Omake : Extract from "Original - Time of the Gods : Shivering on the Ice"
Page 273 of the thread
MGTOW : People, don't marry the crazy.
Alphakisser : Come on, she is perfect for us. We are a Faith Innovation/Hunter awoken hero and she is probably a Fear Sea/Moon elemental spirit. Imagine all the demi-spirits/monster hybrids we could spawn into existence! We could end up with the Orphan of Kos's expy!
MGTOW : What r u doing?
Abyss Wanderer : I like the marriage thing, but what can we do to prevent Gaerig from simply continue killing our worshippers? I'm not sure divorce exist so soon in history.
MGTOW : People, don't marry the crazy.
Bits : If divine marriage is a thing, I suppose divine divorce too, @_Spiritovermatter? There is even a rhyme.
MGTOW : Stahp.
GM Spiritovermatter : Yes, should things not work out the way you intend to, then you will be able to split this union. It will mainly be political, break this marriage as you would an alliance.
Heidi Veryday : @_MGTOW You should stop spamming. And the idea is not that stupid, it would be a pain to take down that spirit, so better marry her and have her become our ally.
MGTOW : If the girl is such a pain in the ass that don't have any idea to make her stop, you should not try to marry her!! She is not a keeper, she will just try to suck all our DE away while ruining our Faith rating by drowning our people because she is a Fear spirit and it is what she does, that capricious trait or whatever she has will only add on that.
Alphakisser : Come on MGTOW, you're just fearmongering. Imagine all the profits with all the crazy moon monsters we will reap. We should have started as a Fear spirit anyway. It will be fun!
MGTOW : What's the worst is that she will divorce after she castrated our economy. She wil cry crocodile tears about "how we do nothing to help here" and how we are "patriarchist sexist asshole" when she is the one ruining everything. She will tell everyone we are prehistoric Zeus and cheated on her with that Crone she knows nothing about and our worshippers will be too scared of her sea of bullshit to tell anything against her.
Bits : That could happen?
GM Spiritovermatter : ......