Avengers interlude overview
so what happened on black shirou's interlude

roman detects something that put a strain even on Sheba lens, like computer bug
to be more specific, shadow servants
to be more specific TWO THOUSAND shadow servant
luckily apparenltly theyre p weak, so roman tells us to just bring some servants and clean them up
roman then tells us the abnormality is in fuyuki, because of course it fucking is
so we go prepare ourselves

"Hey, bro. Yeah you, over there, the one with the formalwear. You sure got your game face on, huh, Master?
Anyway, I've heard about it. Something about a bug in Fuyuki, eh?
Like, this is a secret, but those are actually my fault, heh heh. Fine if I help you out some?"

We were like "Uhhhh was there a Servant like this in Chaldea?"

and I was like wow we had to bond 10 him to do this quest and we barely remember him? poor anri


"Aww, come on, whats with that face? It's me! Yknow, me, me!"

anw after that we remember the guy is that one avenger. Anri wants to come with us because he said this is is fault and this is a chance for him to increase his kill count because the enemies are super weak anyway, other servants just do the more delicious stuffs. plus, with him you dont need to do any searching, because the shadow servants are going to come to us instead, trying to kill anri

so we fight
after winning against a bunch of angra shaped shadow servants

Us "Just... what are those..?"
Anri "Mm? Ah, they're me."
Us "......ha?"
Anri "Ahhh come oooon, it's just a metaphor!

those guys are the losers, the defeated, the garbages. bunch of fallen nameless mobs.
they had nothing in their head other than pulling down people; a completely hopeless bunch of idiots.
theyre etched grudges, who doesnt think of correcting the world or changing it; they just want to to kill peeps.
aint something you should mind, yeah? just think of this like, a bonus game or smtg!"

Us "Angra Mainyu, you... what kind of hero are you anyway?"

bond 10 servants here ladies and gentleman

Anri "Aww, Im not a hero! you dont know that my name was a devil's name to begin with, huh?
weeelp, lets just say that somethings happened, i got this big badass name, and got this shell fo a hust to boot.
you really wanna be exact, im just an
the exact opposite of a hero, an anti-hero for the sake of flourishing the heroes. a role born from heaps of grudges.
unable to forgot the grudges from when we were created, appearing just like that even after we die. thats avengers.

like, i mean I definitely aint got vengeance target or anything. More like the reverse; plenty of guys got it in for me, hahah!
ah. btw, we aint talking about
, yeah? we're talking
here. you should remember that, if nothing else.
welp, i suppose my standing is a lil bit shaky if you compare me with the other big guys coming form someplace else

ysee, i probably dont have anything to do with your story
if we're in a movie im basically just the stand in guys. just a nameless background prop.
I aint got no role or story. and even if I did before, its a done deal already.

i mean, the bug here's my fault anyway
seems like this black bunch is something that failed to become me. looks like they didnt end up dying
so i admirably ask for this janitorial job from ya!

jees, my grudges really run deep, if i may do say so myself! i mean, its not like we still got anybody left to kill in this town anyway!"

Us "you dont look that dangerous of a HS, tho..."

Anri "ha? the hell're ya saying? dangerous, is, like, my middle name. i'm like, the type that will stab my master and do them in again and again given the chance, ill have you know. we avengers are a bunch that, no matter how much the advantages and disadvantages coincides. will do you in with one strike from behind and---

...nah. i guess everyuthings got an exception. like that black coat newbie. he's like, a sub species or smtg.

hmm, should i teach ya? on how to differ between avengers?

those born out of hate speaks of love,
/those who pity others at the end of their abuse.
those born out of love speaks of hate.
/those in bliss end up in betrayal.

avengers more or less are p much between that two. the difference between sneering at love and burning their grudges, ysee.
whichever's the root, at the end of the day its still the same old fixation on humans. the opposite of like is indifference, yeah?
being on a phase of fixation on humans, we dont really get to be more than humans, ysee

us "so youre saying... at the end of the day, you're just the same as human?"

anri "eeeexactly! a cycle of reaping what you sow! yep yep, you really are fast on the taking!
aaanw, howsabout we go back home already? this place is getting more boring in seconds and all.
when we got back on chaldea, im just gonna hide myself again, being a dead beat and all, so so dont summon me much, if you dont mind. ah also, i'll leave the report to ya. i kinda suck at talking at the doctor

ah, also

this is a bit of a gift to you, being curious and all. its my feelings of sort.
you fine with leaving this place be? since the ones you're fixing are the other sevens anyway"

anw we got back and reported to roman. he's surprised we use anri mayu. bond 10 servants here ladies and gentlemen
he told us that the shadowvants we fought resembles anri mayu
this is just a guess on his part, but he feels that its possible anri has a Skill that is capable of restarting himself each time he die. literally savescumming. though its restricted only in fuyuki (OHHHHH BIG LORE HERE)
roman said that this servant here has a special characteristic, of fighting beyond his bodily limit, and after running wildly, receives death. however, were he to put that "Death Desire" (thats the skill name btw, Annihilation Wish suuuuucks) not for his own death, but for the sake of something else entirely, then... perhaps that servant would use and throw away even millions of death, and escape from the loop of one's own making. that in itself would be what was once him, cursed in infinite ruin.

Roman "Welp, not like there's any chance of that to happen, though!
I mean, for real for real. He totally has that complete self-torturing, subservient, chicken nature going on right?
if there's actually somebody that could make that kind of HS proactively walk forward on his own, she'd either be a total saint, someone of the same kind as him, or perhaps-----

Or perhaps.

Just an awkward human, who cannot throw away even someone like him. Maybe he did meet someone like her, after all."
Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS) - Page 2189
And a manual transcription of Solomon's mats, minus personality and lines:
Grand Order Material IV said:

クラス グランドキャスター
真名 ソロモン

性別 男性
出典 旧約聖書
地域 古代イスラエル

属性 秩序・善
身長 178cm
体重 75kg

筋力 E
耐久 E
敏捷 B
魔力 A++
幸運 A++
宝具 A++

設定作成 奈須きのこ
キャラクターデザイン 武内崇
CV 鈴村健一

主な登場作品 Fate/Grand Order



















ランク D
種別 対人宝具
レンジ ー




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I'm too lazy to translate the lines / personality and so forth.


Class: Beast I
True Name: Goetia

Sex: Male
Origination: Old Testament
Locale: Ancient Israel

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 75 kg


Mana A+
Luck B

Noble Phantasm A++

Setting Creation: Nasu Kinoko
Character Design: Yamanaka Kotetsu
CV: Sugita Tomokazu

Work of Primary Appearance: Fate/Grand Order

Class Skills

Territory Creation

The establishment of an 「atelier」, as a territory favorable to oneself in one's capacity as a magus.
In aptitude for Territory Creation, he who built the Temple of Jerusalem is considered to have reached the highest summit.​

High-Speed Incantation:A

Skill in the expedition of thaumaturgical incantation.
Though in the past, it was of a rate of incantation that was only as average, it would as of present day place within a domain comparable to High-Speed Divine Words.
Being that the one who inhabits the flesh is now Goetia, those flaws that were in life extant ... the weaknesses of the personality ... are absent.​

Item Creation:C

The creation of instruments borne of thaumaturgical power.
Perhaps as a consequence of specializing in the establishment of contracts, capacity in Item Creation is of an average level.​


Personal Skills


A thaumaturgy that permits the evocation of spiritual corpora from the past; or possibly the future.
Following the death of Solomon the King, the Concept of 「the Seventy-Two Demon Gods」 that yet lingered came to nest within his corpus; and was with the passage of many years rebirthed as 「some existence」 that clad itself within the skin of Solomon the King.
Though the Summoning of the Heroic Spirits and the calling forth of typical familiars cannot by such be enacted, the Seventy-Two Demon Gods can unto the Manifest Reality be freely summoned forth.
It would perhaps be easier to comprehend if described as a faculty of conversion that Projects those 「fabricated demon gods」 that nest within the internal world of Solomon the King into the external reality.​


A Skill in the capacity of hearing 「a voice from on high」, and accordingly taking the optimal course of action.
As this is a Skill borne of the spirit, it cannot be utilized by Goetia, who has merely come to nest within the corpus of Solomon the King.​

The Rings of Solomon:EX

Rings that adorn the ten fingers, bestowed by God. A testament of standing as a forefather to thaumaturgy, and as a king.
In the circumstance that all of the ten rings are assembled, they would permit the negation of every variety of thaumaturgy enacted by man; and the taking of such (thaumaturgy) unto subordination.
Upon the fingers of Goetia, nine rings are borne. The one that remains is ―――​

Thousand-League Eyes:EX

Keenness of sight. The apprehension of a distant target. An enhancement in the visual perception of bodies in motion. As of a higher Rank, even clairvoyance or precognition are rendered as possible.
Solomon's Thousand-League Eyes are able to view the past and future unobstructed. Being that Thousand-League Eyes are as a skill inherent to the corpus, its utility is likewise available to Goetia.​

Independent Manifestation:A

A special Skill. An extreme, higher-order iteration of Independent Action.
Also, being that one's existence is as confirmed unto affixation, a resistance is held against the instantaneous rendition of death, and against offensive actions of the variety of temporal manipulation.
A holder of such a Skill can without being influenced by either the Incineration of the Human Order -- as effected per the Singularities; or the Revision of the Human Order -- as effected per ○○○○○ -- come into manifestation so long as conditions are met.​


Offensive actions as rendered by a Servant come to denial and negation.
Those Noble Phantasms that are as symbolic to Heroic Spirits are entirely cancelled (rendered ineffective; met with invincibility; absorbed; reduced by attrition) ... However, a single exception exists.
Within the context of『FateGO』, Skill Rank is significantly reduced by the activation of that 『exception』.​

Noble Phantasms

Come the Time of Nativity, That is What Which Unto All Grants Order

Rank EX
Type Anti-Unit (Anti-Human?)

Ars Almadel Salomonis.
The 3rd Noble Phantasm. The I of the Original Sin. The bands of light that declare the termination of humanity.
Being that which comes of converting the entirety of the History of Man to Heat, these bands of light are in the hundreds of millions accumulated, accelerated, and gathered to convergence; and by such, a temporal retrogression of a vast volume of years is made as possible.​

Come the Time of Coronation, That is What Which Unto All Grants Inception

Rank A
Type Anti-World
Range 999
Upper Quantity of Targets ?

Ars Paulina.
The 2nd Noble Phantasm. The Temple of Time, Solomon. The final stage of 『FateGO』 Book I.
A space wherein the History of Man, converted into thaumaturgical energy, is accumulated and made to coil.
It lies extant within a space of Imaginary Numbers quarantined from the normal flow of time.
Goetia himself resides within this temple, smiling as he ascertains with his own eyes the annihilation of each era. It is a Reality Marble that Goetia constructed by way of rendering enhancements to the corpus of Solomon the King; and its underlying mechanism is to the Greater Grail of Justeaze in 「Fate/stay night」 identical.​

Come the Time of Parting, That is What Which Relinquishes the World

Rank D
Type Anti-Unit
Range ー
Upper Quantity of Targets 1

Ars Nova.
The 1st Noble Phantasm. Though Goetia was aware that 「the other Solomon indeed possessed a Noble Phantasm」, the details were unknown to him.
Nay; rather, he could not know of them.​


Class: Grand Caster
True Name: Solomon

Sex: Male
Origination: Old Testament
Locale: Ancient Israel

Alignment: Lawful Good
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 75 kg


Mana A++
Luck A++

Noble Phantasm A++

Setting Creation: Nasu Kinoko
Character Design: Takeuchi Takashi
CV: Suzumura Kenichi

Work of Primary Appearance: Fate/Grand Order

Class Skills

Territory Creation

The establishment of an 「atelier」, as a territory favorable to oneself in one's capacity as a magus.
In aptitude for Territory Creation, he who built the Temple of Jerusalem is considered to have reached the highest summit.​

High-Speed Incantation:C

Skill in the expedition of thaumaturgical incantation.
Though expedition is indeed rendered, proneness to worry ruins things, and as such, mistakes are occasionally made.​

Item Creation:C

The creation of instruments borne of thaumaturgical power.
Perhaps as a consequence of specializing in the establishment of contracts, capacity in Item Creation is of an average level.​

Personal Skills


A thaumaturgy that permits the evocation of spiritual corpora from the past; or possibly the future.
The summoning techniqies borne by Solomon -- who was able to communicate with those spiritual existences called as 「the Seventy-Two Demon Gods」; and engage them as capable familiars -- are not as such that would shame the title of the King of Thaumaturgy.
Whereas there do exist techniques by which to bind Demons to servitude per the knowledge that Solomon left behind, the manuscript of such came in posterity to be applied with the title of Lemegeton; or alternatively, Goetia.​


Hearing 「a voice from on high」, and accordingly taking the optimal course of action.
Whereas 『Instinct』 is a 6th Sense purposed to employment in combat, Revelation accommodates itself to the entire array of phenomena relevant to the attainment of a goal (for example, the identification of an optimal route of travel in the midst of a journey).
Though Solomon only ever once received a Revelation, he was by said Revelation let to establish a Phenomenon Manipulation Technique that could be enacted even by the hand of an ordinary person -- and thus, thaumaturgy came into being. (Until then, thaumaturgy was as a capacity the prerogative of those humans who were proximate to the divinities.)​

The Rings of Solomon:EX

Rings that adorn the ten fingers, bestowed by God. A testament of standing as a forefather to thaumaturgy, and as a king.
In the circumstance that all of the ten are assembled, they would permit the negation of every variety of thaumaturgy enacted by man; and the taking of such (thaumaturgy) unto subordination.​


Keenness of sight. The apprehension of a distant target. An enhancement in the visual perception of bodies in motion. As of a higher Rank, even clairvoyance or precognition are rendered as possible.
It is said that Solomon's Thousand-League Eyes are able to view the past and future unobstructed.​

Noble Phantasm

Come the Time of Parting, That is What Which Relinquishes the World

Rank D
Type Anti-Unit
Range ー
Upper Quantity of Targets 1

Ars Nova.
The 1st Noble Phantasm. A Noble Phantasm held not by Goetia, but by the true Solomon (Doctor Roman).
It is as an elegeia of farewell to the relinquishing of all that which he has until now attained; of his acts accomplished, his miracles enacted, his thaumaturgy acquired.
As of the activation of this Noble Phantasm, Solomon returns to the Heavens those blessings that God to him bestowed, and surrenders those Eyes by which he gazed upon the World.
The effect of such is the death of Solomon the King; and conversely, the apoptosis of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods.
This is also said to be a fail-safe of Solomon's provision to the elimination of 「thaumaturgy」, for use in the circumstance that at some point in the far future, such becomes a threat to humanity.
... by its utilization, Solomon would be from the Throne of Heroes eliminated.

The complete elimination of Solomon refers not to the vanishing of the traces of his existence; rather, it hold the connotation that the entirety of his obligations have come to conclusion.
... there exist for all organisms 『things left undone』 as of their conclusion or termination. Irrelevant of the extent to which one's life is lived to perfection, an 「outstanding balance」 remains.
It is per the inheritance by the ones who follow of these 『outstanding balances』 that the ruts by which the History of Man proceeds come to be established.
Complete elimination is as a removal from these ruts.
It is such that should an individual existence come to complete all that which they have been bestowed, they will arrive upon a state whereby 『the outstanding balance of this organism is nonextant』.

There is no longer any necessity for their defeat; and there is likewise no longer any necessity for reliance upon them.
No longer shall anyone require things of them;
no longer shall it be necessary for anyone to shoulder their death;
no longer shall anyone further ask them of aid, or of outcome.

Such would likewise be what is connoted as of an elimination from the Throne of Heroes.
It is as a resolution to the assignment of life; a conclusion of all tasks to which one is obligated within this Universe.
Though there exists a Savior who is said to be the sole member of humanity that entered unto enlightment, as of a 「terminus」 of an orientation differing to his, a coward arrived at destination.​

If there are typos, I'll fix them later.
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This is all @Grue's fault. He knows what he did.

Class: Berserker
True Name: Kishur Zelretch Schweinorg
Alignment: Mad Good


Class Skills
Mad Enhancement (EX) - The capability to enhance one's parameters at the cost of sanity. As one who flawlessly resisted the lure of his inhuman nature after his corruption by Crimson Moon, Berserker qualifies for the highest possible Rank in this Skill. Under normal conditions, Rank-Up to all parameters without cost to sanity. Certain tasks that require exceedingly fine control are excepted.

Personal Skills

Monstrous Strength (B) - A Skill appropriate for a wild monster or elemental. Not something possessed in life, but rather introduced through the corruption of Innocent Monster. Rather than risking "transformation into a monster," overuse of this Skill by Berserker risks affirming the corruption, lowering the Rank of Mad Enhancement and sealing many of his abilities.

Innocent Monster (A) - Due to corruption from an unknown source, Berserker has taken the form of a certain breed of Elemental most famous for living under bridges, accosting travelers for gold at best and their very flesh at worst. Due to his original rejection of his "madness," the existence of this skill is the only reason he can be summoned in the class of Berserker at all, and thus this aspect is automatically summoned should he be forced into this class.

Pioneer of the Stars (EX) - A skill granted to those who have determined the course of human history, it can have no more suitable bearer than he who administrates parallel worlds. Renders all "impossibilities" into "events that can be realized."

Kaleidoscope (A-) - The exclusive skill of the bearer of the Second Magic. Normally possessed at a Rank of EX, the sublime Mystery of its operation renders it vulnerable even to the slight mental disturbance of Mad Enhancement EX. The greatest uses of the Magic are no longer within his grasp in this Class, and worse, his "aim" and "targeting" are uncertain. With every use, there is a chance that random passers-by may be shifted into a parallel world, a separate Tree of Time, or in the worst case expelled from all possible instances of the Domain of Man entirely, leaving them adrift and dependent entirely on the mercy of their ultimate landing point.

Noble Phantasm
Thousandfold Trichiliocosm ~ The Adminstration of Parallel Worlds

EX-Rank Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm

Bringing every possible scrap of reinforcement and strength to bear at once, Berserker punches his opponent - and three thousand refractions appear in his wake, drawn forth from the endless facets of the Kaleidoscope. An extremely efficient use of Monstrous Strength, for the risk and cost of a single blow three thousand augmented strikes are made. Starting with the inhuman strength of an ancient Elemental (Berserker's own age is naturally included in the weight of his blows) and enhanced further through madness and magecraft, each of those strikes might dare to contend to those of that infamous demigod of Greece.

Naturally, both evasion, and any defense that less than perfectly counters such mighty blows, are entirely and completely useless.
Class: Grand Caster
True Name: Solomon
Gender: Male
Source: Old Testament
Region: Ancient Israel
Alignment: Lawful Good
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 75 kg

MGI: A++
LCK: A++
NP: A++

Setting creation: Nasu Kinoko
Character design: Yamanaka Kotetsu
CV: Suzumura Kenichi
Main works appearance: Fate/Grand Order
Class Skills
Territory Creation: A
Creation of a "Workshop" territory that is advantageous to himself as a magus.
That ability of his that had created the Temple of Jerusalem is of the highest peak of Territory Creation.

(funny how other's with rank A TC always has that additional line about them hasving"temple" instead of "workshop" but not Solomon. another case of copypasting mistake in this book? or maybe talking about Jerusalem temple already counts as "Temple"?)

High Speed Incantation: C
The ability to hasten magic incantation speed.
Despite being fast, his tendency to worry prones to ruin it and sometimes makes him do a mistake.

Tool Creation: C
Creation of tools tinged with magic energy.
Perhaps because he is specialized in contracts, his Tool Creation ability is on average level.
Personal Skill
Evocation: EX
Magic that evokes of spiritual bodies of the past, or perhaps the future.
With his Evocation ability that spoke of the summoned spiritual existences, the "Seventy Two Demon Gods", and established them as capable familiars, he truly lived up to his title of King of Magic.

Revelation : -
A Skill that hears of "the voice from the Heavens" and performs the most suitable of actions.
While "Instinct" is a sixth sense for combat purpose, Revelation conforms to all matters in regards of achieving a goal (such as selecting the most suitable road for travel route).
Solomon had only ever received one Revelation, but based on that he had established the phenomena operation technique--that is, magic--that even an ordinary person could perform. (Until then, magic had been a work only for those related to the gods.)

Rings of Solomon: EX
The ten rings given by God. The mark of the king, the progenitor of magic.
In the case of all ten rings present, any and all kinds of magic performed by mankind is invalidated and put under his subordination.

Clairvoyance: EX
Eyesight of good quality. Apprehension of long distance target and elevation of kinetic vision. When the rank is high enough, even x-ray vision or future prediction becomes possible.
Solomon's Clairvoyance gives him unobstructed view of both the past and the future.
Ars Nova
The Time of Parting has Come, He is the One who Lets Go of the World

Rank: D
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum target: 1 person

Ars Nova.
The First Noble Phantasm. A Noble Phantasm that belongs not to Goetia, but to the true King Solomon (Dr. Roman).
The exploits that he had fulfilled until now, the miracles that he had accomplished until now, the magic that he had achieved until now; it is a poem of parting that lets go of it all.
Upon the invocation of this Noble Phantasm, Solomon returns back to the heavens the graces that he had received from God, losing his eye that gazes at the world.
The result is the death of King Solomon. And conversely, the disintegration of the 72 demon gods.
It can be said to be the safety device that Solomon had prepared for the sake of destroying "magic", should the time in a distant future comes when it becomes an evil for human.
...When this Noble Phantasm is employed, Solomon would vanish from even the Throne of Heroes.

Solomon's complete evanescence implies not of erasure of all traces of Solomon, but rather that that everything that he must do now had been completed.
...Each and every living existences have things they had left undone as their time is concluded and ended. No matter how flawless they had live their life, they would always leave behind a "remnant".
Those "remnants" will then be carried over by the people that will continue even further, bringing to forth the path of human history.

A complete evanescence means an ascenscion from this very path.
To accomplish every task one is granted with, a state of existence where one no longer has any matter undone.

There is no longer any need to defeat him, nor the need to rely on him.
No longer will anyone ask of him,
no longer will anyone bear the burden of his death,
no longer will anyone ask for his help, for his accomplishment.

That is what it means to disappear even from the Throne of Heroes.
To be released from the duty of life, to have completed all the task one is burdened with in this universe.
The messiah is the sole being among the mankind to have attained enlightenment, but the coward had attained and arrived on a "destination" of a different bearing.

(guys is evanescence to snobbish of a word)
First pronoun: watashi/boku (as Solomon)
Second pronoun: kimi
Third pronoun: kimitachi/shokun

- Character
Introvert, self-assured, passive.
A gentle king that gives off a relaxed sense.
"Confidence" is his main characteristic, but it's actually only his ability of "unable to read the mood." As a result, he only makes statements in a confident manner, but is actually a coward (chicken) in his basic nature.
Diligent but not earnest, he lives by putting only 80% of his maximum effort.
He poperly ascertained of the people, properly established the law, and properly governed the country.
Although he is somewhat lacking in mettle, he is a wise and kind king full of love, respected and beloved by his people.
However, all of those traits are not actually by Solomon's own will.
From his birth, he had been ordained to be a king, to hear the voice of God and to live in accordance to it. There is no emotion within him; he is inhuman, deprived of the autonomy to symphatize with the joy and sorrow of the people.

Only when he becomes Romani Archaman that he finally acquires his original human nature.
His root is that of a pessimist and realist. Even though he speaks of wishful thinking as a moodmaker, due to himself unable to think of that as more than pipe dreams, he is quite shameless in some respects.
He loves humans, but because he's a coward in nature who "does not want to see sad things", he ends up limiting himself with superficial relationships. On the other hand, he is capable of being good terms with pretty much everybody. Your typical affable friendly guy.
When being faced with a dilemma, he has the bad habit of choosing to stay undecided and devoting himself to just observe, or just straight up runs away, so that the status quo is maintained.
Due to Roman himself is reflecting on that weakness of his, it only needs one a few words, for someone in his surroundings to simply says "hang in there", for him to somehow holds his ground and displays a resolution worthy of the King of Magic.

Incidentally, any Servants would end up having "I don't know the reason but this guy's the one at fault here" as their first impression for Roman; and due to that they will unconsciously complain about him.
The only ones who don't judge him negatively are those who aren't Servants, the contrarians, and the Berserkers that don't perceive evil as evil.

- Motives and attitude towards Master
He conceals the fact that he had been Solomon, collaborating with the protagonist as a human.
The first Heroic Spirit that Chaldea summoned. (Summoning Case No. 1)
He had had the premonition of the arrival of humankind's extinction, unknown in its nature, and had been hiding himself in Chaldea as a researcher.
The reason that he keeps his true colors hidden is because he is wary against the mastermind behind the incineration of human history, and at the same time due to him feeling responsible out of fear that somehow, he is the one to blame for this.
While he does think that it is unjustifiable to the protagonist, he himself is completely unapologetic about it.
"I mean, there's just no helping it. You can hate me all you want, I don't mind. Actually, it would only be natural if you do. To begin with, I'm just not spmeone worthy for other people to like."
Due to him undervaluing (self-torturing) himself like that, he thinks that it's only natural for people to detest him rather than like him.


Winner of the Holy Grail War of the year 2004.
His wish upon the Grail is "to live as a human".
In the midst of the Holy Grail War, Solomon thought of this.
"Romance. Romance, is it! Such a pleasant word. A fresh concept, one yet to exist during my time."
A phrase that had yet to exist in his age.
A way of life where a single human freely embraces their dream.
For such a world that displays such a thing to exist.
It was because he felt, from the bottom of his heart, that it is such a magnificent thing, that Solomon decided to call himself "Roman".
And after the Holy Grail War had concluded.
Receiving the name Romani Archaman, Roman then set out to begin his second life. Alas, he was unable to experience the fullness, the joy of being human that he had not acquire during his live.
For his freedom had been snatched away when he was shown a glimpse of the future, of the end of mankind, just as he had been made human.
Ever since then, just like an infant newly born to the world, he had to chase an enemy whose true nature he knew not of in reselessness, embarking on a lone man's struggle.
As he, in desperation, chased after knowledge, acquired technology, and ran as if weeping in the darkness, he made it in time for the fated moment (the 2015 rayshift experiment.)

During the final stage of the first part, Roman is struck with an inner conflict when he had fathomed that Goetia was the mastermind.
He has a way of defeating Goetia.
If he could reach the Time Temple, confront Goetia before he is aware of the existence of the "last ring", and make use of Solomon's first Noble Phantasm, then he could make Goetia lost his invincibility.
But at the same time, it would mean his own obliteration.
The previous Solomon would just say "That, too, is fine, I suppose" and would simply be done with it. But the previous Solomon is not the current Solomon.
He is Dr. Roman now.
The king who had tasted his second life, who had been made known of the magnificence of life, is in anguish.
To resolve himself for death.
Could he overcome that fear, that remorse?
Historical depiction
A figure who lived between BC 1000 to BC 931. The third king of ancient Israel.
The great king who had brought about grand prosperity to ancient Israel. He was the man who employed 72 demon gods and had built the first temple of Israel.

His policy as a king was excelling, but other than that he also had numerous anecdote as a magus.
Solomon had once married an Egyptian female pharaoh, but after that, God appeared in his dream and said to him: "You are worthy. Tell me of what you desire. Ask, and I shall give it to you."
Solomon desired not of gold or power; above all that, above anything, he wished for wisdom.
God was content with his answer, for Solomon's very answer was a sign that he possessed the qualifications to reach "true wisdom".
Solomon's eye was then awakened, and he was granted ten rings on both of his hands.
It was the very mark of the wise man approved by God. Later on it would be known as the Rings of Solomon, the origin of the magic that employs both angels and demons.

Even though King Solomon had accomplished that miracle only once, it is the one that reveals his wisdom. It was then made known to the people that "the king had been granted the protection of God's own"; once was more than enough.
For anymore miracle would struck fear to the people and degrade it.
Solomon's name as the Magic King was spread to the neighboring countries, all the while without using magic itself, and left this world while known as the wise king.
Role ingame
The character that acts as the navigator for the protagonist throughout the seven chapters.
In the last chapter, after he had seen Mash's last moment with his own eyes, the coward then told to himself of the end, and deployed the first Noble Phantasm.
He severed Goetia's strength, then vanished after entrusting what comes after to the protagonist.
Connection with other characters
His father. And yet, David and Solomon has a relatively indiferent parent-child relationship.
Even if Solomon declares that he would incinerate humankind, David would say "Mm, Solomon does say things like that" and just coolly observe.
It is the same with Solomon; even if David declares that Solomon is a failure of a human being, Solomon would say "Well, Father does say things like that" and call if off just like that.

Cleopatra, Ozymandias
Solomon was very fond of the Egyptian beauty, but didn't care much for the pharaoh.

The same with him, someone who was granted by God "the chance to have his prayer fulfilled".
Solomon had wished for wisdom, but Galahad had wished for nothing.
Solomon questions "Why?" in regards of that matter, and bears a sense of inferiority that comes from his subconscious regret, thinking that "I should have done so."

With all said and done, you, aren't you hating me a bit too much?!
Comment from Illustrator
I'm really glad I had drawn him with a good expression.
(Takeuchi Takashi)

Class: Beast I
True Name: Goetia
Gender: Male
Source: Old Testament
Region: Ancient Israel
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 75 kg

NP: A++

Setting creation: Nasu Kinoko
Character design: Yamanaka Kotetsu
CV: Sugita Tomokazu

Main works appearance: Fate/Grand Order
Class Skills
Territory Creation: A
Creation of a "Workshop" territory that is advantageous to himself as a magus.
That ability of his that had created the Temple of Jerusalem is of the highest peak of Territory Creation.

(funny how other's with rank A TC always has that additional line about them hasving"temple" instead of "workshop" but not Goetia. another case of copypasting mistake in this book? or maybe talking about Jerusalem temple already counts as "Temple"?)

High Speed Incantation: A
The ability to hasten magic incantation speed.
Formerly his incantation speed is only average, but now it is comparable to High Speed Divine Words.
That is due the inside being Goetia, and thus his weakness during alive... his characteristic weakness... isn't there.

Tool Creation: C
Creation of tools tinged with magic energy.
Perhaps because he is specialized in contracts, his Tool Creation ability is on average level.
Personal Skill
Evocation: EX
Magic that evokes of spiritual bodies of the past, or perhaps the future.
After the death of King Solomon, the concept of "Seventy Two Demon Gods", deserted, then nested inside the corpse of King Solomon and through long months and years was rebirth as "someone" who wears Solomon's skin.
Although unable on performing heroic Spirit summoning or normal familiar summoning, he is capable of freely summonning to existence the "Seventy Two Demon Gods".
Simply put, a converter that projects into reality the "imaginary demon gods" nesting within King Solomon's inner world.

Revelation : -
A Skill that hears of "the voice from the Heavens" and performs the most suitable of actions.
Due to this being a Skill possessed by the soul, it cannot be used by Goetia nesting inside King Solomon's corpse.

Rings of Solomon: EX
The ten rings given by God. The mark of the king, the progenitor of magic.
In the case of all ten rings present, any and all kinds of magic performed by mankind is invalidated and put under his subordination.
There are 9 rings worn by Goetia. The remaining one is-----

Clairvoyance: EX
Eyesight of good quality. Apprehension of long distance target and elevation of kinetic vision. When the rank is high enough, even x-ray vision or future prediction becomes possible.
Solomon's Clairvoyance gives him unobstructed view of both the past and the future. Due to Clairvoyance being a Skill embedded to the body, it can be used by Goetia.

Independent Manifestation: A
A special skill. A superior version of Independent Action.
Furthermore, due to the existence fixation it also possesses the effect of resistance towards attack by means of instant death and time manipulation.
Those with the skill does not receive influence from the incineration of Human Order by means of singularities, or from the compilation of Human Order by means of *****, manifesting as long the requirement is fulfilled.

Nega Summon: EX
Negates and completely demolish attacks from Servants.
Complete cancellation (invalidation, invincible, absorption, reduction) of symbols of Heroic Spirits, the Noble Phantasms.... saves for one exception.
In FateGO, thanks to that one "exception", the rank of the skill is heavily demoted.

(OK this is weird why does the mats not include Authority of the Beast)
Ars Almadel Salomonis
The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All

Rank: EX
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm

Ars Almadel Salomonis.
The third Noble Phantasm. The I of the original sin. The light that tells of the end of mankind.
By converting the heat value of the entirety of human history, this lightbelt is compiled hundred millions of times, accelerated, and converged, making it possible of the retrogression of vast lenght of time.

(From my limited knowledge of the language, Ars means Art, Almadel (or Almandal) being apparently some sort of altar, amd Salomonis is Solomon. Ars Almadel is also 4th book of the lesser of Clavicula Salomonis aka Key of Solomon. So it sort of literally means Solomon's Art of Altar and indeed, the book itself speaks about creation of altar to contact angels and scrying. I suppose the lightbelt is being likened to altar, and the heat value conversion is the ceremony here.[IMG=[URL]http://www.esotericarchives.com/gifs/0253fig.gif]Here's[/IMG[/URL]] the picture of the Almadel from the book.)

Ars Paulina
The Time of Crowning has Come, He is the One who Begins All

Rank: A
Type: Anti-World Noble Phantasm
Range: 999
Maximum target: ? person

Ars Paulina.
The Second Noble Phantasm. The Time Temple Solomon. The last stage for FateGO's first part.
It compiles the human history converted into magic energy, a governed space.
It exists in the imaginary space separated from the normal flow of time.
Goetia himself remains within this Temple, grinning and laughing as he assures each and every era being extinguished.
It is a Reality Marble that Goetia fabricated by amplifying the remains of King Solomon; its structure is the same as Fate/stay night's Justicia's Great Holy Grail.

(Ars Paulina is the third book of Clauvica Salomonis. It literally means Art of Pauline. Pauline itself apparently means anything that has connection to St. Paul the apostle. The book itself speaks of twenty four angels aligned with twenty four hours of the day, and 360 spirits of the degrees of zodiac. The 360 degree and 24 hours is probably likened to how we fight in a circle area inside Ars Paulina back at Solomon chapter.
also was it Justicia or Justeaze again)

Ars Nova
The Time of Parting has Come, He is the One who Lets Go of the World

Rank: D
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum target: 1 person

Ars Nova.
The First Noble Phantasm. While Goetia knows that this is "the Noble Phantasm belonging to the other Solomon", he is not aware of the detail.
No. He is unable to be aware of it.

(It literally means Art of the New. Only relevant bit i could find is this bit on the fifth book, the Ars Notoria that contains a series of prayers intended to grant eidetic memory (photographic memory) and instantaneous learning to the magician. Quoting the Ars Goetia:

Book of Orations and Prayers which Wise Solomon did use upon the Altar in the Temple. The which is called ARS NOVA, the which was revealed to Solomon by that Holy Angel of God called Michael; and he also received many brief Notes written with the Finger of God, which were declared to him by the said Angel with Claps of Thunder; without which Notes King Solomon had never obtained his Great Wisdom, for by them in short time he gained Knowledge of all Arts and Sciences both Good and Bad; from these Notes it is called THE NOTARY ART.)
First pronoun: watashi
Second pronoun: kisama
Third pronoun: kisamara/shokun

- Character
A perfect (independent) ideologist.
He acts as his desire demands, while sneering as those that become his victim grant him immense pleasure. An embodiment of cruelty, viciousness, and atrocity.
He completely disapproves of humanity's freedom.
He sneers from the heart at humanity's happiness.
He draws breath only to reject humanity, the Magic King who curses of the Human Order.

Such is the being he had integrated and establish himself as.


He is not King Solomon himself, but the aggregation of the 72 demon gods.
After Solomon's death, the 72 demon gods--sealed within Solomon's husk--had awaken their own independent idea, took away the name of Solomon (although from their point of view, they are the real Magic King Solomon), and set out on transforming the entirety of humanity to energy.
Those 72 demon gods is a "system that efficiently advance the correct truth" created by Solomon, the progenitor of (human's) magic.
They lament at the relationship between King Solomon and the humans, rage at it, for King Solomon had continued on ignoring the "imperfectness of humanity"; and they had became the curse that act to overcome it.
The name is Goetia, the Human Order incineration system.
A magic possessing will and intention, that plots and devises in order to reach true wisdom and plans on returning to the origin by making use of the entirety of human history.

- Motives and attitude towards Master
He makes it his purpose to become the one and only supreme existence on the planet.
King Solomon, while knowing the helplessness and ugliness of humanity, accepted death without correcting it.
However, the demon gods within him had refused to accept it, had concluded that humans have no value in the future, and had feared of the result where mankind faces extinction.
Putting aside their own extinction, all things are destined to disappear in the end; and such an end disgusts them.
Thus, Goetia put into effect a course of action by nesting inside the remains of King Solomon, as he was put into dilemma on the current state of things. As he declares that there is no value in humans, he as a demon god can only exist if he is to make use of humans.
Despite being a lifeform of higher dimension, it is an insult for him to be under the one greatest waste of the universe, the humans. Goetia does not accept such contradiction and untruth, and he embarks on a journey of self-transformation.

Reestablishing his purpose of serving humankind.
The absolute proof that he is the most supreme of beings on the planet.
Reaching the extreme that not even Solomon could acquire.
Namely, the large undertaking of returning to God.

"I shall kill the whole mankind. I must kill them. I must burn them. I must be the only one left on the surface of this planet. If you ask me why, then I shall answer you. That is because for you, it is the greatest meaning of existence, the ending with most worth."

Goetia then dispatched the demon gods to the future, pounding into a great number of crumbling points within human history, and guide its foundation to disintegration.
It appears that his goal is the erasure of humanity, but that is purely a means to the end. Goetia's goal is to "return to the beginning".

He no longer hold any interest, be it to mankind or to the future.
His desire is to go back before there was life on this planet, to go back to 4.6 billion years before, to observe the moment as the "celestial body" was born at this domain, and take in all of that energy.
That is, he wants to make himself the "new celestial body".
(From what did he start this reason and motive is told only on the original story on the game.)

However, not even Goetia is capable of time travel.
Soaring to the past requires an enormous amount of energy-----of magic energy.
For example, the quantity of magic energy accumulated by certain intelligent lifeforms, flourishing for 2500 years.
Should he able to convert the entirety of human history from 1000 BC to 2016 AD to magic energy, it will be enough magic energy to return and leap until the beginning of the planet.
The destruction of mankind----the incineration is only for this one thing.
For Goetia, mankind, from the time of his creation until the year of 2016, is no more than the first space rocket for the sake of returning to the sky of beginning.


Thus Goetia-----the monster who calls himself the Magic King Solomon began his project.
He created the Holy Grails as singularities that derails history, manipulated the magi that he himself designed (transforming them into demon gods on Goetia's purpose), and produced 7 detonation point.
That is the cause of the Holy Grail War occuring in each era.
By putting his plan into motion, mankind's future starting from 2016 was extinguished.
With what he had achieved and more, his Class was determined.
The likes of Grand Caster are but a false crown status.
He is the greatest disaster, brought forth by mankind, that had extremely and effectively perversed the human history.
His name is Beast I.
One of the seven Evils of Humanity, the beast possessing the principle of "pity".

...A man's luxury to pity and be disappointed at others. That in itself is the beastly nature of Goetia.

- Speech example
"Solomon. Magic King Solomon. Perhaps you would commit it to memory were I to put it that way?
"Burn. Until not even your ashes are left. That is your future."
"Speak not of lives by human's social standard. By the time the premise of death comes knocking, such point of view no longer holds any value."
"Do I enjoy this, you ask?
Of course, of course, OF COURSE, OF COURSE! I enjoy this tremendously! Think you I would thoroughly kill each and every one of you if I do not draw pleasure from it!? This pleases me. Your manner of death is delightful. Putting you to an end brings me such joy. And more than everything, your agony upon death is truly exhilirating!"
//He may said all those things, but in truth, it was the exact opposite. At the very least, it is all dull and boring. Things such as human's manner of death are so worthless that he would never wish to see it.
"Plead for help. Raise your mewling voice. For it is the time for you to drown in the sea of anguish! Behold this festival of flame that set ablaze the altar, rendered in its resplendence!"

(Im slighlty liberal in Goetia's speech because his hamminess and imposing speech doesnt work in a literal translation; it just sounds weird instead.)
Historical depiction
A figure who lived between BC 1000 to BC 931. The third king of ancient Israel.
The great king who had brought about grand prosperity to ancient Israel. He was the man who employed 72 demon gods and had built the first temple of Israel.
His policy as a king was excelling, but other than that he also had numerous anecdote as a magus.
Role ingame
The Beast that took the name Magic King for himself.
He gives off a sense of omnipotence that conforms everything in the universe, possessing an intimidating air that detests all mankind.
He wears 10 rings on all of his fingers, but the one ring on the left hand of his middle finger is the only one that is a replica.
Because he has King Solomon as his base, he has an intellectual (albeit terrifying) disposition.
Be that as it may, as he is the aggregation of the 72 demon gods, his personality and nature also amounts to 72.
Due to him being both an individual and a colony, when interacting with others a demon god that is similar to the other party comes to the surface. It is because of this that Goetia's nature was appraised as a "mirror".

He is an omnipotent being that not even King Solomon managed to reach.
Originally he has enough qualification as a king that rules over the people.
However, being omnipotent means he is unable to understand human beings; being unable means he is unable to struggle and reach an answer; and thus, he is unable to become the "king over humans".
Human King Goetia
The "last opponent" who, after the last battle happened and everything had been settled, appeared in front of the protagonist from inside the Temple.
However, by gaining lifespan he became able to comprehend humans, something that Goetia until now was unable to do; he had achieved the state of "human king", a wise king to surpass even King Solomon.
He did not operate only with the violent emotion such as rage and resentment belonging to the previous Goetia, but also with the natural emotion as a human that he now had possessed, as he had arrived to understanding.
He held no anger towards the protagonists that had defeated him.
Even if he killed the protagonists, the fact that Goetia had crumbled and had been defeated would not change.
That last standing of his is simply "the last obstinacy as the one who had persevered until this moment".

Both in spirit and in action, rather than the last boss he has the feel of the main character.
His body crumbled bit by bit during the battle; it was regrettable, but he did not lament over it. His only real feeling was "So this is what being alive means. What life means."
"To show respect to this magnificent opponent, all the while swallowing the emptiness of losing everything, and clash as enemies until the end."
That was what granted unto him, the sole greatest reward for his 3000 years of grand undertaking.

-----O Lord. My gratitude of this joy, of being alive.

(lit. 主よ。生命の歓びを。 if anybody got suggestion for better rendition on english, im open for it.)
Comment from Illustrator
[MAP Goetia]
I did it by shaping the demon pillar into a bundled echinodermata [link https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/テヅルモヅル]basket fish shape. Because it was such an enormous structure there are heaps of details on it.
[Demon pillars]
The design is developed from the same color design as Tiamat's Black Sakura [black and red streak] coloring. I was delighted when the variations of the demon pillars that I submitted with doubt in mind were all used. It was a pleasure, seeing the demon pillars arrangement keep on being created^^
[Humanoid Goetia]
The combining my draft for the humanoid Goetia and the desain for his shoulders and such from the staffs, the fusion and exchange between it, was quite a hard but enjoyable composition.
(Yamanaka Kotetsu)

I am filled with memories and emotion in various of ways.
Speaking in terms of design, I do have some regrets left for ended up jamming various things in, but exactly because of that that his last form gives off a very refreshed feeling.
(Takeuchi Takashi)

(Takeuchi's speaking about clothed Solomon-Goetia, the one with a bunch of ornaments and clothing, vs HumanKing-Goetia, the naked blondie one)
Fate/Grand Order Mats - Page 242
That is what it means to disappear even from the Throne of Heroes.
To be released from the duty of life, to have completed all the task one is burdened with in this universe.
The messiah is the sole being among the mankind to have attained enlightenment, but the coward had attained and arrived on a "destination" of a different bearing.
In Nasu's version of Buddhism (translation not by me):
Amita Amitabha: Transmigration into One [Noble Phantasm] P156

Amita Amitabha is Saver's major Noble Phantasm.
It is the final and greatest stage of his minor Noble Phantasm, Chakravartin: Turner of the Wheel.
According to the reincarnation ideology centered on the Hindu God of Creation Brahma, all humans are a reincarnation of Brahma, and thus the entire human race is part of the same individual. (The Hindu reincarnation and transmigration timeline is sometimes ignored in our (Type-Moon) works, so don't be silly and nitpick.)
According to this ideology, all humans will certainly attain nirvana. (become a Buddha)
This is because all humans will ultimately attain enlightenment and transmigrate.
…Uhhh—Well I have no idea what I'm saying anymore, all this transmigration and immortality business isn't easy you know! Wow! So anyways… (Remainder omitted)
To cut a long story short Amita Amitabha saves mankind from all its pain and suffering. "Everyone will become one with me through the reincarnation cycle."
No mortal being, no human can ever go against this process. (Spoiler ahead) However, the protagonist isn't alive in the first place, so there remains a tiny chance for him/her to survive this attack. This is because the protagonist has never experienced the pain of living, or the four kinds of suffering (birth, disease, old age, death).
If the production budget of EXTRA were 10 times larger, we would have included a system where the player would have attained enlightenment through playing the game and thus be able to overcome this attack. [TL NOTE: attain enlightenment = become a Buddha=be able to survive the attack]
When fighting against Saver we wanted to evoke the feeling that if players don't win the battle in one turn, this "inescapable game-over attack" would activate.
By the way, in the game the actual damage is 5,670,000,000.

Also, it's a mistranslation:
Grand Order Material IV said:
Castor212 said:
The messiah is the sole being among the mankind to have attained enlightenment, but the coward had attained and arrived on a "destination" of a different bearing.
Though there exists a Savior who is said to be the sole member of humanity that entered unto enlightment, as of a 「terminus」 of an orientation differing to his, a coward arrived at destination.

though (が) there exists (がいる) a savior (救世主) said to be (という, to iu; と言う, "it is said" / "called as") the sole one (唯一) of (で) Humanity (人類) [that] attained enlightment (悟りを開いた)​

Castor dropped the "said to be" / "called as."
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TL;DR: Taken altogether, I would give the NP names as follows:
3/10. I prefer MoC's ones.
its underlying mechanism is to the Greater Grail of Justeaze in 「Fate/stay night」 identical.
fallacies, why do you write like this? I've always wondered about it. Wouldn't it be more comfortable and less awkward to phrase it as "its underlying mechanism is identical to the Greater Grail of Justeaze in 「Fate/stay night」."
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3/10. I prefer MoC's ones.
fallacies, why do you write like this? I've always wondered about it. Wouldn't it be more comfortable and less awkward to phrase it as "its underlying mechanism is identical to the Greater Grail of Justeaze in 「Fate/stay night」."
Because to some extent, the intention is to be literal to the original text construction, as possible.

その仕組みは「Fate/stay night」のユスティーツアの大聖杯と同じもの。
that (その) mechanism (仕組み) is (は) with (と) the Greater Grail of Justeaze (ユスティーツアの大聖杯) of (の)「Fate/stay night」an identical existence (同じもの)​

Obviously, I don't keep to that all the time -- but I don't think I'm obligated to conform to other people's aesthetic preferences either.
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Doesn't that make it unnecessarily clunky out the gate due to Japanese and English having different grammar systems, different placements and ordering of sentences?
Yes, it does. On the other hand, since most things that exist on one side are directly translated with reasonable faith to the other (if somewhat out of order), this has the advantage of generally not missing things like "the Messiah is called as the only human to have reached Enlightenment" -- as opposed to claiming with absoluteness that "the Messiah is the only human to have reached Enlightenment."

Ergo, this sort of translation has a particular sort of utility.
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On the other hand, your basic-ass translations mean that you use stilted, strange, and outright incorrect English and end up producing gibberish like "is called as" instead of "is said to be".
On the other hand, your basic-ass translations mean that you use stilted, strange, and outright incorrect English and end up producing gibberish like "is called as" instead of "is said to be".
These are provided out of goodwill as a free service for informational purposes -- and there are certainly alternatives available in case you don't want to read them.

I mean, most of the translations that I do are necessitated by the circumstance that existing translations are demonstrably inaccurate or misrepresentative of the Japanese; or outright missing. Some of these inaccuracies generate fanon -- and my intention is to provide something to counteract that.

Of course, if these sorts of issues are of little import or of no interest, I suppose you can just dismiss my input as unnecessary.
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These are provided out of goodwill as a free service for informational purposes -- and there are certainly alternatives available in case you don't want to read them.

I mean, most of the translations that I do are necessitated by the circumstance that existing translations are demonstrably inaccurate or misrepresentative of the Japanese; or outright missing. Some of these inaccuracies generate fanon -- and my intention is to provide something to counteract that.

Of course, if these sorts of issues are of little import or of no interest, I suppose you can just dismiss my input as unnecessary.
There's a middle ground between "loosely translated enough to create fanon-able errors" and "so exactingly literal it becomes genuinely difficult to parse" dude.
Shockingly, it is occasionally useful to have multiple translations of the same text.

Would I want fallacies' work to be the official/in game text? No, it's giving up too much readability. But do I want it to exist? Yes, because when I need to be really sure of my facts and how things are said to work, I can read their work; and when I already know the broad strokes of what's going om, I can gain some additional insights.
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Honestly, I'm pretty used to how fallacies translates and phrases things, so I genuinely don't have a problem with it and can understand what they're trying to convey most of the time. Although I can joke that interpreting their translations can make for good reading comprehension practice.
And this, children, is why we 'localise' instead of 'translate'.

That's not really what the word localise means. I know we've basically been having the same fight about translation for what feels like fifteen million years, but to use a simple example, onigiri to rice ball is a translation, while onigiri to jelly donut is a localisation. It's the choice to mention Crystal Pepsi instead of Cheerio* or to give Osaka a Texan accent in the Azumanga Daioh dub or to rename 'Chiba Mamoru' into 'Darien Shields.' Since the passage being translated is referring to Jesus Christ, it's already pretty local for Anglophones.

Controversial localisations and ongoing issues with dubtitles in dual audio games have renewed the ancient sub vs dub war. The backlash against people who like subs has lead to this ongoing narrative that translation means 'literally translate in the most idiotic way imaginable' with localisation being considered the process by which necessary grammatical and syntax structures are altered to make sentences comprehensible. But that is simply not correct. Localisation goes further than mere comprehension, it's a process by which cultural material in the original text is altered to something closer to home, hence the name.

*Cheerio was an obscure reference even for Japanese audiences, so naturally would have gone over the average American's head. However, literally no one in Tasmania has ever seen a bottle of Crystal Pepsi, so the replacement went over my head as well :V

On the other hand, your basic-ass translations mean that you use stilted, strange, and outright incorrect English and end up producing gibberish like "is called as" instead of "is said to be".

A sentence like "the Messiah is called as the only human to have reached Enlightenment" is, strictly speaking, not correct English. It's not gibberish though, given that the meaning is clear from context. Like, most of us use far less clear English just in conversation :V

Anyway, it seems kind of petty to be insulting the primo source of translated information that you can interact with directly and seek clarification from at pretty much any time. I really don't understand why the Type-Moon fanbase is so incessantly hostile. Why not try approaching one another with a sense of respect and then working towards a mutually beneficial outcome?
Controversial localisations and ongoing issues with dubtitles in dual audio games have renewed the ancient sub vs dub war. The backlash against people who like subs has lead to this ongoing narrative that translation means 'literally translate in the most idiotic way imaginable' with localisation being considered the process by which necessary grammatical and syntax structures are altered to make sentences comprehensible. But that is simply not correct.
As to be expected of that person. Could this be the dub-war of rumour? What a troublesome personality. It just can't be helped.
Are Parallel Worlds the same thing as Adjacent Worlds?
平行世界 (heikou sekai) = Parallel World (lit. "world that advances in parallel")
並行世界 (heikou sekai) = Adjacent World (lit. "world that advances in adjacence")
In colloquial usage, they're interchangeable -- but Nasu almost exclusively uses the latter.

At some point, it was given in some Extella-related thing that, "a timeline truly becomes 'parallel' when it no longer has anything in common -- or no longer has any intersection -- with the overarching path of the History of Man" -- though I don't recall the precise source of that.

Extella the game gives:
Divergent futures, wherein "what ifs" such as these were permitted. It is indeed these "realities in which the future was altered" that are referred to as Adjacent Worlds.
The you who is now alive --
By the actions of the you who exists here and now, the course of the World can shift in any number of ways.
This is proof that "possibility" is itself still alive; positive evidence that your World still lies upon its "proper axis."
In converse: For those Worlds wherein the act of choice can no longer impact the future, Adjacent Realities cannot exist.
Such timelines merely advance.
Losing even the possibility of undoing the past, they become distinct, solitary Worlds.
That is, for timelines that don't diverge, "Adjacent" timelines do not exist. There are no timelines considered as "Adjacent" to a timeline designated for culling as a result of having zero branching potential.

Ergo, as there appears to exist some difference between the way Nasu regards 平行 and 並行, until there are further clarifications, it was deemed safer to translate the term 並行世界 as "Adjacent World."
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