Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

That's a terrible anniversary gift, why do you hate our poor husband so? More importantly we will have a body and 3 spare ambrosia (of his) and sustenance. We pop him out with a couple points of influence and plop our new baby into the water to help our people.

We actually have 2 ambrosia aince one is going towards temple. @Omegahugger has been the known component towards more monsters. If he says okay, then I could add in a god child with 2 ambrosia, 10 Sustenance or 1 ambrosia 20 Sustenance if we want to eat one

I am also against having melee for the same reason as crabs. Not really possible to do right now though.
We actually have 2 ambrosia aince one is going towards temple. @Omegahugger has been the known component towards more monsters. If he says okay, then I could add in a god child with 2 ambrosia, 10 Sustenance or 1 ambrosia 20 Sustenance if we want to eat one

I am also against having melee for the same reason as crabs. Not really possible to do right now though.
I would definitely be curious to see what happens with making a God child, and we could give it something useful while also making sure it isn't so strong that it is a problem. @Omegahugger I know you love monsters, I do too! But I think we should try having every type of kid rather than just going monsters. Now is the perfect time to give our husband a great manageable gift. If we give up the monster for a turn or two we can get a being that will help our people instead of eating them and get a jump on growing stronger to shore up our pantheon. I think we can do it with just the monster bring replaced, but the silvermen could be done as well/instead of that. It would give us enough sustenance to pick an additional trait for him and thus plug in humanity to lean it heavily towards faith. Please consider going along with this.

I can't disagree more on melee. Until we ascend past the fear of being punched in the face and exploding we should not get rid of our only free defense. We shoe up near places we are going to nuke and doing that while defenseless is absolute folly. If you want to get rid of a skill for being against the watery magic trickster God then leadership is the thematic one to dump. Being able to punch someone in the face when the joke turns against you and shit gets real is just part of doing business.
I'd say wait with the God Child!

Humanity? Saiga got that one at T3, if we want it in our child, have him but some traits in....
Rather have a planed child where we can influence what BOTH parents bring to the trait- pool.
Depending on the role we want our God-child to have, we have a bit more options if we can have Saiga add more, even gift him stuff to promote him giving the traits we want, even if its only Humanity.

For a explorer:
- Humanity
- Wanderlust
- Exploration

For hunter/fighter
- Polar Bear
- Hunter

Even if its "only" for humanity, we can add more of our stuff.
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For an anniversary gift maybe we should cooperate with Keshketv to enchant his new spear using mysticism or work to create another artifact fro him instead of having a god child.
21st year god child just doesn't ring out the same, even if I recognize that it might be a safer choice :(. Nonetheless I hope it goes through, because what is better, a baby with your beloved wife, or a spear?
21st year god child just doesn't ring out the same, even if I recognize that it might be a safer choice :(. Nonetheless I hope it goes through, because what is better, a baby with your beloved wife, or a spear?
A shapeshifter baby that turns into a spear, obviously.

Come to think of it, can't we go Change Divine Form to that of a human and Sire an Ur-Child with him?
Come to think of it, can't we go Change Divine Form to that of a human and Sire an Ur-Child with him?
A demispirit with him would be basically useless. It would be at least 15 turns before it turned around and became truly useful, and would probably be in his village so we wouldn't interact with him much. Meanwhile a god child can immediately start blessing people and help provide for our populace. It can also start gaining traits and growing strong and helpful. Having a mortal child as our first with our divine entity husband just seems like a copout. Go all in with Saiga or don't even bother.
A demispirit with him would be basically useless. It would be at least 15 turns before it turned around and became truly useful, and would probably be in his village so we wouldn't interact with him much. Meanwhile a god child can immediately start blessing people and help provide for our populace. It can also start gaining traits and growing strong and helpful. Having a mortal child as our first with our divine entity husband just seems like a copout. Go all in with Saiga or don't even bother.
We literally have a Faith Spirit on demand if we blow up Seski, so if that's what we want we can just go do that. There's a limit to how much Faith a population can provide, and by the same token a limit to how many Faith Spirits they can support, so it's not a decision to make just because. Especially since with Gaerig around Population could suddenly drop due to accidental moonlasers.

As for why I prefer Ur-Spawn to Godspawn, well I just find the former to be more interesting. They have more of a build-up before their divinity and generally have a more solid mythos to work with narratively.
I mean, who remembers what Jarxitilivum did in the original? Especially compared to our other offspring?

Nine is the number of the sea, nine portals, three ways to enter, one Goddess, power unknowable.

Eight is blasphemy! Heretic! Everything with the Sea Mother is related to Nine. Even retroactively!

Great and terrible is she! All shall love her and despair!

Correction, turn 9 was your first glut, the hilarious wild magic accident, and when you managed to blow up all of your shrines.
Okay, so I've finally blown through my near-inane excitability to run the quest (which means I no longer have the power to stay up for entire sleep cycles longer following discussion, or have the ability to write more than around a thousand words of fluff in a single sitting). Sadly, I need to go down to maybe twice a week for updates, with locks going up a day in advance so I can compile everything. Basically unanimous votes at around 25 or more voters will probably get early updates, but I need to steady my pace, slow my roll, smell the roses, [insert cliched metaphor for slowing down here].

What this means is no update as per usual on the 1-2 day timelines, but I'll probably put out bigger updates rather than the progressively fluff-starved things I've been putting out lately. As it stands, I'll put up the lock tomorrow and have the post up between then and the day after.
We literally have a Faith Spirit on demand if we blow up Seski, so if that's what we want we can just go do that. There's a limit to how much Faith a population can provide, and by the same token a limit to how many Faith Spirits they can support, so it's not a decision to make just because. Especially since with Gaerig around Population could suddenly drop due to accidental moonlasers.

As for why I prefer Ur-Spawn to Godspawn, well I just find the former to be more interesting. They have more of a build-up before their divinity and generally have a more solid mythos to work with narratively.
I mean, who remembers what Jarxitilivum did in the original? Especially compared to our other offspring?
And faith spirit primarily centered around mischief that can't actually help out that much. Saying if we need a Faith spirit we can just wait for her to die some day in the future is extremely dumb. We have no idea when she will die and she won't rise up as something immediatell helpful on a large scale. A God would be more useful than some future spirit that will show up some day.

Yes we do have a limited amount of faith being generated, but if we had someone to blunt our random rampages and help our population growth faster then maybe we would keep increasing our population and that would stop being an issue. Not to mention we could put our child in our home village and endorse his or her worship, immediately providing a base for it.

God children immediately benefit our people in a way that ur-spawn and demispirit s simply can't. They are all a far far future proposition that will take months of real time to begin blessing our populace.,making a new God let's our people benefit immediately.
And faith spirit primarily centered around mischief that can't actually help out that much. Saying if we need a Faith spirit we can just wait for her to die some day in the future is extremely dumb. We have no idea when she will die and she won't rise up as something immediatell helpful on a large scale. A God would be more useful than some future spirit that will show up some day.
It's kinda cute how you thought I suggested waiting for Seski to die on her own.

Yes we do have a limited amount of faith being generated, but if we had someone to blunt our random rampages and help our population growth faster then maybe we would keep increasing our population and that would stop being an issue. Not to mention we could put our child in our home village and endorse his or her worship, immediately providing a base for it
I am just not comfortable cluttering up the Faith Base when there are no obvious expansion points, at least two rivalling pantheons nearby and three children closing in on an Ascension. Especially given that a non-insiginificant part of our playerbase want A&F, which will add Gaerig to that pile as well.

True, that assumes that our offspring would be a Faith God, but if it turns out Fearful it wouldn't benefit our people either.

God children immediately benefit our people in a way that ur-spawn and demispirit s simply can't.
This is really tangential to the actual point, but Demispirits are Ur-spawn. Specifically, they're the old term for what is currently called Ur-Children.
Last chance to vote in a Sea Pixie Ur-Spawn this turn! Powerofmind said he could make something truly frightening with it and I want to see him do it.:p

Also finally start the ritual reseach into Divine Mystery so we are a step closer to Awesome&Fearsome, and simpler plan making!
I remember once saying "Somebody double-count for veekie" or something along those lines.

You're 10 DE over again.

At this point I'm thinking maybe, maybe, the fault isn't exclusively veekie's, and I need to do a major run of simplification, like, nearly unrecognizably simpler.