It's kinda a shitty policy. Mage makes breakthrough, let's freeze him what, exactly? I'd assume Grands or other high ranking magi would take on the research, but even Grands get designations.
I mean, there is a full department whose job is about Sealing. I'd imagine that if a mage makes a significant enough breakthrough, they're Sealed and then they have an entire team working on whatever was interesting enough to earn a Designation rather than just that magus.
If we had a dollar for every obviously dumb thing in the Mage Association we could probably overcome the Tohsaka money curse.
Tohsaka has a money curse? I assumed the family just tended to haemorrhage money due to jewelcraft being expensive from requiring high-quality gemstones. Not like they can use artificial ones either, I assume - either the tech ain't there in the 2000s, or they're incompatible due to lacking some conceptual thing.
Tohsaka has a money curse? I assumed the family just tended to haemorrhage money due to jewelcraft being expensive from requiring high-quality gemstones. Not like they can use artificial ones either, I assume - either the tech ain't there in the 2000s, or they're incompatible due to lacking some conceptual thing.

The Edelfelts use Jewelcraft and they have money to spare, 10 times over. Granted all that money probably comes from a bunch of poor saps who they 'persuaded' to give up a bunch of their property.

There's also the part where Kirei went and sold off a bunch of Tohsaka territory to pay off something or another.
Tohsaka has a money curse? I assumed the family just tended to haemorrhage money due to jewelcraft being expensive from requiring high-quality gemstones. Not like they can use artificial ones either, I assume - either the tech ain't there in the 2000s, or they're incompatible due to lacking some conceptual thing.
Jewel Magecraft [Magecraft]
The sorcery that Rin specializes in.
Jewels easily accumulate the thoughts of their owners, and make excellent vessels for magical energy.
Crystals that have slumbered beneath the earth for eons, in particular, are prone to having nature spirits form within them, and jewels with that property can be used as simple sorcery crests. For example, a jewel with a nature spirit of fire dwelling within it would become highly flammable just by passing magical energy through it… or something along those lines.
Well from this, i think artificial gems could work as a magical energy storage but the best would still be natural gems since they can be aligned to elements and used as a crest.
Would you get slapped with a Sealing Designation if you had MEoDP like Shiki Tohno and Ryougi have, and the Clocktower found out? The way you guys mentioned it earlier you basically got to keep doing stuff as you were before if you were able to study and research your unique trait, but those particular mystic eyes are... insanely rare. Also a direct connection to the Root.
Would you get slapped with a Sealing Designation if you had MEoDP like Shiki Tohno and Ryougi have, and the Clocktower found out? The way you guys mentioned it earlier you basically got to keep doing stuff as you were before if you were able to study and research your unique trait, but those particular mystic eyes are... insanely rare. Also a direct connection to the Root.

Those aren't hereditary nor can they be replicated, so no. Also, Sealing Designations are for Magi, not randos who luck out on the psychic power lottery.
Tohsaka has a money curse?
Technically, it's compensation:
Fate/Side Material - Encyclopedia: Magecraft [Magecraft] said:
Though magecraft may seem almighty, it is basically the bringing about of mysteries by means of equivalent exchange.
Even the exceptionally talented Rin, in exchange for her versatile sorcery trait, will find herself afflicted by a chronic lack of money her entire life.
It's kinda a shitty policy. Mage makes breakthrough, let's freeze him what, exactly? I'd assume Grands or other high ranking magi would take on the research, but even Grands get designations.

i always understood it as "This dude has something and we have no idea how he did it/ We can't simply learn by studying his methods, what can we do?
Of course we capture and use him as guinea pig to understand how he did it! Or we at least isolate him alone in the middle of nowhere incapable of reaching an actual breakthrough if his power isn't interesting".
Is less "dumb" and more "Ethics? Sorry, i never had it to begin with".
Fairly sure that there are "some" in the upper echelon of the MA that if we applied the standard fairly would have a sealing designation, but those are inside the circle, so it's fine....until they are betrayed by someone, of course.
That would explain why majority of the standard magus in the MA are nothing to write about.
If you take every freak capable of unique magic and use him as an experiment, your actual military power is the few Enforcers you have and the monsters in the upper echelon, while the rest will be standard magus with little combat experience and not much unique capabilities.
It's like Chaldea, if Chaldea decided to freeze any Servant with a Noble Phantasm above C because is "Special".
Yes, if that where the case there would no servants in Chaldea, because seriously, who the hell as only C-rank NP?:rofl:
*Points to power-creep A-EX everywhere".
*Points to power-creep A-EX everywhere".
According to the list on the Wikia, there are within the canon approximately 465 Noble Phantasms currently known. Of these:
  • 48 are of Rank EX (10.3%)
  • 122 are of Rank A or greater (26.2%)
  • 106 are in the range of Rank B (22.8%)
  • 79 are in the range of Rank C (17.0%)
  • 17 are in the range of Rank D (3.7%)
  • 5 are in the range of Rank E (1.0%)
  • 88 are of no known Rank (18.9%)
From most to least common, A (26.2%), B (22.8%), n/a (18.9%), C (17.0%), EX (10.3%), D (3.7%), E (1.0%). If all categories were equal, there would be around 66 per Rank, or 14.3% of 465. There are probably more Rank A and B's above than there should be, but by statistical distribution, power creep really only significantly affects Rank D and Rank E NP.
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Not sure if it's been said here, but we got some infos from the Presage Flower BD booklet.

Translated by Beast Lair:
Kotonoha said:
-The bare minimum requirement to summon a Servant is there needs to be either some memory (history) in the land or the record held in the catalyst. Sometimes the Master is the catalyst so it's not impossible to summon even with connection/zero. Sasaki had no connection with Ryuudouji itself but with the mountain cause he trained/died there
-The term Ghost Liner is used to differentiate Servants (recollections of phenomena recorded in the past summoned from human history itself) from familiars created by magus hands. The "liner" part represents that they're like scrolls or books rather than lifeforms. Sanda asked if there was an official term for heroic spirit and Nasu gave him Ghost Liner so that's why it gets used in Case Files. So yeah Ghost Liner is a fancy term for Servant I guess
-Zouken in his prime (before joining with the Einzberns) was equal to 10 Gordolfs (where Gordolf equals average third-rate magus noble). He could put up a good fight against a Servant and even win if the conditions were in his favour. A Pride around lv70(?). Takeuchi asks how many F/Z Kariyas that is. Nasu says no matter how many zeros gather together they'll still be zeros. rip
-Archer never encountered the Shadow before, he just instinctively knows it's bad news because he's been a guardian so long
-Archer doesn't know about the Matou situation, and he didn't know before he became a Servant either. He can guess at Sakura's situation after being summoned as a Servant but he's not going to support her because he's not Shirou. Due to being a CG his memories are a vague jumbled up mess so he doesn't really remember anything, but the one memory he has is of meeting Saber (ie the opening scene of the VN), engraved into his soul as a single Art Graph (NASUUUU). And his meeting and interaction with Saber was very different from anything in stay night
-Shinji would have joined the fencing club if the school had a fencing club
-Everyone in Sakura's class avoids her because she's gloomy lol
Kotonoha said:
Speaking of Kariya it also says Rin didn't know about Sakura's training before breaking into the house because magi conceal their teachings and secrets so "the Matous have their own teachings, and trying to find out about them equals a fight to the death" is common sense for magi, which is not new but reminded me of the Tokiomiscourse
Never going to happen. Nasu hates the smug redman. He even lost his Extra main servant stats to Ailymao
Remember that time where it turned out he was from an alternate timeline where his Hakuno died and he'd already lost to Altera on a suicidal charge and sideslipped into the Extella timeline thanks to a glitch in the Moon Cell meaning he already knew 90% of the plot points including her true nature as the White Titan and Archimedes' hidden allegiance

and then he just

didn't do anything about it

and this info is just dropped offhand in his sidestory while he waits for nero to do everything

extella is 11/10 great story

EDIT: haha somewhat less but still pertinently remember how jeanne joined the faction that wants to kill all life on earth because of her moral belief in the possibility of altera's salvation and her willingness to risk everything for compassion

and then she just vanishes from the main storyline and implicitly accomplishes fuck and all while knowingly aiding and abetting the fucking reapers

and her own sidestory just abruptly cuts out the literal second it looks like she's gonna finally put her money where her mouth is and beat the piss out of arky to save altera

12/10 bestgame b e s t g a m e
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Remember that time where it turned out he was from an alternate timeline where his Hakuno died and he'd already lost to Altera on a suicidal charge and sideslipped into the Extella timeline thanks to a glitch in the Moon Cell meaning he already knew 90% of the plot points including her true nature as the White Titan and Archimedes' hidden allegiance

and then he just

didn't do anything about it

and this info is just dropped offhand in his sidestory while he waits for nero to do everything

extella is 11/10 great story

EDIT: haha somewhat less but still pertinently remember how jeanne joined the faction that wants to kill all life on earth because of her moral belief in the possibility of altera's salvation and her willingness to risk everything for compassion

and then she just vanishes from the main storyline and implicitly accomplishes fuck and all while knowingly aiding and abetting the fucking reapers

and her own sidestory just abruptly cuts out the literal second it looks like she's gonna finally put her money where her mouth is and beat the piss out of arky to save altera

12/10 bestgame b e s t g a m e

That's a conversation to have.

Hakuno: "Yeah, an alternate version of my Body self killed themselves to give me information to save Altera and the Moon Cell. It was heartwarming and kind of sad."

Archer: "Oh, yeah, I could have told you all about Archimedes and Sefar."

Hakuno: "i'm going to burn you for rare prisms"

I guess you could argue that it would be anticlimactic to the story for Archer to fix everything? But. Uh, why have the plot point in the first place? Maybe for a sequel thing, but I can't really see how you could parlay that into a sequel.

It ends up as kind of a nothing-burger (am I using that right?). I mean, Extella Zero is basically a summary on Nasu's blog post, so there's not a whole lot of emotional investment, but it would have been more meaningful if Extella!Archer had been (had the memories of) the Archer from Extella Zero. Hell, tie that into why he's only Nero's general - he doesn't feel worthy of standing by a Hakuno's side, since he, y'know, the one he served died.

As a quick aside, I am amused by how the versions of Extra Archer have some weird parallels with OG? The Extella thing, where he know a lot more about the situation than he lets on parallels his (somewhat sketchy) knowledge of FSN, though unlike FSN he never leverages it. And in Extella Zero, his Master ends up literally having to kill (an alternate version of) themselves - while FSN Archer wanted to kill Shirou in the hope that he'd die (and copious amounts of self-loathing), ZeroHakuno killed themselves in order to keep living.
Remember that time where it turned out he was from an alternate timeline where his Hakuno died and he'd already lost to Altera on a suicidal charge and sideslipped into the Extella timeline thanks to a glitch in the Moon Cell meaning he already knew 90% of the plot points including her true nature as the White Titan and Archimedes' hidden allegiance

and then he just

didn't do anything about it

and this info is just dropped offhand in his sidestory while he waits for nero to do everything

extella is 11/10 great story

EDIT: haha somewhat less but still pertinently remember how jeanne joined the faction that wants to kill all life on earth because of her moral belief in the possibility of altera's salvation and her willingness to risk everything for compassion

and then she just vanishes from the main storyline and implicitly accomplishes fuck and all while knowingly aiding and abetting the fucking reapers

and her own sidestory just abruptly cuts out the literal second it looks like she's gonna finally put her money where her mouth is and beat the piss out of arky to save altera

12/10 bestgame b e s t g a m e
Remember that time Tamamo though Lu Bu was trustworthy :V?

Or that other time when Karna won the Jobber Award?

Remember when Arty was already kinda there (bc of course she was) on the Moon Cell, ready to Lazer Beam White Titan again if it showed itself. Planetary Defense Cannon Excalibur was hilarious for the simple fact that it came kinda out of nowhere. And to get her to show up you just needed to bait her with the food. Four times. I guess even the greatest repository of knowledge this side of Root doesn't hold the candle to some Japanese ginger :V (as evidenced by her sidestory).