Ravenloft Analysis: Project Arcana
"Reserans Aeternitas." - Arcana Division Motto
"Mankind might have just gotten the all-access pass to the realm of the gods. Let's hope we use it responsibly." - Director Sam Sobhani (Arcana Division)
Research Director Sobhani, Arcana Division, log 1-1
May heaven's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon us, and may they forgive our transgression on this day. A rough start to this log, but I cannot help but find myself seeking calm and assurance in this hour. Today is the first day of testing for the Arcana Division, which I have been appointed to lead and, as my title suggests, direct.
My name is Sam Sobhani, formerly of the Propheticus Sect of New Al-Basra. Although such a sect was destroyed during the Decemitation, a few carry on its message of safeguarding our faith's old stories and legends. I am one of the few Zensufi that Ravenloft employs, and though I have experience directing researchers, I must say that the level of responsibility and resources given to me is frightening.
However, I was handpicked to become director of the Arcana Division for a reason, or so Director Lockcraft and Primarch Corax claim. To explain, the Propheticus Sect is, or
was, an organization that prided itself on deciphering and cataloging the stranger aspect of not only the Buddislamic legends but the bizarre, born of human or alien minds.
I am not at liberty to speak or describe the things I have seen. Such knowledge was too damning or chaotic for most, yet I seemed to have the mind and spirit to bear such burdens and not falter. A blessing and curse. For I carry secrets that are both humbling and horrifying. It seems that before my time ends in this galaxy, I shall gain even more. Especially as I have been given the approval to begin testing the so-called Skeleton Key.
The Skeleton Key…it holds so much power! It terrifies me. Director Lockcraft claims that is a healthy and preferred mentality towards it. The Primarch didn't seem to agree, but I've since seen the Astartes and their gene-sires to be more than human. But none of that matters here.
Arcana Division has been instructed to begin limited testing on the possible capabilities and limitations of the Skeleton Key. Thankfully, the Director and Primarch have seen fit to keep testing to "controllable" items and provided a team of Astartes to assist in case anything goes wrong in testing. I'm not a fool to see that if we fail to heed or respect the Skeleton Key, we shall invoke its fury upon us.
But alas, I must confess that the excitement of these experiments intrigues me. A fool is a man who thinks himself capable of using the power of the divine, but the Third Prophet bequeathed upon his followers those final words, "Leave no stone unturned, no truth hidden, and no boundary unexplored. I leave these lessons to you, for those who heed them shall obtain Nirvana and escape Samsara."
I don't know what we shall find in our experiments, but I shall not turn away from them. Let us bring forth the light of truth and reason from the shadow of ignorance and confusion.
Test # 1: Lasgun
Our first experiment is simple. We shall "unlock" a lasgun. More specifically, a single Mannheim-Pattern (AKA "Lantern") lasgun owned by 1st Sergeant Reginald Cob of the 75th Troja Infantry. He is currently on permanent assignment to Ravenloft Security Detachment. For today, we shall use designated "Key-Bearer" Orlando Trin, a researcher of Arcana Division who has been instructed and trained to use the Skeleton Key.
(Please note that this particular lasgun has a recurring "issue" resulting in uncontrollable over-charge capacity. Hence why it was picked for this experiment.)
Dir. Sobhani: Orlando, are you ready?
Rsr. Trin: Ready. I'm not feeling any issues with the relic, so I believe we can proceed safely.
Dir. Sobhani: Remember, the second you notice anything strange, proceed carefully and swiftly away from the "unlocked" item. Your carapace armor might be rated to stop a bolt shell or operate in the void, but there is no telling what will happen.
Rsr. Trin: 10-4. Activating the Skeleton Key in 3…2…1!
Video recording shows the key appearing in Rsr. Trin's hands before a bright beam of purple and blue light extend out and briefly envelopes the lasgun. Two seconds later, the energy dispersal ends, and the relic disappears back into Rsr. Trin's spirit.
Rsr. Trin: Unlocking complete. I feel no adverse effects, and the "unlocked" object appears no different on the surface. No change in the surrounding environment. My scanner detects a slight change in energy output, material composition, and what I do believe is a recharged power back.
Dir. Sobhani: Approach the lasgun and pick it up.
Rsr. Trin picks up the lasgun with any issue. He briefly tests to see if it weighs or feels any different.
Rsr. Trin: Weight is the same. I do not hear any strange sounds from it either. The weapons frame appears unchanged.
Dir. Sobhani: We can proceed with the next part. You saw the target dummy prepared for this experiment. Please proceed to aim and discharge the weapon at it.
Rsr. Trin gets into position to fire the Lantern. He aims and attempts to fire. Nothing happens.
Rsr. Trin: I am pulling the trigger, but nothing is happening. Checking the power pack…I see a full charge here. No idea why it isn't firing. The only explanation I can think of is that something broke down during the unlocking. Not much else I can do here. How do we want to proceed?
Dir. Sobhani: Stand by, Orlando. We are debating our next step.
A few minutes pass before a decision is made.
Dir. Sobhani: We are sending in Sergeant Cob. Please assist him with determining if there is anything physically wrong with the object.
Rsr. Trin: Copy.
Five minutes pass before Sergeant Cob can safely access the facility. He approaches Rsr. Trin and they begin to discuss what might be wrong with the gun. After a few minutes of discussion, Sergeant Cob opts to carry the weapon.
Sgt. Cob: No idea why the key would break my lasgun. And it was most definitely working an hour ago before the test.
Rsr. Trin: Something tells me there is more to this than just a simple break. Try firing the weapon at the dummy.
Sergeant Cob skillfully and methodically aims down the sight of the Lantern, and to the surprise of both, the weapon successfully unleashes a significant largely then-expected green las bolt towards the targeting dummy, resulting in a clean pass through its torso. Sergeant Cob's vitals spike during this event.
Dir. Sobhani: Sergeant, are you alright?
Sgt. Cob: Fuck…I don't know what happened, but I wasn't ready for that kick to my shoulder!
Dir. Sobhani: Please explain.
Sgt. Cob: That wasn't the usual force from the Lantern, even when it reactively goes into over-charge mode. I've shot this weapon thousands of times and never felt it react like that. It was like holding a Grox Rifle or Boltgun one-handed. And the damage it just did to that dummy? That's way too powerful for it.
Dir. Sobhani: Understood. Something has changed then. Orlando, please assist the Sergeant in breaking down the weapon so we can examine the parts for any changes.
This is the start of the first issues that have appeared. As Sergeant Cob attempts to remove the power pack, he finds he cannot. When he tries to remove the scope and stock, he is unable to remove those as well. Researcher Trin pulls out a multi-tool and attempts to physically remove the charge-pack but fails. Even when Sergeant Cob assists, they can both not take off any part of the gun.
Sgt. Cob: It's like everything is welded to the frame! I can't even remove the stock.
Rsr. Trin: Director, I do not see any damages to the frame either from our attempts, and the charge-pack reading is still showing as full, even after that shot. Whatever happened to the weapon, I believe we aren't going to be able to learn anything else without using a more powerful auspex.
Dir. Sobhani: Confirmed. Proceed to place the object inside the securement crate. We'll need to contain it for now while we prepare the deep scanners.
Sgt. Cob: Guess I'm going to look for a new weapon then?
Dir. Sobhani: That has yet to be determined, Sergeant. You will be apprised of the situation once we get further details. Until then, this phase of the experiment is officially concluded.
Afterword: Our attempts to ascertain what exactly had happened to the Lasgun were inconclusive due to several factors. The first is that the Lantern had gained
considerable material reinforcement, making it incredibly difficult and costly to pierce its frame or remove a component.
Deep scans indicate that the internal components and parts remained unchanged, save for the charge-pack and capacitor, which have, to put it bluntly, become physically fused with one another, creating a
stable energy feedback loop. This isn't what looks to be a conversion engine or capacitor, but something that defies physics. We aren't sure how it's getting power if it can't be recharged or absorb energy from other sources.
After three days of observation, two days of further testing, and approval from the Primarch and Director, we believe it was best to hand the weapon back to Sergeant Cob. The fear is that if we were to breach the frame and remove the charge-capacitor, it would cause it to break, and we'd be left with nothing for our efforts. Additionally, the weapon
only fires when used by him, so we cannot hope to dissect, replicate, or use it in any other capacity.
We've assigned one of our tech-priests to examine the Lantern, and they have also assured us that there is no issue with the "machine-spirit" and that it appears completely normal. I hesitate to take the word of the toaster worshipers, but Ravenloft is an institution where we should heed the words of all men and women of science
and faith in such things.
Test # 2: Bionic Hand
It has been two months since the first test. Our facilities are now up and running, and thus it is time to begin further testing. The decision to escalate to a more "robust" piece of technology, that being cybernetic, was easy. For this, we will use a bionic hand owned by Researcher Aldrin Wake of the Midas Division. After the Lasgun test, we want to see if an object that shares a "personal" connection with an individual has any bearing on the unlocking. Once again, we shall use "Key-Bearer" Orlando Trin for the unlocking.
Dir. Sobhani: Alright, for brevity, the same rules and concerns apply as before. If you suspect something going wrong, safely and swiftly back away from the object. Due to new procedures, you will have thirty seconds to vacate the lab before it goes into lockdown.
Rsr. Trin: Who decided on that?
Dir. Sobhani: Director Lockcraft.
Rsr. Trin: Of course he did. Very well, if I believe there is a possible danger, I will alert you and vacate the premise ASAP. Now then, are we ready to begin?
Dir. Sobhani: Yes. Please proceed with unlocking.
As before, the key appears hovering in Orlando's hands and activates in swirling blue and purple colors. A beam of light hits the deactivated bionic hand in seconds before dissipating again. Ten seconds after the event, we can see the fingers of the hand start to twitch.
Rsr. Trin: Instant visible reaction, unlike the lasgun. It appears as if the hand is attempting to reactivate itself. However, it likely won't get too far without command input.
Dir. Sobhani: Aldrin isn't reporting anything strange on his end, either. So it looks like he's outside any significant connection with the object. Please approach and attempt initial scans.
Rsr. Trin: Understood.
Researcher Trin approaches the bionic hand, which has not proceeded to do anything other than twitch in place. One minute after Researcher Trin starts examination with his auspex, the bionic begins to slowly levitate in place.
Rsr. Trin: You seeing this? Auspex detects an unknown energy field surrounding the object and gives it what appears to be inertia and lift. Likely warp related. No change in its activities; otherwise…wait, hold on. I can see the fingers starting to become a bit more animated.
Dir. Sobhani: Can you provide additional details on that?
Rsr. Trin: It looks like it's getting ready to grip or grab something.
The hovering hand begins to slowly spin and twist in the air. After about thirty seconds of this, it simply idles as if waiting for some instructions.
Rsr. Trin: Permission to hand something to it to incite a reaction?
Dir. Sobhani: Stand by…you are free to give it an object no bigger than a pen. I do believe you have one on your person.
Holding the pen in question out to the bionic hand, it quickly snatches the object but doesn't do anything else with it. When Researcher Trin reaches to take away the pen, the bionic hand doesn't resist or attempt to keep it away. After five minutes of giving and taking back small items from the hand, a decision to escalate the experiment is made.
Dir. Sobhani: Orlando, we are going to send in Aldrin. We want to see if being near its previous user will incite a reaction.
Rsr. Trin: Copy. I don't think it's aware of me in any case. I'm trying to determine what is causing the energy field, but I think we just have to chalk it up to warp intrusion.
Dir. Sobhani: On-site psykers believe that isn't the case as they are not detecting any signs of warp activity near the facility. Continue to monitor for any changes while we get Aldrin ready to enter.
It takes fifteen minutes before Aldrin enters the facility. So far, there has been no further change with the bionic hand or its activities.
Rsr. Wake: Well, now that's something you don't see every day, ain't it?
Rsr. Trin: It's certainly not normal to see a floating hand.
Rsr. Wake: Nothing about Ravenloft is normal. Anyway, what can I do to help here?
Rsr. Trin: For starters, do you feel any different being near your hand here? Anything at all?
Rsr. Wake: No, I don't feel any different. Excuse the pun, but I'm not exactly attached to that hand on an emotional level.
Rsr. Trin: Hmm…that gives me an idea. Director, I'd like to propose something a bit crazy, but maybe Aldrin should see what happens if he attempts to reattach the bionic to his person.
Rsr. Wake: I'd be down for that. Just make sure if it suddenly tries to strangle me, you can actually remove it.
Dir. Sobhani: That is far outside the expected experiment parameters, but I will request Director Lockcraft for approval. Stand by.
An hour passes. Due to this event's danger and unpredictable nature, much has to be considered. During this time, the unlocked hand continues to float and not do much else. Finally, approval is granted by Director Lockcraft.
Dir. Sobhani: Aldrin, Orlando, you are both cleared to proceed. Do
not attempt to force the hand if it resists. And do not have anything on your person that could be used as a weapon or tool.
Rsr. Trin: Copy.
Rsr. Wake: Understood.
Upon removing and storing any items that could be used as weapons, Researcher Wake carefully reaches out and grabs the bionic hand. It doesn't resist. As soon as he places it near the induction port, Aldrin is surprised to find the hand instantly and seamlessly integrates into position.
Rsr. Trin: How do you feel?
Rsr. Wake: It's stiff. It obeys my thoughts, but it feels like there is a lag. Like whatever power gave it, movement and inertia are trying to keep up. Sort of a downgrade, to be honest. It feels like…wait a minute. I think I know what is happening now.
Rsr. Trin: You do? Well, don't leave us in suspense.
Researcher Wake removes the hand and again begins to float…but suddenly flies into action. It moves back to grab the pen and starts to write something down on the paper, much to the astonishment of Researcher Wake.
Rsr. Trin: What just happened? It looks like it received a command to do something.
Rsr. Wake: That's precisely what it's doing or at least attempting. I think it's trying to intercept my commands, but it's difficult, like trying to play a musical instrument just with muscle memory. I'm going to see if it can write out something. Give me a minute.
Three minutes and forty seconds later, the bionic lets go of the pen, picks up the paper, and holds it up. Video recording shows that it attempted to draw what looked to be a dozen shapes and words of varying complexity. Unfortunately, it seems more akin to a child's drawing than anything. However, Researcher Wake's control over the bionic seems to dwindle every minute. Ten minutes after becoming "free" again, the hand goes into a casual idle mode and hovers in place once again.
Rsr. Wake: Well, shows over, I guess. Whatever control I was feeling just sort of upped and disappeared, but I think whatever happened to the hand is still aware. It's just on a weird stand-by state or something. This isn't really my field of expertise.
Rsr. Trin: At this point, I think we are done with this phase of the experiment. Are we cleared to secure this object, Director Sobhani?
Dir. Sobhani: Permission granted. Director Lockcraft has seen enough and believes it harmless enough to move on to further detailed scans. We can conclude here.
Afterword: Test #2 concluded after three more days of detailed scans and observation. The bionic hand has no noticeable changes, save for what appears to be an incredibly refined set of neuro-circuitry and cybernetics fibers. Any intelligence it displays is rudimentary and akin to a servo-skull. Still, it seems that the bionic hand has a self-preservation feature as it attempted to escape upon "realizing" that we planned on dissecting it for further study.
We could actually open and dissect the machine, unlike object #1, and were surprised to find that upon placing it back together, it remained as it was before. Seemingly nonplussed, unlike before. We have been unable to determine what causes the "hovering" aspect.
Researcher Wake assisted us, resulting in a much better understanding of the "Phantom Limb" phenomenon displayed during the initial test. This "trick" can be repeated as often as we'd like, but the effect lasts only about ten minutes and 30 seconds. Aldrin reports that the feeling became much more intensive and fluid each time he used it. As such, the test writing and drawings via the hand steadily improved.
However, the decision has been made not to return the hand to Aldrin. The Director wishes to see a bit of experiment and long-term observation of Researcher Wake before we send the hand back to him. This is a valid concern, especially after we came to a conclusion involving these experiments.
All these changes to the objects seem to be permanent ones, hinting that the Skeleton Key's effects are impossible to fix unless we are missing some trick to the damn thing. Worse yet, we can conclude that there is no "uniformity" among the unlock features. As such, we roll the proverbial dice each time we use the key to see what happens.
Test # 3: Dataslate
Three weeks after the second round of testing, approval was granted for the third item on our list. We hope to see if the key unlocks a possible enhancement for advanced technology, especially after witnessing the steady improvement in combat performance on Sergeant Cob's lasgun. The escalation towards a machine with dedicated cogitation parameters is a step up. In any case, we have for this test "Key-Bearer" Linda Kawolisk, a psyker-scholar of the Hypnos Division.
Dir. Sobhani: Linda, we've enhanced the room's safety features to compensate for this experiment's unique nature. If anything goes wrong, a haywire field will envelop the room, and you will have thirty seconds to vacate before lockdown.
Sch. Kawolisk: I see now why Orlando isn't here for this. He has bionic kidneys. If those suddenly shut down, he'd go into shock.
Dir. Sobhani: The director also wanted to start escalating towards having disciplined psykers to monitor these experiments. Now then, are we ready to begin?
Sch. Kawolisk: Correct. For the record, we are attempting to unlock a dataslate. The one for this experiment is my personal work slate. It has been thoroughly checked over by tech-priests and confirmed to have a mildly tempered machine spirit befitting its simple nature. And with that out of the way, I shall start the test.
Like before, the key appears before Scholar Kawolisk and emits a beam of light that hits the dataslate. No changes as before. The light stops after three seconds, and the key disappears into the scholar's soul. Linda Kawolisk approaches the dataslate and activates it.
Sch. Kawolisk: The first thing I noticed is that the dataslate asks for a password. I disabled security features before this test, so this is new. It should be noted that I am seeing what appears to be a distortion of gothic lettering on the GUI. Almost like there is some interference. I do not feel anything warp related around the device. Should I proceed with an attempt to bypass the password request?
Dir. Sobhani: Proceed.
A minute passes before the scholar pauses.
Sch. Kawolisk: Be advised that the dataslate has rejected my previous passwords, and I am now seeing what appears to be an unknown cipher or coding langue appearing on screen. I think it's a binary cant. My auspex has also detected an increase in heat emitting from the dataslate. The dataslate may be preparing to self-immolate to prevent my intrusion.
Dir. Sobhani: Focus your pict-recorder on the screen, and we can see if our tech-priests can decipher the cant. Do not attempt further interaction with the object. Stand by.
Sixteen minutes pass; during this time, Scholar Kawolisk denotes that the dataslate is becoming increasingly warm. The screen displays an increasingly erratic binary cant.
Dir. Sobhani: Linda? The tech-priests are unable to make heads or tails of the cant. They claim it's more a rudimentary code but nothing that their machine god would've made or passed down to its followers. It's all gibberish to them.
Sch. Kawolisk: Understood. Director, I might have an idea. My dataslate has a small sound system installed in it. I had it disabled, but I might be able to reactivate it manually. We might get something from that. Am I cleared to proceed?
Dir. Sobhani: Cleared to proceed.
Scholar Kawolsik fiddles around with the dataslate, and a screeching burst of sound enters the room.
Dataslate: ○♪××□○◆? ◎◎#!!!
Sch. Kawolisk: This is new. But also an opportunity. I will attempt communication. Hello? Can you understand me?
Dataslate: ◎■■■♭×!
Sch. Kawolisk: I can feel the heat from the dataslate even through my carapace; it feels like I'm holding a hot frying pan…but I'm not seeing any distortions or signs of damage to the slate itself…the warp is tingling around it.
Dataslate: ■×□○○◎△◎! ○▲♭♭!!!
Sch. Kawolisk: Can the tech-priests make sense of this?
Dir. Sobhani: Negative. They claim this is nothing more than the screeching of an animal, akin to us hearing a "singing" Grox or Senii.
Sch. Kawolisk: I am still unable to access the dataslate. Let me try communicating with it again…can I please have access?
Dataslate: ■×□○▲◎△◎!
The dataslate continues it's screeching even after ten minutes of Scholar Kawolisk's attempts at communication. The heat emitted from the dataslate reaches a level that would've indicated the circuits either melting or frying, but no such thing has occurred. Linda reports that there is also no indicator if the dataslate is losing power or that the cipher or cant has become more legible.
Sch. Kawolisk: I must admit that I am a bit stumped. I feel a small warp bubble
inside the dataslate, but nothing on the levels that I believe physically or memetically dangerous. How do we want to proceed?
Dir. Sobhani: Director Lockcraft is sending over a cryo-storage unit for the dataslate due to the excessive heat it is emitting. We don't want to place it in regular storage if it starts melting nearby equipment.
Sch. Kawolisk: Is it possible that this is an AI?
Dir. Sobhani: That seems to be the case, although the tech-priests aren't sure why the intelligence rating of this object is so low. They believe if it is the lack of processing or cogitation power, then it shouldn't have been able to develop a cipher, let alone start "talking" to us.
Dataslate: ◎■■×□○■■♭♭!!!
Sch. Kawolisk: If it's communicating with us, it's very glib. That is unless the binary cant it uses is a bit more condensed than I would otherwise hear.
Dir. Sobhani: Our tech-priests are working on trying to find an alternative means of translation for the dataslate. Regardless finish your scans and observations. We are concluding the testing here.
Afterword: Test #3 has been deemed "inconclusive" regarding results. Deep scans revealed that the internal mechanics and circuits have been completely changed. We've also detected what appears to be a one-centimeter-sized component that was previously not there and what we believe to be the source of heat. Unfortunately, just like with the lasgun, we cannot remove the casing without running the risk of destroying the dataslate.
Our efforts to understand or translate the dataslates binary language have been a total failure, and we believe it might be next to impossible. Our tech-priests suspect that this AI is nothing more than an awakened spirit with the cognition of an animal. That said, the lockout and security feature the AI displays are remarkable. We've been unable to break through them, but if we can attempt to find a better intrusion program, our hopes are that we can glean more information about the nature of the AI itself.
The irony is that the key that should be able to unlock anything has effectively "locked" us out of examining these objects. We hypothesize that an "exchange" happens when using the key outside its expected parameters. A novel idea on the "one door closes, another one opens," saying, but in this case, unlocking one thing locks out something else.
I hate to say it, but we are walking blindly into this realm, and I dare say we've gotten quite lucky with those dice rolls. This won't last, I'm sure of it. I've requested that we spend additional time improving security and personnel training in an emergency. Thankfully we are not on any time limit, and Director Lockcraft has approved these measures.
Test # 4 & 5: Organic Matter
Another month has passed since the end of Test #3, and we have shored up the security in the facilities and testing rooms. It should be noted that we have still not had much luck trying to translate or determine the coding language of AI in the dataslate. In some good news, we have returned the bionic to Aldrin Wake after clearing the object and deeming it "safe."
Today marks the first round of testing for organic material. In this case, we have picked a "Somarose Paradise Bird" and a "Terran Green Rose" for today's testing. Researcher and Key-Bearer Orlando Trin have returned for these experiments.
Dir. Sobhani: Today's testing will be different than usual. We will be two simultaneous experiments on two living organic entities. We are about to cross a significant threshold, and as such additional security measures are in place. Orlando, if anything goes wrong, vacate the facility immediately. Do not attempt to retrieve or monitor the unlocking. You will have thirty seconds before the room goes on lockdown and security activates.
Rsr. Trin: No hope of security getting me out if I'm stuck?
Dir. Sobhani: None, because we will flood the room with a neurotoxin and then promethium. Your priority is to get the key out; we risk damaging or destroying it from the security response.
Rsr. Trin: Even though I already knew that was coming, I still can't help but feel a bit of dread after hearing it. All I can hope is that the gods grant me either swift feet or death if something goes wrong. That being said, I am ready to proceed.
Dir. Sobhani: Your dedication and courage set an example for us all. But yes, please proceed with unlocking our two test subjects.
Without much preamble, Researcher Trin nods, approaches the paradise bird and green rose and activates the Skeleton Key. A beam of light hits the bird, the flower, before disappearing once again. Aside from the paradise bird flapping furiously in its cage, there is a peculiar or noticeable surface change.
Rsr. Trin: Subjects both appear to have not gone through any physical changes or mutations, no signs of enhancements or increased growth or anything that indicates a radical shift. My auspex isn't detecting anything, either.
Dir. Sobhani: Our instruments and scanners are likewise not picking up anything noticeable on our end. Psykers did detect a brief shift of the warp flow on the subjects, which tells us that something either
did or
didn't happen. Continue with observation and scanning.
Twenty minutes will pass, during which Researcher Trin performs numerous scans and physical examinations on both subjects. He announces no further shifts or changes even after an additional ten minutes. Introduction stimulus towards both subjects doesn't invoke or result in anything out of the ordinary.
Rsr. Trin: I am not seeing anything with either subject. No remarkable mutations or increase in intelligence or new qualities.
Dir. Sobhani: Copy. We aren't seeing anything on our end, either. Psykers are trying to determine if the warp shift around both subjects caused interference with the Skeleton Key unlocking.
Rsr. Trin: Please advise, but how would a random bird or flower stop the unlocking?
Dir. Sobhani: Ravenloft command is trying to determine if this has something to do with the souls of either subject, referencing the "ego-barrier" theory by the Charon Division. I think there is a bit of chaos among the leadership over this development.
Rsr. Trin: I have a recommendation…should I try using the key again?
Dir. Sobhani: Recommendation noted. Stand by…
An hour passes while Ravenloft's leadership debates a secondary use of the key on both subjects.
Dir. Sobhani: Orlando, the command denied the request and ordered the experiment to conclude. Stop your examinations immediately. We are sending over two securement crates for both subjects.
Rsr. Trin: Understood. So much for unlocking the secrets of life. Talk about anticlimatic…
Afterword: We can safely call this experiment a failure and a success. There were no changes whatsoever to either the Paradise Bird or Green Rose. Deeper scans and psy-evaluations saw nothing to hint otherwise. By all accounts, both subjects were the same as before and after getting unlocked by the Key.
So what happened? The psykers indicated a brief shift of the warp on both subjects when the key unlocked them…but did the relic actually succeed in unlocking anything? This hypothesis has caused a bit of a panic. How can a flower and bird resist a relic of the gods? A few of my colleagues suggest that we didn't use the key adequately enough to warrant a change.
Others believe we have overlooked the possibility that a soul can resist such power
if said power wasn't only making an incredibly mild unlocking attempt. Indeed, none of us are actively trying to "force" an unlocking. Then again, we don't know if such a thing is possible. This, however, caused a bit of an argument from several divisions.
Humanity has never equated animals or plants with having souls. Our collective faiths tended to put humanity
above such beasts and entities, and science has long since proven that while animals and plants have feelings, they are not on the level of human consciousness. And while many have anthropomorphized our animal companions as thinking and emotional beings, we do not give them the same equality given to humans or other sapient or sophist life.
Yet we are staring at a different answer, at least based on our own observations and thinking. If the beasts and flowers of the galaxy have a connection to the warp on the level of having something akin to a soul. What exactly does that mean when we weigh
all organic life, past and present, and their effects on the warp and gods?
This presents a rather uncomfortable series of questions but also a somewhat hopeful one, namely that a soul
can resist the power of the gods to a certain extent. However, we must first also recognize that there is more to life than what our philosophers and scientists once thought possible.
Most of the leadership believes that further testing is needed. Director Lockcraft seems hesitant during these meetings but consents in the end. Primarch Corax has been absent of late, no doubt focusing on the Great Crusade. I hope he's left the Skeleton Key in the right hands while absent.
Research Director Sobhani, Arcana Division, log 2-1
Mankind has never shied away from trying to understand what could give him power and strength. To harness the power of the gods has been a dream of tyrants and philosophers for millennia. Perhaps we should be grateful that the Emperor and his Primarchs hold that power, even if they use it for imperialism and destruction. At the very least, they have no desire to destroy humanity. I cannot imagine another species holding such power and not using it lord over the galaxy, though that is simply biased on my part. To hate the other is a human emotion long since engrained in our collective consciousness.
But I digress. These experiments have been enlightening, to say the least. While most appear confusing, we at Ravenloft have uncovered just a sliver of knowledge that allowed us to see past the veil of ignorance. I don't know if I'd call these experiments a monumental success, let alone a cause for celebration, but I have witnessed the divine at work.
I must admit my fear remains, though. Imagine it; mortal man,
humans, having this power now. And what have we done with it? What have we learned? It's almost like a game in some ways. Which is equally terrifying. Because if we are playing a game, we best understand the rules lest we lose. I mentioned how each time we used the key, it was like rolling dice to determine if things went wrong or right.
And I know now, the gods
do play dice with the universe…and their dies are loaded. I do not wish to try my luck against such odds if I can help it. But if we at Ravenloft must, I echo my previous statement from the start. May heaven's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon us, and may they forgive our transgressions.
@Daemon Hunter Okay, got this little omake ready. Time to get back to the other one now.