At least if we do it in a language other than English, it will sound more interesting. If people really want to have the meaning of the town be 'confluence' at least do it in another language so it sounds better! Please!Ultimately, place names are often pretty literal. This is true in english and chinese.
Like, normal names are things like "northern capital" and "southern capital" and "new border" and "south of the lakes".
And we all say. AMEN.
White Sky Confederation: 8 (+2 Completed all three familiarity actions, +2 Leadership Support, +1 Historical Proofs, +1 Shared Evidence, +2 Tech Sharing, -2 High Land Claims, +1 Limited Military, +1 Rites Study, +1 Divine Diplomacy, Frightening Display -1, -1 Mildly Insulted, +2 Jaromila Diplomacy)
Would you rather prefer... Jira?🤔
You know auroras are these awful,deadly things in this universe--signs of the creatures from Polar Gates the WS fights--right?