Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[][CDE] Be always watchful. Foes and treasures alike may hide in the gaps in one's perceptions.

People are going all in on skipping the CDE insight, which is a shame. In terms of the one above, it seems to be passed over as too "greedy". Honestly, I think that misses the entire point.

Meizhen jokes around that Ling Qi has the power of luck, and it maybe feels like a good deal of her successes are because of it (EPC, Zhengui, Zeqing, etc.). But at the end of the day, there is no luck. EPC came from her youth on the streets and the choices made therein. Zhengui would never have happened if she didn't befriend Meizhen, leading Ling Qi to accompany her to the test. Zeqing is again the result of certain choices, siding against Liling, taking up music, and so on.

Ling Qi's success is built upon the little chances she's taken and the actions she's decided upon. To recognize the role it's played in her life, instead of blindly attributing it to luck, seems like an important insight to me. Because in the end, the gap between success and failure, treasure or foe, is razor thin and built upon a thousand choices whose consequences are all too often outside one's perception.

[X][CDE] Be always watchful. Foes and treasures alike may hide in the gaps in one's perceptions.
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[X][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
[X][TRF] Each scar is merely another ring in the making, from past pain arises new strength
[X][TRF] Do not slot Thousand Ring Fortress
[X][CDE] Be always watchful. Foes and treasures alike may hide in the gaps in one's perceptions.
Like, I'm fine with not slotting anything here too, but potential character flaws are a feature not a bug.

Every domain insight should have that problem. Heck, Renxiang believes that one of Shenhua's goals with her was to have someone to be able to think outside Shenhua's box to some degree.
It's a bit funny in retrospect, considering the "incrementalism is necessary actually" insight that Shenhua bullied Renxiang into via paperwork.
Lin Qi cultivates for fun though.

Sure, but she doesn't cultivate constantly. Ling Qi's time at home has been mostly about spending time quietly with her family. She goes to her mother for advice but outside of this, she seems to pay little, if any, attention to cultivation or her other responsibilities in this space. I believe SCS's first insight would change this time to focus more on the problems and changes affecting her family at the moment. This is a positive change in many ways, but I would prefer Ling Qi's family time to stay as is as much as possible.
[X][SCS] Do not slot Sable Crescent Step
[X][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.
[X][CDE] Do not slot Curious Diviners Eye
I agree with your general thesis, but strongly disagree with your examples. It means having lines in the sand, yes, but those lines in the sand are what Ling Qi thinks are important, not what a generic 21-century reader of ToD thinks is important. Ling Qi's lines in the sand given her current character progression is likely to be something like "never abandon a friend in need", not either of the things you cited.
She literally just had a discussion on what it means to kill people with someone who's made their Way into figuring out who is deserving of death and dealing it swift, precisely and never carelessly.

She cares quite a lot about killing people, to the point of questioning her use of spirit beast cores because so many have the potential to become sapient.

And as for the massacres- that literally happened and Ling Qi got a major shakeup to her cultivation precisely because she was willing to be complicit in the fighting to try and avoid any bad outcome for herself. It made her deeply concerned she was backsliding or that such motivations were integral to her character. I don't care if you think I'm projecting modern values here because nothing I used as an example wasn't already used in the story itself.
Sure, but she doesn't cultivate constantly. Ling Qi's time at home has been mostly about spending time quietly with her family. She goes to her mother for advice but outside of this, she seems to pay little, if any, attention to cultivation or her other responsibilities in this space. I believe SCS's first insight would change this time to focus more on the problems and changes affecting her family at the moment. This is a positive change in many ways, but I would prefer Ling Qi's family time to stay as is as much as possible.
Ling Qi doesn't need a respite from cultivating though. She spends time with her family because she wants to and values them - not because she needa a break.

If anything, I'd say that SCS2 is best there, because it's about focusing on what she wants out of life. She doesn't just want power. It's why she wouldn't be happy as a hermit.
[X][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
[X][TRF] Each scar is merely another ring in the making, from past pain arises new strength
[X][TRF] Do not slot Thousand Ring Fortress
[X][SCS] Darkness knows no barriers, and neither should your desires
[X][TRF] Do not slot Thousand Ring Fortress
[X][CDE] Ignorance is no better than blindness.

This vote. Ugh. I could make an argument for my position, but I'm tired and I don't want to. Vote for me!

[][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
[][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.

I like these two. I dont really like any of the CDE ones, sadly. The Second CDE Insight could be a treasure hunter or adventurer's buuld, but I dont think it fits Ling Qi much.
[X][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
[X][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.
[X][CDE] Do not slot Curious Diviners Eye
[X][SCS] Darkness knows no barriers, and neither should your desires
[X][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.
[X][CDE] Ignorance is no better than blindness.

I like ambitious Ling Qi, and the TRF insight fits too well with our previous ones. CDE seems like a cool one and will maybe help us in understand the system that CRX wants to build.
[X][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
[X][SCS] Darkness knows no barriers, and neither should your desires
[X][TRF] Each scar is merely another ring in the making, from past pain arises new strength
[X][TRF] Do not slot Thousand Ring Fortress
[X][CDE] Be always watchful. Foes and treasures alike may hide in the gaps in one's perceptions.
[X][SCS] Darkness knows no barriers, and neither should your desires
[X][SCS] Do not slot Sable Crescent Step
[X][TRF] Do not slot Thousand Ring Fortress
[X][TRF] Each scar is merely another ring in the making, from past pain arises new strength
[X][CDE] Do not slot Curious Diviners Eye
[X][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.
[X][SCS] Darkness knows no barriers, and neither should your desires
[X][CDE] Do not slot Curious Diviners Eye
[][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
[][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.

I like these two. I dont really like any of the CDE ones, sadly. The Second CDE Insight could be a treasure hunter or adventurer's buuld, but I dont think it fits Ling Qi much.
You've got to put 'x's in them for the tally bot to count them.
[X][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
[X][TRF] Each scar is merely another ring in the making, from past pain arises new strength
[X][CDE] Do not slot Curious Diviners Eye
Thoughts on each insight before I make a vote.

Sable Crescent Step Insights

[][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.

Embraces the Moon's changability. That there is no absolute per
This is good for avoiding falling into a comfortable rut, but difficult in terms of diplomacy, because someone who's constantly shifting and changing is aggravatingly hard to rely on.
Its not going to make us popular, suffice to say.
If we take this insight we probably want something to tie us down as a counterbalance so the advanced insight is less crude.

[][SCS] Darkness knows no barriers, and neither should your desires

Oh hi there Huang Da.
This is the classic "Don't give up" insight. Do what you want, if you can't then find another way to get what you want. On the good side, it means standing by your friends and family, even if everything else is against them. On the bad side, barriers were meade for a reason and circumventing them doesn't make anyone else happy.
This one probably would spark some friction with Renxiang's rule of law ideals, though good or bad friction remains to be seen.

[][SCS] Do not slot Sable Crescent Step

Or maybe you don't want either forms of infringement.

Thousand Ring Fortress Insights

[][TRF] Each scar is merely another ring in the making, from past pain arises new strength

Acceptance of loss and injury. What does not kill me makes me stronger. Downside is that it also is a tendency to disregard pain and loss in others, as long as they improve from suffering.
Xiulan and Suyin epitomize this, they took great and terrible wounds, but became stronger for their loss.
Which is to say its a fine ideal, but at the same time, I'm not sure how well the playerbase would be happy with applying the same to Ling Qi or her family down the road. Inducing tribulations for growth is going to be polarizing with a Home(Insert Stereotypical Asian Mom Here).

[][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.

This is an insight Ling Qi already resolved previously.
She'd retreat, but there are things she cannot run away from, even if it hurts. Would she flee when the going gets tough?

This says no. When theres something important at stake, she's willing to stand fast.

[][TRF] Do not slot Thousand Ring Fortress

Not sure why we'd take this. Both are good.

Curious Diviners Eye Insights
[][CDE] Ignorance is no better than blindness.

Ignorance as a sin. Always be learning, always be seeking. If you don't learn, then you are willfully choosing to be blind.
On the inverse side, always prying, always probing. This is a difficult person to live with, who'd pick at your secrets if you let her.

[][CDE] Be always watchful. Foes and treasures alike may hide in the gaps in one's perceptions.

The opposite side. Constant vigilance. Keep your eyes and ears open. Danger and opportunities are always present, if only you could see them.
This Ling Qi would be a lot more wary all the time.

[][CDE] Do not slot Curious Diviners Eye

Both are harmless enough.

[X][SCS] There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
[X][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.
[X][CDE] Ignorance is no better than blindness.
[X][CDE] Be always watchful. Foes and treasures alike may hide in the gaps in one's perceptions.

Not seeing any BAD ones, but seeing a lot of controversial ones!
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[X][SCS] Darkness knows no barriers, and neither should your desires
[X][TRF] Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.
[X][CDE] Ignorance is no better than blindness.
I think you mean 'less' leeway?

And I imagine it's a pain to untangle what happens when a superior officer from a lesser clan is in charge of a junior from a greater clan, though they'd presumably try and avoid that where possible.

Also, a late response, but in the court-martial in the event of a war crime that was ordered to be committed, the actual executing soldier is generally given more leeway in sentencing compared to the officers who ordered it. They don't tend to get away with it scot free, but theres a lot more reasonable room for doubt that they were doing so under coercion.

That said, to my knowledge officers ARE taught the laws regarding conduct at war, which is why most abuses tend to be drunk or bored grunts violating them(under either the lack of supervision or tacit ignorance of their commanding officer) rather than systematic atrocity ordered by an officer.

In those cases they do get screwed. Justly so.