent even realize it?
I, who was brought forth as a devil;
Miss Nursery, who was brought forth as a story;
and Old Fifty here, who was engraved on the throne of the world as the peerless, most extraordinary of villains;
Is it not easy to imagine?
Although, Old Fifty here appears somewhat differently. What say you to that, Old Fifty?"

Moriarty "Alright, first, we shall stop calling me "Old Fifty". And then, we are going to put aside deliberating the absence of my existence for now."

Enkidu "..."

Moriarty "We are all existences that, desired by the hands of others, had been allotted roles of "how we should be" etched into the world. In your case, you betrayed the role of "how you should be" given by the gods, of being abandoned to the earth at the end of it."

Enkidu "...I would not refute that. I had betrayed the reason I was made, betrayed the purpose of my life. It is different from Kingu. I had not acquire a soul; I had simply renounced my own way of being."

Moriarty "And yet. Approaching existence such as us is for the sake of wishing your own salvation was my conjecture at the beginning. But I had to amend that calculation formula in the midst of our little trip.

You are hoping to acquire from us an answer; of how to save someone not you, but someone similar to you. Am I wrong?"

Enkidu "........!"

Moriarty "Kuku. I see you have quite an unexpectedly strong facial expression,
Enkidu. Exactly why I had described you as hopelessly honest. Be it as a puppet or as a tool. Be it as a human or as a Heroic Spirit.

Well then. Honest person such as you, while I do think to be tedious, I do not particularly hate. I do take the teacher's cane as my main occupation, after all. It would be quite a problem if you ended up like Watson, unskillfully wielding his sense of justice. And, it would be quite an interesting prospect to dye you with evil, just like the lady spider would."

Enkidu ".......
I, being dyed by either good or evil.... huh...
Interesting. Would such thing be possible, I wonder."

Da Vinci "Well, not like I myself am not interested in that, but the layshift preparation is ready now. Let us postpone the talk about Enkidu's future for now."

Mash "Ishtar. Really, thank you so much."

Ishtar "Aw, don't mention it. We're both not strangers to each other. Just, dont you bring this junkscrap again to this era, you get me?"

Enkidu "I do think you are going to disappear quite fast from this era. If possible, even from human history itself."

Ishtar "Tooo bad. For eternity, for as long as humankind continues to persist in this world, I will continue to leave traces as a guardian deity, forcibly if I have to."

Enkidu (smile) "....."
Ishtar (smile) "....."

Mash "B-Both of their smiling face is too scary! Let's begin the leyshift! Now then, Senpai, let's prepare it immediately!"


Ishtar "...So they go.
He didnt show his face after all huh. That obstinate king.
Even though he must've realized Enkidu came here...

Reaaaally a pain in the neck, that two. I totally don't get them, never had! Argh, just remembering the past already made me angry! As consolation, I should retrieve some treasures and jewels from Uruk's treasure fault immediately, I suppose!"

(it happened in Ishtar interlude
it went badly
to say the least, Gil was the first user of that-super-small-line-you-arent-aware-of-on-the-contract ever)

Mash then greeted us. She then asked whats wrong with Enkidu spacing out. Enkidu said that while this has been a wortwhile journey, there are still ways long to go to assemble the system. Whether or now it was a good thing to integrate Kingu to his saintgraph, or maybe it would be a good idea to let Kingu becomes the main system governing his body.

Mephisto "Mymymymymy. What are you thinking so hardly like that for, hmm? If you ask me, there is no difference between Kingu's fragment and yours, no?"

Enkidu "Why... would you think that?"

Mephisto "Made by god, spun by men, returned to earth. Is it not the very duty of those who had etched their name in history through the humans? Were you to say that Kingu is a human, there is absolutely nothing that forbids you, who was born of the same earth, to call yourself human? No?"

Da Vinci "Indeed, that is one way to look at it. Kingu's soul was born by the Goddess Tiamat, and had met many people on the singularity. The difference is simply how the system was composed; one can say that both of you had led quite similar lives. Still, I really, REALLY would have never expected old Mephisto of all people to say that."

Mephisto "My oh my, now that is harsh!"

Nursery Rhyme "I think you dont need to mind about us. The many stories in this world were definitely spun while possessing somesort of wish towards somebody. Still, its colors would change as infinite as there are readers and narrators! That's why, cheer up, hero of an old, old story. Someday, there will definitely be somebody who would read your story in such a beautiful way! Even I have been spun again and again, and managed to meet both Master and a very lovely child to read me!"

"...I see. I suppose that is how it is.
Thanks to your assistance, I do feel like I had advanced a step forward.
What's important is not the reason you were made. It is in what way you live while you meet other people; how you spin your

I had an encounter once. Before I met Gil, or Shamhat, or even the animals of the forest. ....A different encounter. And yet I was unable to spin anything. I had simply returned to earth that which was made by god.

Just once... if, just once again, I am able to meet that soul, perhaps now I can spin her story.

I am glad to be able to hear your words, words of those born "as they should be" I pray that I will be able to bring back this memories to the Throne as a system update. I thank you, Mephistopheles. Also Nursery Rhyme, and Old Fifty."

Moriarty "OH FOR GOD'S SAKE COULD YOU NOT SLIP THAT EVEN IN THE END!? And we were having such a good flow here too!! You, I bet you're the type that just cannot help but overdoing it, yes!? Like in a sand building race on festival, for example!!"

Enkidu "Mm, perhaps it is due to the atmosphere of Chaldea affecting me. Or perhaps it was of Master's influence.

I thank you, Master, Mash. Henceforth, I shall be your shield, your sword; this, I so swear."

Us "It would be nice if I can return the favor too."

Enkidu "I do guarantee it. You are a Master worthy of protection. "

DaVinci the ushered us to the dining room, where some curry prepared by "Uncle Emiya" as NR puts it has been prepared.

*suddenly, black background and bgm*
*ProfM puts on that eeeeevil face of his*

ok this is like, one of the very coolest thing i have ever heard a villain said

Moriarty (.........

Still, it was quite a lucky windfall to be able to find out
Enkidu's true nature. It shall be fun after this, I suppose. Kukuku....
After all, one must never ever forget. That I am the one lynchpin engraved into the world as "how the worst of vice should be"

How to live it and how to spin it. That is indeed the essence of a story.
But to not betray the reason you are born is also a freedom in and of itself.
I know not of who it is that
Enkidu wishes to save--although, I suppose I could make a conjecture of it.

As to whether or not that being truly wishes for salvation....
Well now. Can the hopelessly honest you make a distinction of it, I wonder? Kuku)

*fade out*

Enkidu (Not as true friends, not as the tool and its user, but as the magus and the Servant.... hm.

I see. TO forge a favorable relationship with Master would be the most optimum form, perhaps.


If he is my Master.... perhaps I can find it this time.
No.... I will find it someday.

The clue to set free your soul entrapped within the forest of the gods.

It's kind of a nitpick, but the translations that Master of Chaos provides to the names of Goetia / Solomon's Noble Phantasms are kind of misrepresentative:
Master of Chaos said:
Ars Almadel Salomonis: The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All

Ars Paulina: The Time of Crowning has Come, He is the One who Begins All

Ars Nova: The Time of Parting has Come, He is the One who Lets Go of the World
~り (-ri) is an antiquated verb modifier that either expresses a conclusion, or indicates that the verb is proceeded with as in a persisting state. In either case, it doesn't necessitate any sort of follow-up, and can be used to conclude a grammatically complete phrase. Master of Chaos has chosen to interpret 時来たれり (toki kitareri, "the time is come") in this manner, and there's technically nothing wrong with that.

The problem is that the first part of the names are supposed to give a context to the second, rather than simply being two grammatically complete and unrelated phrases that are arbitrarily divided by a comma.

Also, 其 (sore) isn't a gendered pronoun. A direct translation to English would be "that." もの (mono) can be translated as "one," but more generally renders as "thing" or "existence"; and if used in the context of a personage, would typically render as "individual who (preceding descriptor)."

修める (osameru), incidentally, is a verb that variously means "to study," "to cultivate," "to give order to," "to fix," and "to master."

TL;DR: Taken altogether, I would give the NP names as follows:
Come the time of nativity, that is what which unto all grants order

Come the time of coronation, that is what which unto all grants inception

Come the time of parting, that is what which relinquishes the World
Last edited:
It's kind of a nitpick, but the translations that Master of Chaos provides to the names of Goetia / Solomon's Noble Phantasms are kind of misrepresentative:

~り (-ri) is an antiquated verb modifier that either expresses a conclusion, or indicates that the verb is proceeded with as in a persisting state. In either case, it doesn't necessitate any sort of follow-up, and can be used to conclude a grammatically complete phrase. Master of Chaos has chosen to interpret 時来たれり (toki kitareri, "the time is come") in this manner, and there's technically nothing wrong with that.

The problem is that the first part of the names are supposed to give a context to the second, rather than simply being two grammatically complete and unrelated phrases that are arbitrarily divided by a comma.

Also, 其 (sore) isn't a gendered pronoun. A direct translation to English would be "that." もの (mono) can be translated as "one," but more generally renders as "thing" or "existence"; and if used in the context of a personage, would typically render as "individual who (preceding descriptor)."

修める (osameru), incidentally, is a verb that variously means "to study," "to cultivate," "to give order to," "to fix," and "to master."

TL;DR: Taken altogether, I would give the NP names as follows:
Just wondering, but those seem altogether the same thing. Is there an explicit difference as a result of your own translation?
Not a translation, but a partial manual transcription of Goetia's mats:
Grand Order Material IV said:

クラス ビーストⅠ
真名 ゲーティア

性別 男性
出典 旧約聖書
地域 古代イスラエル

属性 混沌・悪
身長 178cm
体重 75kg

筋力 A
耐久 A
敏捷 D
魔力 A+
幸運 B
宝具 A++

設定作成 奈須きのこ
キャラクターデザイン 山中虎鉄
CV 杉田智和

主な登場作品 Fate/Grand Order























ランク EX
種別 対人宝具



ランク A
種別 対界宝具
レンジ 999
最大補足 ?人

ゲーティア自身はこの神殿に居座り、各時代の消滅を見届けてはニヤニヤ笑っている。ゲーティアがソロモン王の遺体を増幅して作り上げた固有結界であり、その仕組みは「Fate/stay night」のユスティーツアの大聖杯と同じもの。​


ランク D
種別 対人宝具
レンジ ー
最大補足 1人

It's missing the stuff about his personality and lines and so forth, but I'm too lazy to transcribe all of that.
Just wondering, but those seem altogether the same thing. Is there an explicit difference as a result of your own translation?
The NP names are supposed to be read as "come the time of x, that is what which y." As in, "as of x point in time, this existence performed y task," rather than Master of Chaos' rendition, where "the time of x has come; he is the one who y." MoC's phrasing suggests that x has nothing to do with y, which is not the case.
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