And your point is? I'm saying that it will take multiple social encounters to get it; I'm saying that direct combat won't work, because we get a free cast in our Holy Place even if we're dispersed; stealing it won't work because we, too, have Perform (Trickery);
My point is that we can't do shit if the enemy is skilled enough and at this point in this setting there will almost everybody be better then us at something, higher social skill -> we lose, higher combat skill/simple one that counters our own -> we lose, higher influence/greater man power -> we lose, has elemental skills to shut us down -> we lose, there are many ways to bea us, not certainly to kill us, but beat us? yes there are many and most of them aren't even that hard to get
I'm saying that there won't be many spirits who both want to steal it and can because they aren't moon/stars/astronomy oriented, and we'd be enemies almost certainly anyway.
Look, they don't need to be moon/stars/astronomy oriented in order to want the moon sphere, they could just as easily want to humiliate us to put down our legened and teach the new kid around the block a lesson, or they could simple want the silver, which is by PoM own admission, for this setting a 'fuckton' and rather valuable
Plus, WoG has Saiga at a century old. That is not 'young' or 'of all people'.
In a setting that, had at least a
thousand year to produce gods since the last cataclysm, being a hundred years around is nothing, especially for a faith spirit who would have the need to sleep most of the time in order to upgrade himself, any more skilled spirit or higher tier spirit will also be older then saiga, which already know are a thing
He lacked a Perform and he lacks Awe (Awe-offs are automatic regardless of whether or not the skill has been learned).
That only showed how awful our roll was, that we nearly got socially dominated by somebody with no social skills
It also shows that we need to consider what we will do and are willing to do should the time come when we will lose
I for one would be open to negotiate with them should they prove so much superior that we have no chance of beating them any time soon, and for that the silver inside the moon sphere would be a great asset
These are the unmodified and displayed rolls from that encounter (Saiga on the left, Gaerag on the right). On these, we only see that when we rolled close, we drew, and when we rolled higher, we got a major success
WHich was only due being in our home and thus gaining the advantage, had we meet somewhere else or would have been in his home the roll would have been a loss
This is inconclusive data, trending towards optimism about our ability to beat him again.
As long long as we have the
home advantage yes, then we have the possibility of beating
him (who has no social skills) and that says nothing about other spirits who might actually
have social skills and who have actually reasons to seek us out *points at the crone*