Started doing research into what Dress-Chan's name would be if this was Kill la Kill (Refrain Regalia for the record) and ended up doing actual research into what Dress-Chan could be called in quest depending on how her personality develops and ended up really liking this
Chang He: Call and Response (technically Single Voice answered by Chorus with the same words being used for lone singer and chorus response)
with the characters
Chang: To Sing, Chant or Call Loudly
He: Peace, Harmony, Sum, Together With, and Completed Set
as an added bonus
Ling Chang: Choir Master, Lead Singer (homophone for Long life and Prosperity)
same Chang but Ling as in Collar, to lead, to receive, and Formalwear of nobles/officials (as far as my research indicates...please help)
Ling He: Zero Sum Game (hopefully not prophetic)
same He but Ling as in Zero
technically there is no overall meaning for Ling Chang He but you could probably kitbash some kind of pun about Leading a Communal Game that hopefully isn't Zero Sum.