Well at least Children of Remnant allows you to have Concubines or rather, Consorts. Have fun building your man harem. Or, as I like to call it, your dude ranch.

To those of you coming into the vote late, don't lose hope. There is always a way for you to get your favored husbando.
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[X] Suwari Ekidnu

I'd like to see Skye marrying Jove, not just because of all the god puns but also just to show up Jove's dad. However the chance to get an in with the tribes on our eastern border is just too valuable, especially with the Dust vein that Amity found.

@Raiu Talking of securing places with Dust, how many Huntsmen would we need to take down Five-legs and secure the Temple of Minno based on Amity's observations and the tales of what's in that area?
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Well at least Children of Remnant allows you to have Concubines or rather, Consorts. Have fun building your man harem. Or, as I like to call it, your dude ranch.

To those of you coming into the vote late, don't lose hope. There is always a way for you to get your favored husbando.
Oh god, I'm getting flashbacks to Fire Emblem, the shipping wars, they never ended....
[X] Suwari Ekidnu

I'd like to see Skye marrying Jove, not just because of all the god puns but also just to show up Jove's dad. However the chance to get an in with the tribes on our eastern border is just too valuable, especially with the Dust vein that Amity found.

@Raiu Talking of securing places with Dust, how many Huntsmen would we need to take down Five-legs and secure the Temple of Minno based on Amity's observations and the tales of what's in that area?

It's hard to say, really. Elderly Grimm display an uncommon amount of intelligence (they pretty much have a Martial score and personal combat buffs, meaning it would be a combat interlude with rolls), and it can be hard to estimate how much it would take. If your Huntsmen, their apprentices and a portion of your Retinue went, they could probably take care of it, but there would be casualties. That is, of course, assuming that you're not planning on burning the ruins of Temple Minno to the ground to kill off the lesser Grimm and drive Five-Legs out into the open where you can fight it more effectively. You would have to rebuild Minno from scratch, but it would put the odds more in your favor. Depends on what you're willing to lose.

Also, don't forget that you can just go to war with the tribesmen for their shit.

Oh god, I'm getting flashbacks to Fire Emblem, the shipping wars, they never ended....
Welcome to Fire Emblem: Geneology of the Holy War.

Edit: Why did I listen to Black Betty for two hours straight. I can still hear it in my ears.
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With that summary from Raiu, does anyone think that Skye's next long-term goal after improving her Diplomacy should be training as a Huntress?
With that summary from Raiu, does anyone think that Skye's next long-term goal after improving her Diplomacy should be training as a Huntress?
Or building a war chest, considering the upcoming civil war deal and I think we are going to need money to win that more than we would need Huntress Training.
Huntsman Training can be a longer-term goal than just a few actions. You're a really good combatant, so you'd be skipping much of the initial battle training and going straight to unlocking your Aura. Unfortunately, this isn't the era of a quiet love interest who gets killed off in three seasons unlocking your Aura with a touch.
You'll have to do it the old fashioned way, which generally means meditation, beatings with water soaked sticks and soul searching... Punctuated by sleep deprivation and driving a person to exhaustion until their survival instinct kicks in enough for the Aura to awaken. Some people skip this by having super traumatic experiences, usually involving their villages getting pillaged and the Grimm coming in after the raiders. Unfortunately, you can't really spare the keep right now.

Building a war chest is a good goal, as is trying for a Heir, but I'd like for you to remember that you are technically the heir if your brother kicks it. He hasn't gotten better. War has a habit of surprising people, though. Help me, I can still hear the song!
You know, thinking about it, Raiu mentioned that we could probably get the Dust vein in Ekidnu territory with a ceremonial war. Doesn't that removethe main incentive for marrying Suwari Ekidnu?
@Raiu The fertile land discovered by Amity during her survey was listed as being between two rivers, but which part of our demesne is it in? If it's near the east it might be suitable to marry Suwari anyway, but if it's in the north we may be wise to consider Absinthe, to gain a secure northern border.
The fertile, flooding land is to your north, but it is closer to the province of Buhaw. If you were going to build farms there, you would definitely have a vested interest in the next guy to take over the province and become King.
Our spymaster is aura repellent. I suppose that would make him a sociopath.

As a curiosity, it's a known phenomenon that in the presence of sociopathic individuals, people with more developed senses of empathy actually experience the uncanny valley, as though they're not interacting with a human person. The lack of emotion they're able to ping off of fucks with their sense of the person's 'humanity'.
The fertile, flooding land is to your north, but it is closer to the province of Buhaw. If you were going to build farms there, you would definitely have a vested interest in the next guy to take over the province and become King.

Absinthe is the candidate from the province to our north, right? Does his province border the province of Buhaw?

Where is Mutsu from?
POW is the closest yet. Not the full answer, but close enough that I'll hand out the reward. +10 bonus to an action, insight, gift omake or character sheet, POW? (And before anyone asks, no, I haven't told anyone the answer. POW ran a quest in the same setting that hits different things than my quest does. I'm still hoping that it will start up again one day.) For the actual answer, take a look at the first episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion and ask yourself why I'm practically sickened by Unit 01 forcefully tearing through the Angel's barrier.
And I know I'm going to have to answer these questions a lot, so I put together a shitty edit of the map of Chaw. It's no where near as pretty as some of Redrum's stuff, but I needed a quick fix. You'll now see the neighboring provinces and Ekidnu tribal lands on the map in the character sheet. Mutsu Daneda is from the province of Gees (the green one), which is ruled by Mutsu Ritsuko. As you can tell by the name, they're not native Menagerai, but from Minstral.

Absinthe Asad is from the province of Wadno to your north, which shares a long border with you. And yes, it shares a border with Buhaw, but to be fair, all of the provinces do.

Next thing on the list is to add sites of interest. That's going to be a headache.
Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on May 25, 2017 at 7:57 PM, finished with 41 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Suwari Ekidnu
    [X] Jove Ulrich
    [X] Mutsu Daneda
    [X] Mutsu Daneda, the son of Ritsuko didn't just reply to your polite letter asking about anyone willing to marry, he came to your province. Officially, he claimed that it was to see the lands of an ally and see their culture, but there was something else that you saw in his posture. He is well known for his grasp on language, even having written a few poems that you've (tried to) study. You have heard rumors about him though, saying that he is not what he seems.
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POW is the closest yet. Not the full answer, but close enough that I'll hand out the reward. +10 bonus to an action, insight, gift omake or character sheet, POW? (And before anyone asks, no, I haven't told anyone the answer. POW ran a quest in the same setting that hits different things than my quest does. I'm still hoping that it will start up again one day.) For the actual answer, take a look at the first episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion and ask yourself why I'm practically sickened by Unit 01 forcefully tearing through the Angel's barrier.
I had figured it was pretty close. I wrote an Omake to that general concept.

>.> I don't need to be reminded of my laziness. I very specifically leave all of my old threads up as tabs so I can remind myself.

I'll take +10 to something, whatever's most entertaining to be +10 better.
Powerofmind threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Stuff n Things Total: 1
1 1
Okay I need to search the QM's posts more to find the invistext (no idea how to detect uber invisitext)
Okay I need to search the QM's posts more to find the invistext (no idea how to detect uber invisitext)
Just copy the post. The auto-highlight as you drag the mouse pointer over invisitext reveals that there IS text that you can't see under it. Then either run it past an outside text program, or quote/remove formatting/BBeditor in the right corner. There's actual invisitext highlighter apps, but I like to be surprised by my easter egg hints.