Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

So the Bloody Moon Quest was a Kobayashi Maru, huh? I feel bad for Moon Boy, to keep throwing yourself into that nightmare, hoping that this time, you can find the silver bullet to a situation that is literally unwinnable is rough.

At least we only went through it once. Plus, he was able to somewhat give us closure about the choices we made in the dream by telling us that yeah—there was no winning play.

We have to carve out our own path.

I did suggest that was the case, and then got shouted down.
"Perhaps, perhaps," the young man replied, seating himself on a boulder and cupping his masked chin in his hand as he observed her. "But a lesson to a distracted student is a wasted one. Tell me, which side did you fall on, in that terrible dream?"

"...The Hunting King," she replied shortly. "You?"

"Both and none, at one time or another," he said with a chuckle. "I tried so many times for a satisfying outcome, and always failed."
It means that he was there multiple times, maybe even looted the dream for blessings from both sides. Can we try again than? Even if we can't gain more bonuses it's still an opportunity for LQ to defeat her fear.
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It means that he was there multiple times, maybe even looted the dream for blessings from both sides. Can we try again than? Even if we can't gain more bonuses it's still an opportunity for LQ to defeat her fear.
"There will be no more offers" probably means no offers to run the Dream over again.

Chances are he was only able to do replays because of his Bloody Moon patronage.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

Ah what a choice! I would like to do all three but unfortunately, we can't. So Xuan Shi will have to wait a month again, once Zhengui will be awake, and the household staff won't meet the sole cultivator of the house while arriving :/.
I don't really get why people are seeing the Mum option as micromanaging. Ideally I'd be voting for her, as I believe being there to greet the first members of our household staff is pretty important, but the votes close enough I should probably vote strategically.

[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

Well, yeah. Because Suyin's angle has both obvious material rewards, and is one of Ling Qi's few Rank 4 Social Links.

There's no risk of it being kicked down the can indefinitely, if only due to the sunk cost fallacy. Whereas Xuan Shi is much easier for people to write off in the future, and thus I want to at least get this done before people go "Oh well its not like he actually asked" each turn its an option until we leave the Sect outright.
There is a significant risk of Suyin being a big girl and doing the quest alone, though.

Also, considering that a significant portion of people voting for Xuan Shi SL have done so for 'Tomb Raiding' or 'Trial rewards', well... I don't think the material rewards are all in Suyin's SL. Suying is going to do her project anyway, no matter what Ling Qi does, after all.

Suyin is also the only one of Ling Qi's friend that has never had an event centred on her in the first thread. Su Ling had one, Meizhen had one, Xiulan had one... but not Suyin. There has been significant push backs when it comes to "doing stuff with Suyin", and I think that having a quest with her will be a novel experience.
Of course it wasn't "winnable", if by that you mean "everyone doesn't die".

That doesn't mean that there weren't choices that Ling Qi would be happier with in regards to her personal conduct.
I don't think those were obvious, though. Obviously having Ling Qi not doubting herself would have helped, but Yrsillar basically said that any choices when meeting the King would have led to Trauma.
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"There will be no more offers" probably means no offers to run the Dream over again.

Chances are he was only able to do replays because of his Bloody Moon patronage.
Maybe you are right, but we don't know for sure. I still can't cease the thought that we can gain more from that Dream later, Moon is everchanging after all, maybe not know but later we will have our chance.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
What backlash

Competition isn't backlash in the slightest.

If I remember correctly, last time there were arguments last time both in forum and in discord that dismissed the Suyin SL as just another escort quest and her a typical escort target. I think there was also something about people wanting her to be green, so she wont be a burden (which btw. rather defeats the point of this SL).

This time it is a bit better, but this time it is something about her being 'boring', 'we dont have obligations to her' and it seems to me that a simple 'but we owe him' is enough to make people vote for Xuan Shi, while Suyin needed several posts full of arguments to be competetive.

I do realize that using the catch-all word 'people' during my complaints isnt quite correct, because many voters dont even engage in this debate while others are perfectly fine with discussing their opinion, but I dont have another one so I'm going to use it anyways
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Suyin is also the only one of Ling Qi's friend that has never had an event centred on her in the first thread. Su Ling had one, Meizhen had one, Xiulan had one... but not Suyin. There has been significant push backs when it comes to "doing stuff with Suyin", and I think that having a quest with her will be a novel experience.
I mean, I disagree with the way you framed it, but in terms of pure solo adventure events you're technically correct. Even if Suyin ate up an absolutely huge amount of SL investment throughout the first thread. The only person to get more was literally Meizhen.

If I remember correctly, last time there were arguments last time both in forum and in discord that dismissed the Suyin SL as just another escort quest and her a typical escort target. I think there was also something about people wanting her to be green, so she wont be a burden (which btw. rather defeats the point of this SL).
I mean if you can cite an example of such, I'll concede the point but I was in those discussions as well and I recall no such thing. If anything there was bitching about it making AE relevant again, not bitching about investing in Suyin's SL.

Edit: Ah, I recall the breakthrough argument. It wasnt "She'd be a burden" it was "If she's Green we can get even more loot per run!" which was kinda dismissed because we could do one while Suyin was still Second Realm and again later on for more loot regardless.

I do realize that using the catch-all word 'people' during my complaints isnt quite correct, because most voters dont even engage in this debate while others are perfectly fine with discussing their opinion, but I dont have another one so I'm going to use it anyways
Then tack on a qualifier or go with "Some individuals"

English is a crazy inconsistent language, but it is robust in it's lexicon compared to most others

There you go, no more need to use words incorrectly to turn your argument into a strawman.
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[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
So, I'm slightly disheartened by the amount of vitriol that is revolving around this vote. An understandable amount given people's passion for the quest, but a disheartening amount still.

As such, I'm going to make the argument for the Li Suyin vote. Not in the negative, which is an incredibly weak argument tactic given that since this is a meta vote whichever one wins is the one available while the other options will not have occurred yet, but in the positive. Why there are some really cool synergies by Meta-choosing Li Suyin's option now rather than later.

And this is the relevant part that I'm going to be talking about.
"I'm not sure when I'll have some time, but it sounds like an adventure," Ling Qi laughed. "Don't you think Sixiang?" Besides, she still felt a little uneasy about an open cave under that sinkhole.

"You could probably get a poem or two out of it, maybe a song," the spirit mused.

This is the month that we are going all in on Music. We have something like... 13 actions devoted to Music, an expensive music pill, learning 2 new music arts. Even more may be devoted to music if we also choose to go down the dreaming moon route. Like this is music month, and going on an adventure with some intent to create poems or songs just seems like a fun thing to do when our entire cultivation is focused on music.

While we could make music out of the other options as well, this one seems most suited for the creation of music through adventure given that Sixiang has already primed us for it.

This has the potential to be some prime material for a good song. Exploring with a trusted friend, back to back facing off against the mindless horrors of the deep in search of riches and reagents. Facing off against the demons of the earth and securing advancement in knowledge and materials from our victories.

So I say vote for Li Suyin, and let's make a wonderful song about our adventure into the bowels of the earth!
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There is a significant risk of Suyin being a big girl and doing the quest alone, though.
Well, I mean, yes, she probably would go herself. She'll just play things much more safely and not go as far if we're not there.

It's not as if this is a thing that can only be done once. It's more about us not leaving our friend hanging, and helping her advance faster.
This has the potential to be some prime material for a good song. Exploring with a trusted friend, back to back facing off against the mindless horrors of the deep in search of riches and reagents. Facing off against the demons of the earth and securing advancement in knowledge and materials from our victories.

So I say vote for Li Suyin, and let's make a wonderful song about our adventure into the bowels of the earth!
To be fair, going on about the mysteries and discoveries of a strange, sealed temple are equally valid inspirations for Song. The medium is kind of crazy that way.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

If I recall correctly, the turn's plan has Ling Qi de-equipping AE. I doubt anybody is willing to go to bat and spam the thread to get AE back into Ling Qi's standard equipped arts again, or even get it trained.

So, as someone who likes AE but isn't willing to fight for it, recreating the beginning of AE's story with Suyin is the last gasp of AE for this quest. While yrsillar might not explicitly write out the parallels between descending into the depths of the earth to meet ravenous monsters and the nameless wanderer's journey beneath the earth, it is still probably more likely than with Xiang Shi's puzzle temple.
I mean if you can cite an example of such, I'll concede the point but I was in those discussions as well and I recall no such thing. If anything there was bitching about it making AE relevant again, not bitching about investing in Suyin's SL.

Edit: Ah, I recall the breakthrough argument. It wasnt "She'd be a burden" it was "If she's Green we can get even more loot per run!" which was kinda dismissed because we could do one while Suyin was still Second Realm and again later on for more loot regardless.
Worth noting that loot considerations are sort-of missing the point, main focus is (or should be) Bond advancement:
Turn 1 end said:
There is also a second part to the vote. Events in the initial turn were fixed, allowing Ling Qi to settle in. You will now have the option to vote for one or more social actions per turn. HOWEVER, please note that these are votes to advance a Bond only. Ling Qi has grown enough to maintain her social circle without constant supervision. Vote for the character or characters whom you would like to see have more screentime. If anything truly problematic occurs, it will come up as an unavoidable section. This vote should also be separate from the plan vote above, do not include it. For now, please only vote for one.

Available Bond Advances are...
EDIT: kinda puts Sixiang in context; "anything truly problematic" indeed.
To be fair, going on about the mysteries and discoveries of a strange, sealed temple are equally valid inspirations for Song. The medium is kind of crazy that way.
And I did say that the other options had the potential for songs in my post. However, none of the other options have primed us for the potential to create a song like this one has.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

Does making a new post with a different vote invalidate the old one?