Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Good thing I'm not talking about optimization or anything of the sort. And if Biyu likes hammers good for her, I'll do what I can to help her figure that out.

E: For more context for folks who might not be aware, I hate FSA and archery in general anywhere near Ling Qi.
In this case, i'm just using optimization as fancy term for your primary goal, and the degree to which you'll sacrifice secondary goals to further it. My point is that specifically, it's not worth taking into account Biyu's cultivation at all when choosing which arts to cultivate or not. Our primary goal is furthering Ling Qi's cultivation/happiness/well-being. There are secondary goals we should be willing to sacrifice that for, to varying degrees, such as safety and security of Ling Qigge and Ling Biyu, or Meizhen/Xiulan/Suyin/Renxing's well-being, but Biyu's cultivation is far enough out that it's not worth considering at all.

Yes, in the specific example of FSA, as @Erebeal pointed out, no further action is required, but you gave the example, so I ran with it. In the case of the Argents, my conclusion would actually run the opposite way. The fact that we can't pass them on to Biyu and hypothetical future clan members should not factor into our decision making on those arts at all.
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Spar against Zhengui
Sparring with Zhengui

Scorching ash billowed around Ze Tai, searing his lungs and nose with every steady breath. Before him rose a shadow of monstrous proportions, the body of a Xuanwu in it's earliest stages of maturity. Stretching at least ten meters for just the shell, this was a spirit beast of dominating size. Already he could feel the weight of its gaze through the smoke and ash, pressing down upon him like he was an ant. No matter, it would feel the pain of defeat soon enough.

However, this was going to be a challenging fight. Already the entire arena was in his opponent's control and the spar had only just begun! It was better this way though, more of a challenge.

With a cry, Ze Tai lept forward, his spear coursing with the currents of a thousand rivers. In a blink of an eye, he was beside the leg of his opponent striking upward into the joint of the shell at the base of Zhengui's leg. There was an unbearable heat coming from the shell as it turned shades of orange and red, causing steam to erupt from Ze Tai's spear and protective mantle of water.

The spear struck true, however, undeterred by the immense heat. Flesh was gouged and flaming blood began to seep out of the wound. The ground rumbled and shook around Ze Tai as Zhengui shifted in pain, but the victory was short-lived. Roots the width of a man's torso shot out of the ground all around, and Ze Tai had to dance and weave and drill through in order to avoid being entrapped and suffocated.

He sensed the next attack before it came, and dashed forward to go under the fan of molten poison spit out by Zhen. He could see the mirages caused by the heat brush past his hair and could feel the ground melting when touched by the venom. Nasty stuff that.

He needed to end this fast. The long game would be playing into Zhengui's strategy, which meant that the outcome of the spar needed to be decided soon. Formulating an idea, Ze Tai lept to the back of Zhengui, to the part of the shell where Zhen was attached. A wave of fire greeted him, but he pushed through it, singeing his forearm in the process. Stabbing forward, he pierced Zhen's less protected flesh. A roar of pain shook the very air around him, but he stepped forward into the strike digging the spear deeper into Zhen.

Suddenly, a tremendous force picked him up and dashed him into the ground, bouncing him like a doll. Looking up, Ze Tai could see the huge serpentine shadow of Zhen hovering above him, with a glowing fire appearing inside his fanged jaws. Quickly rolling to the side, Ze Tai barely avoided the bolt of liquid fire as it drilled into the dirt beside his torso. Roots burst from the ground seeking to entrap him, but were cut down while he made his escape to safer distances.

This spar… was not going well. The recent pummeling had caused him to lose his grip on his spear which was currently embedded into Zhen's flesh, and without it, there was no way he would be doing any damage through the shell and scale of Zhengui. Grunting, Ze Tai flashed forward, diving into a roll to avoid the snapping jaws of Zhen and to blast through the roots seeking to stop him from retrieving the spear.

Reaching the spear, Ze Tai grabbed it and spun himself around it like a monkey, orienting his feet towards Gui's shell and then pushing off to drag his spear along Zhen's length. Carving through Zhen seemed to do nothing, however, as the flesh bubbled, regrew, and reknitted only slightly slower than the spear. With a grunt, Ze Tai pulled the spear out of Zhen and flashed to the side, landing and rolling to get out of range of the serpent's counter-attack.

Standing with a grimace, Ze Tai began to notice incredible pain in his feet. Glancing quickly to see, he noted that his slippers were melted and feet turning a brilliant red.

"I yield!" Ze Tai screamed.

Suddenly the blinding and choking ash disappeared, replaced by a wave of vitality and regrowth. Plants which were charred and blackened began growing anew, but Ze Tai was already frantically cutting away his slippers from his flesh. Trapping new flesh in melted footwear would be… counterproductive to say the least.

Succeeding, he glanced up into the curious eyes of Zhengui. With a deep rumble, they began to speak in disconcerting synchronization.

"You caught me off guard by using my shell to propel yourself forward into an attack. Cleaver, but ultimately a terrible decision."

"Yeah, yeah," Ze Tai groused, "I didn't realize how quickly your volcanic shell can work when something comes into direct contact with it. I'll do better next time."

"Well, that's the point of the spars! Anyway… I'm a bit peckish so I'm going to see if I can't catch a Black Steal Bear for a snack before Big Sis comes by."

Ze Tai watched Zhengui trundle away from the sparring arena, each step causing tremors to vibrate the earth. How Zhengui caught any food without scaring it all away with his movements, he would never know. Ah well, at least Baroness Ling kept Zhengui well fed, it would be terrifying to fight against him when hungry and looking for food. Ze Tai had no desire to end up Zhengui's mid-afternoon snack, no thank you.

With a grunt, Ze Tai stood up. Time was always moving, like a coursing river. Better get to his meditation chamber to work through the insights gained in the spar, like working on his defensive techniques.

So, another omake for the omake throne @yrsillar!

This came out of some brainstorming of how a person would fight Zhengui. The answer for the character in the omake was to target the joints in the shell and to focus on dealing damage to the Zhen portion, given it's not protected by an incredibly tough shell. Alas, the character decided to use Gui's shell to propel himself which caused his feet to come into direct contact with the volcanic shell. Given that this character is more of a dodgy person, this did not prove to be a good decision.

Anyway, critiques and criticisms are welcomed, and I hope you enjoy the read.
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No matter, it would soon feel the pain of defeat soon enough.
Double "soon".

I find it a bit strange that Zhengui is so passive in the fight. Maybe Green isn't enough to give him a mature enough mind for decent tactics ? I guess i'd put him at a teenage in therms of mental development.
Other than that, was the ashfield supposed to be Zhengui's domain ? I personally feel that Zhengui's domain should be a two part thing, fire and wood, and the wooden part of the domain is missing here.
I find it a bit strange that Zhengui is so passive in the fight. Maybe Green isn't enough to give him a mature enough mind for decent tactics ? I guess i'd put him at a teenage in therms of mental development.

In a spar, you usually give the other side a chance to do things.
I find it a bit strange that Zhengui is so passive in the fight. Maybe Green isn't enough to give him a mature enough mind for decent tactics ? I guess i'd put him at a teenage in therms of mental development.
Other than that, was the ashfield supposed to be Zhengui's domain ? I personally feel that Zhengui's domain should be a two part thing, fire and wood, and the wooden part of the domain is missing here.
I didn't consider Zhengui particularly passive in the fight. He's using roots, venom attacks, bodily tossing his opponent around for offensive attacks. He's not moving around all that much, but that's because his objective is to wear down Ze Tai in a game of attrition, not smash him with his incredible mass. I should probably give it a look through to see if I can make it more clear what Zhengui is doing though.

As for the Ashfield, it's not Zhengui's domain. It's the Ashfield attack that Zhengui's had since he was yellow. The first thing Zhengui did upon the spar starting was getting the Ashfield set up.
I think I'm having a hard time really enjoying this piece because I don't know what stakes are involved. What is Ze Tai's relationship with Zhengui? How did they meet? Why is Zhengui sparring with him?

As a thought experiment of how someone would fight Zhengui, it's not bad, but I don't see it holding much narrative interest. This might be better off as an exposition style piece rather than a from one person's perspective piece.
and then of course, he has an ability that makes him explode. And may very well spend years or decades (or more) on fire during nap time. Good luck leaving the city, which is pretty much the only safe point.

And keep in mind, the requirement to keep everything from burning down would increases the older and stronger Zhengui gets.

It's sounds dangerous, expensive, and extremely impractical.
To come back to this when I'm not sleep deprived.

I don't consider it a complicated issue. Formations to channel heat away from something should be viable, up to and including his explosion. That's a case of finding a crafter and spending money more than anything else. Furthermore the imperial world should have fire resistant and insulative building materials that can assist in this issue.

Another thing to consider is Zhengui himself for two reasons: He will grow more skilled in time with his destructive abilities, and so I expect him to be able to direct such things away from or to actively shield critical positions on his back. Additionally we know that Domain's and other cultivator powers can exclude people with no cost, see Meizhen and Ling Qi's domain effects and the effects of his Rebirth Inferno on Ling Qi. Right now no one but Ling Qi is really safe on Zhengui, but the collection of these reasons makes me confident there are workarounds.

As an aside to the more complicated ideas which could be used to resolve this there are things like shadow binding techniques from Ling Qi that can "push" the city out of the way, see Elder Ying's activities for the general idea of scale high cultivators act on. Another could be a work around involving Zhengui's own Wood aspects, which may be revitalized instead of destroyed by his Fire aspects. If Zhengui grows a wooden city on his back, it could well be safe during battle for the citizens and warriors(mostly warriors given evacuation).

E: my position is essentially based on the idea Ling Qi lives in a rather freeform magic world, so use magic to solve her issues.
This, basically. We got a few key factors to take into account:
-If/When Zhengui explodes, he'd have taken enough damage to reduce a spirit beast legendary for tanking, with personal focus on defense and regeneration, to nearly unconscious levels. Which means having smashed through a lot of his natural armor. Most likely a lesser fort would have been destroyed by then.
--Corollary, if he DOES explode, then at that size it doesn't really matter if you're on his back or if you're on the ground. The explosion is going to ashify everything not in a bunker near him.

-Formations can be made to be more effective against specialized types of qi. Any such Zhengui Fort is pretty much going to be considered a talisman he's wearing, which, due to being synched with his qi, should be immune to the damage in the same way Ling Qi is. Its PROBABLE that his current attuned equipment won't be destroyed if he explodes.
Another thing to keep in mind about Zhengui is that, being land-borne, his circumstances as he grows older will be different from the island-style Xuan Wu up north. Those Xuan Wu can stay and go wherever they want because no one cares about a random patch of water, but meanwhile Zhengui has to be standing on land and land can be valuable.

We may in fact run into problems where we have to run a bureaucratic gauntlet for Zhengui to go anywhere, if the only place we can put him that doesn't step on anyone's toes is surrounded by places that do.
Actually, given his nature, I think we could probably get paid for a walkabout in autumn, post harvest. Burn the fields clean and fertilize them in one go.
Maybe get paid to visit Han Jian heh.
I think there's a "problem" that people haven't yet considered.

Does Mom even have management experience?
Because this is going to be throwing her in the deep end. Not only are these people she has a close relationship with, they're also going to be reliant on her ability to manage, some are doubtlessly going to fuck up and even if they do nothing wrong there is going to be significant pressure making their employment a constant source of stress.
For any of you who've ever run a business or seen one run you can probably also see another problem, will Mom be ruthless enough to cut people off if they don't work well? She clearly cares enough to bring them here so will she be able to harden her heart enough to make this work?
If she fucks this up the reputation hit will be big, not enormous, but a definite hit for years if not decades.

I think it's worth letting her do this despite that, for one it allows us to see if Mom can have a use besides trophy Mom status. And doing it this way allows us to ease Mom into household control before we move to full scale when we start to rule, should she be capable. For another, self-actualization is essential for mental health, so letting mom be who she wants to be is also essential.
But I think we're going to want to put in at least a few ap to check in on her, and if possible get her some tutoring on the subject of household management/bureaucracy. Though her childhood as a noble might leave a bit more prepared than a lay person.
Her childhood education covers it. She's a bit rusty, but Minor Daughter IS basically expected to master administration as their main job role.
idk, invite him and CRX to a fancy restaurant and then leave after five minutes, or whatever.
Last update he's already aware its impossible and not pursuing it further, feeling better for it.
Hey @yrsillar two questions. How do Damage Reductions like Ling Qi's G vs Cold work?

And do things like Fu Talismans, the sort of charm paper prayer slips, exist in the empire or some other protective measure like them and can such protective items gain object spirits?

E: This is separate from spirit ward pillars.
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In reference to the debate about Arts: To be blunt, we shouldn't see our current Arts as ones that will become Ling Clan Arts in the future, because they aren't. Remember what the Elder said? from now on (presumably because we have an actual Domain) there will be less and less predefined Arts- partly because at this level, Arts need to be increasingly customised to the Cultivator. As such, increasingly we will be making Arts- including lower-level ones that can be used by lower-level cultivators. So in short, we would actually largely be creating the Ling Clan Ats from scratch- although presumably Arts like TRF would also be used, since those are ones which presumably any cultivator can use due to the developing Clan dying out.
In reference to the debate about Arts: To be blunt, we shouldn't see our current Arts as ones that will become Ling Clan Arts in the future, because they aren't. Remember what the Elder said? from now on (presumably because we have an actual Domain) there will be less and less predefined Arts- partly because at this level, Arts need to be increasingly customised to the Cultivator. As such, increasingly we will be making Arts- including lower-level ones that can be used by lower-level cultivators. So in short, we would actually largely be creating the Ling Clan Ats from scratch- although presumably Arts like TRF would also be used, since those are ones which presumably any cultivator can use due to the developing Clan dying out.

Basically yeah. What we learn now will be a How To [Descriptor] guide in the future. At Cyan knocking out a dozen Red arts(even in elements outside your focus) in a month shouldn't be hard if you have a bunch of mastered Yellow arts of that element.

Quality takes more time
The only issue is that our mother will most likely hit Red this year, so we kinda need a cultivation Art for her. Maybe not fighting Arts, but some social and management focused Arts would be great too.
To be fair, i believe the Sect already has systems in place for commoner cultivators to get their hands on some low level Art Sets for their family at a decent affordable price.
Afterall, the last thing the Sect wants is for it's students to be forced to join an other power due to such an issue.

And if not the Sect then CRX can easily get us some Arts for mom.
Ok, here's some Wind perception art ideas.

The basic idea felt kinda Yellow art-ish to me, so I ended up making a low level Red/Yellow art and then making some successors for it. The basic art is very much a perception focused art, unlike, say, AM. Just basic combat perception, social perception, scrying, and then the ability to talk to people at longer distances.

Rambling Breeze Art
Red 2 -> Yellow 3?

A simple art formed by the musings of an old sage on the information carried by the winds that wind their way through the hills and forests of the Emerald Sea, and on what can be gained by staying awhile and *listening*. May provide a useful foundation for more complex wind-based perception arts.

  • Wind, Listening, Sound, Connections, Yin
  • Wits, Perceptiveness, Empathy
Meridians: Headx3?

+ perception?
+ empathy?
+ physical avoid?
+ sound defense?
-Allows the user to determine the Derived Attributes of a target, depending on Perception, to determine a living things primary elemental alignments, spirit binding connections and overall level of qi with sufficient Perception.

Ear to the Air
By carefully tuning their ears to the movement of the air currents, and the qi that dances through the air, a cultivator can pick up far more information than they otherwise would. Enhances perception, especially increasing the range the user can detect things, even through walls. Provides a sense of the environment encompassing all directions, making it near impossible to surprise the user from behind.

Attentive Ear
When people speak, the qi exhaled on their breath carries their thoughts and emotions out onto the winds. By carefully listening to these signs, the user of this technique greatly increases their empathy, and social perception.

Words on the wind
The winds connect people, carrying information back and forth. With their attunement to the winds and their behaviour, the user of this art can send their words over long distances to connect with their allies, the twisting breezes unhindered and unnoticed by those in between.

Voices of the Trade Winds
The great winds that blow through the southern foothills of the Emerald Sea carry information a staggering distance as they blow over cities over the entire length of the province. By sitting down and listening deeply, the user of this technique can gather information at a great distance.

The two successors then go off in different directions. One being more Yang and picking up Thunder and Arm meridians to upgrade range, perception of object detail, and incidentally the ability to knock people out by shouting :p. The other being more Yin and picking up heart meridians to focus on people and connections, giving better awareness of others, team coms, and group stealth tricks by manipulating the signs of their presence.

Wind Speaker Art
Yellow 3 -> Green 3?

A Yang evolution of an Emerald Seas wind art focusing on further enhancing perception and communication through the use of thunder. Grants the user greater range in perception, and allows them to more finely read the environment through a deeper awareness and use of vibrations.

  • Wind, Thunder, Listening, Sound, Communication, Yang
  • Wits, Speech, Presence, Perceptiveness, Empathy, Projection, Music

Meridians: Headx3, Armx2

+ perception?
+ empathy?
+ physical avoid?
+ sound defense?
+ range on sound attacks?
- multi-attack penalty?
-Allows the user to determine the Derived Attributes of a target, depending on Perception, to determine a living things primary elemental alignments, spirit binding connections and overall level of qi with sufficient Perception.

Ear to the Air
Attuning themselves to the to the air around them, a cultivator can detect can detect everything around them without care for direction or barrier, making it near impossible to surprise the user from behind. This is further enhanced by sensitivity and manipulation of the slightest vibrations, extending range and the ability to read the even the finest internal details of objects - though occasionally at the cost of subtlety.
(+ echolocation, use to extend range and read object details better)

Attentive Ear
When people speak, the qi exhaled on their breath carries their thoughts and emotions out onto the winds. By carefully listening to these signs, the user of this technique greatly increases their empathy, and social perception.
(technique stagnates, as empathy isn't really a focus of this form of the art)

Voices of the Trade Winds
The great winds that blow through the southern foothills of the Emerald Sea carry information a staggering distance as they blow over cities over the entire length of the province. By sitting down and listening deeply, the user of this technique can gather information at a great distance. With the power of thunder, vibrations can be projected over extraordinary distances, with revealing finer details of the objects being observed.
(Upgrade: Range increase. Can send out radar pings for massively increased range and better object detail, but risks detection.)

Words on the Wind
The winds connect people, carrying information back and forth. Projecting their words through wind and thunder, the user of this art can send their words over vast distances to speak with their allies, with their fine control over the movement of sound ensuring that only their intended target can hear them.
(Upgrade: Dramatic range increase. The go-to option if you want to talk to people miles away.)

Thunderous Voice
Projecting ones voice over a league requires a certain strength. By focusing that power onto targets a short distance away, the cultivator can produce devastating sonic waves, the vibrations deafening and disorienting their opponents.
This technique uses projection as a mastery, but can also use music if a cultivator has the appropriate skills.

Whispering Winds
Yellow 3 -> Green 3?

A Yin evolution of an Emerald Seas wind art focusing on the subteties of listening, and connecting with others. A subtle art that improves the user's sensitivity to others' feelings, and their ability to coordinate allies and manipulate the signs of their presence.

  • Wind, Listening, Subtlety, Connections, Yin
  • Wits, Speech, Manipulation, Perceptiveness, Empathy, Composure, Stealth
Meridians: Headx3, Heartx2

+ perception?
+ empathy?
+ physical avoid?
+ sound defense?
+ stealth?
+ multi-attack bonus?
- multi-attack penalty?
+ friend radar (totally not stalking)
-Allows the user to determine the Derived Attributes of a target, depending on Perception, to determine a living things primary elemental alignments, spirit binding connections and overall level of qi with sufficient Perception.

Reading the Air (Merge Ear to the Air + Attentive Ear)
By carefully tuning their ears to the movement of the air around them, and the qi exhaled by people, a cultivator can pick up far more information than they otherwise would. The sensitive user of this technique can track every movement around them, without care for direction or barrier, making it near impossible to surprise the user from behind. Their sensitivity to the words and emotions of those around them makes them adept at reading others, both in social situations and combat.
(upgrades: ++ social perception, + detecting intent in combat)

Voices of the Trade Winds
The great winds that blow through the southern foothills of the Emerald Sea carry information a staggering distance as they blow over cities over the entire length of the province. By sitting down and listening, the user of this technique can gather information at a great distance - with particular sensitivity to the activities and words of people.
(upgrades: ++ scrying people?)

Words on the Wind
The winds connect everyone, tying them together with bonds of communication and feeling. Tying their allies together with an invisible web of wind, the user allows them all to communicate with each other over long distances as if they were standing right next to each other.
(upgrades: team coms, Multi-attacker + perception buff from increased coordination?)

Quiet Breeze
With sensitivity to the movement of the winds, and the connections they form, the cultivator can move silently, slipping through the winds and gently redirecting them to avoid detection of themselves or their allies.

Turbulant Breeze
Occasionally, whether due to enemy intelligence or unsubtle allies, a cultivators opponents will be aware of their presence. By disturbing the flow of the wind in a distant area around them, the user of this technique can scatter the signs of their presence, creating decoys and distractions to mislead and bewilder their opponents.

One upside of these is that I feel they're much more the kind of art we might be able to find in the archives than, say, that awesome wind/dark moon-inspired perception/stealth art.

Also, while we might just skip it, the basic art could be a great low-level perception art to have around.

(blek, names and fluff are hard :( )
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Basically yeah. What we learn now will be a How To [Descriptor] guide in the future. At Cyan knocking out a dozen Red arts(even in elements outside your focus) in a month shouldn't be hard if you have a bunch of mastered Yellow arts of that element.

Quality takes more time
I'm not confident even red arts might not take time. Even FSA which is babby's First archery art was described as created from an Imperial Generals observations of celestial events turned into a pew pew art. CRX might not allow us the time to do stuff like that
I'm not confident even red arts might not take time. Even FSA which is babby's First archery art was described as created from an Imperial Generals observations of celestial events turned into a pew pew art. CRX might not allow us the time to do stuff like that
We will likely get a decent idea of how difficult it is for a green to make red level arts out of whole cloth before the end of this thread, but I expect that difficulty to be only the first blush impression of the actual difficulty and it will get significantly easier in Cyan and later levels of Green. I don't expect Ren-Ren to absorb that much of our time if we work it out with her and give it some discussion.

How easy it will be to make such arts we of course don't know.

The only issue is that our mother will most likely hit Red this year, so we kinda need a cultivation Art for her. Maybe not fighting Arts, but some social and management focused Arts would be great too.
To be fair, i believe the Sect already has systems in place for commoner cultivators to get their hands on some low level Art Sets for their family at a decent affordable price.
Afterall, the last thing the Sect wants is for it's students to be forced to join an other power due to such an issue.

And if not the Sect then CRX can easily get us some Arts for mom.
Yeah. I somewhat expect CRX to come through with this in the archivist thing she did, but if she doesn't we can still ask politely or go to the Sect for it. For the sake of social politeness we should try to go through Ren-Ren first though.

Ok, here's some Wind perception art ideas.

The basic idea felt kinda Yellow art-ish to me, so I ended up making a low level Red/Yellow art and then making some successors for it. The basic art is very much a perception focused art, unlike, say, AM. Just basic combat perception, social perception, scrying, and then the ability to talk to people at longer distances.

Rambling Breeze Art
Red 2 -> Yellow 3?

A simple art formed by the musings of an old sage on the information carried by the winds that wind their way through the hills and forests of the Emerald Sea, and on what can be gained by staying awhile and *listening*. May provide a useful foundation for more complex wind-based perception arts.

  • Wind, Listening, Sound, Connections, Yin
  • Wits, Perceptiveness, Empathy
Meridians: Headx3?

+ perception?
+ empathy?
+ physical avoid?
+ sound defense?
-Allows the user to determine the Derived Attributes of a target, depending on Perception, to determine a living things primary elemental alignments, spirit binding connections and overall level of qi with sufficient Perception.

Ear to the Air
By carefully tuning their ears to the movement of the air currents, and the qi that dances through the air, a cultivator can pick up far more information than they otherwise would. Enhances perception, especially increasing the range the user can detect things, even through walls. Provides a sense of the environment encompassing all directions, making it near impossible to surprise the user from behind.

Attentive Ear
When people speak, the qi exhaled on their breath carries their thoughts and emotions out onto the winds. By carefully listening to these signs, the user of this technique greatly increases their empathy, and social perception.

Words on the wind
The winds connect people, carrying information back and forth. With their attunement to the winds and their behaviour, the user of this art can send their words over long distances to connect with their allies, the twisting breezes unhindered and unnoticed by those in between.

Voices of the Trade Winds
The great winds that blow through the southern foothills of the Emerald Sea carry information a staggering distance as they blow over cities over the entire length of the province. By sitting down and listening deeply, the user of this technique can gather information at a great distance.

The two successors then go off in different directions. One being more Yang and picking up Thunder and Arm meridians to upgrade range, perception of object detail, and incidentally the ability to knock people out by shouting :p. The other being more Yin and picking up heart meridians to focus on people and connections, giving better awareness of others, team coms, and group stealth tricks by manipulating the signs of their presence.

Wind Speaker Art
Yellow 3 -> Green 3?

A Yang evolution of an Emerald Seas wind art focusing on further enhancing perception and communication through the use of thunder. Grants the user greater range in perception, and allows them to more finely read the environment through a deeper awareness and use of vibrations.

  • Wind, Thunder, Listening, Sound, Communication, Yang
  • Wits, Speech, Presence, Perceptiveness, Empathy, Projection, Music

Meridians: Headx3, Armx2

+ perception?
+ empathy?
+ physical avoid?
+ sound defense?
+ range on sound attacks?
- multi-attack penalty?
-Allows the user to determine the Derived Attributes of a target, depending on Perception, to determine a living things primary elemental alignments, spirit binding connections and overall level of qi with sufficient Perception.

Ear to the Air
Attuning themselves to the to the air around them, a cultivator can detect can detect everything around them without care for direction or barrier, making it near impossible to surprise the user from behind. This is further enhanced by sensitivity and manipulation of the slightest vibrations, extending range and the ability to read the even the finest internal details of objects - though occasionally at the cost of subtlety.
(+ echolocation, use to extend range and read object details better)

Attentive Ear
When people speak, the qi exhaled on their breath carries their thoughts and emotions out onto the winds. By carefully listening to these signs, the user of this technique greatly increases their empathy, and social perception.
(technique stagnates, as empathy isn't really a focus of this form of the art)

Voices of the Trade Winds
The great winds that blow through the southern foothills of the Emerald Sea carry information a staggering distance as they blow over cities over the entire length of the province. By sitting down and listening deeply, the user of this technique can gather information at a great distance. With the power of thunder, vibrations can be projected over extraordinary distances, with revealing finer details of the objects being observed.
(Upgrade: Range increase. Can send out radar pings for massively increased range and better object detail, but risks detection.)

Words on the Wind
The winds connect people, carrying information back and forth. Projecting their words through wind and thunder, the user of this art can send their words over vast distances to speak with their allies, with their fine control over the movement of sound ensuring that only their intended target can hear them.
(Upgrade: Dramatic range increase. The go-to option if you want to talk to people miles away.)

Thunderous Voice
Projecting ones voice over a league requires a certain strength. By focusing that power onto targets a short distance away, the cultivator can produce devastating sonic waves, the vibrations deafening and disorienting their opponents.
This technique uses projection as a mastery, but can also use music if a cultivator has the appropriate skills.

Whispering Winds
Yellow 3 -> Green 3?

A Yin evolution of an Emerald Seas wind art focusing on the subteties of listening, and connecting with others. A subtle art that improves the user's sensitivity to others' feelings, and their ability to coordinate allies and manipulate the signs of their presence.

  • Wind, Listening, Subtlety, Connections, Yin
  • Wits, Speech, Manipulation, Perceptiveness, Empathy, Composure, Stealth
Meridians: Headx3, Heartx2

+ perception?
+ empathy?
+ physical avoid?
+ sound defense?
+ stealth?
+ multi-attack bonus?
- multi-attack penalty?
+ friend radar (totally not stalking)
-Allows the user to determine the Derived Attributes of a target, depending on Perception, to determine a living things primary elemental alignments, spirit binding connections and overall level of qi with sufficient Perception.

Reading the Air (Merge Ear to the Air + Attentive Ear)
By carefully tuning their ears to the movement of the air around them, and the qi exhaled by people, a cultivator can pick up far more information than they otherwise would. The sensitive user of this technique can track every movement around them, without care for direction or barrier, making it near impossible to surprise the user from behind. Their sensitivity to the words and emotions of those around them makes them adept at reading others, both in social situations and combat.
(upgrades: ++ social perception, + detecting intent in combat)

Voices of the Trade Winds
The great winds that blow through the southern foothills of the Emerald Sea carry information a staggering distance as they blow over cities over the entire length of the province. By sitting down and listening, the user of this technique can gather information at a great distance - with particular sensitivity to the activities and words of people.
(upgrades: ++ scrying people?)

Words on the Wind
The winds connect everyone, tying them together with bonds of communication and feeling. Tying their allies together with an invisible web of wind, the user allows them all to communicate with each other over long distances as if they were standing right next to each other.
(upgrades: team coms, Multi-attacker + perception buff from increased coordination?)

Quiet Breeze
With sensitivity to the movement of the winds, and the connections they form, the cultivator can move silently, slipping through the winds and gently redirecting them to avoid detection of themselves or their allies.

Turbulant Breeze
Occasionally, whether due to enemy intelligence or unsubtle allies, a cultivators opponents will be aware of their presence. By disturbing the flow of the wind in a distant area around them, the user of this technique can scatter the signs of their presence, creating decoys and distractions to mislead and bewilder their opponents.

One upside of these is that I feel they're much more the kind of art we might be able to find in the archives than, say, that awesome wind/dark moon-inspired perception/stealth art.

Also, while we might just skip it, the basic art could be a great low-level perception art to have around.

(blek, names and fluff are hard :( )
I like these quite a bit, though I somewhat feel like the Yang version with it's long range speaking can kinda subsume some of the Yin successor's function and there might be more overlap than you intended.
I'm not confident even red arts might not take time. Even FSA which is babby's First archery art was described as created from an Imperial Generals observations of celestial events turned into a pew pew art. CRX might not allow us the time to do stuff like that

CRX goal is to have strong loyal clans. She isn't going to hinder our clan by forbidding us to make new arts.
So I made these rough mock-up of an art in Discord to harass people, and now they're insisting I share it. So fine.

9 levels total
exact cultivation is: no u
meridians: lol i dunno, arm/lung/elbow/appendix
elements: Heaven/Thunder/Yang/Yang++
This abstract art is the product of a sage's enlightenment on the nature of Heaven's rawest creative impulses on the natural world and the tiny worlds created and best known by their dying roars. The user imbues Thunder's transient power with the spark of Heavenly creation to gain advantage over foes.

Passion's Shout
The user lets loose a cry that warps the world around them, holding an instant of impermanent creation static with their pure will. An altered area of space is created in which the user's thoughts have greater clarity and enemies find it impossible to draw in outside qi and difficult to extend or maintain control over techniques beyond its reach. The terminus to the realm does not truly exist, causing anyone attempting to enter or exit the realm great difficulty.

Fleeting Wisdom
In the moment of Heaven's collapsing order, the sage finds truth. When Passion's Shout ends, by any means, when the user is inside, they may instantly re-cast the technique as thought it were 1 rank lower in all regards. Additionally, all illusions and external techniques are taken with the collapsed former space and not present in the replacement region.
I ran out of ideas for it, but basically it's based around observations of the rapid expansion and collapse of air lightning surges through, and conceptualizing the affected space as miniature fleeting universes or whatever nonsense poetic philosophical nonsense. So basically it's channeling your Heavenly thought juice through Thunder yells to warp local space/qi laws in your favor and confuse the heck out of entities trying to act across the barrier of the mini-realm. The mini-realm of manly anime yelling.

CRX goal is to have strong loyal clans. She isn't going to hinder our clan by forbidding us to make new arts.
It's less "Cai Renxiang not letting us" and more that our obligations to Cai Renxiang and running our clan don't allow us time to muddle around building low-level arts from scratch. If it was that easy for people to make low-level arts, there frankly wouldn't be any market for them since the only people who can actually afford them have, by default, Green cultivators by whom it is alleged above can be trivially produced. This doesn't mesh with our knowledge of how we've been told things work. Knocking out Red arts in a month is silly.
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So I made these rough mock-up of an art in Discord to harass people, and now they're insisting I share it. So fine.

9 levels total
exact cultivation is: no u
meridians: lol i dunno, arm/lung/elbow/appendix
elements: Heaven/Thunder/Yang/Yang++
This abstract art is the product of a sage's enlightenment on the nature of Heaven's rawest creative impulses on the natural world and the tiny worlds created and best known by their dying roars. The user imbues Thunder's transient power with the spark of Heavenly creation to gain advantage over foes.

Passion's Shout
The user lets loose a cry that warps the world around them, holding an instant of impermanent creation static with their pure will. An altered area of space is created in which the user's thoughts have greater clarity and enemies find it impossible to draw in outside qi and difficult to extend or maintain control over techniques beyond its reach. The terminus to the realm does not truly exist, causing anyone attempting to enter or exit the realm great difficulty.

Fleeting Wisdom
In the moment of Heaven's collapsing order, the sage finds truth. When Passion's Shout ends, by any means, when the user is inside, they may instantly re-cast the technique as thought it were 1 rank lower in all regards. Additionally, all illusions and external techniques are taken with the collapsed former space and not present in the replacement region.
I ran out of ideas for it, but basically it's based around observations of the rapid expansion and collapse of air lightning surges through, and conceptualizing the affected space as miniature fleeting universes or whatever nonsense poetic philosophical nonsense. So basically it's channeling your Heavenly thought juice through Thunder yells to warp local space/qi laws in your favor and confuse the heck out of entities trying to act across the barrier of the mini-realm. The mini-realm of manly anime yelling.

It's less "Cai Renxiang not letting us" and more that our obligations to Cai Renxiang and running our clan don't allow us time to muddle around building low-level arts from scratch. If it was that easy for people to make low-level arts, there frankly wouldn't be any market for them since the only people who can actually afford them have, by default, Green cultivators by whom it is alleged above can be trivially produced. This doesn't mesh with our knowledge of how we've been told things work. Knocking out Red arts in a month is silly.
Like I said in Discord, it's like a No U Field with a 1v1 Me Mate attachment!
If it was that easy for people to make low-level arts, there frankly wouldn't be any market for them

A red level art made by a prism is going to be significantly better than one made by a green. A market for those high quality art is very much viable.

Beside a clan might want to buy arts with elements they are not familiar with, if only because they don't have greens that cultivate those elements.
I'm not confident even red arts might not take time. Even FSA which is babby's First archery art was described as created from an Imperial Generals observations of celestial events turned into a pew pew art. CRX might not allow us the time to do stuff like that
I don't see why you think we'll need to personally spend time to make the arts. Assuming she knows what's good for her, CRX (or the Sect) will give us a full set, or at least the cultivation art itself, once she learns our mother broke into Red. Hell, worse case scenario it'll be a mission reward.
It's the kind of move that cost very little to the giver and provides him/her with a massive amount of kudos from whatever commoner cultivator minion it's employed on.

300 Years Ago, the 98th Year of Emperor An's Reign.

A man sat in the back room of his small home on the outskirts of Dayuanpendi, seated on a short stool before a low writing desk neatly covered with a thick sheaf of blank talisman parchment and writing utensils. His trimming knife, inkstone and blotter and brushes, all arranged to be faintly lit by the only source of light in the room. A dim and dampened flame barely illuminated the man's green robes and the rest of the square room with it's well cared for walls in the chill of a Ebon Rivers morning. Square shadows hung outside the light of the fire.

It was nearly silent except for the breathing of two people. The man and his young daughter of seventeen winters who rested beyond the flame on her pallet, sleeping peacefully. Above the man hung an unlit square paper lantern, the fire only barely illuminating the characters on it's sides and leaving them unreadable. Through the window above his daughter, through the slatted shutters, the stars were beginning to fade with the coming dawn.

The man sighed and ran his hands over the bronze embossing of his name and title on the front of his desk. Scribe Gong Sho.

It's the start of an old routine for the scribe. Moving carefully the man reached under his desk and gently pulled out a book, covers made of green painted wood and the parchment within thin with age. Setting it on his lap he opened it, entering a state of meditation as he turned through the pages delicately with two fingers worn with the beginning of age. His qi began to cycle and spin, flowing like words and syllables beneath his skin and to his arms.

With a satisfied hum he found the passages on the particular prayer he had been asked to copy by the Temple of the River Song, said river which he could hear burbling sleepily through his window. The spring floods will come soon and the river liked a particular prayer slip to be on his banks in large numbers. Sho stilled in consideration, his qi flows waiting for his next desire.

I think the slightly aged veined ink I have will do. He's expressed interest about it when I mentioned it at one point during my fishing. Sho thought, pleased by the memory.

Moving swiftly but smoothly he closed his book and set it back in its place before reaching over his desk and flipping up the cover of his ink storage. Selecting the ink in question, it is an oily and very black ink which seems to run away from the stone when he set up his tools, full of wind and wood qi. He is not concerned by the tiny clacks of his work or the swishing noises of his robes. His wife in the outer room on their shared bed and his daughter have both expressed amused liking for the noise of his work. Smiling under his full beard he gathered his qi in his fingers and settled himself, left arm supporting his right above the paper as it grasps his small brush.

Then he began to copy his desired prayer onto the talisman slips, spikes of warm yin water qi stabbing into the paper like needles following his brush in its rapid swish-swish course across the parchment. His hands move much faster than a mortal's as he scribed a prayer slip, placed his brush over the inkstone, moved the slip to the side to dry with his left hand, and then returned to its grip on his right, inscribing small circles with both hands as he moved rhythmically. It was all one smooth motion reminiscent of a water wheel he grew up near, constantly in productive motion.

Soon Gong Sho could feel his cheek being warmed by the Sun and he stoped his work. One hundred and fifty prayer slips laid beside him, dry and neatly stacked. He relaxeed, setting aside his tools and packing up, letting the familiar motions ease away the lingering qi in his fingertips.

"Murph... guh?" He looked over as his daughter pushed up on one hand and blinked sleepily at the window and then at him.

"Morning Father." She says quietly, one hand rubbing an eye.

"Morning Bingqing, did you sleep well?" He asked. She nodded and smiled. A quiet rustle from the outer room told him his wife Gong Chun was also awake. He heard a faint grumble from his daughter.

"Shall we make breakfast then?" His tone was teasing. Bingqing looked at him darkly, fully awake now, before giggling and rising.

"In a moment Father."

The talismans rested by the now vacated seat, ready for their future use.

Gong Bingqing had been sent by her father after breakfast and his morning tutoring, which had picked up in complexity rapidly since she had awoken to the Red Soul a month ago, to the temple. On her hip in a case she was carrying his most recent talismans. The small town in Ebon Rivers was alive all around her as she walked down the main street.

There were people of all stripes and colors in attendance. Bright silks, wools and other cloths, with people calling out in dozens of voices, some flavored with the little dialects of distant villages and other nuances.

"Gong! How's your morning?" A sprightly voice leapt over her shoulder and into her ear as she turned slightly and looked right. And down, to her friend, his shock of green hair all over the place and his clear brown eyes meeting her blue ones.

"Ach, Laozi you know it's great. Wanna come with me to the temple, or are you too busy being a packmule for your mother?" Her tone was particularly acrid. Some would dare to say sardonic.

Laozi just cackled, and shifted his large rack of pottery where it sat on his shoulders.

"I'm good, don't fall in the river, mother wants you to come over for dinner tonight! She's doing steamed duck!" The boy had a very knowing look in his eyes. Which was answered by a greedy glint in Biangqing's eyes and a toothy grin.

"Oh really? Well I'll see you later then. Bye!" She said, waving as she slipped away back into the crowds.

She came to the Temple shortly thereafter and bowed to the gate guard. He let her in without a word or acknowledgement beyond a nod. There are monks working in the garden, a complicated network of irrigated herb plots, but only two or three that she could see. She wasn't sure because they have a nasty habit of being juuuust out of sight when you least expected it. Almost scared the life out of her when she was a girl of five once.

Winding her way over the little wood bridges she headed into the temple, returning the bows any of the monks gave her when they saw her. Passing through the threshold into the central room of the temple was a relief from the heat of the day.

The room was large enough to hold her entire small home, at least twice over. And passing through the middle of it was an almost natural seeming cleft in the stone floor through which the River Song passed, creating a subdued roar which filled the room. Seated on her knees beside that cleft was the head monk, Liao Baozhai. The woman had shaven hair high up her skull, and then let the rest of her raven hair spread over her shoulders like a shawl, highlighting the pale skin of her face.

"Hello Honored Monk, it is Gong Bingqing from my Father." The greeting was simple and ritualistic and somewhat awkward due to it only being recently that her father sent the girl on errands as important as these deliveries.

The head monk turned slightly and nods, smiling, which lifted a weight off the nervous girl. The elder woman waved a hand.

"Welcome, welcome. Come with me then. How is your father?" The kindly woman asked with a quirked smile.

"He's fine, happy as always." Bingqing says as she followed the monk left and through an archway, which opened onto a short step leading to the river's bank. On that bank were a series of very short wooden poles pounded into the soil by disciples of the temple and volunteers from the town. Hundreds of them going and going and going until the river's course curved out of sight and likely beyond that. Her father had explained before that the River Song liked to wash over them, and read them apparently. While the spirit had been "a bit unclear", in his words, he figured that it reminded the spirit of someone who it had known and was still fond of.

Bingqing shook herself from her idle musing and hurried after Baozhai, the woman gracefully winding through the poles down to the bank of the river.

When she caught up, Bingqing pulled off her case and set it at her feet as she followed the monk in bowing and paying respects to the river.

Baozhai spoke. "Greetings great River Song, you continue to honor us with your healthy flows and the village is thankful for your coming floods." The monk bowed twice here and clapped her hands, which Bingqing followed. "We are thankful." They both say together, the routine well trod. Baozhai straightened up partially, while Bianqing stayed bowed, and continued to speak.

"I come with a child bearing gifts from her father Gong Sho. Talismans which we hope you find pleasing in your mercy. May we proceed with placing them?" The woman waited for a moment, and while Bianqing heard nothing in response, the river obviously responded in the positive because Baozhai straightened and smiled.

"Thank you great River." She said kindly as she turned and gestured for the girl to follow her to the first pole.

When the spring floods came a month later, the River Song was quite satisfied with the gifts given. The food baskets given to his waters tasted of happiness and joy, the wines and drink swirled nicely in his body and the fish entrails made pretty patterns. But he enjoyed most the many little talismans, the knots of painted string, tiny wooden boats and the prayer slips which he spent hours reading with his friends by the light of little paper lantern boats.

Everything came together to make his celebrations with the earth and stone spirits on his banks lively and fun, as they should be.

All of these things he swirled over, and the village received another good flood this year. When he subsided again, his celebrations complete he left nothing but fertility and good health behind. And one water soaked talisman, which was accidentally put a little too securely, a little too high on his flood banks by a tired girl after a long day at work.

That talisman would be found the next day by Gong Sho, and carried back to his home, where it would be pressed and dried and then set to hang on his wall amongst the many other similar talismans and scrolls. Though it had a more complicated future in store for it than most of the other writings which adorned the scribe's walls.


Omake for the throne. I'm probably going to do a series of this.
I'm not confident even red arts might not take time. Even FSA which is babby's First archery art was described as created from an Imperial Generals observations of celestial events turned into a pew pew art. CRX might not allow us the time to do stuff like that
High quality stuff meant for our family would take inspiration and insight yes.
Lower quality stuff handed out to Red Guards and the like I expect can be popped out in free time TBH
A red level art made by a prism is going to be significantly better than one made by a green. A market for those high quality art is very much viable.

Beside a clan might want to buy arts with elements they are not familiar with, if only because they don't have greens that cultivate those elements.
Naw, we actually know that there just isn't much ROOM Red arts to differ in quality(we got this in a WoG before, a Ducal Art at Yellow isn't really that different from a Count level Yellow Art, Red is even worse).
The crux for a high quality Red art should be:
-How well does it set up for successor arts? This is important for families which practice esoteric elements(Darkness, Music, Moon, Sun are all known examples), you need these Red arts as trainer wheels because they take an easy to understand element, and then shift it into the true element later when it hits Yellow or the successor art.
-How well does it build towards your Red breakthrough bonuses? An Optimal Red suite would allow you to hit your Red benchmarks in a minimum of arts, which makes your Yellow career much easier.
-How hard is it to learn and does the required mental state come easily to your family?
-How's the synergy between the Red art sets you have? Having them work together towards a cohesive strategy is a mark of quality, particularly building real sideboards.
-How much diversity in successor arts can it support? We don't have enough samples yet, but it does seem that higher quality stuff tend to have more depth for branching.

So...where arts which poke into Green need to do a lot of philosophizing, I think arts which end before Green doesn't really HAVE superior quality except with respect to cascading bonuses into your favored strategy
@yrsillar I was looking over Ling Qi's skill stuff while thinking about where to spend omake points, and I noticed that Combat Perception has C Perceptiveness in it's calculation while Perceptiveness itself is listed as D (7/20) on the sheet.
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