Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
As the Wind 2 New
@yrsillar omake for the omake throne

As the Wind 2 - Nor'easter

To Lord Xuan Shi

Greetings from the Capital. It has not even been a week and the whirlwind that began in the summer simply does not stop. Thank you again for your efforts in securing my family. It is a debt that I could spend a lifetime repaying, even knowing you would never call it in.

I have been accepted as a retainer to Lady Cai, as a token of my family's allegiance to the ducal house. At home, however.... As you would say it, the Labyrinth writhes. With my grandmother's ascendancy, all should go smoothly, but I now have an intimate appreciation for the nature of Chaos in history. I am but a patch on the scar that is the Meng. I hope I do not fray.

How fares the south? I know the ladies wish to return soon, as the clamor of the city is very different from the wilderness of Snowblossom. Lord Gan has expressed a dissatisfaction at "getting nothing permanent done", as if alliances are not grown from small seeds. But after seeing a town grow with such speed, I can understand it entirely. The now-five of us create nothing here. The walls are so close, and the eyes of many are on us. We can only do the work Lady Cai prescribes, and pray it is enough.

As a new retainer to Lady Cai, it amuses me to see the personalities that they hide from others. Lady Cai is a redoubt of good sense, but she allows her retainers more leeway in causal conversation than I would have thought, even returning gentle jests. Lady Xia Lin is an exemplar, as is expected from one of the White Plumes. Lord Gan has a depth of good sense, wit, and even temper, when he is not Declaiming Heroically. Were he of a mind, I would recommend him to an acting troupe, he plays the Honorable Buffoon so well, meaning no offense. I know for a fact he takes pride in this misconception as a carefully crafted ruse. Lady Ling takes delight in teasing everyone, for all of us know she would rather drive a knife into her own flesh than say anything in polite company that would cause harm.

Which brings me to the point of it. I have presented my suit to Lady Ling, approved by my family, and she has accepted, informing me that I am in competition not only with one Bao Qian, but yourself as well. It was a bit of a shock, to learn that your family would permit you to marry out. Lord Xuan, I mean you no insult in this. She is a remarkable woman, even with her deliberate disregard of her own value and brilliantly chaotic luck. (In all seriousness, how does she keep pulling these things off?) She said she would not like to "string along suitors for benefits" (yes, a direct quote). So I write this in hopes of honesty and expression, which seems to be a theme around her.

I do not wish to be your competitor, but I also do not wish to lose. I can never repay what you have done for me and my family, but I refuse to back down in this. I wish to be your friend, though we have not had cause to speak often or casually. Perhaps I might even be a personal ally, at least in the noble cause of keeping Lady Ling from devaluing herself to the point of self-harm. You most likely saw her after she walked the Heron General to war. She is too precious to too many to lose. I know you are working on some project with her bound spirit, and that she dotes on Zhengui. She must trust you a great deal.

So, as a token, here is what I have learned so far, without too much detail or losing what small advantage I have. Have confidence in yourself, and speak your mind, especially in praise. I fear she does not hear enough of it, at least that which is not layered in politics or seeking advantage. Make requests, let her think, and do not take the delay as insult. She is very aware of the world around her, and cautious of the results of other people's observations. Call her attention to the enjoyment of the physical world, of food and entertainment and genuine enjoyment of friends. Do not fear the cold.

You have known her longer than I, but I am a researcher. It is in my nature to catalog these things, to make lists and find connections. All these things are new and magnificent to me, new as I am to her acquaintance, so that which is obvious to you might seem an insight to me. But I report these findings as tested and verified.

When we get back after all this chaos, I would be honored of you would find the time to have a drink with me. My grandmother allowed me a good bit of leeway in raiding the opposing faction's wine cellar.

Yours in Truth, Honor, Vision,

Meng Dan
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Young masters are basically kids that seem promising, but you don't want to give them any actual authority.

Clan Heir is the kid who graduated from a young master and you have hopes riding on that is also blood related to the main family, Elder Apprentices are promising young masters possibly from branches who have the ways actually to deal with governance and internal politics and are taught in batches of 3 or 5 by the elders themselves. Then there are the various organization leads, like your generals who will probably be family if your clan is big enough, and the formation masters.

Then you have the various functionaries like martial hall leader, head apothecary, family blacksmith, head chamberlain, head chef, escort agency lead, and gatehouse guard which are not exactly the ducal scions that you show off to other dukes.

What we've seen in the white bai snippets is that those people are still there, it's just not everyone is expected to reach cyan until later on in life or at all--your first pick is hardly the ones that make it to the draft. What we've seen and interacted with are the outliers, the statistical improbabilities.

Cyan is very much a thing that doesn't happen as quick or as often as we think it does, and a lot of clans fudge the numbers by just having a lot of kids to make up for all the failures and the promising ones that don't pan out.
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Adhoc vote count started by Elsecaller on Sep 26, 2024 at 2:13 PM, finished with 175 posts and 46 votes.
Our cultivation costs per month are 20 GSS, we're just getting a bunch of it free from our Cultivation Arts.

And the vast majority of Green cultivators won't have anything as nice as Songseeker's Ceremony.

Fair, I suppose, but my point was not that it was low, but that it hadn't changed, and I've seen that 20-12 before...I'm pretty sure that part is not in any way new.
Talk about dem butterflies. Turns out Tsu not managing to diplomacy-fu the Cloud might have been for the best in the really long run.
I don't know if that's entirely worse; if the ES continued in Tsu's style I could see them allying with the Garden to try and stop the sage there. He may have the draconic difficulty with accepting a peer rather than subjects and masters, but at a certain point the Bai and Zheng are going to get tired of losing their members in a war just to assuage his ego. And we do know that the draconic mentality can accept having another group of dragons way over there that has their own supreme leader; I could see it turning into a lower intensity ongoing border conflict that could even last long enough for the sage to die. He'd probably would have a direct descendant in that alternate future, but who knows to what extent they'd inherit his draconic sensibilities.
Josiah is on the watch list for rolling 1.5 below average on d10s, but you? An entire TWO below average? Unacceptable.

(I'm joking in case I'm not being clear enough)