
Nasu hates the character he wrote?

If someone is going to get shafted you can bet it's the red smugman

Extra- Hakuno dies irregardless of what happens

Extra CCC- Servant ending? Archer dies, but is satisfied. Hakuno meets Shirou in some fuckass desert, all other servant endings are shenanigans in moon cell or excellent space adventure

Extella- Zerban already detailed it

Extella Zero- Half-dead Hakunon summons Half-dead EMIYA and both are fully aware that Hakunon dies even if she wins
Medea Mats said:
"Hellooo everyone! I am called: Medea Kuzuki! M-E-D-E-A K-U-Z-U-K-…"
Oh Medea.
Medea Mats said:
Legends says he is her fourth husband, but we don't know for sure in the FateGO world.
I'm surprised they even aknowledged that particular bit, it's a bit of an obscure tradition when other versions of her legend ends with her fleeing to either Media or Italy and having a son who ends up king in both cases, and no mention on how she died. The marrying Achilles thing, if I recall correctly, went that she became immortal and was given to Achilles as a bride in the Elysian Fields.

According to some accounts, he had married Medea in life, so that after both their deaths they were united in the Elysian Fields of Hades – as Hera promised Thetis in Apollonius' Argonautica (3rd century BC).

Meanwhile, Hera has a friendly chat with the sea nymph Thetis. The goddess advises the nymph that her infant son Achilles is destined to marry Medea in the Elysian fields and then she sends her on an errand to secure the Argo's passage south.

Argonautica (translation by R.C. Seaton) said:
But come, let me tell a tale that erreth not. When thy son shall come to the Elysian plain, he whom now in the home of Cheiron the Centaur water-nymphs are tending, though he still craves thy mother milk, it is fated that he be the husband of Medea, Aeetes' daughter; do thou aid thy daughter-in-law as a mother-in-law should, and aid Peleus himself.
Apollodorus Epitome book E chapter 5 section 5 said:
The death of Achilles filled the army with dismay, and they buried him with Patroclus in the White Isle, mixing the bones of the two together. It is said that after death Achilles consorts with Medea in the Isles of the Blest.
Scholia on Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica said:
ὅτι δὲ Ἀχιλλεὺς εἰς τὸ Ἠλύσιον πεδίον παραγενόμενος ἔγημε Μήδειαν πρῶτος Ἴβυκος εἴρηκε, μεθ᾿ ὃν Σιμωνίδης

["Ibycus and following him Simonides first said that Achilles reached the Plain of Elysium and took Medea to wife"]
Okay, so it's not so obscur if it was in the Argonautica then. Mea culpa. That said, it feels like Achilles wanking.
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Greeks being smacked to oblivion in TM works with jobber stick so many times I don't even care if someone decide to wank Achilles or really any other Greeks.
Well from this, i think artificial gems could work as a magical energy storage but the best would still be natural gems since they can be aligned to elements and used as a crest.
Actually thinking about this some more. I wouldn't be surprised if the proliferation of artificial gems screws over gemcraft by causing humanity's perception of them as something valuable to fall. Like how the proliferation of info on the human body caused human puppeting making to fall with the exception of Touko.
Actually thinking about this some more. I wouldn't be surprised if the proliferation of artificial gems screws over gemcraft by causing humanity's perception of them as something valuable to fall. Like how the proliferation of info on the human body caused human puppeting making to fall with the exception of Touko.
De Beers is actually a gemcraft-user conspiracy to manipulate the collective belief of humanity.
Actually thinking about this some more. I wouldn't be surprised if the proliferation of artificial gems screws over gemcraft by causing humanity's perception of them as something valuable to fall. Like how the proliferation of info on the human body caused human puppeting making to fall with the exception of Touko.

Does the perception of gemstones being valuable really come into the equation though?
Does the perception of gemstones being valuable really come into the equation though?
Their value/rarity makes up a large portion of how gemstones are perceived by humanity and that carries over to cultural significance aka the basis for magecraft foundations. Get rid of that and any magecraft connected to gemstones should suffer.

To give an example; suppose there's a gemcraft spell based off of the cultural norm of proposing with a diamond (where a large potion of the romance comes from how expensive shiny rocks are). If the spread of artificial diamonds weakens that cultural norm because diamonds are no longer seen as something special then that spell will also weaken.
Their value/rarity makes up a large portion of how gemstones are perceived by humanity and that carries over to cultural significance aka the basis for magecraft foundations. Get rid of that and any magecraft connected to gemstones should suffer.

To give an example; suppose there's a gemcraft spell based off of the cultural norm of proposing with a diamond (where a large potion of the romance comes from how expensive shiny rocks are). If the spread of artificial diamonds weakens that cultural norm because diamonds are no longer seen as something special then that spell will also weaken.
Diamonds were never rare, though. Their value is entirely artificial.
This kind of late, and a bit disconnected from the topic brought up, but it's been awhile since Extella came up in the discussion and I've really wanted a chance to ramble about it, so I'm gonna go for it.

There are a lot of things that Extella screwed up (The character misuse, pointless factionalism, and half-assing of the alternate universe plot, etc.), but one of the most nonsensical is the White Titan's personality. I won't waste time on all the ways Extella Altera is bad, but I will say that the weirdest thing about her is the fact that her personality is a lot more developed compared to the incarnation that actually experienced life. I mean, it's not good development, dreaming the life of a barbarian raider should not lead to the Primary Colors of Waifu, especially with how disconnected Attila is from her own history.

Thinking on this has led me to an odd realization; the personality of FGO Attila works a lot better for the sealed White Titan, hell, it'd solve a lot of issues if the Altera summoned by Chaldea was a downgraded Velber-02 pretending to be the remnant found by the Hunnic people. It'd better justify her mentality, design, and abilities (Which would still need a great deal of workshopping), and as a bonus, let the true Attila be her own character, rather than making them identical aside from the size fetish.

I'm not sure how much sense I'm making, I've been at this for a while, so feel free to poke holes or ask for clarification.
Artificial gems don't work for gemcraft so...

The magecraft that Rin specializes in.
Jewels easily accumulate the thoughts of their owners, and make excellent vessels for magical energy.
Crystals that have slumbered beneath the earth for eons, in particular, are prone to having nature spirits form within them, and jewels with that property can be used as simple magic crests. For example, a jewel with a nature spirit of fire dwelling within it would become highly flammable just by passing magical energy through it… or something along those lines.
Whenever Rin has spare time she transfers her magical energy into jewels, turning them into powerful bullets. However, in the end they are merely disposable items.
Because their magecraft reduces expensive jewels to ash after a single use, the Tohsaka magi are fated to be chronically afflicted with a lack of funds.

Their spread likely won't effect things, but they're pretty useless to magi.
the personality of FGO Attila works a lot better for the sealed White Titan
What differences do the FGO Altera/Attila the Sun Servant have from Altera in /Extella? I've played /Extella and couldn't see any differences, although nor does Altera get much screentime in FGO outside of her interludes. Only had the 'rampaging enemy' thing at the end of Rome, IIRC.
What differences do the FGO Altera/Attila the Sun Servant have from Altera in /Extella? I've played /Extella and couldn't see any differences, although nor does Altera get much screentime in FGO outside of her interludes. Only had the 'rampaging enemy' thing at the end of Rome, IIRC.

FGO Altera- I am a godamn defective terminator whom earns to be human while my instincts/programming screams at me to destroy everything

White Titan- I like cute small things but I am too fucking big
What differences do the FGO Altera/Attila the Sun Servant have from Altera in /Extella? I've played /Extella and couldn't see any differences, although nor does Altera get much screentime in FGO outside of her interludes. Only had the 'rampaging enemy' thing at the end of Rome, IIRC.
See, that's kinda, no, exactly the issue with Altera. There isn't a difference, aside from Giant Altera's Green-Red-Blue split personality thing, which is hella dumb, and-
FGO Altera- I am a godamn defective terminator whom earns to be human while my instincts/programming screams at me to destroy everything

White Titan- I like cute small things but I am too fucking big
...Well, what this guy said, it's probably better than what I was building up to.
Artificial gems don't work for gemcraft so...

Their spread likely won't effect things, but they're pretty useless to magi.
You'll note the wording of 'in particular' in relation to gems exposed to spirits, which is part of a separate thought from using jewels in general to store magical energy. Also why do you assume that a change in humanity's cultural perception of gems won't affect gemcraft?
I mean, I imagine you can just cut it off with their arm.

I'm not sure what would happen if you tried to only cut off the skin, since it is embedded in their soul to some degree. But removing the limb should be enough.