Congratulations, curious student, for selecting this manual on the superb but oft forgotten art of geomancy. In the modern day, this storied and beautiful field has suffered much neglect outside of its home in the Celestial Peaks. There are many reasons for this, but such affairs are beyond the purview of this manual.
The first matter which must be discussed is a simple question. What
is Geomancy. The answer is somewhat complex. Geomancy is not an art or a set of arts. You will find no techniques here, no exercises or meditations. Geomancy is not, despite misconceptions, a subset of the formation arts. It is in some schools, used alongside formation arts, and indeed a canny student will note that most formations masters use some elements of Geomancy in their composition and structure.
What is Geomancy then? If it is not arts, and it is not formations, then what use is it?
It is a method of arrangement. Geomancy is practiced through structure and planning. When an architect places a window to direct the flow of air, he practices Geomancy. When a scholar arranges his study just so to give himself that small bit of comfort that improves his performance, he practices geomancy. These are small expressions. Greater expressions would be the arrangement of city streets, and the design of road networks. In many cases, basic geomantic principles are no longer known as such and simply considered the proper way of doing things.
While this is certainly good for the health of all, it does present some problems in the study of the art.
Geomancy is fundamentally the art of
patterns, and the use of such to manipulate various intangible forces of the world. A properly laid out home can deflect misfortune and spiritual malice. A fortress built to exacting geomantic specifications can withstand punishment far exceeding what its materials and formations would indicate.
The art of Geomancy has its origins in the son of the Sage Emperor, Qin De. Qin De was fascinated by the nature of the mountains in his Father's kingdom. We know now that the eponymous peaks of the Celestial Peaks are artificial, designed and built by the Dragon Gods in eons long past, but it is thanks to Qin De that we know this. What a sight, the Peaks must have been in the days before cataclysm when the world had not yet eroded them into more naturalistic forms. However, even in their damaged state, the work of the Dragon Gods offered many insights to Qin De. From them he extrapolated the work that would become the foundations of imperial Geomancy. When he ascended these principles became hardened against the chaos of a changing world.
In the days since, many scholars and princes have followed in Qin De's footsteps, deriving new proofs and patterns from the foundation he laid down. Some even, ascended, Joining the great Spirit Immaculate Angles Everlasting, patron of our art.
Truly great geomancy however, can be difficult and expensive to implement. The world outside of the Peaks is much less kind to our arts, the chaotic landscapes and spirit ecosystems can struggle against the strictures imposed by a well laid out city. In time, even in the Peaks, standards became less exacting as the need for quick expansion increased. In the Strife of Twin Emperors, many priceless stores of knowledge were destroyed and artifacts and fortresses broken or damaged, their patterns disrupted.
The second dynasty did not put much stock in our art outside of the basic principles which had become the bedrock of imperial architecture and so cities expanded, and roads and manors were built without concern for their disruption of the great patterns. This in turn weakened its effects and discredited Imperial Geomancers further.
There is hope however! Under the honored Emperors of the Mu dynasty, interest began to return. Under his Highness Emperor An, the Imperial Hammer Sect was restored to prominence, drawing new students, and now under Empress Xiang it seems, wishes to restore the practice further! Which, naturally is the source of the manual you hold.
So then prospective student, know that geomancy is relevant in most every aspect of one's life. For the beginner, it is best to begin in small ways. After studying the principles in this manual, adjust the furnishing and decor of your home, and observe the changes in the flows of qi and the improvement of your fortunes.
Then depending on your position and capabilities, you may move on to greater projects. You may alter the floorplan of your home, adjusting doors and windows to better guide and define spiritual energies. If you have the authority, the grounds of your whole estate may with time be changed, and all within may reap the prosperity of a properly laid out home. There has even been some study into applying geomantic principles to relations between people, but Scholar Kong, who pioneered this field, was unfortunately taken from the world before his work could be completed. Perhaps in time a student could resume this study!
In the following chapters we will explore the fundamental principles of geomancy. Many of the things in the following chapter may seem obvious to an educated reader, but this manual implores that you study the principles carefully all the same. To advance in the Art of Geomancy, it is necessary to understand the mechanics behind these principles, even if they are considered common sense in the modern day. Study and understand the proofs behind each principle and then perform the thought exercises presented in each chapter, and you will begin to understand how each concept applies and can be adjusted to real world conditions.
Continue your study of the principles compiled here, you will begin to understand the emerging greater patterns of the art, which begin at details as small as the placement of a table, and scale all the way to the shape of mountains and the flows of rivers.
--The introduction to the Beginners Guide to Geomancy manuals produced at the direction of the Imperial Court.
Special thanks go to my Cyan patrons: Alaco, Alectai, Gregory O'Niell, Leviathan, NotAlwaysFanfic, Pickle and Vanguard_D, and everyone else that supports me!
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