Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Lost and Forgotten
No rooster greets the rising sun's light. The light, as always, reveals the temple first. Old and crumbling the temple still stands proud. Resting at the top of a cliff its dilapidated structure is the first to see the sun's light. A dusty tunnel carves itself through the cliff to create a passage to village below. Windows reveal the world to those that would travel the tunnel. Small shrines to different spirits are lovingly worked into the tunnel and windows, honoring spirits that have long abandoned this place. Silence is overwhelming in this tunnel. No birds sit on the windows greeting the day; no murmuring of chants from the temple of above; no cries of life from the village below. The village fairs no better than the temple or tunnel. Old and forgotten the doors in the village are closed and the walls broken. Some houses lean against others as if begging to be helped. If one were to gaze through the crumbling walls one would only see emptiness. There are no pots or pans left. No tables or chairs. The houses and stores are simply, empty. Violence did not descend upon this place. Where the people of this village went to is known only only to the ancient and gloomy trees that surrounded this forgotten place and to the old man living in the tunnel.

A crevice in the tunnel wall opens up to a very small space. An old man sleeps on a ratty blanket. A pair of worn sandals, a old and withered candle, and a book of yellow pages bound in cracked leather are the other inhabits of this small space. Slowly the old man opens his eyes. With careful movement he puts on the worn sandals. Then he picks up the ratty blanket. He lovingly inspects it as a mother would her first child. With agonizing care he finds a hole in the blanket and slips his head through it. If one was to look closer at the blanket one would see designs and color that long ago faded. With his tunic finally on slips out of the crevice and into the tunnel. With sure steps he begins to walk down the tunnel. No sound is made while he walks. There is no hesitation in his steps. As he walks through the village the sun's light drives away the last of the shadows. Past the village he stops by a crooked gate. Covered with chains and rust no one has opened this gate in a long time. Sitting on a moss covered stone the old man begins his watch. Only when the sun begins to set does he move again. With the sun to his back he walks back to the crevice. Carefully he removes his sandals and tunic. With a soundless snap of his fingers the small candle begins to burn with feeble light. On his tunic the old man sits and slowly reads his book. Darkness is all around by the time he turns the last page. With a sigh he sets the book down and lays his head on his tunic. The candle flickers out and darkness swallows light.

Slowly the old man opens his eyes. With careful movement he puts on the worn sandals. Then he picks up the ratty blanket. He lovingly inspects it as a mother would her first child. With agonizing care he finds a hole in the blanket and slips his head through it. If one was to look closer at the blanket one would see designs and color that long ago faded. With his tunic finally on slips out of the crevice and into the tunnel. With sure steps he begins to walk down the tunnel. No sound is made while he walks. There is no hesitation in his steps. As he walks through the village the sun's light drives away the last of the shadows. Past the village he stops by a crooked gate. Covered with chains and rust no one has opened this gate in a long time. Sitting on a moss covered stone the old man begins his watch. Only when the sun begins to set does he move again. With the sun to his back he walks back to the crevice. Carefully he removes his sandals and tunic. With a soundless snap of his fingers the small candle begins to burn with feeble light. On his tunic the old man sits and slowly reads his book. Darkness is all around by the time he turns the last page. With a sigh he sets the book down and lays his head on his tunic. The candle flickers out and darkness swallows light.

Nothing has changed in this old and forgotten place. Nothing can change here. Filled with ancient wood and stone, to heavy to move on from this single action. The world has moved on from this place. Action carries weight. Some actions are only important because they have been done before. Here in this little fragment of the world one action has carved a place. It is like a dream. Endless repeating without hope of escape.
@yrsillar Omake for the Omake throne
I hope you like this piece. I had this idea ever since we talked to tree man in the bloody dream. He didn't know he was in a dream just like the old man here doesn't know he is repeating the same day over and over. Anyway please enjoy and critique!
I'm saying that A) elements aren't as big a deal as people are implying B) to the extent element matters, wood/earth are bad for dodging. This really isn't contradictory.
On B, not objectively.
Wood is actually the element for dodging under Xingyiquan.
In a bit more detail:
-Metal - To commit to a strike of great power, overcoming defenses
-Water - To twist in an unpredictable strike, being difficult to prevent.
-Wood - To give ground without losing ground.
-Fire - To counter force with force.
-Earth - To deflect and reposition.

Just that you know, A is a really damned good point.
But under the Wu Xing philosophy, Wood is the element of the air, of bending without breaking. Earth is the neutral center that has flexibility of reaction.

Ling Qi doesn't get that because her only Wood art at present takes the philosophy from a different perspective, it gives ground without losing ground by shedding and regenerating lost layers.
But the only conceptually immoble elements we know of are Mountain and Lake, which make stillness and immovability their core ideals.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Arkeus on Jan 14, 2019 at 6:12 AM, finished with 169 posts and 116 votes.
For defense moon isn't exactly the best element. That palm goes to earth and Wood.

We also have very significant wood bonus especilly as all our spirits are wood aspected.
I would like to note that Sixiang giving a Wood bonus makes about as much sense as us having a better cultivation bonus towards Thunder than Darkness.

It's also pretty clear pretty much every element can do armor reasonably well (we've personally seen wind, wood, water, earth, darkness), and a lot can likely function for avoid too.

Some elements might fit some roles better than others but from the indications we've seen so far it's more a matter of art quality and fit to the user.
It's not. Emerald Seas are the Moon/Sun path (thinking Weilu).

Edit. Or did you mean that it's the tree path cuz that's lots of trees/forests there?
Emerald Sea is known for having clans with Wind/Wood/Earth elements. GF is more of a Fire/Earth/Wind. Thousand Lakes is more of a Water/Wood.
I would like to note that Sixiang giving a Wood bonus makes about as much sense as us having a better cultivation bonus towards Thunder than Darkness.

It's also pretty clear pretty much every element can do armor reasonably well (we've personally seen wind, wood, water, earth, darkness), and a lot can likely function for avoid too.

Some elements might fit some roles better than others but from the indications we've seen so far it's more a matter of art quality and fit to the user.
Sixiang being Wood makes more sense than them being Water. Dreaming Moon is very creative and spontaneous in its themes and Wood fits right in for that. Heaven also fits for the patron of artistic inspiration, and Wood is in part the classical analogue to that element.

There's no problem with their Water, but I don't see the obvious associations. I'm probably missing something, but it's just kind of there. Plus, Sixiang complained that our dantian was damp, which seems a strange complaint from a Water spirit... especially when we had competitive Wind and Wood meridians at the time, iirc. I mean, yeah Sixiang's just a teasing teaser but seems odd. You're in on the Water conspiracy, aren't you Sixiang!?
Sixiang being Wood makes more sense than them being Water. Dreaming Moon is very creative and spontaneous in its themes and Wood fits right in for that. Heaven also fits for the patron of artistic inspiration, and Wood is in part the classical analogue to that element.

There's no problem with their Water, but I don't see the obvious associations. I'm probably missing something, but it's just kind of there. Plus, Sixiang complained that our dantian was damp, which seems a strange complaint from a Water spirit... especially when we had competitive Wind and Wood meridians at the time, iirc. I mean, yeah Sixiang's just a teasing teaser but seems odd. You're in on the Water conspiracy, aren't you Sixiang!?
Or, and hear me out here, how about our aspect of the moon head spirit be either pure moon element or dream/moon.

I mean seriously, screw having bonuses when they make no sense.
Or, and hear me out here, how about our aspect of the moon head spirit be either pure moon element or dream/moon.

I mean seriously, screw having bonuses when they make no sense.
+ .2 Multiplier to Fire Arts
+ .2 Multiplier to Wood arts
H Damage Reduction vs Fire damage
+5 health
Spirit Beast Bonuses
+ .2 Multiplier to Music, Moon Art cultivation
+ .1 Multiplier to Wood and Water art cultivation
+5 Bonus to Music, Dance, and Art
+2 To Hit of Music & Dance Arts
+5 to Presence
Here's all the bonuses we get from our spirits, as per the first page. Sixiang clearly gives moon/music and wood/water cultivation bonuses, so I'm a bit confused by your objection.

Who said Sixiang is pure moon in the first place?
Turn 2: Arc 2-3
Ling Qi had been busy since meeting with her friends. Not just with research into those she considered challenging, but with cultivation as well. There was a sluggishness to her qi these days, a morose stillness that slowed her every effort to cultivate, in the same way that she found her thoughts haunted by the scent of blood and cries of pain in moments of silence.

Here and now however, Ling Qi let her worries drift away, as the swirling snowflakes did on frigid wind. She sank eagerly into the welcome embrace of the heavy darkness which shrouded her mentors mountaintop home.

In the depths of an impossible blizzard above the clouds themselves, lit by starlight, Ling Qi danced, following the motions deciphered from the Sable Crescent Step.

"Your movements are empty," Zeqing's voice echoed from all around her as Ling Qi spun, avoiding without pause a glittering ball of ice and snow flung by giggling little girl.

Ling Qi's eyes remained closed as she kept her concentration, slipping between the driving shards of ice hidden in the falling sleet. "Where am I making a mistake?" She asked, her voice aloof and calm to her own ears, emotion temporarily drowned in concentration.

"You mistake me, you are not performing poorly," her mentor replied, her voice a blustery gust. "Your intent is suppressed, that is the purpose of this dance, is it not."

Ling Qi hummed, sidestepping and weaving through the snowfield to the soundless thrum of the darkness that shrouded the mountaintop, avoiding all harm, graceful and clumsy alike. "I am still surprised that you're home is so…" she trailed off, a shudder traveling up her spine. She had never cultivated here, and so never felt the sheer potency of the qi in this place. "I didn't expect so much darkness here.

"Darkness and cold are two facets of a single crystal," Zeqing's voice murmured in her ear while the blizzard howled and Hanyi laughed. "They are absence, and emptiness, and the end of all things."

"...The silence is beautiful, sometimes," LIng Qi murmured. She did not speak of base sound, as the storm was actually quite loud… but on a deeper level, beneath sight and sound, where there was only the flow of qi…. It was calm and peaceful. There was no strife and violence, only a quiet stillness that made her heart ache. Yet she knew that the feeling was fleeting, without needing to hear Zeqing's words.

"Cold seeks heat, and darkness seeks light. Emptiness yearns for fulfillment. Such is the source of desire, do not seek out the silence, Ling Qi," Zeqing's voice had a sad note to it. "Should you reach it, you would cease as surely as frost on a spring morn. Humans are not meant for such purity."

Ling Qi didn't acknowledge the words, nor take insult. She knew purity was not something to be desired… not yet. She was still far from those heights. "Still, I wonder what it is like," she mused aloud, her voice soft. She had no doubt it would be inaudible to any except the blizzard which shrouded her. "Zeqing, would you tell me?"

This time her mentor did not respond immediately, save for an intensifying of the winds and the driving ice. Ling Qi smiled as she wove through another barrage of flung snow from an increasingly pouting Hanyi.

"All things End," Ling Qi shivered, the final word echoing in her ear like the ringing of a temple gong, layers of meaning skipping across her thoughts. "Heat, warmth, lives, cities, empires, rivers and mountains; none are eternal. The sun and the moon, the heavens and the earth, these things too shall End in time," Zeqing's voice chilled her, and spoke as if from the bottom of a deep pit. "And when the Heavens lie dark and the earth crumbles, even the End will cease. What lies beyond is unknowable."

Ling Qi let out a breath of relief as her dance came to a stop, and the chill faded. "Thank you for answering, teacher."

"You do not understand, my words cannot express the truth without dealing you great harm," Zeqing said as the wind died and her human form spun into existence from snow and wind, floating serenely a few meters from where Ling Qi stood. "But that is fine, you are too young for such understanding yet."

"You know, for once, I have no complaints for being told that," Ling Qi murmured, rubbing her arms through the fabric of her gown. She still felt chilled. "Still… Zeqing, do you think I chose wrongly, in that dream?"

"I cannot understand fully your reasons for distress," the ice spirit replied, her blood red lips unmoving. "I can only say this. Take what you desire, and cling to it fiercely, because nothing is forever."

Ling Qi was silent. The words resonated, and yet…. What did she desire?

"Are you done talking about boring stuff with Big Sis yet?" Hanyi called, her voice jarring Ling Qi from morose thoughts. Hanyi ran over to them atop the snow, her pale blue feet not making a sound or disturbing a single flake.

"Yes, we're done," Ling Qi said, putting on a smile for the little girl as she turned away from her mentor. "So, what did you want to show me?"

"Momma showed me how to make flowers!" Hanyi chattered excitedly, grasping her hand to pull her along. "I made a garden, you gotta see!"

"Yes, desires must be grasped, even should they bring an ending," Ling Qi did not turn back, despite the conflict in her mentors voice. Hanyi had not heard, and Ling Qi was sure that those words were meant for only her.

She felt a sinking in her stomach. All things end, huh?

The weeks that followed blurred by. She began to take more difficult Sect jobs, pushing the limits of her sneaking abilities with harder and harder targets. Despite the sluggishness of her qi, she pushed herself further every day, building her foundations through sheer bloody minded effort until at last she broke through despite the difficulty. It was exhausting, and Ling Qi knew that she could not rely on such efforts going forward. Reaching the appraisal stage of the green realm was merely solidifying one's foundations, preparing for the true work ahead and smoothing out the instability of breakthrough.

She needed to resolve her conflict one way or the other. Still, despite her troubles, she did have time for a few other things. She smoothly mastered the next stage of Sable Crescent step under Zeqing's eyes, and even brought herself to return to the source of her troubles.

The grove was eerie in its somber quiet, but under the light of the full moon, she found herself mastering the first steps of the Curious Diviners Eye art as easily as she breathed. She didn't need the Bloody Moon, there were other phases after all.

...Yet, in between the lines of her new art, she read a whisper of history. Of a man who loved knowledge, and exulted in its spread. A man who could parse a hundred thousand futures, and choose the one he wished. A whisper of Tsu the Diviner, first king of the Emerald Sea. It was a faded thing, an echo bouncing back for the thousandth time, but it still made her wonder. How had that man's descendents become what they did?

Once, she would have said it did not matter, but now… she wondered if she could really understand the present, without understanding the past. She couldn't afford to just stride forward without studying her path, relying on luck and instinct to keep her safe.

If she wanted to avoid bad outcomes, she needed to understand why they came about. It was with thoughts such as these in her head, that she returned to the mountain to meet with her liege and finalize her plans for the end of the month

"My report, Lady Cai," Ling Qi said, keeping her head bowed as she placed the trio of scrolls on her liege's desk.

"Very good," Cai Renxiang replied, pausing in scanning the the other document on her desk to give Ling Qi a nod. "Take a seat, we will discuss these matters shortly."

Ling Qi did so, sinking into the comfortable chair which sat across from Cai Renxiang's desk. It was in a very real way, her chair, she knew. Ling Qi appreciated the gesture, given the rather less comfortable seats swapped in for less personal guests.

"How is your family faring?" Cai Renxiang asked absently, not yet looking up from her work.

"Mother and Biyu are well. The ah… guests will be arriving soon I think," Ling Qi squirmed in her seat a bit at that. She still remembered her liege's blank expression before she had made that request.

"Say it plainly, Ling Qi," the other girl chided. "Do not show weakness, they are your new household. If even their clan head is ashamed of them, then it will lend credence to your enemies words."

"Your right, it's unfair of me," Ling Qi replied with a grimace. "I am still surprised you went along with this so easily."

"Should I ascend to Mothers seat, I will do far more to upset those in power," Cai Renxiang replied. "Such minor scandal should serve well enough for training purposes."
Ling Qi shook her head, that was just such a….Renxiang-like thought that it made her want to laugh. "Hmph, your really not bothered by their old profession at all, are you?"

Renxiang glanced up at her, one eyebrow raised. "It is an unpleasant function, but there are many such. Shall I spit upon the men who dredge the sewers or those who collect dung to fertilize the fields?" The dark haired girl drummed her fingers briefly on her desk. "...Though perhaps like those men, their duties might be unnecessary in the future. A thought for another time."

And there she went, Ling Qi supposed, falling silent. She didn't really feel the need to prod that thought along further, lest she get the girl talking about reforms that she could barely follow. Finally, her liege's inkbrush returned to its holder and the last page of work was placed neatly on the completed pile. "Summarize your findings," the girl said crisply, moving the trio of scrolls to the center of her desk.

"Disciples from our years tournament are largely underranked I believe," Ling Qi replied. "Not by much in many cases, but they are. I do not believe you should concern yourself with anyone below the rank of Eight Hundred Fifty."

"And if they are attempting to deceive others on their ability?" Cai Renxiang asked, opening the first scroll.

Ling Qi pursed her lips. "...I do not think anyone would do so for such a low rank. If they are common born, the loss of resources would not be worth it, and if not then the rank would likely shame their families if kept for too long."

"That was my conclusion as well," Cai Renxiang replied. "I am glad to see you are thinking of such things.

"Thank you," Ling Qi replied, briefly dipping her head. Li Suyin had actually been the one to point that out to her. "I made notes about a few people who could potentially challenge you in the upper ranks, but… I could not get much information from those above eight hundred."

"A task for next month, when you have access to visit either Bai Meizhen or myself," her liege replied absently scanning the scroll. "Yes, this will be useful."

There had been a flurry of challenges in the last week or two, she knew Meizhen had moved up to Seven Hundred Ninety Two. "As for my own advancement. I reviewed a few choices, but I believe Disciple Eight Hundred Twelve is my target."

"Reasons?" Cai Renxiang shot back.

"Skill set compatibility," Ling Qi replied, not offended by the short reply. "She is a musician, and a fighter, without much in the way of secondary skills. I believe I overmatch her in those areas."

She sent a probing thought toward Sixiang, who sent back a feeling of distracted acknowledgement. Whatever she was doing, Ling Qi was confident Sixiang would have her back in a duel, and against a fellow musician, Sixiang's ability to wash away enemy arts would be invaluable.

"If you are confident, then that is enough. Have you made the challenge yet?" Cai renxiang asked.

"Not yet, I wanted to inform you first. I will find her tomorrow…"

Soon you will meet your opponent and begin making your plans for the challenge. How many CP would you like to assign to the challenge? 3 is considered low, while 10 is considered fairly high at your rank.
Your target currently has 37 CP
Current CP: 20

[] CP?

In addition the auction for The Entropic Mirror is complete. Your total funds received are 18,000 Red Stones. Please Choose how you would like to receive the sum

[] 20 Green Stones, 800 Yellow
[] 30 Green Stones, 300 Yellow

Physical Cultivation

8 4 1 10 7 4 3 6 9 5 8 4 7 9 7 9 10 9 6 9 10 3 3 9 1 4 9 10 1 3 6 8 8 6 10 5 1 4 10 9 10 7 3 6 5 1 7 6 1 2 7 1 6 1 9 6 4 10 8 7 4 3 6 1 1 7 5 3 1 4 2 10 2 6 8 6 8 6 4 8 9 2 8 5 2 9 2 6 8 9 4 1 4 9 1 6 6 8 8 8 1 1 7 3 6 6 10 5 1 5 3 10 6 10 6 10 10 7 7 7 8 10 9 3 8 10 8 5 7 7 2 9 10 1 3 5 6 3 2 9 9 4 10 7 5 5 6 5 1 2 3 10 3 2 2 2 3 1 7 1 10 10 9 9 10 2 5 8 6 6 6 4 9 7 10 4 1 7 10 3 8 2 3 2 3 6 4 7 7 2 7 6 1 6 4 1 9 8 10 6 6 7 1 4 3 3 9 5 9 8 7 9 2 1 10 4 7 5 3 5 6 9 2 7 6 7 9 4 6 8 1 1 6 2 5 8 4 5 4 2 3 10 2 4 3 2 9 1 8 1 5 4 2 8 10 7 4 10 3 9 7 3 2 4 4 6 3 9 2 6 3 4 5 4 9 9 7 10 9 5 2 5 8 3 2 9 10 7 8 4 6 6 6 7 9 2 4 1 2 7 6 4 1 2 10 1 1 8 2 1 2 4 6 1 6 9 1 7 6 10 10 3 5 8 1 5 9 6 7 10 2 2 6 4 6 5 5 8 4 6 8 6 1 5 8 7 4 1 5 9 10 5 3 7 2 3 1 2 8 8 3 9 1 8 3 6 4 9. 175 successes

Rerolling 41
5 8 3 8 7 6 7 1 6 10 5 4 10 5 7 1 7 5 5 3 1 5 5 5 3 7 9 2 2 2 7 6 1 1 5 7 8 4 10 4 3. 24 successes


238 successes total

Spiritual Cultivation
2 9 9 2 4 8 3 7 7 1 7 5 5 7 8 7 7 6 5 3 3 2 10 1 4 10 8 7 7 3 4 8 1 2 10 6 1 4 2 9 7 10 4 1 9 3 7 5 9 3 10 1 6 9 3 9 1 3 6 7 5 1 6 7 5 7 2 5 1 5 6 9 7 9 9 5 3 6 9 1 10 8 4 6 9 8 6 1 10 3 9 6 4 4 2 8 1 5 4 3 10 1 1 6 1 1 2 4 6 10 6 8 10 9 3 10 7 10 10 8 3 8 4 6 3 7 5 5 2 10 7 3 1 9 8 1 10 1 4 7 10 10 4 9 10 8 10 8 10 9 6 2 8 9 9 1 5 5 7 8 4 6 10 4 4 9 7 5 9 10 2 9 1 7 9 1 7 9 10 8 9 5 9 9 5 9 1 2 3 7 9 6 2 9 2 6 9 8 2 8 9 5 8 10 4 8 2 2 8 1 9 7 8 7 5 2 5 7 5 9 3 4 4 5 4 5 2 2 4 3 1 3 8 8 4 1 6 7 4 3 9 2 1 6 10 7 10 6 3 4 4 6 9 9 10 4 6 3 6 9 5 8 3 4 6 6 6 1 4 9 5 3 2 6 10 1 2 1 6 7 7 1 2 5 10 3 9 5 5 6 3 1 3 8 5 10 3 2 2 9 1 7 3 4 4 2 5 7 5 2 3 1 3 4 5 2 8 5 6 2 2 10 3 7 7 9 6 2 10 8 10 2 6 4 6 9 5 2 5 9 3 10 1 5 3 6 6 1 2 3 4 4 3 6 10 1 6 5 2 8 4 3 9 9 6 6 9 3 7 6 3 10 5 4 4 9 9 2 9 2 4 5 5 8 2 4 9 8. 194 successes

Rerolling 37
2 5 4 3 10 4 7 7 8 1 2 5 2 3 10 2 1 4 4 8 8 4 6 2 9 9 10 1 5 6 10 9 1 5 3 10 8. 21 successes\


1214/1200 Green Appraisal reached!


Curious Diviners Eye
9 9 7 10 3 3 6 8 9 1 1 7 3 5 7 6 7 9 8 6 10 1 5 8 2 5 9 4 4 8 1 2 8 8 3 10 2 10 9 2 1 10 9 3 6 5 10 4 5 10 1 6 10 7 4 3 1 4 8 4 1 9 7 8 8 10 8 1 9 8 2 1 9 2 4 4 9 5 9 3 4 9 9 5 5 4 9 6 7 7 9 7 5 8 6 4 7 5 4 7 3 7. 46 successes

7 7 10 2 8 2 1 10 3 9. 4 successes
50 total x2=100

First Eye Achieved

Sable Crescent Step

1 3 8 7 2 3 8 10 4 5 6 1 1 2 4 10 1 3 8 7 7 4 3 3 8 9 7 8 2 3 5 2 7 4 8 8 6 7 8 2 2 5 2 2 6 7 1 8 10 8 6 8 3 8 10 10 8 6 7 9 10 3 3 7 7 2 4 4 9 3 5 10 7 6 3 4 5 4 1 4 3 6 1 6 6 2 5 3 7 4 4 7 6 6 5 2 7 10 8 5 3 2 6 9 10 9 5 4 2 5 9 6 3 1 1 8 2 6 2 10 1 5 8 6 2 2 10 9 2 7 5 6 10 3 6 9 1 10 4 4 7 4 9 9 6 10 8 7 7 9 9 7 6 6 2 9 10 1 9 3 9 4 8 9 6 3 9 8 3 5 1 1 8 9 9 4 10 8 2 6 6 10 4 3 8 6 2 7 8 10 9 9 5 8 7 2 10 7 9 4 1 9 4 1. 92 successes

Rerolling 16
1 3 4 7 2 4 7 4 9 7 3 5 9 10 10 9. 8 successes. 100 total

100x1.85=185 successes

561/500 Seventh Step Achieved

Attribute/skill Gains

2d6: 1,4= 5

2d6: 4,1= 5

2d6: 3,1= 4

2d6: 5,3= 8

2d6: 4, 3= 7

2d6+2: 3, 1= 6


2d6: 5, 5=10

2d6: 1, 2=3

4d6+4: 4 2 3 5=18

Sect Points
4d10+40; 9 7 9 6= 71 points

28 domain XP

Omake +30 to Spiritual
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Also, achieved all of our primary goals this turn, so that's nice.

I wouldn't advocate spending literally every penny of this windfall, but we can pull 8 stone weeks for a good long while now without draining it too deeply.

[X] 30 Green Stones, 300 Yellow

That being said

We should strive to try and hang onto at least 10K RSS for Fief development, that still leaves us with 8K for our Cultivation though, which should let us mainline 8 stone months until Foundation.
The Attribute/Skill dice were awful this turn.


Made up for it with Sect Points, getting near max rolls there. Technically, we could afford a Junior Pill and a Senior Pill at the same time. (We're over 100 now)

Or we could splurge for Major Core Disciple Tutelage.

Or, Junior Pill and Minor Core Tutelage.
We should strive to try and hang onto at least 10K RSS for Fief development, that still leaves us with 8K for our Cultivation though, which should let us mainline 8 stone months until Foundation.
We don't even know how the economics are gonna work when it comes to that so trying to save far before it becomes a concern isn't really a good idea imo. Plus becoming stronger faster will allow us to make money quicker regardless.
Hrm, now that it's in reach.


How does it work to hire a Core Tutor? Do we just say "Hire a Core Tutor for this month" and we get one based on our priorities?