All right,
[] Plan Gaerig Helps
-[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 10 DE
--[] Command Water [How]
---[] Call Rains
---[] Reduce Snowfall
--[] Command Sea [How]
---[] Calm Seas
-[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 12 DE
--[] Call Fish.
---[] x2
-[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
--[] In your territory
-[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
--[] x3
-[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE
--[] x3
-[] Travel elsewhere - Visit one of the villages you've discovered and mess with them! Costs: 8 DE - Imprisoned Settlements
-[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
--[] x2
-[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
--[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
--[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
--[] Study [Ruined Garment]. Costs: 10 DE
--[] Study the ??? Action. Costs: 15 DE
-[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make Saiga's Fishing Village Shrine grander. Costs: 5 DE.
--[] Dedicate Obsidian materials for progress.
-[] Meet with the Fox Spirit properly, now that you have proven your superiority as cleverest of all. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Play with Seski
--[] Anything but Trickery
-[] Mother Ghette
30(Waters)+24(Fish)+25(Blue Moon)+18(Guide)+24(Bounty)+8(Travel)+10(Wander Depths)+20(Explore)+8(Read Future)+8(Read Bones)+10(Study Garment)+15(Study ???)+5(Improve Shrine)+5(Meet Fox Spirit)= 210 DE
32(Start)-4.5(Avatar)-3(Guide Ships)-3(Give Bounty)-1(Travel)-1(Wander Depths)-2(Explore Land)-1(Study Stars)-1(Study Omens)-2(Study World)-.5(Improve Shrine)-.5(Meet Fox Spirit)-.5(Seski)-.5(Ghette)=11.5 Sustenance Left
Start out with Divine actions, we want to give people the least amount of trouble so they can do their business which means reducing snowfall and calling rain to help crops and keep winter mild. Calm Seas to ensure they have no troubles with their catches.
Follow through with Avatar actions by Guiding them where they need to go and offering Bounty to ensure their larders are full. Tripled to ensure that Gaerig does it all year as Powerofmind mentioned we need three actions to do so.
Added some exploration actions of land and sea to sea what interesting things we can find and maybe discover the Crystal Cave to discover more interesting materials to work with.
Read the Future and Bones to ensure nothing too bad ensures and raise Omen Reading.
Study the Suit of Armor to fully understand the material it is made of and potentially discover how it manage to be preserved so well(More magic~).
Study the ??? action because Shiny and Implied to gate Divine Realm.
Improve Shrine because we only need two more successes to fully upgrade and open up another tier of slots to build. Meet with the Fox for Legend and potentially bring him into the fold.
Play wit Seski because of course! And Mother Ghette because we've put a lot riding into this child and it simply gives me the warm fuzzies to see Gaerig be a good mother.
You don't include making a shark monster in the not time for science right? Dropping an avatar rank at this point seems pretty safe after all.
We're at skills cap, so we could potentially get another Avatar level next turn.