Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
And now people are voting for 7CP?

You guys realize that this isn't a wager, right? We are literally doing this so that we can appear more confident.
Alright folks. Some may have noticed I've been mucking with the front page. Senior pillmaker options are up and the bonuses from core tutoring have been added to the sect tab.

In addition made some bugfixes to arts. heres the list

  • Next level of travelers end has been clarified to increase the rank of OTHER forgotten Vale Arts
  • Frozen Souls new tech has been noted to reduce the effects of certain techniques regardless of source, this is not an additional buff to its effects, just a note that even allies can be somewhat negatively effected.
  • A general rule change, in that techniques which buff the rank of other techniques cannot increase them by more than one rank over itself. I.E Joyous Toast can raise a tech from B->A but not from A->S
  • To clarify, damaging techniques also have their damage rank up when buffed this way

Some other changes not being made obvious now are that I'm going to try and fix some issues with the skill system. Namely, you will be able to raise skills below C rank without needing a keyword art. I will also be giving some back xp for the last turn and this one to some side skills. I will try to be better about this in the future.
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Oh my goodness.

Senior Pills are really powerful. Stellar Elixir + Unwavering Discipline = "Main board is done, Bronze Appraisal, and we've got plenty left over to sideboard or explore too!"

Makes me wonder how good Major Core Tutoring is to be considered better than these?
Oh my goodness.

Senior Pills are really powerful. Stellar Elixir + Unwavering Discipline = "Main board is done, Bronze Appraisal, and we've got plenty left over to sideboard or explore too!"

Makes me wonder how good Major Core Tutoring is to be considered better than these?

And we can afford that combo, if we wanted, at 97 Sect Points.

Melodic Elixer is damn good too - 80 extra resource dice is like adding an extra four GSS to our dice pool, and it dumps 25% of successes into Spiritual.

And hey, we've got three Music Arts we can train - but we'll probably want more than that to reap the maximum benefits of the conversion to Spiritual.
-Edit: Because we can drop the amount of AP required for any given Art by several AP, meaning we can squeeze even more Arts into a single use of this pill.

Tidal Elixer, on the other hand... covers an absurd amount of our kit. SCS, FVM, FSS, PLR, CDE, ENM, HDW, it boosts all of those. Hell, it even boosts EPC. Wat. I wonder if we can trim an AP off of that?

We've got some math to do. *Cracks Knuckles*.

Pills are easy, known quantities - they're cool, but they aren't narratively interesting.

Major Core Sect Tutoring is a complete narrative arc in it's own right, in addition to the extra resource dice. It's a bit of a mystery box (just like Exploring and Challenges), but it's probably one worth pursuing at some point soon, just like Challenging and Exploring. Just not next turn, I don't think.

well two senior pills would be 120 points, which is more than major tutoring

That's a Senior Pill and a Junior Pill, so it's 90 points. Still more expensive.
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Oh my goodness.

Senior Pills are really powerful. Stellar Elixir + Unwavering Discipline = "Main board is done, Bronze Appraisal, and we've got plenty left over to sideboard or explore too!"

Makes me wonder how good Major Core Tutoring is to be considered better than these?
Stuff like this really does show how our talent 5 peers have been keeping pace with us.
Damn cheaters.
Oh my goodness.

Senior Pills are really powerful. Stellar Elixir + Unwavering Discipline = "Main board is done, Bronze Appraisal, and we've got plenty left over to sideboard or explore too!"

Makes me wonder how good Major Core Tutoring is to be considered better than these?
It's not currently powerful, but we can hopefully expect sect points to be easier to get at higher rank. Basically, right now Melody is the only pill that's more than AP neutral. E.G, we need 4AP (or 2AP for junior) to get the pills, and their effects are less than 4AP worth.

However, Domain XP seems to be a hard ressource to get our hands on currently.

Still, we shouldn't be gushing over pills whose effects are worse than not paying for them.

Core Disciple(minor): 40 points
-Bonus of twenty five resource dice to one Art cultivation. Misc Bonuses
Core Disciple(Major): 80 Points
-Bonus of forty resource dice to up to 3 Art cultivations. Misc Bonuses
@yrsillar, can you clarify? Does (minor) means 1AP and (major) means 3AP of arts, or does (minor) means 4AP of 1 art and (major) means 4AP of 3 arts?
And we can afford that combo, if we wanted, at 97 Sect Points.

Melodic Elixer is damn good too - 80 extra resource dice is like adding an extra four GSS to our dice pool, and it dumps 25% of successes into Spiritual.

And hey, we've got three Music Arts we can train - but we'll probably want more than that to reap the maximum benefits of the conversion to Spiritual.
-Edit: Because we can drop the amount of AP required for any given Art by several AP, meaning we can squeeze even more Arts into a single use of this pill.

Tidal Elixer, on the other hand... covers an absurd amount of our kit. SCS, FVM, FSS, PLR, CDE, ENM, HDW, it boosts all of those. Hell, it even boosts EPC. Wat. I wonder if we can trim an AP off of that?

We've got some math to do. *Cracks Knuckles*.

Pills are easy, known quantities - they're cool, but they aren't narratively interesting.

Major Core Sect Tutoring is a complete narrative arc in it's own right, in addition to the extra resource dice. It's a bit of a mystery box (just like Exploring and Challenges), but it's probably one worth pursuing at some point soon, just like Challenging and Exploring. Just not next turn, I don't think.

That's a Senior Pill and a Junior Pill, so it's 90 points. Still more expensive.

Not quite that good, it's 2 GSS to the pool effectively. All after the first 4 are double.

Still, a lot of Domain XP, and it might shave enough AP off of next month's hell march to work on a sideboard art, it seems a worthy investment so that we can make a push for the Second Mountain on Month 4.
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Not quite that good, it's 2 GSS to the pool effectively. All after the first 4 are double.

On a non-yin, non-moon Music Art:

8 GSS + Melodic Elixer: 6 + 135 (5 + 10 + 40 + 80) + 6 + 10 + 80 (Melodic Elixer) = 237 dice / AP.
12 GSS: 6 + 205 (5 + 40 + 80 + 80) + 6 + 10 = 227 dice / AP.

Elixer's slightly better, provided every AP spent training Arts in a turn is spent on a Music Art.

Alas, we don't have enough Music Arts to spend even twelve AP training them all in a turn.
The issue is that mechanically we don't want a derived stealth B skill that doesn't work in combat, and narratively/logically there's kind of a lot of overlap between "sneak into this place" and "avoid detection by this opponent", so a derived skill that gives us one without the other would be unsatisfactory.

Things like Larceny and Disguise do seem distinct enough to qualify for their own skills, but even then something like the temple and its traps could theoretically challenge both "bypass formations" and "avoid detection" kinds of stealth.
Oh no, I was just taking issue with the whole "Ling Qi is kind of bad at disguising herself" when she's actually at or near a conventional mastery of it.

Yes pre truce. However by the time it came to infiltrating the fort she decided against trying to sneak in with a disguise because she no longer had faith in that ability. We don't really have arts that focus on changing our form. We can hide in a shadow but we won't really be able to convince someone we are someone else if they have any amount of perception.
Well yeah, that's because Ling Qi hasn't done anything to help with that particular skill in the face of supernatural levels of perception and actual military discipline. If we were to develop the sole Stealth-dedicated Art that she has, chances are Ling Qi would be able to abuse the hell out of it to basically make people forget that they don't even recognize her in the first place.

Stealth, like Perception, is meant to be a suite.
I was referring to the fact that Hanyi won't be able to stay pure and innocent forever. That's what I was saying was unfortunate.
She's a spirit, she's pure until Ling Qi starts mucking about her insides. :V

Or maybe she's a spirit beast, really. She has a physical body unlike Zeqing, I think? In that case, she never was pure.

As a sidenote, children in general are neither pure nor innocent. They're just people. Adults like to pretend they're protecting some purity when they make moves around children, but ultimately it's adults who manufacture that image of purity.
Unless we get a couple of music arts from the archive dive we are doing this month!

It doesn't help that I'm (currently) planning on almost maxing out two of those Arts next turn...

Primary Objective:
-Reach Bronze Two without spending any AP on Physical Cultivation during Turn Three. We are at 560/1200.

Secondary Objectives:
-Train key Arts in preparation for challenges and Meridian Condensation in Month Four.
-Leave AP open to continue exploring, train other skills, or complete more Sect Jobs/Duties.

-Unwavering Disciple Pill: For each AP spent training arts add 25 successes to Physical Cultivation.
-Stellar Body Pill: When cultivating Yin arts, add one fifth of total successes to Physical Cultivation.

Key Yin Arts: (at EPC 6)
-EPC. 0/650. 6 + 135 + 6 + 10 + 25 + 20 = 202 dice/AP. Multiplier: *1.7. 202 * .55 * 1.7 ~= 188 successes/AP. 4 AP total. 130 successes from Stellar Body Pill, 100 successes from Unwavering Discipline Pill: 580 + 230 = 810/1200.
-FVM. 0/650. 6 + 135 + 6 + 10 + 25 = 182 dice/AP. Multiplier: *2.3. 182 * .55 * 2.3 ~= 230 successes/AP. 3 AP total. 130 successes from Stellar Body Pill, 75 successes from Unwavering Discipline Pill: 810 + 205 = 1015/200 = 815/400 = 415/600.
-FSS. 0/1200 (200 + 400 + 600). 6 + 135 + 6 + 10 + 25 = 182 dice/AP. Multipier: *2.6. 182 * .55 * 2.6 ~= 260 successes/AP. 4 AP total = 1041/1200 successes. 208 successes from Stellar Body Pill, 100 successes from Unwavering Discipline Pill: 1015 + 308 = 1323/1200 = Bronze Two, 123/2400.
-SCS. 61/500. 6 + 135 + 6 + 10 + 25 + 20 = 202 dice/AP. Multiplier: *1.85. 202 * .55 * 1.85 ~= 205 successes/AP. 3 AP is incredibly overkill like what the fuck. 2 AP is 30 pts shy with average dice. 87 successes from Stellar Body Pill, 50-75 from Unwavering Discipline Pill: 260-285/2400.

Stellar Body Pill: 554 successes.
Unwavering Discipline Pill: 325 - 350 successes.

6 AP remaining.

And we're good, I think.
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So, the mad scientists in the math section of discord have been busy concocting dangerous plans. Terrible, terrible plans that would use eldritch science and lunar magics to catapult us forward in terms of cultivation.

It seems that it might be possible to get Bronze 2, Domain Rank F, max out SCS and FVM, EPC7, and get a plethora of other key levels in our other arts. Should the math work out, next month could be an incredibly potent turn for our ever-increasing strength.

On an different subject, here is some new text from Absolute Winter
In addition, Fire, Light, and similar arts are reduced in effectiveness within range, regardless of source.
OH NO, our plethora of fire arts would be reduced in effectiveness! How terrible! Sorry, Argent Current, had to take a rib at you.

The unfortunate thing, though, would be Zhengui's fire arts. His healing art has some fire in it, and his ash cloud is certainly fire based. We will need to be very careful when using this art around Zhengui so that we don't actually reduce his effectiveness. It poses an interesting dichotomy where it's a powerful ability but will hurt our allies/team when we use it. At the very least the people it will hurt is Xiulan, Cai, and Zhengui. Which is problematic.

However, should we be fighting people who use fire/light/similar arts, then it is even more effective against them. A double edge sword if you will. Potent, but difficult and dangerous to handle and use correctly.
There's a plan currently being worked out that gets us Bronze 2 and Domain-F in the maths chamber, and also maxes out a lot of our core arts and gets us some nice sideboards too.

Unfortunately, it's liable to be discarded because we could get even more by waiting until month 4, alas.
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She's a spirit, she's pure until Ling Qi starts mucking about her insides. :V

Or maybe she's a spirit beast, really. She has a physical body unlike Zeqing, I think? In that case, she never was pure.

As a sidenote, children in general are neither pure nor innocent. They're just people. Adults like to pretend they're protecting some purity when they make moves around children, but ultimately it's adults who manufacture that image of purity.

Isn't she kinda-sorta fated to kill her mother due to her nature? I seem to recall Zeqing once stating that spirits like her very rarely have children that reach adulthood due to them killing the child before then or something like that.

Did I make that up in my head, or am I maybe looking too far into things? Because that's what I took Zeqing's sad look to mean- that she's melancholy over the fact that someday soon, her daughter and her will be enemies.
Pill Market

Unwavering Discipline Pill: For each AP spent training arts add 25 successes to Physical Cultivation

Foundation Layer's Insight Elixir: Multiply successes to domain cultivation by 1.2

Gelid Empowerment Pill: When training Yin arts add one tenth of total successes gained to Spiritual Cultivation


Tidal Elixir: Multiply successes of Moon, Water, Wind and Heaven arts by 1.3. In addition multiply domain XP from such arts by 1.5

Stellar Body Pill: When cultivating Yin arts, add one fifth of total successes to Physical Cultivation

Melodic Elixir: Add 80 resource dice to cultivation of music arts. Add one fourth of successes to spiritual cultivation
Let me do some arithmetic...

Junior Pills (note that these cost 30 SP, which requires about 2 AP to earn)

At max efficiency (20AP spent on arts), the Unwavering Discipline Pill earns us 20*25 = 500 XP. We get ~200 dice per AP, which comes to 200 * .55 * 1.1 = 121 XP per action. In other words, this pill is worth about 4 AP of Physical Cultivation.

I can't really evaluate the Foundation Layer's Insight Elixir in terms of AP, since domain XP is a separate track.

At max efficiency (20AP spent on Yin arts), the Gelid Empowerment Pill adds 20AP * 1/10 = 2 AP worth of successes to Spiritual cultivation. Of course, that doesn't account for the higher multipliers we are liable to have for our Yin arts as compared to base cultivation; so really I would value that at 3 AP of Spiritual Cultivation.

Senior Pills (note that these cost 60 SP, which requires about 4 AP to earn)

At max efficiency (20AP spent on Moon/Wind/Water arts), the Tidal Elixir gets us an extra 20AP * 0.3 = 6AP of successes, plus a boost to domain XP.

At max efficiency (20AP spent on Yin arts), the Stellar Body Pill gets us 20 * 1/5 = 4 AP to physical cultivation. As before, I apply a premium due to the higher multiplier on Yin arts than base cultivation, which leads me to value this as 6 AP towards Physical Cultivation.

Last but not least, the Melodic Elixir gives us a boost of 80 dice (~.4 AP) per AP, which corresponds to a multiplier of 1.4x. It also gives 1/4 of the result to Spiritual, which after conversion means that every 1 AP spent on music arts results in 1.4 AP of progress on the art and about .5 AP of progress on Spiritual cultivation. I don't think we could max out or time on solely music arts, but cultivating three music arts at the same time would get us a net gain of .9*12 = 10.8 total AP, which is no small windfall.
Isn't she kinda-sorta fated to kill her mother due to her nature? I seem to recall Zeqing once stating that spirits like her very rarely have children that reach adulthood due to them killing the child before then or something like that.

Did I make that up in my head, or am I maybe looking too far into things? Because that's what I took Zeqing's sad look to mean- that she's melancholy over the fact that someday soon, her daughter and her will be enemies.
Hanyi exists sort of as an extension of Zeqing. Zeqing owns Hanyi, and Zeqing's nature is to take and hold what she considers hers. So if Hanyi tries to leave, she'd be eaten. But Hanyi is perpetually stunted by her proximity and reliance on her mother, so she can't 'grow up' unless she leaves. This works out just fine as long as Hanyi never wants to grow.

But Ling Qi's influence on the pair has introduced an impetus for Hanyi to grow (a constantly improving competitor for her mother's attention). Either this human influence/impurity gets removed (paradoxically impossible without cultivation, aka the removal of impurities, aka growth beyond the bounds of possibility) or Hanyi eventually tries to leave. Zeqing would need to work against her own fundamental desire and character to let that happen, and the fact that she's even entertaining the possibility is a sign that Zeqing herself has been influenced by Ling Qi.

Personally I expect Ling Qi to bind Hanyi (to do otherwise is essentially consigning her to eventually being eaten), and Zeqing to set herself up as a boss fight at the end of LQ's time in the sect. She, under Ling Qi's human influence towards motherhood, might allow Ling Qi to enter a position to snatch away Hanyi to allow her baby to leave the nest, but that doesn't mean that Zeqing is happy or willing to let go. There's no way for amiable relations after Ling Qi takes away something that's Hers, in my mind.