Draco Malfoy is NOT a 10 dollar bill; he's the bad penny that turned up constantly in cannon and frankly he's been raised in a solid DE home and was one until it was slammed into his face hardcore that even though they were the genocidal moron's followers they still got tortured and treated like crap by Voldemort.
He also let DE's into the school, Imperius'ed Katie Bell and did lots of other horrid shit. Why do you so want to redeem trash? Right now he's just a racist little bigot that thinks the sun shines out of his dad's ass but frankly he doesn't get any better and in fact does get worse and siding with him for meta reasons to try and change him will piss off every light sided family you care to name because guess what? They all lost family members to his family!
The money analog was covering the amount of political influence they have connected to them. The Malfoy family has more than the Longbottom Family, who has more than the Bones family, despite all 3 being rather influential.
The reason why I want to, is not because I like him, but because it seems like it would be fun, the fics I read it done in (don't read many fics, and there are probably a ton where it's done horribly, but the few I read did it good) made it seem like a interesting option, and ultimately, he would be useful to have on our side. Redeeming him just so happens to be the best way about doing that.
Plus, we are not siding with him. We are getting him to side with us. We have literally all school year to work our Social Magicks on him, and we can probably get a ton done in that time, without even sacrificing Grinding time.
And don't need to worry about his Father being a counter influence. One, we are just moderating his views (at first), and really not convincing him to believe anything that is utterly against what his family thinks. Two, I still honestly doubt how long his dad is going to be alive.
Ron sorta insulted him. Not to mention that we have known Ron for maybe half an hour, tops.
if you defend Draco you lose Ron
I'm totally fine with that. I'm not Pro-Ron (not Anti-Ron either). Plus, we aren't defending any body. We are being perfectly civil. If a fight does come up, we are more than likely going to just sit on the side-lines and observe, passing judgement after it's all over with.
Hell you might lose Hermione
Why? She isn't invested in Ron either, he's still some random git who we are just sharing a room with currently. And Draco hasn't done anything to her yet.
she's at least a 500 dollar bill compared to Malfoy's 5... or if you think he's worth 10... ... so no you don't have 3 bills... because your soon to be ex-friends have taken their money back.
Considering, like I said, the money analog was in reference to their political influence. Hermione is actually a 0. She has none.
Besides, again, why would we lose her? If Draco starts being rude to her, we would shut it down right quick. If he continues to be rude, well, she's worth more to us than he is. But we are not there yet, so lets not drop him yet, because it's entirely possible we won't get that far.
You don't actually know that.
We don't actually know it's false either. We dont' have to do anything definitive right now. Draco didn't actually say "Me or them", both is still a pretty plausible option.