Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I am extremely torn, but I think to take the risk.

I must honestly admit to hoping that there will be a fair chance of escaping were the situation to go utterly pear shaped.

[X] Stay here and meet the King, hopefully he can make the situation more clear
Oh hey so we might be dealing with a Weilu civil war between the Elders, and the younger generation? Also the similarity to Weilu arts means Ling Qi will probably be judged as one of them by anyone who'd recognize their arts.
Huh is the King of the Forest the Sublime Ancestor of the Weilu, and in this instance a fragment of him split off to carry out justice against the Oathbreakers?
The King of the Forest killed someone that kicked off this war?
So yea civil war among the Weilu seems a reasonable explanation for the Elders sending an assassin, attempts to deny resources for the other side by the Prince, and the prince crossing out the clan signal.
This is incredibly sound advice. Because if the King of the Forest is a lesser fragment of the Weilu Sublime Ancestor he will recognize the arts Ling Qi as Weilu, and well does anyone think Ling Qi can talk down a spirit in a blood rage?

Points at analysis above. So Nope!, All my Nope!, and Ling Qi has zero Moon patron bonuses to talking down an enraged spirit Nope!.

[X] Go with Shen Hu, sometimes the unambiguous route is the best one.
Could also be talking about Xi elders who were the Dukes right after the Weilu. The Xi were the ones we initially got TRF from anyway, and Ling Qi signals Moon more than anything else and since the King is obviously a Moon spirit I think that's what he'll see first.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 24, 2018 at 2:40 PM, finished with 56 posts and 39 votes.
So, a decent/good Patriarch among the Weilu dies, and his descendant/replacement isn't held in as much esteem/hasn't done as much, so the forest deems that the 'traitors' - those who have abandoned the Moon, perhaps led by this Prince's father - are to be 'brought to heel'?

Interesting. A Civil War among the Weilu is quite possibly going on at this time - would explain a whole lot about why the Weilu disappeared.

My guess is that this particular Forest King would have attempted to intervene no matter what. Siding with the Prince would have allowed us to kill the 'Vengeance of Burning Grove' spirit and skedaddle without encountering it, leading to a meeting with his father; us leaving them alone would likely have resulted in the Burning Grove slowly losing, but the Forest King would have arrived just barely in time.

Hell even the king, with blood in his head (literally), is doing us a solid by walking slowly here. If he wish to our company he would say so.

Plus the fact that is bringing complete darkness in a night with a full moon (I think) is not a thing that make me think he want company in this moment.

It's a waxing crescent - the Bloody Moon. Vengeance walks this night.

Yet we have withstood harsher things before... including a meeting with the Bloody Moon itself, when the Grinning Moon changed their face for but a moment in a long-ago dream; the toned-down domains of a White and a Prism facing off against each other, and least of all... another Cyan spirit determined to test us - or kill us if we failed.

The difference here is that we know we're being tested. In advance.


Conversely to fleeing from the Fourth Realm spirit on a vengeance kick, it's our duty to figure this shit out. As the 'left hand' of a ducal Heiress, our path has been decided. There is no one else in a position to act here - Shen Hu is a more 'typical' Baronial scion, while we are aiming for far, far higher than that.

[X] Stay here and meet the King, hopefully he can make the situation more clear

WAG: Maybe TRF+, maybe not; maybe SCS+, maybe not. Maybe some insane mix of the two, adjudicated by the Moon, that balances the toughness of TRF with the motion and transformation of SCS, allowing for 'replacement technique' shenanigans? Would probably lose the 'group defense buff' aspect of TRF that way, but not necessarily... gah. Arts are cool, and easily varied.

Maybe a site instead, the specific nature of which is determined in part by our actions in the dream? That could be the case, the dream serving to secure the area from those who don't pass the test, and the area corresponds in part to the events of the dream? Dreams are weird in this world, after all. I can see it.
[x] Stay here and meet the King, hopefully he can make the situation more clear

We've chosen the moon option from a moon-provided map that gives moon things. May as well keep going rather than go back on ourselves. As this update showed, it is important to commit to your current path to achieve the best results.
[X] Stay here and meet the King, hopefully he can make the situation more clear

This location was marked by a stag with a moon disc in its antlers, so I'm led to believe that the King of the Forest is the point of this location, the conceptual focal point the entire dream was built around.

The map was given to us with the intent that we'd explore the locations on it, and while I'm sure we're not protected from harm I'm sure that we wouldn't be given a location to explore where anything other than running and hiding means instant failure.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 24, 2018 at 2:48 PM, finished with 63 posts and 46 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 24, 2018 at 2:54 PM, finished with 67 posts and 48 votes.
[X] Go with Shen Hu, sometimes the unambiguous route is the best one.
Who would you rather spend time with:
- wood-fire spirit bro and King of the Forest
- some peasants

"You may wish to get hence, little shadow," Vengeance-of-Burning Grove, said, not unkindly. "Aided me you have, but to meet the King of the Forest under the light of the red moon is a dangerous thing.

As servant of the moon we should be safer than ordinary cultivator.
Yeah, but getting killed isn't something to be considered desirable.

Remember, even if we get covered for, there's still bad consequences for fucking these sorts of quests up. We could have lost weeks if we fucked up the Moon Rave for instance. And we can't afford any such setbacks.

And literally everyone on the table here who can talk to us said 'You don't want to meet the King of the Forest when he's in a bloodrage' including a literal fucking temporary spirit of vengeance and hate.

The thing about a Wild Hunt is... You don't want to cross paths with the Wild Hunt, because even if they like you and decide to make you join up, they don't tend to let people leave
Which would all be great points if I was voting in this quest based on achieving the optimal outcome for Ling Qi. But i'm not, I just want to read an interesting story and I think meeting the king of the forest will be more interesting than protecting a village.
[X] Go with Shen Hu, sometimes the unambiguous route is the best one.
[X] Stay here and meet the King, hopefully he can make the situation more clear
Adhoc vote count started by Seventeen on Dec 24, 2018 at 2:54 PM, finished with 68 posts and 49 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 24, 2018 at 2:54 PM, finished with 68 posts and 49 votes.
It was enough to make her hesitate though, and in that moment of hesitation, she saw the prince's back as he spun to avoid a swing of the tree spirits fist. There embroidered upon the back of his robe was an image she recognized from the history books, the yin and yang symbol, with sun and moon replacing the dots, the sigil of the Weilu clan. However, it was defaced, the stitching depicting the moon hurriedly torn out, and stitched over with some archaic character that she couldn't read.

Welp, we know what we gotta do.
I am extremely torn, but I think to take the risk.

I must honestly admit to hoping that there will be a fair chance of escaping were the situation to go utterly pear shaped.

[X] Stay here and meet the King, hopefully he can make the situation more clear
The Qi of the King of the Forest is comparable to Ling Qi's mentor so good luck escaping someone who is at least peak Cyan!
However, as she considered changing melodies, she felt something far on the edge of her senses approaching at an unhurried pace. It was a presence that had a terrible weight too it, a thing of baying hounds and bloodied silver spears, borne under the moon. It was strange though, for all that the qi she felt was incredibly potent, comparable to Zeqing at least…. It felt strongly reduced, as if the greater part of it were missing somehow.
Could also be talking about Xi elders who were the Dukes right after the Weilu. The Xi were the ones we initially got TRF from anyway, and Ling Qi signals Moon more than anything else and since the King is obviously a Moon spirit I think that's what he'll see first.
A Weilu Prince recognized the art as something that was used by his brother, and you're expecting a spirit whose been explicitly called at as being under the light of the Bloody Moon won't mistake Ling Qi as someone working for the Weilu? Because the King comes across as a spirit with Wild Hunt themes with the bloody spears, and baying hounds.
The Qi of the King of the Forest is comparable to Ling Qi's mentor so good luck escaping someone who is at least peak Cyan!

A Weilu Prince recognized the art as something that was used by his brother, and you're expecting a spirit whose been explicitly called at as being under the light of the Bloody Moon won't mistake Ling Qi as someone working for the Weilu? Because the King comes across as a spirit with Wild Hunt themes with the bloody spears, and baying hounds.
Yes, I expect it won't because she is moon related, as noted by the Admirals of the Xuan and every important cultivator we've met and since the Weilu are very clearly throwing away their relation with the Moon she can't be Weilu.

Basically, I expect higher senses to come from higher cultivation, and at Zeqing level she should be a very loud shouting Moon cultivator. Like, if we insert foot into mouth I expect problems, but Ling Qi is smart enough not to do that.

One art does not outweigh the entire continuity of who Ling Qi is. Which is a Moon Wraith, Moon Bard fun/gloomy girl.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 24, 2018 at 3:01 PM, finished with 77 posts and 53 votes.
I am extremely torn, but I think to take the risk.

I must honestly admit to hoping that there will be a fair chance of escaping were the situation to go utterly pear shaped.

[X] Stay here and meet the King, hopefully he can make the situation more clear
You think that we can escape from a 4th realm spirit? Also why would we want to try if we don't have to?
[X] Stay here and meet the King, hopefully he can make the situation more clear

I'm curious, and that's enough. I acknowledge the risks and choose to accept them. Really just gambling on potential spirit ken gainz and some story time.