Departmento Munitorum
Slot A
Y1: Half and Half
Void Command
Slot Construction A
Y1:Construct: Mass Conveyors and Escorts
Y5: Construct: Mass Conveyors and Escorts
Slot B
Y2: Navigators Support-
Mass conveyors are a 4 year action.
Adeptus Administratum
Slot A
Y1: Technological Improvements: (Food)
Slot B
Y2: Technological Improvements: (Food)
Slot C
Y5: Technological Improvements: (Food)
We need food, pretty simple.
Y1: Trade Muselphiem Buy cargo space
Y2: Trade Midarg sell metal for thrones
Y3: Request Vlad ( how to fight Necrons)
Y4: Sound Out (Demagogue Offensive)
Y5: Persons of Interest (QM's Choice)
We need thrones and even with the technology upgrade we did not get as big a bonus as some people thought. So we need to get cargo space to sell to Midgard. also looks if anyone cares if we kill demagogue
Slot A
Y1-Y5: Greater Psyker Hunting
Slot B
Y1-Y5: Counter- Intelligence
Counter Intel has grown more important.
Adeptus mechanicus
Slot Explorator
Y1: Black Ship Design: Grand Cruiser
Y2: Complete Examination (Snow Wolves)
Free Slot
Y2: Technological Improvements: (Advanced Material)
Grand Cruisers are smaller, Snow wolves are floofy.
Adeptus Minisortum
Y2: Cleanse World ( Moderate, )
Y4: Cleanse World ( Moderate,)
Slot B
Y3: The Nature of (Eldar Pantheon) DOUBLE DOWN
It would take us Decades to do all the eldar gods so lets do this and hope it helps Saint Lin FIrst.
Astra Telepathica
Y3: Divination: Attacks
Y4: Greater Diviantion (The Sanginour) Double Down
Y5: Greater Divination (Inquisition's Choice) Double Down
Free Divination Eldar's Choice
Y2: Master Alkahestry-
Y1: Anti-Ork Powers: Grand Techbane Double Down
Y5: Implement (Rune of Toughness)
We have a huge backlog of runes, best get to work on them. Also, things are apparently coming to a head relatively soon, and The Sanginour is a very powerful hero, who we might be able to use in important fight. Like, say, the inevitable Abomination crusaide to kill Saint Lin.
Slot A
Y3:Educational Reforms Part Two
Slot B
Y2: Knights of Rotbart
Need to continue Education while we can and Knights
Y2: Construction Expertise (Build Hive (Tarascon, Center Area)
Y1: Knowing Avernus (Human-Quartok Relations)