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  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

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Generally when it comes to the Silent King, the Imperium can beat him, but there are a few conditions it must have in order to do so.

1) It needs overwhelming numbers, self explanatory considering the tech disparity
2) You do not give the Silent King time to dig in, ever
3) Do not let the Silent King build up their forces or gain local allies, he will win fights despite ridiculous odds

It's both a good thing and a bad thing for a truce. As for once, the only way to beat him is to not have a truce. However, if the Silent King is already at that threshold, and he offers a truce, odds are it'll hold for a while.
hmph, sure, its just these are the Necrons! The same ones that won ( for lack of a word in that genocidal mess of a fight) the War in Heaven. These guys should even with all of the tech and knowledge from both the federation and what we have learned in a addition to that. So, it kinda just sets up on a war that we really could lose, especially if they escalate as badly as the war of iron. (The war that the men of iron waged against the federation of man)
The main issue with that is that unless we jump on him now...we're not going to have a chance *anyway* so tbh...we might as well do something that gives us time, resources, and one less front to fight on.
oh damn, right yeah, the halo stars with Khan and mars is going to be an interesting thing once all of the Necron higher ups learn about where the shards (or the whole in this case) of the great C'tan are.
When it comes to the Silent King, the biggest benefit of him is that I treat him as reasonable. At this point he'd be content to have the Necrons rebuild in the systems they have. He'd rather not go to war, so don't make him go to war. He'd win almost all engagements.

The biggest obstacle to this is Mars with the Void Dragon though. That being said, he's reasonable about it. Sure you'd have to give Kelbor and the Mechanicum a massive bribe, but SK would move the infrastructure and loan a World Engine to the Imperium for a few centuries as payment for being allowed to basically do whatever the fuck they want in Sol around Mars.

As for what he'd do for the Necrons, well they'd be a lot more unified. You'd see groups of Dynasties rather than single ones. That and they'd be willing to sell high end adamantium and ceramite to the Imperium in exchange for whatever it is the Imperium can actually offer them. The quantities would be limited as a result.
So basically, Sangy meeting the Silent King would be a huge boon.

And I have the perfect logic for why the Silent King would come back early: Horus has seen the Blood and Thunder War now, and will tell his brothers. That would be a major enough event for the Silent King to return and start waking up the Necrons.

The neutrality treaty would allow humanity to move off the tomb worlds, with compensation, allow for another force that will fight the big three threats: Chaos, Orks, and eventually Tyrannids, and even give us a new trade partner.
The Triquetra.
Hiya! I, uh, started this omake soon after the latest update dropped and the Three Chief Librarian idea was shared. Was going to wait for the vote to be called before posting it, but it seems like it's the definite majority so I figured I'd share it now.
The Triquetra.

Upon the end of the Maelstrom's cleansing, the Ritual War, the Golden Syzygy, there was a time of celebration. Where the light was cherished as the darkness was banished.

Then there was a time of rebuilding, and upon this the Eleventh Legion faced a significant issue.

Though many lives were lost, a heavy cost to pay such a price of victory, the passing of a few was felt most strongest of all. Amongst them was one named Raziel, the Master of the Librarium, who gave his life valiantly in sacrifice to the war's very opening.

The death of Chief Librarian Raziel was felt across the Eternal Wardens, to lose such a high-standing figure would be a devastating blow for any Legion. Yet for one so focused in facing down the lurking horrors within the Warp, it was all the more a grand loss.

His passing had left a hole within the structure of the Eleventh. One too important to leave unfilled, one too delicate to be poorly managed.

But what one man could fulfil the weight of such a role, to propel the Legion through the Great Crusade to grander heights. The old Legion Master, First Captain Oriacarius Gielux, had judged all potential successors of his fallen brother and found each wanting and lacking in various ways. None were deemed worthy, but a leader had to be chosen nevertheless.

The Primarch was consulted, for he had the final order to choose between who would serve in his fallen son's place. Who would be chosen to act as a new guide of psychic potential, a beacon of knowledge and bulwark against the touch of Chaos.

So, with wisdom granted by his time in the long and arduous war within the Maelstrom, he said that he would not pick a single leader. But instead three leaders, aspects and responsibilities split between them evenly. As fighting with his brothers had reminded him, as his sons were linked in battle with their sons in alloyed potency.

Before there were a plethora of tasks and functions that were divided amongst the whole Librarium. Somehow managed and guided by Raziel, even with some difficulties to bringing everything to full potential, to continue with such ways would be far more an arduous task than before. Already there were signs of such strain.

But such a monumental amount of duties was a heavy burden to bear for almost all the Wardens' Librarians at once. Some psykers were completely unsuited to the art of rune-making, at least compared to their potential in combat, while others had little capability beyond their sacred psychic etch-work. Some had desired to bring purity aside from with the carving knife or the slaying sword, meditation and soothing balms to the very souls.

The First Captain argued immediately that, beyond the benefits and potential synergy, such an idea inherently had risks attached to it. With unity and purposes aligned, such a trifecta would indeed greatly strengthen the Eternal Wardens beyond even what it could achieve before. Yet conflict and tensions could inevitably occur, and division bringing potential weakness at critical times.

After much talk and consideration between the two Legion Masters, a compromise was reached. A trial period would be enacted, and if the Primarch's proposal was severely lacking then a singular leader would be picked from the greatest and most well suited of the three candidates.

And so, by the command of their Primarch, the Eternal Wardens forged the Triquetra. The Trinity. The Three Masters of the Psychic Arts.

Alone they were potent, but together, like a perfect construction, they bonded into something greater.

The first pillar followed the design of Kesar Dorlin's efforts in mastering the Warp, the art of rune-work to channel such power and call upon it safely. Cabals of artisanal minds that could carve concepts into reality, to expand the runic lexicon that would one day become a safe bridge to the Warp's capabilities.

They were lead by the Master of Runes, the High Inscriber. He would hear the mystical resonance within the Sea of Souls and directly translate their power, to focus as Kesar Dorlin himself would focus in creating a language of aetheric potential. The great mind of the Librarium.

The second pillar propped up the collective spirit that the Eternal Wardens held. The heart of the Legion that would constantly be tested and clawed at by not only the daemons that lurked beyond the veil, but also by the more mundane horrors and sorrow that existed within the galaxy.

They were lead by the Master of Purity, the High Sanctifier. He would would bear the duty to hear the darkest thoughts and agonised hearts of everyone he fought with, to become a guide of resolve and hope from the youngest recruits to the veteran leaders. The great soul of the Librarium.

The third pillar was the one of flame, lightning and all things of warfare that were or could be connected to ethereal matters. For those psyker who would be ready to stand by a thousand battlefields and the strength to bring a thousand victories, skilled mages able to bright the very idea of triumph into existence.

They were lead by the Master of Force, the High Paladin. He would be mightiest and most skilled of all his kin, a champion that would stand as a mountain and wield a hurricane of energy to annihilate all who dared stand against him. The great power of the Librarium.

Alone these three branches would all be great arms of the Eternal Wardens, full of their own potential and strength. Yet the synergy of their inherent bond would be greater still, and the combined leadership able to let them all truly have the capability to one day challenge the very dark gods themselves.

With them would the Warp would be understood, purified and mastered by the will of the Eleventh.
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[X]Plan: Binding Ties
[x] [Social] Horus
[x] [Social] Magnus
[x] [Social] Kelbor-Hal
[x] [Social] Vulkan
[x] [Social] Party on Olympia
[x] [Social] Lion
[x] [Social] The Emperor

I'd like to hit up Dorn, Morty, and Sanguinias but Lion's move against Aldritch needs to be prevented or deflected, and that means nailing Him, Kelbor, Emps, and Vulkan to get this mess sorted out without fucking the IA over.
You're worried over something not likely to happen, there are few if any Primarchs that will agree with him, to the point apparently that if he makes a big stink in Angron's trial about Aldritch Big E will basically pick him up by the head and set him off to the side TTS style.
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