Well, Lightning it is.

Oh, before I forget, can someone roll me a d100 and add 35? If the result 100 or greater, roll again.
Raiu threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Event Interupt Total: 59
59 59
Sure thing boss.

EDIT: Looks like that's 58... well shite.
Cmd. Frost threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: please don't kill us Total: 23
23 23
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Oh boy. Well, I'll be addressing that in after the rumor mill is done.

Edit: Should have expected the result below.
Raiu threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Strike back! Total: 222
66 66 59 59 97 97
Oh no, I handled that. Everything is going to be fine. Just fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything. Is. Fine.
The Return of Fale Ofensdale or Marriages and Misteps, Turn Six Rumor Mill (6-3)

Yeqerta: The first season without the influence of the Grimm Plague was a mixed blessing to be sure. While your serfs no longer suffer the disease, the Grimm were still gathering in greater numbers. Was there a nest, a source to these corrupt beasts, or was something luring them ever closer?

While you did not receive an answer to your question, the season held some blessings. Fale Ofensdale, Razz's apprentice returned from the mysterious test, Henry Liddel announcing the young man was now a Journeyman Huntsman. Looking at the young man, you saw he stood a little straighter, a little more confident. He was a Huntsman now, there could be no doubt.

You knew when an apprentice became a journeyman, they were traditionally meant to leave the service of their liege, traveling to wherever they were needed most. You were no ashamed to admit you felt relief when Fale knelt towards you. "Knightess Skye, there is no land in Menagerie more in need of my service than your's. I offer you my sword in service."

"I accept. Rise Huntsman."

Fale Ofensdale gains trait Journeyman Huntsman, Fale Ofensdale is no longer Razz's apprentice, Skye Ravenswood gains Fale Ofensdale as a Huntsman.

Wadno: The wet season had been a quiet one for Alric's holding of Wadno, a time of peace after a war. However, the growing number of Grimm in your lands has led to a build up in the guards of Wadno, in case the Grimm took to wandering. While the King has not yet sent a royal decree, you know it would only be a matter of time before Alric would involve himself.

Maskax: With the recent damaging of Cilmi's credit, the Knight of Maskax has begun to work on ever greater schemes to gain money. The latest scheme of the perpetual bachelor was a shocking one: he renounced his bachelorhood.

Though some obscure means, Cilmi of Donna had managed to gain an alliance with one of the Merchant Families of the Hyliodoran Republic, the trading center of Remnant. There were rumors as to how he achieved such a rise, mostly involving a father's will and the choice between three chests made of gold, silver and lead respectively. No matter how he managed the feat, you met his new wife, an intelligent and quite comely woman by the name of Portia, during your patrol of the kingdom. You have no clue how much of an effect Portia had on her new home, but you believe Cilmi's money problems will be greatly lessened.

Buhaw: There had been a distinct shift in Alric's rule while the rains soaked the plains. The broken arm he suffered by the Fatwa's Champion may have healed, but the damage had slowed the king, prompting him to turn his gaze to the lands within his own borders. The wet season had become a time of preparing, of connecting the provinces with road and route, of good rulership. With no war on the horizon, the warrior king has sheathed his sword, turning from the arts of war to the growth of his kingdom.

Gees: If one ever needed to know the unluckiest man in the Kingdom of Chaw, even the lowliest of serfs would answer: "Daneda Mutsu." The new ruler of Gees had found some success in Alric's court, which emboldened him. This newfound courage turned out to be foolishness as he attempted to take the position of chancellor. While you are privy to the details, Daneda's methods were underhanded. The king did not take kindly to being forced, and publicly shamed the luckless Mutsu. Honestly, it seems as though Daneda inherited his mother's ill luck.

Li Warran: There is unrest in the province of Li Warran. While the Progenitorists were freed from the Fatwa oppression, Adet's introduction of Children missionaries was a thorn in the Li Warrans' side. While your patrols of the kingdom had snuffed any potential rebellions, you saw more than a few bruises on the missionaries' faces. Adet, who did indeed seem to rule through ledgers and accounts, was hesitating, not working towards a resolution. If his rule did not change, you would soon be marching to put down the tribals.


Zulu: You received surprising news from Zulu, the unfortunate homeland of your zealot friend. The province of Shaka seemed to be in a constant cold war within itself until the first rains fell. With the falling of the rains, a demagogue calling himself the Speaker arrived, preaching a strange blend of both Scionic and Progenitorist faith. This faith, which many have dubbed the Seasonal Progenitors, combined the pantheons of Scions and Progenitors, placing the Maidens as physical manifestations of the force which elevated the Progenitors. The faith proved popular with the serfs and nobles of Shaka, and thus this strange amalgamation of faiths emerged onto Menagerie.

Upon hearing the news, Reinhardt foamed at the mouth, screaming heresy at the top of his lungs. You're sure he will calm down. Eventually.

Kuo Kuwama: With Kuo Kuwama producing it's own Grimm Plague cure, the great ports of the Iron City once again opened. The wealth of Menagerie flowed through the Barkhome coffers, trade ships arriving and leaving daily in a constant stream. This renewed wealth, however, drew opportunistic scavengers, chief among the cutthroats was the wind blessed Mannan Pirates.

With their trade routes threatened, the nobility of Kuo Kuwama elected to create a force to counter the pirates, turning their galleons from the matter of transport, to that of a navy. Time would tell if it was a worthy investment.


Vale: The People's Republic of Vale, the largest maggot which crawled forth from the corpse of the Kingdom of Vale, is finally at peace... Mostly. While the threat of war from without was ended through diplomacy, the people within the reduced territory of Vale now wait to see who will be "elected" next, a bizarre euphemism for execution, which seemed to be the most popular form of abdication in the republic. Still, the republic remains, and the corner stone of the continent of Vale was removed. You make sure to thank the Nameless One in your next prayer, as you do not need to deal with the fallout.

There was one bit of news which was more pertinent. Gottfried, former High Deacon of the Synod of Vale and now it's leader as Arch Deacon, has sent word to Kuo Kuwama of his visit to discuss a text which recently arrived in his lands: The Children's Book. This presented an exception opportunity to leave a much larger mark on history, one which could vastly improve your lackluster reputation.

Mistral: With the opening of trade in Kuo Kuwama, news from Mistral has grown so great as to drown out nearly everything of use. Nevertheless, Mistral is continuing on as usual. The Hylorians are still either killing each other for money or (if the rumors were true), swimming in their vaults of Lien. The Keep of Urbino has made itself into a stable entity, allowing Lord Guidantonio to continue his chosen profession. Well, at least some places were stable.

Vacuo: There is precedent to a larger force destroying a much smaller one. There is also precedent of the smaller force defeating the greater through cunning and guile. There have also been one or two instances where a being of great might appeared to shatter their enemy. You, however, have never heard of a woman whipping up a sandstorm of such ferocity men were torn to pieces from the tiny grains. Information is scant from the horn of Vacuo, where the few Scions fight against the much larger Children, but a sandstorm there was. The armies of the Children entered the storm, and scant few survivors escaped.

Somehow, you get the feeling the Scions are a very lucky people.
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Well, looks like I can't procrastinate on writing this up much longer. Seems it's time to take a page out of torroar's book.

Fate is not set in stone. All it takes is one brave soul to step forth and say "No."
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Zulu: You received surprising news from Zulu, the unfortunate homeland of your zealot friend. The province of Shaka seemed to be in a constant cold war within itself until the first rains fell. With the falling of the rains, a demagogue calling himself the Speaker arrived, preaching a strange blend of both Scionic and Progenitorist faith. This faith, which many have dubbed the Seasonal Progenitors, combined the pantheons of Scions and Progenitors, placing the Maidens as physical manifestations of the force which elevated the Progenitors. The faith proved popular with the serfs and nobles of Shaka, and thus this strange amalgamation of faiths emerged onto Menagerie.

Upon hearing the news, Reinhardt foamed at the mouth, screaming heresy at the top of his lungs. You're sure he will calm down. Eventually.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, a single man in the right place saying the right things can do wonders.
Metagaming is not a bug, but a feature in this Quest. Do not be afraid to step in when you think something bad is going to happen.
Well, this one is going to be controversial. Blame the dice for this.
A Move In the Great Game, Turn 6 Event (6-4)
Castle Ravenswood, Yeqerta

After a season of setbacks and progress, the rest of sleep seemed like a much needed luxury. Weeks spent in the saddle or on a wagon in the rains, followed by long nights spent conducting the business of your realm left you exhausted. A warm, dry bed called to you like an old friend, and you heeded the call. There were matters of statecraft, there always was, but for now you would sleep as deeply as the Nameless One.

You entered your bed alone, Jove still working with his father over some secret project. You were fine without knowing what he was planning, as well as his absence. More bed for you.

Your head had barely touched the downy pillow before slumber claimed you. A nice, dreamless sleep welcomed you and the stress of ruling washed away. After a time, a shaking of the bed pulled you from the darkness, giving you enough time to open your eyes slightly. Jove settled in next to you and you saw him consider touching you before reconsidering. Better to let sleeping cats lie.

Balthazar: 13 + 20? = 33?
???: 32 + 18 = 60
Enemy is not detected.

You returned to slumber, your mind no longer empty of dreams. You dreamed of a land you do not know, a young serf boy with the hazy shape of a grey haired man behind him. The eyes of the hazy shape looked towards you, and you saw his mouth open. "Ah, hel-"

A creaking of boards pulled you from the dream and you saw the gleam of a knife in the shattered moonlight. The dark shape holding the dagger moved, and you twisted through instinct born of countless duels.

Skye: 23 + 35 = 58
Assassin: 51 + 31 = 82

The assassin's blade was faster than your asleep body and the dagger plunged into your chest. You felt bones break under the impact, driving the breath from your body as a white fire seeped through the wound. You were poisoned! The cur thought to end you not through martial strength but by cowardly poison! With the blade planted, the assassin turned and prepared to flee, leaving the blade as some sort of fucking message. You wouldn't let yourself die, not to this killer in the night, not so some idiotic noble could get his rocks off knowing he killed you. Not. Now.

Skye: 66 + 35 = 101 + 97 = 198
Assassin: 59 + 31 = 90

You are Skye Ravenswood, Knight of Yeqerta, renowned duelist and the mother of three beautiful children. You would not let some silent assassin kill you in your own bed, not let your story end through skullduggery and deceit! You leaped out of bed, chest burning as you grabbed the assassin's head. He attempted to pull away but you held tightly and, with a great swing, smashed his head against the stone wall of Castle Ravenswood. The assassin's struggling only increased after the smashing, so you continued mashing the killer's head into the wall, first getting meaty thuds. By the third swing you heard cracking as blood covered your face. By the fifth, there was a loud squish and the assassin fell limp. So great was your rage you did not notice until the seventh and final strike, leaving the assassin's intelligence scattered on the wall.

You dropped your killer and strength fled from you. You collapsed on the floor and could do little more than scream weakly at the fire coursing through your body, your vision darkening by the moment. You screamed harder when the dagger was pulled from your body, and a pair of hands pressed the wound. You heard a familiar voice cry for Nail to be summoned, Jove. He was saying something to you, but you couldn't place it. "I'm not dying," you whispered, "It's too early for me to die, you content arse..."

You were tired...

So tired...

????, ????

A single candle illuminated the darkness as a large figure turned the onionskin pages of the book. The night was old, but the old man who turned the pages had no need of sleep for decades. A knocking at his door struck through the silence. "Enter," he commanded.

A sycophant entered, bowing profusely as if he feared for his life. 'As he should.' The elder thought. "Give your report."

The servant bowed again, "Of course your Lordship. In Menagerie, the fool Glory has used your name to ruin one of his rivals." The old man looked up, turning his glare to the minion who retreated from his master. "He purchased the use of an assassin to kill the Ravenswood Knightess, the one who ruined your plans to have the land of those damned animals under your control-"

"I know my own plans, worm. Did he succeed? Is the woman dead?"

"No, Master G-" The sniveling man began.

"Do not speak my name, fool!" G roared, rising from his seat in calculated fury. "Know you only live through my whim, and through my whim I can just as easily end your existence."

The coward trembled, shielding himself with his arms. "Forgive me Master! She still lives, balanced between life and death! The creature sleeps, consciousness stolen from her but she yet lives!"

G seated himself once more. "Pitiful," he spat, "The fool Glory cannot even kill his own rivals with my name. I will deal with him later. Now, leave my sight mongrel, you will not be fed to the Grimm this night."

The mongrel bowed as he retreated, singing desperate words of gratitude. Once the door to his study was shut, G returned to the book. "What an interesting manuscript. They hold up this book as if it were greater than Truth. This 'Children's Book' may be a valuable tool."

Assassination Attempt on Skye Ravenswood fails(?), Skye Ravenswood gains trait Endless Sleep, Regent Jove Ravenswood becomes Interim Ruler of Yeqerta.
Yeah, I bet that killed the happy mood. Welcome to the Great Game.
You control fate, not the other way around.
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Right, so I'm thinking that we should put every action we can into medicine and Before Times research. Also, EVERYONE IN MENAGERIE WHOSE NAME STARTS WITH G SHALL DIE.

Additionally, because I feel it's been far to long since,


