Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

You don't include making a shark monster in the not time for science right? Dropping an avatar rank at this point seems pretty safe after all.

@Powerofmind Quick question, is there any way to involve Saiga in the creation of divine creatures with our current traits?
....dude, Ur-beasts thrive on death, pain and destruction.
If we birth one it's going to start amusing itself with our population, and we don't even have the awareness to care.
Why don't you try it and... find out.

I'm wise to your ways, so not this turn.

Maybe after our pop has been restored and the crone has been turbo-murdered.

....dude, Ur-beasts thrive on death, pain and destruction.
If we birth one it's going to start amusing itself with our population, and we don't even have the awareness to care.

Yeah, but its gonna take a couple of years to grow to adult hood... and we have saiga to hunt them if they become to big of a problem, he'd probably appreciate the excitement honestly.

And we really fucking need to drop some avatar, I'm not sure if we even can reform if we were to disperse right now.
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....dude, Ur-beasts thrive on death, pain and destruction.
If we birth one it's going to start amusing itself with our population, and we don't even have the awareness to care.
It won't be able to play with our population on the turn it is born, and we should be just fine at locking it down or keeping it hunting elsewhere early on, which is the time we actually need to buff our population. By the time the thing is going at full steam we probably aren't going to be stuck desperately boosting our population anymore.
Avatar rolled 12
Major Success

Ruinate 2!
Avatar rolled 13
Major Success

Ruinate 3!
Avatar rolled 7
Minor Success

Ruinate Shrine!
Avatar rolled 15
Moderate Success

Ruinate Shrine!
Avatar rolled 16
Moderate Success; Shrine Ruined!
We rolled pretty amazingly to damage her shrine(I think this is her main shrine as well)
<=11 successes needed to break it. Pretty time consuming.

Too sleepy to math it out, but that looks like base DC 40 to do any damage, then +1 damage per success. 11 successes says her Shrine rating was at 5, and that the hp of a shrine is 2x the Shrine rating.
Basically if it's a spirit and fighting back, you're going to be getting hit a lot.

Torches and Flares
War rolled 15 vs 6
Mortals regroup

Melee rolled 7, 3, 11 vs 15
Moderate Success; Mortals scattered

Torches and Flares
War rolled 7 vs 15
Mortals blind

Brave Fools
Melee rolled 4 vs 13
Major Success; Mortals scattered

Mortals Swarm!
Melee rolled 3, 10, 8 vs 11
Minor Success, Mortals scattered

Mortals Swarm
Melee rolled 17, 13 vs 5
Major I Failure; Wounded 3/8

Mortals Swarm
Melee rolled 11, 15 vs 8
Minor Failure; Encounter Weird rolled 11

Mortals Swarm
Melee rolled 13, 10 vs 18
Moderate Success; Mortals Scattered

Brave Fools
Melee rolled 6 vs 16 (seriously how many times will you crit?)
Major II Success, +1 Melee; Encounter Weird rolled 8
Okay, we were ungodly lucky here, since the mortals could have done SERIOUS damage to us to dogpile and disperse us even before factoring her mortals delaying us for 6 turns just swatting flies.

Attrouska should have some pretty nasty mortal authority bonuses there to motivate them. So I'm guessing high faith backed by Spirit of Law and Spirit of Leadership?

I grow tired of waiting!
Influence rolled 10
3 Degrees of success (Sunburst Defense); Wounded 4/8
We learn Attrouska's free Influence attack form: Sunburst.
So one of her traits is Sun or Light based, which, fortunately, she didn't expect us to attack, so she had no DE reserved for it.

Also THIS is why we didn't step into her shrine. Consider the same attack with +2 Strong from Shrine bonus and it'd have taken us down to 3/8 in one hit.

Attrouska begins her ritual!
The Drum
Perform (Drums) rolled 10

The Horn
Perform (Horn) rolled 8

The Chant
Mysticism rolled 9

Third Magic - Ritual of the Chains of Punishment
Perform (Drums) - 10
Perform (Horn) - 8
Disc of Refractions - T4 Ritual Implement
Mysticism - 9
BLACKENED; -1 Successes
4/5 Successes, insufficient successes for completion
It wasn't a Second Magic ritual. It was bloody Third Magic with a T4 implement(that means Craft + Art + Enchantment).
If not for the Nox, we'd have been bound.

Now that we have seen the ritual can we use Mysticism to research what it does and how to disrupt it?
Attrouska Traits
???: 1
???: 2
Law: 3
Motherhood: 4
???: 5
???: 6
???: 7
???: 8
???: 9
???: 10
???: 11
Mystic: 12

Rolled 8, 12: ??? and Mystic loses a level (becomes Stargazer/Omenseer, Crone dispersed)
Victor's Spoils (??? and Stargazer) rolled 11, 16: Do not acquire ???, Gained Stargazer!
Fight over the scraps (Saiga, Saitev, Imprisoned One, Fox) rolled 11, 2, 6, 16: Fox Spirit acquires ???
Hmm, what did Fox acquire...
Maybe if we're lucky she lost the Sunburst source.
Avatar 8 requires 8*1.5 = 12 Ambrosia to reform.
Avatar 7 requires 7*1.5 = 10.5 rounded down = 10 Ambrosia to reform.
We can store 4 Ambrosia.

It kinda doesn't matter. The solution isn't kids, it's a Temple.

but those are multi-turn affairs to build, and require significant manpower, most of our man power is dead.

The Ur-beast is a patch on the problem,until we can work on a temple.
For the temple could we inspire to innovate and have them build it on the teeth where her main shrine is?
Takes serious effort by the population to build. I think next turn might be good to start construction, if population recovered. Currently they need their efforts for survival, so ordering them to build a temple would be potentially problematic.

Also we know we can build it on the Teeth if we ask Saiga to help.
Sustenance: 32-5 maintenance-2 study stars-2 study omens-2 guide and give -2 meet spirits -1 shrine improvement-1 study world-16 child-1 build shrine= 0 (need to eat an amborsia)
DE: 211-55 bless -20 Calm-24 call fish-16 astrology-16 study omens-14 guide and give-10 meet spirits -5 shrine improvement-15 study world-10 inspire-25 blue Moon= 1

[]Plan Recovery
-[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Omen Reading, Mysticism, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation, Survival.
--[] Expend <20> DE on petitioners-10 Astrology, 5 Trickery, 5 Navigation
-[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
--[] Expend <35> DE on petitioners 25-Navigation, 10 Fishing
-[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DEx2
-[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 10 DE
--[] Command Sea [Calm the Seas]x2
-[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 12 DE
--[] Call Fish.x2
-[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
--[] In your territory
-[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
--[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DEx2
-[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
--[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DEx2
-[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
--[] Study the ??? Action. Costs: 15 DE
-[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
-[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
--[] Learn about him
--[] Trade something want Shrine in his Village, offer :?
-[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
--[] Request something- go to meet Fox Spirit with us
-[] Meet with the Fox Spirit properly, now that you have proven your superiority as cleverest of all. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
--[] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited). Shrine in Saiga Village
-[] Lay with [Greenland Shark]
--[] Contribute 16 Sustenance per trait
-[] Consume Ambrosia to regain sustenance
-[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 2/3.
--[] Saitev or Fox village, whichever agrees

Could someone review this for me?
All right,
[] Plan Gaerig Helps
-[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 10 DE
--[] Command Water [How]
---[] Call Rains
---[] Reduce Snowfall
--[] Command Sea [How]
---[] Calm Seas
-[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 12 DE
--[] Call Fish.
---[] x2
-[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
--[] In your territory
-[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
--[] x3
-[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE
--[] x3
-[] Travel elsewhere - Visit one of the villages you've discovered and mess with them! Costs: 8 DE - Imprisoned Settlements
-[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
--[] x2
-[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
--[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
--[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
--[] Study [Ruined Garment]. Costs: 10 DE
--[] Study the ??? Action. Costs: 15 DE
-[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make Saiga's Fishing Village Shrine grander. Costs: 5 DE.
--[] Dedicate Obsidian materials for progress.
-[] Meet with the Fox Spirit properly, now that you have proven your superiority as cleverest of all. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Play with Seski
--[] Anything but Trickery
-[] Mother Ghette

30(Waters)+24(Fish)+25(Blue Moon)+18(Guide)+24(Bounty)+8(Travel)+10(Wander Depths)+20(Explore)+8(Read Future)+8(Read Bones)+10(Study Garment)+15(Study ???)+5(Improve Shrine)+5(Meet Fox Spirit)= 210 DE

32(Start)-4.5(Avatar)-3(Guide Ships)-3(Give Bounty)-1(Travel)-1(Wander Depths)-2(Explore Land)-1(Study Stars)-1(Study Omens)-2(Study World)-.5(Improve Shrine)-.5(Meet Fox Spirit)-.5(Seski)-.5(Ghette)=11.5 Sustenance Left

Start out with Divine actions, we want to give people the least amount of trouble so they can do their business which means reducing snowfall and calling rain to help crops and keep winter mild. Calm Seas to ensure they have no troubles with their catches.

Follow through with Avatar actions by Guiding them where they need to go and offering Bounty to ensure their larders are full. Tripled to ensure that Gaerig does it all year as Powerofmind mentioned we need three actions to do so.

Added some exploration actions of land and sea to sea what interesting things we can find and maybe discover the Crystal Cave to discover more interesting materials to work with.

Read the Future and Bones to ensure nothing too bad ensures and raise Omen Reading.

Study the Suit of Armor to fully understand the material it is made of and potentially discover how it manage to be preserved so well(More magic~).

Study the ??? action because Shiny and Implied to gate Divine Realm.

Improve Shrine because we only need two more successes to fully upgrade and open up another tier of slots to build. Meet with the Fox for Legend and potentially bring him into the fold.

Play wit Seski because of course! And Mother Ghette because we've put a lot riding into this child and it simply gives me the warm fuzzies to see Gaerig be a good mother.

You don't include making a shark monster in the not time for science right? Dropping an avatar rank at this point seems pretty safe after all.
We're at skills cap, so we could potentially get another Avatar level next turn.
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but those are multi-turn affairs to build, and require significant manpower, most of our man power is dead.

The Ur-beast is a patch on the problem,until we can work on a temple.
He was saying that the Ur-beast wouldn't help enough to matter. We still can't reform even if we make an Ur-beast, it just makes it more likely for us to be dispersed(remember our HP is our Avatar level) by accident.
...except it's not actually a patch. We still can't reform without notable rampage.

Yes, but this makes it less rampagey.

Beside the moment we are not in critical danger pop wise i'm gonna support a temple.

Just fucking cooperate and compromise for once, I already removed the aspect of humanity of thing, and we need ambrosia for now so no creating divine beasts.