Nobu and Zhuge Mats

Class: Archer
True Name: Oda Nobunaga
Gender: Female
Source: Historical fact
Region: Japan
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 43 kg

NP: ?

Setting creation: Keikenchi
Original character design: Keikenchi
Character design: pako
CV: Takahashi Rie

Main works appearance: Koha Ace EX, Fate/Grand Order
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: B
Invalidate magic invocation with chant 3 verses or less.
It is hard to damage her even with great thaumaturgy or ritual spells.

Independent Action: B
The ability to act independently for a period even if magic energy supply from the Master is severed.
At B rank, even if he loses his Master he is able to stay materialized for a period of 2 days. Seriously Nobbu, that a scout ability ain't it!

Personal Skill
War Strategy: B
The ability to perceive things such as diplomacy and logistic in a large perspective, assuring victory before the battle begin.
In the history of Japan, during the Battle of Okehazama she had executed an unparalleled form of surprise attack; however, it had been a fluke.
In Nobunaga's lifetime, it had been the one great battle that overturn strategic defeat into tactical victory, but that fight had been a desperation on her part. Even now she still reflects on it.

Charisma: B-
The ability and disposition in commanding armies. Improves the ability of her own army during group battle.
Charisma is a rare talent, and it can be said that B rank is sufficient for a leader of a country.
It is B- rank due to the inconsistencies in its efficacy.
(It is fundamentally not being utilized in FateGO)

Tenka Fubu: A
A unique skill belonging to Nobunaga, revolutioner of the era. A conceptual revolution that imposes the new upon the old.
Grants advantageous corrections to an extent on herself if her enemies are those with high rank "divinity" and "mystery", or Heroic Spirits that are guardians of the system. With this, Nobunaga is able to fight advantageously against Heroic Spirit and Noble Phantasm possessing "divinity" and "mystery".
On the other hand, against the likes of modern Heroic Spirits with thin mystery it displayes no effect whatsoever. The efficacy of her own Noble Phantasms and all of her Skills drops instead.

Demon King: A
A monster that had her past's way of being distorted later on due to the image she had when she was alive. Her abilities and figures ended up transformed.
In Archer's case, it is possible to voluntarily activates and deactivates it due to it being her own self-proclamation while alive. She is able to receive all the benefits and none the demerits.
A Skill falsely similar to Innocent Monster.
Three Thousand Worlds​

Rank: E~A
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~99
Maximum target: 3000 person

Three Line Formation.
Nobunaga's three line shooting formation. An anti-army Noble Phantasm that deploys 3000 matchlocks and fires a volley of shootings.
From the exceedingly famous anecdote of her destroying the warring states strongest riding corps, its power is increased against Heroic Spirits possessing the Riding Skill.
They are simple matchlocks against those without the Skill, but even so simply a volley of 3000 shootings is a threat of its own.

(*can also mean the universe/all worlds)
Demon King of the Sixth Heaven Papiyas​

Rank: E~EX
Type: Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum target: -

The true Noble Phantasm of Demon King Nobunaga, destroyer of gods and buddhas. A Reality Marble that transforms her into an existence wielding an absolute power against those possessing mystery and divinity. Visual-wise, it looks as if she took off her clothes. Yey!
The severe deeds that she had done during her live, represented in her setting ablaze Mt. Hiei, turned into a Noble Phantasm.
By means of the fear of Nobunaga that the people would embrace and accumulate in later years, and of the sense of awe for Nobunaga, it materializes as a great inferno.
For those possessing a high divinity, it is hard to even maintain their existence within it.
However, those with low divinity would as expected only felt a little hot.
(In FateGO, it is fundamentally not utilized.)
First pronoun: washi/ware
Second pronoun: sonata/omae/kisama, etc
Third pronoun: oyatsu/are, etc

- Character
The king of reform, who takes the title of demon for herself.
Haughty and full of confidence in herself, she possesses the flexible mind that is fond of new things and isn't enslaved by antiquated customs. Soft on those she likes in self-righteousness, thoroughly cold to those she hates, and indifferent towards those without any use.

- Motives and attitude towards Master
Specially favors the Master as her vassal. According to her: "You are the only vassal I have ever favored this much besides the Monkey. Rejoice!"

The demon king's end was by the rebellion of her vassal; however, she doesn't regret it, as it in itself is something "inevitable".
She does not particularly hold any wish towards the Holy Grail, but it's quite possible that she would use the Holy Grail itself for unprecedented ideas that is her forte and makes a mess out of everything.

- Dialogue example
"It is inevitable!"
"I am the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga!"
"I would allow jest, but not contempt. Never forget of this."
"H-How exhausting..." (guda guda)
"Nobbu!" (*Small Nobu)
"Nobbu~!" (Big Nobu)

- Historical depiction
A figure that had truly brought about ruin to the Muromachi Shogunate, and had bestowed great influence in the ending of Onin War to the continuing long period of Warring States. One of the three great heroes of the Warring States, It is no exaggeration to say that this personage is the most famous figure in the history of Japan.

In early years he had been harshly known as the Fool of Owari, or the great fool, but became serious upon inheriting the position of family head and suppressing his brother and crushing the war daimyo "Imagawa Yoshimoto" who had been known as a Kaidouuchi no Yumitori* with a somewhat desperate surprise attack. He then jumped out to the top in the race of unifying the country.

Afterwards, he completely demonstrated a natural eye for strategy, beat the hell out of the other daimyo in her surroundings, put them under her control and well extended her influence, and finally proceeded to the capital. After taking it as an easy game and putting on the composure that the warring state period is laughably complacent, as everyone would know, he would then meet her death at the age of 49 at Honnouji, just one step awaw from the unification of the whole country. The figure who unexpectedly embodies a man's life of 50 years.**

In FateGO, as can be seen Nobunaga is a woman. From the beginning, her father Oda Nobuhide had planned on giving the position as the head of family to her brother, Oda Nobukatsu. However, the time being the period of war, Nobukatsu's caliber was judged to be impossible to protect House of Oda from then on, and so Kipposhi (later known as Nobunaga) who had an unusual hint for greatness despite being a woman was placed as the family head instead. Eh? It's impossible for women to become the family head? Even the Dragon of Echigo*** seems to be a woman as well, what's the problem then!? Don't underestimate the warring states.

After inheriting the position of family head, she continued to behave as a male would. But the information regulation on that matter would then be transmitted in the later years as Nobunaga's eccentricity in her younger days, such as being "the Great Fool of Owari". It can be said that the concealment of Nobunaga's various amusing episode was that of a woman was thanks to her retainer's effort of information manipulation.

"Well, it is inevitable!"

Basically a title for Sengoku warlords, usually referring to daimyo of Tokaido)
(**lyrics of Atsumori, said to be Nobunaga's favorite song)
(***aka Uesugi Kenshin. Which is apparently a girl in GO.)
General weaponry
Japanese sword (Heshikiri Hasebe)
Connection with other characters
Okita Souji
Competed against her in a certain Holy Grail War. Being a modern Heroic Spirit with weak mystery, she should have had bad compatibility against her, but in FateGO suddenly their compatibility is reversed. Wowzers, Nobbu! Tomorrow is Honnouji!
Comment from Illustrator
She was so cute in Gudaguda Order…. while feeling that, I was charmed by how her design combines between cool factor and her unbounded manner, and (ok can someone help me with this sentence :描いたら好き勝手何故か公式で描く羽m。。。描かせていただくことに。The m is actually there, I dunno if this is a typo or what)
Be it being serious or being amusing, she is always so cute that I always enjoy it whenever I'm drawing her. Personally I think that she acquired the Heshikiri Hasabe after materializing. Together with the clothes. (pako)

Class: Caster
True Name: Lord El-Melloi II / Zhuge Kongming
Gender: Male
Source: Annals of the Three Kingdoms historical novel
Region: Chinese
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 68 kg
(Third ascension has his height at 157cm and weight at 50kg)


Setting creation: Higashide Yuuichirou
Character design: Takeuchi Takashi
CV: Namikawa Daisuke

Main works appearance: Fate/Zero
Class Skills
Territory Creation: A
Creation of a "Workshop" territory that is advantageous to himself as a magus.
It's possible to create the "Shí Bīng Bā Zhèn" that surpasses "Workshop".

Tool Creation: B
By borrowing Zhuge Kongming's power, he is capable of creating various arms and tools from his legend, such as the repeating crossbow. However, only the drug of immortality that Kongming had failed to acquired cannot be created.
Personal Skill
Discerning Eye: A
A narrower version technique of Human Observation.
He is exceedingly outstanding in judging in what manners a human target would acquired usefulness in the future.
However, in order to do that it is necessary for him to understand the target's weak and strong point by means of conversation and looking at the target's appearance to an extent.

Advice of the Strategist: A+
A Skill bestowed to Servants of the strategist type.
By means of understanding and analysis of the situation, he is able to grants correct advice to allies.
The higher the rank, the higher the chance of said advice to be correct. On A+ rank, no matter what sorts of unforeseen circumstances is included, said advice will always hit the mark 100%.
Opposing it requires a luck on the level that can defeat any and every kind of analysis, or possession of the Skill*.

Command of the Strategist: A+
A Skill bestowed to Servants of the strategist type. It brings forth the maximum power of an army one belongs to.
On A+ rank, it possesses the power equal to that of death troops determined to fight to the death as they exhaust their life.

(*basically opposing a guy using this Skill requires another guy using this Skill)
(i personally think of advice and command like wider and narrower MilTac. Advice is wider because it took account the surroundings, command is narrower because it specifically boost power)
Kaerazu no Jin
Shí Bīng Bā Zhèn​
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 50
Maximum target: 500 person

Formation of No Return.
A formation laid by a certain famous strategist upon deciding his army's retreat.
The formation of huge rocks bewilders invaders and drives them to death.
As a Noble Phantasm, it is a great thaumaturgy that compulsorily alters the location of the enemy into the Shí Bīng Bā Zhèn.
As long as they do not escape from within it, the enemies becomes targets of additional damage that accumulates every turn.
Suishi no Hyou
Chu Shi Biao​
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm (his own army)
Range: 0
Maximum target: 100 person

Table of Expedition.
The report for the throne that Zhuge Kongming left behind for the still young emperor when he organized the army for the subjugation of the enemy nation. A text that composed ardently his readiness to completely devote himself for loyalty, it would then be praised as most famous amongst famed literary composition in later years. Its effect as a Noble Phantasm is unknown.
(In FateGO it is fundemantally not utilized.)

(*Shí Bīng Bā Zhèn: Stone Sentinel Maze - Wikipedia)
(**Chu Shi Biao: Chu Shi Biao - Wikipedia. Table as in chart table.)
(My chinese friend said translating the name of this 2 NP is like trying to translate a japanese name; certainly possible translating individual kanji but you know, theyre names. Shí Bīng Bā Zhèn is mostly known in the western as Stone Sentinel Maze, but even then its not 100% accurate. Meaning and context wise my chinese friend said that for Chu Shi Biao's closest rendering is Memorial Upon War.)
First pronoun: watashi
Second pronoun: omae
Third pronoun: kare/kanojo

- Character
His personality is that of Lord El-Melloi II.
He is a slightly moody sort of magus with a meddlesome nature at the root, which ends up giving heavy influence to the people on his surroundings.
He is particularly good at deciding courses of action; countless people have discovered their own ability thanks to him.
Although, it can't be denied that at the same time he himself possesses a complex in regards to his own powerlessness….

- Motives and attitude towards Master
He mostly looks after the Master basically as one of his student.
El-Melloi II, who had taken in Kongming's knowledge, have an overwhelmingly abundant experience on his hand compared to the many magi in this world. Consequently, the Master becomes his student from the beginning.

- Dialogue example
"Servant, Zhuge Kongming. ...Hm, you think I'm not him?
Indeed I am not. I am El-Melloi II. Nevertheless, I do inherit his power. There is no problem."
"Things I am fond of? Let us see… Pupils with good perception, classroom filled with silence, and colleagues whose head are not clogged with tofu… I suppose."
"As you can see, I am in the middle of my game. We can speak, but don't tamper with my hair. It's distracting me from levelling up."
Historical depiction

The description below is not of Zhuge Kongming, but of the basis of his outer shell, Lord El-Melloi II.

Lord El-Melloi II is the representative head of House El-Melloi, one of the twelve nobles that rule over and manage the Clock Tower that is the center of Magic Association. A lecturer of the department of Modern Magic, all of his pupils had managed to grow into excellent magi.
It is said that should he ever recruit his pupils to his own faction, the Clock Tower's influence chart would easily change; but he himself has no intention to do so.

His insight in observing the true nature of a human has reached the point of being sublimated as a Servant's Skill. No matter how much a famed magus may conceal his or her thaumaturgy, he possesses the terrifying ability to divulge it without any constraint.

Normally, even if the outer shell is El-Melloi II, in the inside is still Zhuge Kongming and he should have conduct himself as Zhuge Kongming. However, upon the agreement of the goal of protecting the Human Order, there is no problem whichever between the two that holds the reign of the body; in the end of the discussion, Lord El-Melloi with his discernment of the modern world was decided to become a Servant.
Although he himself is dissatisfied of being unable to do something with his own power, he do understand that he would not be able to do anything alone. He vows that he will protect the Human Order together with the other Servants.

Furthermore, there is no change of his very power as a Servant or in his knowledge quantity upon his repeating spirit foundation's ascension, which in the end returns his form to that of a young boy (roughly 19 years old).
According to a certain ill-natured goddess, the situation of him fighting as the leading part being his form as a young boy is most fitting. Perhaps for Lord El-Melloi II himself, the unforgettable battle in which he shines the most is the one of this moment.
Character relationships
A man of great talent, still unfinished in his growth. And yet, there is already enough of his charisma that it reminds me of his dignity back in the day. ...Well, in that case, I would like to see with my own eyes of what would happen that changes him.

Things like the memory when he had been summoned are haziness, not even a dream for the current him. I know that much already. I know, and still.
Comment from Illustrator
The idea of the third ascension being Waver felt like a good idea when it struck me, but upon the implementation I felt somewhat anxious if it would be a disappointing development for those who like El-Melloi II. I am really relieved that I don't need to worry about that thanks to the option of being able to choose the ascension stage. (Takeuchi Takashi)

(You know, it really is kinda a shame we didnt get to know how Zhuge actually is
perhaps in the future)
People die/are completed(?) when they touch the root.

The counterforce is humanity's feeling of "I don't want to die."
That doesn't make sense. People die (maybe...) when they reach the root, but the logic there would be killing them to stop them from dying.

Humans are confusing conflicting little shit in Nasu works

Heck folks worshipping Ishtar as a goddess of war and sex lead to Ishtar killing everyone she loved and there's also the whole humanity subconscious changing reality to make everything killable/survivable
Iskander, Spartacus and Heracles Mats

Class: Rider
True Name: Iskandar
Gender: Male
Source: Historical fact
Region: Macedonia
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 212 cm
Weight: 130 kg

NP: A++

Setting creation: Urobuchi Gen
Character design: Takeuchi Takashi
CV: Ootsuka Akio

Main works appearance: Fate/Zero
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: D
Invalidate magic with chant 3 verses or less.
Receives mostly no damage even against great thaumaturgy or ritual spells.*

Riding: A+
The ability for riding. Capable of managing even beasts with the rank of phantasmal beast and divine beast. However, this doesn't apply to dragon kin.

(*Obviously this is a bigass typo for an MR D rank. It shouldve been invalidate single action spells, amulet level)
Personal Skill
Charisma: A
The innate ability of commanding armies.
A rank, is roughly the greatest height of popularity a human can possess.

Military Tactics: B
A tactical instinctive ability in regards not of one-on-one battle, but of battle involving large numbers.
It grants advantageous correction in the case of using one's own anti-army and anti-fortress Noble Phantasm, or when dealing against the enemy's anti-army and anti-fortress Noble Phantasm.*

Divinity: C
Although there is no clear basis for it, many legends has it said that he is son of the supreme god Zeus.

(*Iskandar is the only one with benefits granted to anti-fortress, the other guys with MilTac only has advantage to anti-army)
Gordius Wheel
Wheels of Heaven's Authority​

Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 2-50
Maximum target: 100 persons

Gordius Wheel.
The very reason that he is a "mounted soldier"; the chariot pulled by 2 flying hooved lightning bulls. It is able to run through not only the grounds, but even the air as its own domain.
Lightning surges on tracks where ever the divine bulls tread upon.
He is able to summon it anywhere by cleaving the air with the Sword of Cypriot.
Because the chariot's various parts can be curtailed and stored away, it is also able to take the most optimum form that matches the terrain topography.
In the driver's spot, a protection field is formed, able to at least fend off blood splashes.
Strictly speaking, this is not a Noble Phantasm, but an armament that exemplifies Iskandar.
Ionian Hetairoi
Army of the King​

Rank: EX
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-99
Maximum target: 1000 persons

Ionian Hetairoi.*
The Reality Marble of summoning. The trump card of the Conquest King.
Its deployment is a great, vast wasteland of a desert, with hot winds blowing about the clear blue sky.
It drags in opponents into a terrain without any obstacles, consecutively summons as independent Servants his personal army that he had once lead during his live, and tramples down with a force of tens of thousands strong.
He himself is not a magus, but each and every member of his comrades shares the same imagined landscape, and with every members maintaining the magic it becomes possible to deploy the Reality Marble.
The vital point is the Reality Marble that summons and revives the entirety of Iskandar's army when he was alive. The bonds with his retainers that crosses even space and time, sublimated as a Noble Phantasm, the symbol of his kingship.
It embodied the charismatic nature of Conquest King Iskandar to its fullest. Upon being summoned, it seems that there are several of those who are better than Rider himself in might of arms, or those who displays the Charisma of B rank befitting of a king of a country. It originates from how when he was alive, he was not a hero known for his deeds of arms, but a hero who fought as he commands his armies.

(*in greek it means companions or those close to the king)
First pronoun: yo
Second pronoun: kisama/** (no honorifics)
Third pronoun: kisamara/kisamatachi/** (no honorifics)

- Character
As his large appearance suggests, he is a man with a large and open heart as well.
Despite possessing the nature of a tyrant that does not take others into consideration, he is a wild king whose desires ends up resulting in bringing happiness to the people.
In contrast with the ideal king, Artoria and the king that transcends humans, Gilgamesh, he is a king that carries to the extreme his limit with a human body. He is bold and broad minded, possesses a high charismatic nature; yet he also dislikes on caring too much about every little things, making the people on his surroundings rushing on their feet.
He had displayed such a manner when he was alive as well towards several nations, recruiting them for a venture never seen before in history, the Eastern Expedition. Although in the end he went back due to all of his retainers admitting defeat*, while thinking that that's just how things went , in his later years those that deprecate the king are exceedingly few in number.
Those who he had fought during his expedition ended up being added to his army; perhaps he is a figure so overflowing in charm that it compensates for his excess flaws.
To add, maybe due to his origins where he plundered before conquering, he also has a kleptomaniac tendency, a disease of pillaging things he wanted with the light attitude of one who's just going for a bit of shopping.
He would thought "oh, I want that", and in the end, even if it's a military facility, there is no stopping his greed. Truly befitting of the one known as the Conquest King.

(*the japanese uses 根をあげる. I assume this is a typo on the japanese part based on online search and should have been 音を上げる, can someone (canaki?) confirms this?)

- Motives and attitude towards Master
In contracts, perhaps he possesses a strong sense of duty; even if the Master's ability as a magus is low, he would still lend his power as a Servant. Conversely, no matter how excellent of a magus the Master is, if he/she "has low aspirations", "whose guiding principles are nothing but jealousy, resentment, and grudges", "isn't even worthy in speaking as a human to begin with", then he shall calmly deliver a crushing blow.
He desires of world conquest, but his standing is that it cannot be something given by others, only accomplished by his own hands through and through.
And so, the wish he harbors towards the Holy Grail is not "the means to conquer the world", but "the means to incarnate for the sake of conquering the world".

- Dialogue example
"Fleeing under the cover of the night is the act of coarse thieves. The plundering of the Conquest King walks away with the song of victory."
"I am Conquest King Iskandar. I have manifested as Rider in this Holy Grail War."
"As a concede*, how about yielding the Holy Grail to me? Do so, and regard you as friends I shall, and share with you the joy of conquering the world."
"A king live far more brilliantly than anyone else. It is the word that identifies the figure that enchants the people!"

(most of this lines are from the FZ novels)
(*the line is ひとつ我が軍門に降り. I used the existing FZ translation as a reference, but I dont think this line was translated correctly…. Far as I know, 軍門に降る means surrender but context wise its confusing.)
Depiction in real history
He is born in 4th century BCE in the royal family of the Greek kingdom of Macedonia.
Due to the influence of his mother Olympias, since he was a child he was indulged in the legendary tales of heroes, believing that he himself is the child of Zeus (who was put on par with the Egyptian god Amon.)
Together with his friends, known as the Hetairoi (king's companion), he raised his military deeds, embarked on the unification of Greek under military rule upon becoming a king at the young age of 20, established and personally led the army of Eastern Expedition; and not only had he defeat the great empire of Persia but even absorbing the many nations under Persia control starting with Egypt.
Iskandar was a name given to him by the Arabians and Persians.
His Eastern Expedition had extended up to India, but due to his generals' opposition and the soldiers' exhaustion, he turned back in Babylon, and died in that land.
As a conqueror, he had established the largest empire ever in history; yet due to his last testament of "the strongest shall inherit the empire", after his death his empire then was split apart.
Depiction in FGO
In Fate/Grand Order, his childhood manifesting as a Servant had participated slightly earlier, but he made a high-spirited appearance in the event of Fate/Accel Zero Order. He took things in his own pace as ever, greatly churning the situation. He took an interest to a certain Servant whom he had tied a strong bond with and challenged him to battle, unaware that he is on his side.
Connection with other characters.

Zhuge Kongming
While he does have an eye on him, he does not view at him any special way. It may be harsh, but said hero acquaintanceship with him is but of one among the many encounters for Iskandar.

His greatest rival. Were both of their standpoint to be just a little bit milder, he would like to share a drink with him.

It would appear that the bold and fearless Conquest King would reflexively tidy his clothing and address him. He had aspired to him since his childhood, and even as an adult Achilles is the great hero and an objective for him.
Comment from Illustrator
A strong character of various emotional attachments. Even the meaning of the Fate world largely expanding is truly that of the Conquest King, right? The design's evolution did not have much change, with the third ascension stops at having his armor becoming more splendour. But since his battle sprite is really amazing with Bucephalus as an addition, I think the feedback was really quite something. (Takeuchi Takashi)

Class: Berserker
True Name: Spartacus
Gender: Male
Source: Historical fact
Region: Rome
Alignment: True Neutral
Height: 221 cm
Weight: 165 kg


Setting creation: Higashide Yuuichirou, Urobuchi Gen
Original character design:VTerada Katsuya
Character design: Konoe Ototsugu
CV: Tsuruoka Satoshi

Main works appearance: Fate/Apocrypha
Class Skills
Mad Enhancement: EX
Rank up parameters, but takes away reason for the most part.
While Spartacus is able to converse even as he is Mad Enhanced, he is always fixated to the thought of "always choosing the most difficult of paths", realistically speaking a mutual understanding of intentions with him is impossible.
Personal Skill
Honor of Suffering: B -> B+
When Spartacus' body as a Servant is healed by means of magic, the required magic energy consumption is reduced to a fourth of how much it normally would take.
Also, even without the usage of magic for each time a period elapses he is automatically healed.

Indomitable Will: A
The exceedingly firm will that will never, ever yield against any kind of pain, despair, or situation.
Possesses a resistance against physical and mental damage. However, said resistance does not hold against illusion sorts of attacks induced by others. For example, there would be a resistance against damage from "falling to a pitfall", but there would be none against "an illusiton that makes the pitfall looks like the ground".
Crying Warmonger
Howl of the Wounded Beast​

Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm (self)
Range: 0
Maximum target: 1 person
Crying Warmonger.
A continuously activated type Noble Phantasm.
It is able to convert a portion of damage inflicted by the enemy into magic energy and accumulate it within the body.
The amassed magic energy can be used to boost Spartacus' ability. Against strong Servants and such, perhaps even his very body itself would end up being transformed.
In a different work, he eventually becomes a meat lump of amorphous creature, completely destroying a giant fortress with one blow.
First pronoun: watashi
Second pronoun: omae
Third pronoun: kare/kanojo

- Character
We love Uncle Spartacus, who always smile with a happy grin. Well, always smiling no matter what the condition is is just going to be scary instead….
To eradicate oppressors; such an attitude is surprisingly gentlemanly. He is an austere warrior, with no obsession towards battle and completely without interest for riches or prestiges.

- Motives and attitude towards Master
As long as it is not oppressive, as long as it is not high-handed, as long as it is not a a coercion purported as an order-----as long as the Master does not do anything that would make him feel displeasure, it should be alright. Probably. Maybe.

- Speech example
"Berserker, Spartacus. A bit sudden this may be, but are you an oppressor?"
Historical epiction
A gladiator of Ancient Rome who had raised a rebellion.
His name is Spartacus. Together with his comrades, he made an escape from the gladiator training grounds and organized a rebel army.
Before long, many other gladiators and slaves gather beneath him, as they became a large army.
It marked the beginning of the Third Servile War.

The rebel army swelling in ranks, commanded by Spartacus, had managed to secure consecutives victories, but before long Rome also organized its own large army.
The rebel army, which had scarce battle experience on top of having children and elderly within it, was unable to oppose them, and was annihilated.*
Spartacus' remains had not been found; one theory states that it had been mangled by the fierceness of the battle.

…...Spartacus' battle had almost always been against the strong. They were overwhelmed by the soldiers of Rome known for their strength even in number.
Within the pressure of facing such powerful enemies, of the request for aid from his subordinates, of the death of everyone who had gathered here should he misled them.
Spartacus had laughed as he continued fighting.

He is not fond of fighting, nor is he fond of victory.
It is simply that his forte is in finding a motive to not lose.
Consequently, he understands-----that in this world, there are battles in which one simply must not lose.

He does not hate pain. He does not detest despair. To begin with, those are things that exist within this world to shackle us.
Future, hope, wish. They are all but a temporary consolation for the mind. One cannot survive if one does not continue fighting.
Fight, his muscles call out. Howl, his diaphragm trembles. Even if your sword you tightly hold breaks, even if your knees are broken, fight, fight, fight!

If it is for the sake of his conviction, he would even without hesitation kill his Master. Due to that, he is known as one of the worst Servant one could ever summon.
But likewise, if the Master that he ought to rebel against is simply someone who learn from being weak and challenges other Servant as the weak, the Spartacus would gladly fight for their sake.
That being said, his trait of "choosing the most difficult of paths as his course of action" means he would still be a trouble-----

(*actually IRL legend, the third servile war was p much the only slave rebellion that was able to fought the romans army almost on even footing and actually served as a threat to the capital)
Connection with other characters
Every king-type Servants
Comment from Illustrator
It's kinda hard to modify such a cheerful character for the ascension, but do all of you realize his rotund eyes peeking from the dark hole on the mask on his last ascension? Also, all of his differing expressions are based on his smiling face, so it was really hard on me...or so I thought, but it ended up enormously smooth. Also, I'm proud of how sexy his hip is on his initial stage, so you need to check it out! (Konoe Ototsugu)

Class: Berserker
True Name: Heracles
Gender: Male
Source: Greek mythology
Region: Greece
Alignment: Chaotic Mad
Height: 253 cm
Weight: 311 kg


Setting creation: Nasu Kinoko
Original character design: Takeuchi Takashi
Character design: Azusa
CV: Saizen Tadahisa

Main works appearance: Fate/stay night
Class Skills

Mad Enhancement: B
Rank up parameters, but takes away reason for the most part.

Divinity: A
Defines whether or not one possesses divine spirit aptitude.
The higher it is, the more one is a mixed race of a physical divine spirit. Being the son of the chief god Zeus and having been hailed as a god upon his death, Heracles' divine spirit aptitude can be said to be of the highest rank.
Personal Skill

Bravery: A+
The ability to invalidate mental interferences such as coercion, confusion, and fascination.
It also has the effect of increasing melee damage. However, presently due to his Class ability Mad Enhancing him, he is unable to displays this ability.

Mind's Eye (Fake):B
Danger evasion by means of instinct and sixth sense.

Battle Continuation: A
The ability to survive.
It's possible for him to fight even on the verge of death, surviving as long as his injury is not decisively lethal.
Nine Lives
Hundred Heads that Shoots to Death​
Rank: C~A+
Type: Unknown
Range: -
Maximum target: -

Nine Lives.**
The combat technique that Heracles had devised at the end of his long battle. A Heracles-style, so to speak.
Heracles have mastered all manners of armaments and overcome various monsters and labors.
He will display a sword's greatest technique if using a sword, a spear's greatest technique if using a spear, and a bow's greatest technique if using a bow.
In FateGO, he releases the greatest technique by means of a great sword. A rush of extreme speed that inflicts one hundred attacks in one breath.
Nine lives has the meaning of possessing a life amount to 9, but this holds the implication that, due to the monsters he faces as enemies possessing the special characteristic of "reviving no matter how many times they are killed" altogether, he had achieved a combat method that "annihilates them no matter how many times they revive".
God Hand
Twelve Labors​

Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum target: 1 person

God Hand.**
The immortality obtained by means of the blessing (curse) of the gods. It transforms his body into a robust armor.
Invalidates all attacks of rank B and below. To add, it has as an even more concealed ability of automatic resurrection*** (raise) even upon death. The amount of resurrection stock is 11 times.
That is to say, Heracles will not vanish as long as he is not defeated for 12 times.
(It is fundamentally not being utilized in FateGO)

(*射殺す百頭. I had wanted to just call it Hundred Heads Deathshoot, but that sounds too FPS)
(**I really wish everybody Greek has Greek NP name)
(***the kanji can mean resurrection or regeneration.)
First pronoun:
Second pronoun:
Third pronoun:
Due to the Mad Enhancement, his words cannot be understood by a third party.

- Character
Heracles, who had mastered all manners of armaments, would originally be summoned as Saber, Lancer, Rider, or Archer; Classes befitting of a hero*. However, due to possessing the episode of going mad when he was alive, he is also suitable as a Berserker.
This Heracles is the one summoned as a Berserker.
The aim is to increase his status by means of the Mad Enhancement that exchanges reasoning ability.
Originally, the Skill Mad Enhancement is something used to forcibly strengthen a weak Servant. With a Heroic Spirit on Heracles' level, even only Mad Enhancing him consumes a vast amount of magic energy. He would not be able to stay manifested unless the rank of the Mad Enhancement is made lower compared to the other Berserker and the magic energy consumption is restrained.**
That being said, Heracles being summoned as Berserker yet still behaving with a slight reasoning ability intact is by no means only due to the rank of Mad Enhancement being low. Being the world's foremost hero, he possesses a strong reason that does not get swallowed up by the Class' special characteristic of Mad Enhancement. While he is a Berserker, he still maintain a calm eye for strategy.
In any case, with him already having a high status of a Heroic Spirit to begin with, being Mad Enhanced would unmistakably turn him into a monster beyond control.
As a Berserker, he makes use of an enormous axesword as well as his most trusted bow and arrow*** Noble Phantasm, the "Hundred Heads that Shoots to Death".

(*>hero-ppoi classes
lol is this a soft retcon
ok technically not but still
rip assassin)

(**you know, this and Herc's interlude in GO makes it as if ME in and of itself, the very act of maddening a Servant, has different maryoku consumption depending on the HS AND the rank
Is this new or i just missed come of the old info, i wonder)

(***yeah it said 弓矢 even if we know he uses no arrow and bow in particular as a zerk)

- Motives and attitude towards Master
Being a noble man and a martial one at that, his wish is to be able to complete ruthlessly as warriors against other heroes.
Even if his emotion sealed with a strong Mad Enhancement, even if he is in a state where he does not act without the Master's order, it appears that it cannot completely erase that circumstance of his, and his own will of protecting the Master can be seen leaking at every turn in his act.

- Speech example
Historical depiction
On par with Perseus who was known for his exploits of eliminating Medusa and many others, he is the man called as one of Greek mythology's two great hero.
Grandson of Perseus*, and a half man half god hero born to Mycenae's queen Alcmene and the chief god Zeus.
His childhood name was Alcides, but he became known as Heracles upon being designated as such, "Heracles (Glory to Hera)", by the Oracle of Delphi.
However, Hera despised Heracles who was born from Zeus' infidelity. She dispatched a snake on the sleeping cradle of Heracles and his twin sister Iphicles**, and as Heracles grew up into a hero of unparalleled strength she kept on thrusting hardships upon hardships, such as breathing madness into him.
Driven to insanity, he ended up murdering his and his sister's child, and he received an oracle from Apollo that as an atonement he must fulfill ten labors under Mycenae's king Eurystheus.
Thus Heracles fulfilled them so, although it became known as the Twelve Labors. In addition, Heracles also answered to Jason's appeal and boarded the Argo as one of its heroes. He also participated on the gods' side in the battle between the giant tribe (gigas) known as the Gigantomachia against Zeus and the Olympians.

(*there is a typo here where it's Merseus instead of Perseus. I assume its a typo because I dont think Herc has a grandpappy named Merseus. And even then wasnt Perseus his great grandfather instead of just grandfather? Ehh anyway.)
(**is a dude IRL legend)
Ingame depiction
He made an appearance in the third chapter "Sealed Ends of the Four Seas Okeanos". He once again boarded the Argo led by Jason, standing in the way of the protagonist and friends. Unfortunately, being a Berserker and was incapable of exchanging words, Jason and Medea was incapable of knowing what he truly thinks. To add, one of the Gorgon sisters who have a connection with his ancestor Perseus, Euryale, also made an appearance in the third chapter. The world of Greek mythology is both vast and narrow.
Depiction in previous works
He made an appearance in Fate/stay night as the Servant summoned by a magus of the Einzbern. As the most formidable enemy from the opening to the endgame, he gave off a very strong presence. Even Mad Enhanced, he had raised a strong bond with a girl that was his Master; perhaps he had been enveloped with the feeling towards his own child that he had raised himself. To add, upon fighting Emiya (Archer), he had felt a sense of commendation slightly leaking through towards a hard to come by and formidable enemy.
Connection with other characters
An acquaintance, skilled with his mouth. That figure of his, being led around by the nose with the weight of his own destiny, overlap with his own. He just can't leave him alone. Maybe Jason who "self-consciously" "ignore" that distress is also quite pitiful himself.

Truly, the gods are the worse….

One regret in regards to the teacher. Even though Master Chiron may had been prepared for it when he had broken through the battlefield, to begin with, taking out the Hydra poison may had been too much…

She was completely scary when above the Argo. Slightly shocked.

A fellow Argonautai. He would have loved to compete in the bows with her, but before he realized it she had already went off the ship.
Comment from Illustrator
Heracles is a bulging mass that can really gives off a sense of intimidation just by standing there. It was really fun, making him swell out on the account of his bursting mass=muscle. Now that once again I thought how many Servants has been added, there's a part in me that think that maybe his design modification is a little bit too simple. Like, maybe I should've added in more color or something. I was really glad I got to be the one responsible for Heracles! (Asuza)

That was a lot of actually great stuffs
Like, they really put on an effort on this despite Herc being an oldtimer Servant)
Does Ufotable even know what the fuck they're doing with the Fate series anymore? Why was Rin surprised to know that Kirei was a Master in the last war in Presage Flower? She clearly knew and saw that in the Fate/Zero ANIME made by UFOTABLE. Not reading the fucking VN isn't even an excuse now.
Why does the Counter Force/Alaya try to kill anyone who attempts to reach the Root, again? Don't you die as soon as you poke it anyway?
People die/are completed(?) when they touch the root.
The counterforce is humanity's feeling of "I don't want to die."
Taking Araya Souren as an example -- are you proposing that in every instance where somebody embarks upon a course of action that might get themselves killed, the Counter Force recruits resources to kill them before they have a chance to do so?

Where is the evidence to justify this, precisely?
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Rule 2 Violation: SV isn't a chan site. And 'casualfag' is a slur.
Also, what the fuck is with Hassanscrub suddenly managing to kill Medea just like that in Presage Flower? Why couldn't Medea use her fake Command Spells to order him to release Kuzuki? This doesn't make any fucking sense U_U

Now the anime only casualfags are gonna start thinking that Hassan is actually more than just a shitty scrub and that Medea is weaker than she actually is.
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Also, what the fuck is with Hassanscrub suddenly managing to kill Medea just like that in Presage Flower? Why couldn't Medea use her fake Command Spells to order him to release Kuzuki? This doesn't make any fucking sense U_U

Now the anime only casualfags are gonna start thinking that Hassan is actually more than just a shitty scrub and that Medea is weaker than she actually is.
Why are you talking like a 4channer?
Also, what the fuck is with Hassanscrub suddenly managing to kill Medea just like that in Presage Flower? Why couldn't Medea use her fake Command Spells to order him to release Kuzuki? This doesn't make any fucking sense U_U

Now the anime only casuals are gonna start thinking that Hassan is actually more than just a shitty scrub and that Medea is weaker than she actually is.

So you're saying that something happened in a Fate work, that doesn't make sense under scrutiny? What a unique surprise, this has never happened before. No siree. There is no such thing as a Caliburn. There was never such thing as a Caliburn, Fate/Stay Night was the pinnacle of making sense and reasonable outcomes. God help us, Type Moon's once flawless storytelling integrity and quality has been shot to shit, it's the end times folks.
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@GaRbS, are you just copy-pasting your complaints about the HF movie across both the SB and SV Nasu threads? That's kinda redundant, isn't it?
Nobu and Zhuge Mats

Class: Archer
True Name: Oda Nobunaga
Gender: Female
Source: Historical fact
Region: Japan
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 43 kg

NP: ?

Setting creation: Keikenchi
Original character design: Keikenchi
Character design: pako
CV: Takahashi Rie

Main works appearance: Koha Ace EX, Fate/Grand Order
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: B
Invalidate magic invocation with chant 3 verses or less.
It is hard to damage her even with great thaumaturgy or ritual spells.

Independent Action: B
The ability to act independently for a period even if magic energy supply from the Master is severed.
At B rank, even if he loses his Master he is able to stay materialized for a period of 2 days. Seriously Nobbu, that a scout ability ain't it!

Personal Skill
War Strategy: B
The ability to perceive things such as diplomacy and logistic in a large perspective, assuring victory before the battle begin.
In the history of Japan, during the Battle of Okehazama she had executed an unparalleled form of surprise attack; however, it had been a fluke.
In Nobunaga's lifetime, it had been the one great battle that overturn strategic defeat into tactical victory, but that fight had been a desperation on her part. Even now she still reflects on it.

Charisma: B-
The ability and disposition in commanding armies. Improves the ability of her own army during group battle.
Charisma is a rare talent, and it can be said that B rank is sufficient for a leader of a country.
It is B- rank due to the inconsistencies in its efficacy.
(It is fundamentally not being utilized in FateGO)

Tenka Fubu: A
A unique skill belonging to Nobunaga, revolutioner of the era. A conceptual revolution that imposes the new upon the old.
Grants advantageous corrections to an extent on herself if her enemies are those with high rank "divinity" and "mystery", or Heroic Spirits that are guardians of the system. With this, Nobunaga is able to fight advantageously against Heroic Spirit and Noble Phantasm possessing "divinity" and "mystery".
On the other hand, against the likes of modern Heroic Spirits with thin mystery it displayes no effect whatsoever. The efficacy of her own Noble Phantasms and all of her Skills drops instead.

Demon King: A
A monster that had her past's way of being distorted later on due to the image she had when she was alive. Her abilities and figures ended up transformed.
In Archer's case, it is possible to voluntarily activates and deactivates it due to it being her own self-proclamation while alive. She is able to receive all the benefits and none the demerits.
A Skill falsely similar to Innocent Monster.
Three Thousand Worlds​

Rank: E~A
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~99
Maximum target: 3000 person

Three Line Formation.
Nobunaga's three line shooting formation. An anti-army Noble Phantasm that deploys 3000 matchlocks and fires a volley of shootings.
From the exceedingly famous anecdote of her destroying the warring states strongest riding corps, its power is increased against Heroic Spirits possessing the Riding Skill.
They are simple matchlocks against those without the Skill, but even so simply a volley of 3000 shootings is a threat of its own.

(*can also mean the universe/all worlds)
Demon King of the Sixth Heaven Papiyas​

Rank: E~EX
Type: Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum target: -

The true Noble Phantasm of Demon King Nobunaga, destroyer of gods and buddhas. A Reality Marble that transforms her into an existence wielding an absolute power against those possessing mystery and divinity. Visual-wise, it looks as if she took off her clothes. Yey!
The severe deeds that she had done during her live, represented in her setting ablaze Mt. Hiei, turned into a Noble Phantasm.
By means of the fear of Nobunaga that the people would embrace and accumulate in later years, and of the sense of awe for Nobunaga, it materializes as a great inferno.
For those possessing a high divinity, it is hard to even maintain their existence within it.
However, those with low divinity would as expected only felt a little hot.
(In FateGO, it is fundamentally not utilized.)
First pronoun: washi/ware
Second pronoun: sonata/omae/kisama, etc
Third pronoun: oyatsu/are, etc

- Character
The king of reform, who takes the title of demon for herself.
Haughty and full of confidence in herself, she possesses the flexible mind that is fond of new things and isn't enslaved by antiquated customs. Soft on those she likes in self-righteousness, thoroughly cold to those she hates, and indifferent towards those without any use.

- Motives and attitude towards Master
Specially favors the Master as her vassal. According to her: "You are the only vassal I have ever favored this much besides the Monkey. Rejoice!"

The demon king's end was by the rebellion of her vassal; however, she doesn't regret it, as it in itself is something "inevitable".
She does not particularly hold any wish towards the Holy Grail, but it's quite possible that she would use the Holy Grail itself for unprecedented ideas that is her forte and makes a mess out of everything.

- Dialogue example
"It is inevitable!"
"I am the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga!"
"I would allow jest, but not contempt. Never forget of this."
"H-How exhausting..." (guda guda)
"Nobbu!" (*Small Nobu)
"Nobbu~!" (Big Nobu)

- Historical depiction
A figure that had truly brought about ruin to the Muromachi Shogunate, and had bestowed great influence in the ending of Onin War to the continuing long period of Warring States. One of the three great heroes of the Warring States, It is no exaggeration to say that this personage is the most famous figure in the history of Japan.

In early years he had been harshly known as the Fool of Owari, or the great fool, but became serious upon inheriting the position of family head and suppressing his brother and crushing the war daimyo "Imagawa Yoshimoto" who had been known as a Kaidouuchi no Yumitori* with a somewhat desperate surprise attack. He then jumped out to the top in the race of unifying the country.

Afterwards, he completely demonstrated a natural eye for strategy, beat the hell out of the other daimyo in her surroundings, put them under her control and well extended her influence, and finally proceeded to the capital. After taking it as an easy game and putting on the composure that the warring state period is laughably complacent, as everyone would know, he would then meet her death at the age of 49 at Honnouji, just one step awaw from the unification of the whole country. The figure who unexpectedly embodies a man's life of 50 years.**

In FateGO, as can be seen Nobunaga is a woman. From the beginning, her father Oda Nobuhide had planned on giving the position as the head of family to her brother, Oda Nobukatsu. However, the time being the period of war, Nobukatsu's caliber was judged to be impossible to protect House of Oda from then on, and so Kipposhi (later known as Nobunaga) who had an unusual hint for greatness despite being a woman was placed as the family head instead. Eh? It's impossible for women to become the family head? Even the Dragon of Echigo*** seems to be a woman as well, what's the problem then!? Don't underestimate the warring states.

After inheriting the position of family head, she continued to behave as a male would. But the information regulation on that matter would then be transmitted in the later years as Nobunaga's eccentricity in her younger days, such as being "the Great Fool of Owari". It can be said that the concealment of Nobunaga's various amusing episode was that of a woman was thanks to her retainer's effort of information manipulation.

"Well, it is inevitable!"

Basically a title for Sengoku warlords, usually referring to daimyo of Tokaido)
(**lyrics of Atsumori, said to be Nobunaga's favorite song)
(***aka Uesugi Kenshin. Which is apparently a girl in GO.)
General weaponry
Japanese sword (Heshikiri Hasebe)
Connection with other characters
Okita Souji
Competed against her in a certain Holy Grail War. Being a modern Heroic Spirit with weak mystery, she should have had bad compatibility against her, but in FateGO suddenly their compatibility is reversed. Wowzers, Nobbu! Tomorrow is Honnouji!
Comment from Illustrator
She was so cute in Gudaguda Order…. while feeling that, I was charmed by how her design combines between cool factor and her unbounded manner, and (ok can someone help me with this sentence :描いたら好き勝手何故か公式で描く羽m。。。描かせていただくことに。The m is actually there, I dunno if this is a typo or what)
Be it being serious or being amusing, she is always so cute that I always enjoy it whenever I'm drawing her. Personally I think that she acquired the Heshikiri Hasabe after materializing. Together with the clothes. (pako)

Class: Caster
True Name: Lord El-Melloi II / Zhuge Kongming
Gender: Male
Source: Annals of the Three Kingdoms historical novel
Region: Chinese
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 68 kg
(Third ascension has his height at 157cm and weight at 50kg)


Setting creation: Higashide Yuuichirou
Character design: Takeuchi Takashi
CV: Namikawa Daisuke

Main works appearance: Fate/Zero
Class Skills
Territory Creation: A
Creation of a "Workshop" territory that is advantageous to himself as a magus.
It's possible to create the "Shí Bīng Bā Zhèn" that surpasses "Workshop".

Tool Creation: B
By borrowing Zhuge Kongming's power, he is capable of creating various arms and tools from his legend, such as the repeating crossbow. However, only the drug of immortality that Kongming had failed to acquired cannot be created.
Personal Skill
Discerning Eye: A
A narrower version technique of Human Observation.
He is exceedingly outstanding in judging in what manners a human target would acquired usefulness in the future.
However, in order to do that it is necessary for him to understand the target's weak and strong point by means of conversation and looking at the target's appearance to an extent.

Advice of the Strategist: A+
A Skill bestowed to Servants of the strategist type.
By means of understanding and analysis of the situation, he is able to grants correct advice to allies.
The higher the rank, the higher the chance of said advice to be correct. On A+ rank, no matter what sorts of unforeseen circumstances is included, said advice will always hit the mark 100%.
Opposing it requires a luck on the level that can defeat any and every kind of analysis, or possession of the Skill*.

Command of the Strategist: A+
A Skill bestowed to Servants of the strategist type. It brings forth the maximum power of an army one belongs to.
On A+ rank, it possesses the power equal to that of death troops determined to fight to the death as they exhaust their life.

(*basically opposing a guy using this Skill requires another guy using this Skill)
(i personally think of advice and command like wider and narrower MilTac. Advice is wider because it took account the surroundings, command is narrower because it specifically boost power)
Kaerazu no Jin
Shí Bīng Bā Zhèn​
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 50
Maximum target: 500 person

Formation of No Return.
A formation laid by a certain famous strategist upon deciding his army's retreat.
The formation of huge rocks bewilders invaders and drives them to death.
As a Noble Phantasm, it is a great thaumaturgy that compulsorily alters the location of the enemy into the Shí Bīng Bā Zhèn.
As long as they do not escape from within it, the enemies becomes targets of additional damage that accumulates every turn.
Suishi no Hyou
Chu Shi Biao​
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm (his own army)
Range: 0
Maximum target: 100 person

Table of Expedition.
The report for the throne that Zhuge Kongming left behind for the still young emperor when he organized the army for the subjugation of the enemy nation. A text that composed ardently his readiness to completely devote himself for loyalty, it would then be praised as most famous amongst famed literary composition in later years. Its effect as a Noble Phantasm is unknown.
(In FateGO it is fundemantally not utilized.)

(*Shí Bīng Bā Zhèn: Stone Sentinel Maze - Wikipedia)
(**Chu Shi Biao: Chu Shi Biao - Wikipedia. Table as in chart table.)
(My chinese friend said translating the name of this 2 NP is like trying to translate a japanese name; certainly possible translating individual kanji but you know, theyre names. Shí Bīng Bā Zhèn is mostly known in the western as Stone Sentinel Maze, but even then its not 100% accurate. Meaning and context wise my chinese friend said that for Chu Shi Biao's closest rendering is Memorial Upon War.)
First pronoun: watashi
Second pronoun: omae
Third pronoun: kare/kanojo

- Character
His personality is that of Lord El-Melloi II.
He is a slightly moody sort of magus with a meddlesome nature at the root, which ends up giving heavy influence to the people on his surroundings.
He is particularly good at deciding courses of action; countless people have discovered their own ability thanks to him.
Although, it can't be denied that at the same time he himself possesses a complex in regards to his own powerlessness….

- Motives and attitude towards Master
He mostly looks after the Master basically as one of his student.
El-Melloi II, who had taken in Kongming's knowledge, have an overwhelmingly abundant experience on his hand compared to the many magi in this world. Consequently, the Master becomes his student from the beginning.

- Dialogue example
"Servant, Zhuge Kongming. ...Hm, you think I'm not him?
Indeed I am not. I am El-Melloi II. Nevertheless, I do inherit his power. There is no problem."
"Things I am fond of? Let us see… Pupils with good perception, classroom filled with silence, and colleagues whose head are not clogged with tofu… I suppose."
"As you can see, I am in the middle of my game. We can speak, but don't tamper with my hair. It's distracting me from levelling up."
Historical depiction

The description below is not of Zhuge Kongming, but of the basis of his outer shell, Lord El-Melloi II.

Lord El-Melloi II is the representative head of House El-Melloi, one of the twelve nobles that rule over and manage the Clock Tower that is the center of Magic Association. A lecturer of the department of Modern Magic, all of his pupils had managed to grow into excellent magi.
It is said that should he ever recruit his pupils to his own faction, the Clock Tower's influence chart would easily change; but he himself has no intention to do so.

His insight in observing the true nature of a human has reached the point of being sublimated as a Servant's Skill. No matter how much a famed magus may conceal his or her thaumaturgy, he possesses the terrifying ability to divulge it without any constraint.

Normally, even if the outer shell is El-Melloi II, in the inside is still Zhuge Kongming and he should have conduct himself as Zhuge Kongming. However, upon the agreement of the goal of protecting the Human Order, there is no problem whichever between the two that holds the reign of the body; in the end of the discussion, Lord El-Melloi with his discernment of the modern world was decided to become a Servant.
Although he himself is dissatisfied of being unable to do something with his own power, he do understand that he would not be able to do anything alone. He vows that he will protect the Human Order together with the other Servants.

Furthermore, there is no change of his very power as a Servant or in his knowledge quantity upon his repeating spirit foundation's ascension, which in the end returns his form to that of a young boy (roughly 19 years old).
According to a certain ill-natured goddess, the situation of him fighting as the leading part being his form as a young boy is most fitting. Perhaps for Lord El-Melloi II himself, the unforgettable battle in which he shines the most is the one of this moment.
Character relationships
A man of great talent, still unfinished in his growth. And yet, there is already enough of his charisma that it reminds me of his dignity back in the day. ...Well, in that case, I would like to see with my own eyes of what would happen that changes him.

Things like the memory when he had been summoned are haziness, not even a dream for the current him. I know that much already. I know, and still.
Comment from Illustrator
The idea of the third ascension being Waver felt like a good idea when it struck me, but upon the implementation I felt somewhat anxious if it would be a disappointing development for those who like El-Melloi II. I am really relieved that I don't need to worry about that thanks to the option of being able to choose the ascension stage. (Takeuchi Takashi)

(You know, it really is kinda a shame we didnt get to know how Zhuge actually is
perhaps in the future)

I like how they tell us nothing about wavers 2nd NP still in the FUCKING MATS /s
So you're saying that something happened in a Fate work, that doesn't make sense under scrutiny? What a unique surprise, this has never happened before. No siree. There is no such thing as a Caliburn. There was never such thing as a Caliburn, Fate/Stay Night was the pinnacle of making sense and reasonable outcomes. God help us, Type Moon's once flawless storytelling integrity and quality has been shot to shit, it's the end times folks.

What are you talking about?

If it's the thing with Herakles, admittedly it's a little odd but that sort of very heavy conceptual damage isn't exactly new in the Nasuverse; Arcueid was reinventing her body structure since Tsukihime.
So I'm working on using Genesys RPG rules (Generic system by Fantasy Flight) to port a Fate style game in. Would this be a good thread to bounce ideas off of people, or should I go to a fic discussion thread?
I don't know anything about Genesys?
But if you want to ask stuff, go ahead?
Not mechanics, more like ideas.

Fate/Sui Iuris, which is a Catholic (and sometimes legal term) for being able to represent yourself. Figured it fit in with things like "Stay Night," "Extella," "Strange Fake," and "Apocrypha."

I'm tooling around ideas for either some variation of either a class card style Grail War, an Angrboda-esque machine bringing servants into reality, or just something set in the setting with the Church/Dead Apostles/Clocktower/etc. sort of like El Melloi case files.

I was mainly wondering if people had suggestions for which of those they would find most fun, or pitfalls to running any of those that they might notice.