Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

Things like Formless dispersal only go off at the very end of a turn. She still had a form, at the time.

So, narratively, destroying her shrine destabilized her form, which lasted a short while and then exploded at end of turn, taking two traits with it. We got one, and the other flew off into the distance, to be mysteriously hunted down and subsumed by Mr Fox.

I think we should seriously consider what we actually want out of a monster vs divine creatures. I honestly think it might be better to make a shark litter with aspect of humanity as divine creatures, so that we can have a set of bodyguards that will go everywhere with us when we move from sea to land.

I suggest this for the divine ceatures over the monsters mainly because at some point we are going to want to be able to limit the monsters ability to ravage our population when it ascends. If the eventual fear spirit/god that it creates can't get inland, and we can stop its control over the water with our own powers when we need our population to grow we can shut it down locally and force it to hunt elsewhere. If it can walk on land however we will have a much harder time locking it down when we need to.

Also, a shark or some sort of combat animal is a necessary base for any sort of divine creatures we create if we want them to serve as our guard, which we could honestly really use if our crit melee rolls ever stop. A shark seems like the best base for that so that they have melee, which we can't provide any other way. They won't destroy the populace as much either, because they don't need fear.

Ultimately I think an aspect of humanity shark as a monster is a mistake, and I hope Ninjafish or anyone else that wants to put a monster in their plan to gain votes will consider skipping aspect of humanity in order to limit the harm it can do when we have already gutted our population, now and in the future. If you want aspect of humanity please consider making a clutch of bodyguard divine creatures instead.
We could always bloodborne her populace. The price of opposable must not be merely hers to bear but those who would help her.

Also does her enhancement give everyone bonuses vs each other in house? Or is it exclusively hers as with regaining pantheon head. Regardless we need her dead and all the spirits in our court.
I want something that can propagate, divine beasts stay at the same population unless we actively make more of them.
Yeah, that's a bonus as far as I'm concerned. Making new species that last should happen way more carefully - and predator species should probably happen after the prey ones.

Besides creating Divine beasts sinks both legend and ambrosia.
Correct. In return we get a much stronger monster.

Unless your argument is that a Fuck Off Shark isn't worth 5 Legend and 2 Ambrosia, in which case I demand @Omegahugger revoke your monster-lover license, :V
She is dispersed right now, isn't she? We should be able to afford trying to catch and find her, but our Survival is not very good, so we might not be able to even find her.

So let's see, we spend about 50-60 on hunteing her down, 50 on study/astrology/meetings and the rest on growth?
Wait, no, if she's Formless she can only take Influence actions, and loses all her diplomacy options in favor of a boosted Awe contest, I think?

We have the space to growthbless big time first. She's going to need to sleep if she wants an avatar to take action on us. Or at least several turns to bless grind her DE to useful levels.

AND, we're offensively weak while Fear is lowered.
I think we should seriously consider what we actually want out of a monster vs divine creatures. I honestly think it might be better to make a shark litter with aspect of humanity as divine creatures, so that we can have a set of bodyguards that will go everywhere with us when we move from sea to land.

I suggest this for the divine ceatures over the monsters mainly because at some point we are going to want to be able to limit the monsters ability to ravage our population when it ascends. If the eventual fear spirit/god that it creates can't get inland, and we can stop its control over the water with our own powers when we need our population to grow we can shut it down locally and force it to hunt elsewhere. If it can walk on land however we will have a much harder time locking it down when we need to.

Also, a shark or some sort of combat animal is a necessary base for any sort of divine creatures we create if we want them to serve as our guard, which we could honestly really use if our crit melee rolls ever stop. A shark seems like the best base for that so that they have melee, which we can't provide any other way. They won't destroy the populace as much either, because they don't need fear.

Ultimately I think an aspect of humanity shark as a monster is a mistake, and I hope Ninjafish or anyone else that wants to put a monster in their plan to gain votes will consider skipping aspect of humanity in order to limit the harm it can do when we have already gutted our population, now and in the future. If you want aspect of humanity please consider making a clutch of bodyguard divine creatures instead.

You don't really get it.

I want replace baseline humans entirely with Aquatic creature/human Hybrids.

Crone is the enemy. She has other villages. Other shrines.

yeah but right now is a growth turn, I wont let the pressure off completely, but were helping our people first and foremost.
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Then why are you using the Ur version, instead of deliberately creating a race? Your stated goal isn't actually to make a monster, so why do it this way? You could just use lay with monster if all you want is the race.

Because people keep wanting one, and we really need to get rid of some Avatar so a dispersal wont be utterly crippling.

The votes not started yet, I'm just floating ideas.
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Also, we should try to meet with the Fox spirit, and maybe integrate him in the Pantheon/start a feud with him.

Also, we should try to study/find out the bindings on Saiga, because I want him the obey only us, and send him out to find enemies to crush for us.

@Powerofmind what is the mechanic behind Pantheon Enhancements? Are they given out narratively, can the leader give them or they just happen?
Because people keep wanting one, and we really need to get rid of some Avatar so a dispersal wont be utterly crippling.
This half asses both attempts though! Not to mention we only have minor aspect of humanity, so I REALLY doubt you will get a race that can fill the role of humanity. Creating an actual aquatic people style race seems like something you do through lay with humanity and loading it with ocean traits, because we don't have enough humanity to make animals into human style people.
I do agree we want a growth turn and I do not want to hunt the crone unless we are dedicating blacken and other actions to support it. What I think we need to do this turn is meet the Fox Spirit and try to get him into our pantheon officially (maybe bring Saiga) and see if we can't get a shrine up in Saitev village in the hopes that it expands our reach to the rest of the crones villages so we no longer pay an ambrosia just to use our actions against them. Also we have three free trait slots now which is great and got Stargazer, hoping we can get Mystic soon.
This half asses both attempts though! Not to mention we only have minor aspect of humanity, so I REALLY doubt you will get a race that can fill the role of humanity. Creating an actual aquatic people style race seems like something you do through lay with humanity and loading it with ocean traits, because we don't have enough humanity to make animals into human style people.

fine, i'll just random then with an ur-beast.

@Powerofmind, in the the original amber age, if a demi or monster got the same trait twice when being born, that trait would upgrade a tier... does that still happen here?
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"sweet, the power is finally back on I can use my laptop and get some annotating and plan discussion done tonig-*wifi not working still* ... Fuuccccckkkkkkkkk"

This has been probably the worst finals week ever...The finals went fine gradewise but everything else has just sucked horribly D=

(For now I'll add one thing to the discussion: remember the crone can, as a faith spirit, sacrifice pop mod for major de return. Don't count hr out yet)

So, narratively, destroying her shrine destabilized her form, which lasted a short while and then exploded at end of turn, taking two traits with it. We got one, and the other flew off into the distance, to be mysteriously hunted down and subsumed by Mr Fox.

An accurate assessment if there ever was one.
@Powerofmind what is the mechanic behind Pantheon Enhancements? Are they given out narratively, can the leader give them or they just happen?
Pantheon enhancements are handed out to the head and typically the next highest legend members of the pantheon, with some consideration given for their narrative position. Typically, the benefits are locked in for at least two positions (head - legend generator, additional command powers), (pretenders - adversarial powers, protections moderately effective against the current head), and most positions are thematic to the tropes given members represent. Saiga is a heroic adventurer character, and so has bonuses in his heroing and adventuring.

Examples of the various types of children you can have:
Bloodlines - Elves, Orcs, Kobolds, certain types of Troll, goblins. These are all sapient beings, and races in their own right.
Broods - Hippogryphs, Rocs, Fae (includes things like Fae-style goblins, sidhe, fairies, what have you), dryads. These are beings not completely sapient, or at least, not sapient enough to grant you Faith/Fear. Generally, even if the creature is human-level intelligent, if it does not need to build homes or communities or have special talent for tools, it is a Brood creature.
Ur-Children - Heracles and the dozens of other famed demi-god beings of myth and legend. They are innately focused on bettering sapients' lives, or at least on making them happy.
Ur-Beasts - Higher on the totem pole than mere beast broods, but these are mostly the less-insane types of dragon, the first of a werewolf or vampire line, and the like; beings that would be pitted against an Ur-Child in a narrative. Broods may have peculiar diets, but Ur-beasts are compelled to feed their diet with pain and suffering of others, even indirectly. The most harmless little pixie could be viciously evil, planting evidence of affairs or ear-wigging people.
Divine Creatures - Pillar Men, Argus Panoptes of greek myth, Pegasus, The Phoenix, and for a game reference, potentially even 'the sages' of the Zelda Franchise or the 'Seasonal Maidens' of RWBY. These are beings of incredible power, capable even of defeating peers to their parent or creator. They almost never breed true, if they can at all, and they are effectively immortal beings. A well-designed Divine Creature brood can be brutally effective at controlling or defeating other divines.
Question, did we loot anything from her shrine? She had the Disc of Refractions there right(or she wouldn't be able to use it on us)? So was it destroyed?
Ran off with it, and you sort of had to leave, you were getting a little damaged.

Sigh. That reminds me.

EDIT AGAIN: Sustenance reduced to heal wounds accumulated during the turn.
Huh, I can't help but wonder if using blue moon will influence laying with a blue shark to create an ur-monster. I know it isn't quite an influence action, but it is certainly something supernatural.