Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

Current Pantheon Enhancement: The Night Mother (Grants a small amount of free legend to newborn Ur-Spawn, slightly enhanced effect on Influence Actions, the first demand issued each turn is rolled twice, using the higher result)
Fun stuff, though I'm kinda sad we lost the Legend engine The Goddess Sought was.
Pantheon Enhancement: Grand Antagonist (Gain a strong bonus when acting against other pantheon members, all means of reclaiming Pantheon Head enhancements are revealed to her)
Ack. Not good.
Pantheon Enhancement: Companion Spirit (Has a small chance to spontaneously aid other pantheon members when using the Explore action)
Pantheon Enhancement: Adventurous Hero (Grants a Strong bonus when exploring, battling known outsider spirits, or when encountering new spirits peacefully)

Charsheet still lists us as getting two pantheon enhancements, max. I'm guessing Gaerig's and Attrouska's don't count vs. the limit?
What's the difference between Ur-Beast and Divine Creature? Divine Creatures are stronger but don't have the potential to create bloodlines?
...she dies. She will die by our hand. She is actively casting herself as antagonist probably manufactured spirit tier vendetta where she must rule or die to us.

Edit: want to visit fox and imprisoned one and destroy the crone. If we lay with a beast hopefully the owl, look at those bonuses. Also lunar theme'ing.
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God I want to blood moon someone, but it is a terrible idea for now. Although I can't help but wonder if we can somehow use it to buff our people if we roll well enough.

Also, we now have even more reason to produce kids. Bonus legend to Ur-Spawn on birth. It makes me want a real monster SO bad, especially since we ranked up avatar enough to keep that last set of bonus sustenance.
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[] Plan: Grow! Grow! Grow! 2, Revengeance.
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Omen Reading, Mysticism, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation, Survival.
-[] Expend <15> DE on petitioners for Leadership.
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[] Expend <55> DE on petitioners for Fishing.
-[] Expend <15> DE on petitioners for Navigation
[] Inspire Petitioner - Navigation.
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Calm seas. x2
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Call Fish. x2
[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
[] Lay with Blue Shark
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to make it an Ur-beast.
-[] Contribute <20> Sustenance per trait.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE
[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are the way they are.
-[] Study the ??? Action. Costs: 15 DE
[] Meet with the Fox Spirit properly, now that you have proven your superiority as cleverest of all. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)
[] Play with Seski, Give her Obsidian to play with.

211 DE, 32.5 sustenance.

No Ur-child in this one, because we just had one, and yes @Omegahugger I changed it to a blue shark.

But we do have a proper Ur-beast now.
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Those of you who wanted to be decisive, finish the job. Hunt her down.

Blacken, Blue, Silver, and Red shall color her days.

Blizzards shall preceed our arrival and hound her every step.

She'll get no rest, no respite, no joy as long as she is unbent or unbroken.

Finish the job.
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@ninjafish So why the extra sustenance for humanity rather than just two more random traits? Is the goal a shark person, or are we making a legitimate monster shark? I would honestly rather make a pure shark monster and a seperate underwater people race if that was the goal.
Charsheet still lists us as getting two pantheon enhancements, max. I'm guessing Gaerig's and Attrouska's don't count vs. the limit?
Whoopsie-doodles. Supposed to be 4 now.
What's the difference between Ur-Beast and Divine Creature? Divine Creatures are stronger but don't have the potential to create bloodlines?
Ur-Beasts generate broods and legend for you and are innately fear-based. Divine Creatures produce a mostly static population of a couple basically-spirit-tier beings by paying legend into them. They are head and shoulders above basically any other subordinate mortal-ish being, save actual spirits and gods, and they're a potentially decent match to disperse spirits and gods, if built well enough.
I just noticed this and had a thought. Are you sure that it makes sense for a God x Spirit crossing to produce a God? I kind of expected it to produce a Spirit, honestly.
Yes. The highest parent in a divine coupling passes their tier on.
God I want to blood moon someone, but it is a terrible idea for now. Although I can't help but wonder if we can somehow use it to buff our people if we roll well enough.
Bloodborning someone seems like an especially bad idea under the circumstances right now.

No, thank veekie. It was his vote.

Also, because I'm the QM I get to advertise shit if I want to. You all remember @Academia Nut, the bro who made Into the Amber Age, which this quest is a blatant rip-off of...
Here's his newest quest.
I feelz bad that he isn't getting the participation he's used to. I think I'm eating it. Due to his Canadian-ness, he would never do something as nebulously impolite as to advertise his own quest in a spin-off of his own quest, so I will do it out of the kindness of my naturally nosy American heart.

I dunno why, just haven't been able to get into that one.
[X] Destroy everything. Ruin as much of the Crone's village as possible, force her out of hiding!
Veil of Darkness Condition: Mortals must check to dogpile

Avatar rolled 12
Major Success

Torches and Flares
War rolled 15 vs 6
Mortals regroup

Melee rolled 7, 3, 11 vs 15
Moderate Success; Mortals scattered

Ruinate 2!
Avatar rolled 13
Major Success

Torches and Flares
War rolled 7 vs 15
Mortals blind

Brave Fools
Melee rolled 4 vs 13
Major Success; Mortals scattered

Ruinate 3!
Avatar rolled 7
Minor Success

I grow tired of waiting!
Influence rolled 10
3 Degrees of success (Sunburst Defense); Wounded 4/8

Ruinate Shrine!
Avatar rolled 15
Moderate Success

Mortals Swarm!
Melee rolled 3, 10, 8 vs 11
Minor Success, Mortals scattered

Ruinate Shrine!
Avatar rolled 16
Moderate Success; Shrine Ruined!
Attrouska Traits rolled 9; Shrine Attribute damaged, Trait Shatter!
Attrouska Traits
???: 1
???: 2
Law: 3
Motherhood: 4
???: 5
???: 6
???: 7
???: 8
???: 9
???: 10
???: 11
Mystic: 12

Rolled 8, 12: ??? and Mystic loses a level (becomes Stargazer/Omenseer, Crone dispersed)
Victor's Spoils (??? and Stargazer) rolled 11, 16: Do not acquire ???, Gained Stargazer!
Fight over the scraps (Saiga, Saitev, Imprisoned One, Fox) rolled 11, 2, 6, 16: Fox Spirit acquires ???

Mortals Swarm
Melee rolled 17, 13 vs 5
Major I Failure; Wounded 3/8

Attrouska begins her ritual!
The Drum
Perform (Drums) rolled 10

Mortals Swarm
Melee rolled 11, 15 vs 8
Minor Failure; Encounter Weird rolled 11

The Horn
Perform (Horn) rolled 8

Mortals Swarm
Melee rolled 13, 10 vs 18
Moderate Success; Mortals Scattered

The Chant
Mysticism rolled 9

Perform + Awe rolled 4 vs 11
Moderate Success; usurped the Crone as Pantheon Head, Goddess Sought becomes Night Mother

Third Magic - Ritual of the Chains of Punishment
Perform (Drums) - 10
Perform (Horn) - 8
Disc of Refractions - T4 Ritual Implement
Mysticism - 9
BLACKENED; -1 Successes
4/5 Successes, insufficient successes for completion

Brave Fools
Melee rolled 6 vs 16 (seriously how many times will you crit?)
Major II Success, +1 Melee; Encounter Weird rolled 8

Bow, Witch!
Perform + Awe rolled 9 vs 12
Minor Success; Crone cannot bow to you

Crone flees, you are too exhausted to follow

Spirit Encounter
Fear rolled 3
Gained 2 Legend

Destroyer, Usurper, Victor
Fear rolled 4
Gained 6 Legend

Blacken Legend (oops)
Fear rolled 19
Gained 12 Legend

subtotal VE: 16

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (56) (Boost 84)
Legend rolled 13
Yet another Major Glut - Must spend at least (21) Legend and make (6) rolls
1-5: Shrine 4
6-10: Influence 6
11-30: Fear 5
31-50: Avatar 8
51-52: Perform (Trickery)
53-54: Omen Reading
55-56: Innovation
57-58: Survival
59-60: Melee
61-70: Focused Manifestation - Blue Moon
71-80: Focused Manifestation - Blood Moon
81-90: Focused Manifestation - Yellow Moon
91-100: Focused Manifestation - Harvest Moon

Rolled 2: Shrine 4
17 Legend remaining; Shrine 5 replaces Shrine 4
Rolled 84: FM - Blood Moon
14 Legend remaining; Elemental Manifestation - Darkness replaces FM Blood Moon
Rolled 67: FM - Blue Moon
11 Legend remaining; Elemental Manifestation - Frost replaces FM Blue Moon
Rolled 59: Melee (1d3) +2
9 Legend remaining
Rolled 48: Avatar 8
1 Legend remaining; Avatar 9 replaces Avatar 8, Awe replaces Melee
Rolled 13: Fear 5
Vehemence Exhausted, Rolls Exhausted, Glut Complete
No population check (almost solely propagated through out-of-influence areas)
Gained Avatar 8
Gained Fear 5
Gained Shrine 4
Gained Focused Manifestations - Blood Moon, Blue Moon
Gained Melee 4

So Attrouska wishes to hide in her shrine, then? Fine. You will simply destroy everything else here! You are huge, and despite the sturdy construction around you, it is only a matter of applying your impressive natural strength to topple the first building. The commotion and screams of the people inside draw attention, however, and you are swiftly surrounded by thrown torches. Roughly a dozen fall upon you, but you stamp and crush like you had the Rune Children before, giving you a chance to vanish into the night once more to wreck even more havoc.

Another two buildings fall to your anger before you look back towards Attrouska's Shrine. "If you will not bow to me, witch," you yell. "Then I will make you!"

Her shrine is, unfortunately, bigger than you are, but you take a wooden stake from around it to use as an impromptu club. You slam the log into the structure, and as you do, an explosion of fire and light reaches out from the shrine, striking you squarely. The burns are agonizing, and the flashes of light have brought yet more mortals to you, dispersed easily enough with a sweep of your club. The second strike makes a resounding crack! and a huge portion of the shrine crumples suddenly, the Crone and two more Children fleeing the collapse.

You are about to go after her when the mortals interfere once again, striking and pelting you brutally. By the time you've cleared them away, Attrouska's chant is nearly done. You dare her to finish with nary a man between you, and she does...

... and she fails!

You give a lopsided smirk to the difficult old bat, who... runs? She's not supposed to do that! "Curses on you, I will not be cowed; Know this Gaerig, soon you will be bowed!"

That... that little cheater! You proved it! You proved you were better! How dare she refuse! How did she refuse?

You will ponder these questions later. You need to return home; you have a child to bear, and you will name them Ghette, or Ghetti, Victory Man, or Victory Woman, in memory of your success.

[Voting is locked for 2 hours following the initial posting.]

Divine Resources Available
182 - 179 (Expended) = 3 + 2 (Rites) + 224 (56 Vehemence) + 7 (PB) + 10 (Omakes) = 246 DE
Holy Place Condensation -5
Overflow Condensation -30
Gained 4 Ambrosia
Remaining: 211

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 2 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 4 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*2.25*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 7 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 3.6 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: -9 of -22 minimum, was -10 last turn (-1 Punishment Failure, +2 Saiga's efforts)
3 + 1 (Confluence) + 4 (Condensation) - 2 (Blacken) - 4 (Sate Hunger) = 2
122 + 12 + 6 + 2 + 2 - 30 = 158 total legend
68 + 22 - 30 - 8 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 2 = 65 unspent legend
Lost 1 Amber

Divine Actions
Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Omen Reading, Mysticism, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Command Water [How]
-[] Command Sea [How]
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 20 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers Wind Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blood Moon* - The bloody red moon, eclipsed by the earth and denied the light of the sun, casts curses and suffering upon the earth in spite. Transforms the Flesh and induces Bestial Madness. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 40 DE, 2 Ambrosia. WARNING: Cannot currently Manifest Darkness, effect has a higher DC threshold.
[] ??? - You feel something curious, a spilling, a bubble upon creation. Costs: ? DE, ?

Avatar Actions (37/40)

[] Form Avatar (12 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 11 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)

[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with [Animal]
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Sire a Divine Creature, using [Life form] as a base
-[] Contribute <5X> unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, <X> Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits of the litter

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Metal
[] Innovate something!
-[] Silver
-[] Obsidian
-[] Amber
-[] Low-Tier Materials (infinite limit)
[] Use Items
-[] Equip an item
-[] Gift an item
-[] Consume an item
-[] Destroy an item

[] Chase down the Crone to her next hiding place! She will bow or she will die! Costs: 12 DE, 3 sustenance.

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror in your domain. Costs: 3 DE
[] Personally Incite (Distant) - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror elsewhere. Costs: 10 DE
[] Travel elsewhere - Visit one of the villages you've discovered and mess with them! Costs: 8 DE - Imprisoned Settlements
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE

[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study Rituals - Cast your gaze to the sky, where patterns reveal themselves and show you secrets. Develop a new specific trait ritual or two random rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Entrails - Look into the entrails spilled upon the earth. As all life consumes earth's bounty and is returned as new bounty, you can learn from the transition. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
-[] Study [Material]. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
-[] Study the ??? Action. Costs: 15 DE
-[] Refine Rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

[] Perform Ritual
-[] Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer. Costs: 30-80 DE, 4-7 Ambrosia OR 20-50 total Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)

Commune Actions (37/40)

[] Issue Decree - You take form, or manifest your avatar in order to issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 2/4
-[] Alter the Decree of Attendance - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 4
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 2/3.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited).
[] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 0/1. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
-[] Improve [name shrine] into a temple.
-[] Create a temple anew at [location].
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him (Current circa turn 13)
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with the Fox Spirit properly, now that you have proven your superiority as cleverest of all. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked), Fear 2/5

Aspect of the Fish (+2 Trade, +3 Navigation, +2 Survival, Faster water travel, can command fish directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Crustacean (+3 Melee, +2 Fishing, +2 Perform (Dance), Increased wound threshold, can command crustaceans directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Walrus (+3 Fishing, +2 Survival, +2 Awe, Increased maximum sustenance, can command walrus and sea lions directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Octopus (+2 Fishing, +3 Survival, +2 Perform (Dance), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, can command octopodes directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Snowy Owl (+3 Survival, +2 Awe, +2 Perform (Sing), Grants a free degree of success when attacking a divine of equal tier from ambush, can command owls directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +3 Innovation, +3 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 13 Legend

Spirit of Mischief (+4 Perform (Trickery), +2 Survival, Common ability to mask or disguise Avatar (False Mortality), grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters): 9 (8) Legend
Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +3 Trade, gain the ability to speak directly with and negotiate with sea creatures): 15 (15) Legend
Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +3 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range, greatly reduces detection risk when exploring): 18 (21) Legend
Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +2 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation, gain the ability to Shift Stars): 18 (20) Legend
Spirit of Premonitions (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Astrology, +2 Survival, gain the ability to Twist Fate): 18 (21) Legend
Spirit of Mysteries (+2 Mysticism, +2 Magic (First), +2 Magic (Second), gain strange senses): 18 (16) Legend
Spirit of Motherhood (+3 Leadership, +2 Perform (Sing), reduces Sustenance cost to add random and specific traits by 1 and 1 when siring, grant one additional specific trait when siring): 18 (21)
Spirit of Death (+3 Melee, +2 Omen Reading, gains an automatic success against mortals when acting to kill them, gains a Strong Bonus against any Ur-Spawn or any Spirit one tier lower than you when acting to kill or disperse them): 18 (18)
Spirit of Destruction (+3 Melee, +2 Ranged, gains an automatic success when destroying structures, gains an automatic success when destroying enemy items): 18 (21)
Spirit of Madness (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Fear, 6 accumulating Legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 18 (21) Legend

Elemental Affinities
Classical Element - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend
Classical Element - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Element - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend Inherent Lockout

Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Lake (Stagnation save the ripple of action upon it): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 8 (9) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Sky (The sky is part of your natural domain as Lady of the Night): 8 (5) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Cold (The chill of the night, the smoke of the breath): 8 (5) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 5 (2) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Darkness (You are one with the dark places, granting you power over shadow): 5 (2) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Tidal Waves (Push and Pull, Rise and Fall, yours is the domain of the water that reclaims even the high earth): 8 (9) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Sun (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 8 (10) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Ice (The dread chill that saps even the hardiest fire of warmth): 8 (5) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Yellow Moon (You have a special affinity with the night moon): 8 (3) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Harvest Moon (You have a special affinity with the orange moon of fall): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Obsidian (Black as night, hiding a deadly edge): 5 (2) Legend
Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Silver (Divine Silver, whose light even hints at darkness): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Rain (What the sun takes, the sky returns): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Snow (Beautiful flakes in geometric patterns, or haphazard clumps, driven in blizzards): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Storms (Whip with furious wind, scour with pelting water): 8 (10) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Orbits) - Eclipse (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 20 (15) Legend

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 5 (4) Legend
Elemental Avatar - Silver (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can transmute silver, +2 Awe): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Shadow (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can perform shadow teleportation within linked domains, gain Ethereal, gain Vulnerability towards light/fire based attacks): 5 Legend

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Perform (Trickery), FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): (8) 11 Legend
Divine Mystery (As spirits grow to godhood, secrets are revealed to them that are unsuited to mortal minds. +2 Mysticism, may elect to swap current Focus Attribute using a basic ritual): 8 (6) Legend
Lesser Bless (Your blessings are slightly improved, and you gain access to specialized blessings apart from Sacrifice and Growth, based on the skills you possess): (3) 6 Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Astrology (MAXED OUT)
Omen Reading
Perform (Trickery)

Pity that she got away. But that was still pretty great.
She is dispersed right now, isn't she? We should be able to afford trying to catch and find her, but our Survival is not very good, so we might not be able to even find her.

So let's see, we spend about 50-60 on hunteing her down, 50 on study/astrology/meetings and the rest on growth?
Oh, Sharkman? Lame.

...how do people feel about Divine Monster Mega-Shark? Putting the Ambrosia into Avatar for even more Megahood.
We should probably include the "Chase down the Crone" action in whatever plan we choose. The crone should be exhausted from combat and depleted due to her followers being slaughtered and reforming her avatar.
So. Since we've softly precommitted to making this a growth turn (by using Appeasement), we should make it a growth turn.

Blue moon might be useful. My main qualm is that other than the control water actions (which we can do 30 DE of), I'm not sure we have any water/weather actions to do. Derp.
Oh, Sharkman? Lame.

...how do people feel about Divine Monster Mega-Shark? Putting the Ambrosia into Avatar for even more Megahood.

I want something that can propagate, divine beasts stay at the same population unless we actively make more of them.

Besides creating Divine beasts sinks both legend and ambrosia.