Tau and Secundus tech ideas
Antispin plasma
The tau have figured out how to apply strange Xenos conceptions of magnetics, math, and basic geometry to the projectiles of plasma weapons, no matter how counterintuitve or incomprehensible these developments might seem to any sane human. In this case the tau observed that spinning plasma like an Autogun bullet makes it pull apart and scatter, reducing range and armor penetration, and applied the unusual understanding of geometry one of their client races has to put the opposite motion on the plasma, a complex, incomprehensible, possibly more than three dimensional, motion known as an antispin that applies centrifugal force inwards. This modification to plasma weapons has more range and armor penetration than the standard variant of any form of plasma weapon, but costs slightly more.
There are rumors of even more advanced plasma weapons that create spins in a plasma projectile that keep it stable until reaching a set distance, then cause it to burst like a plasma bomb.
Assasin drone
This drone posseses an excellent pattern recognition cogitator, an excellent stealth system, and a sniper weapon - with modular sniper weapon loadout.
It's pupose is to lurk overhead in likely areas of enemy transit, identifying key figures with its advanced pattern recognition cogitator, then taking potshots at rhem as opprotunities become available.
The cheapness and ubiquity of this platform and its relative stealth and effectiveness make this an incredibly irritating hazard to run up against, used to great effect against the last Tyranids to face the Tau in battle over a millenium ago, and more recently against Orkz, currupted humans and the Imperium Secundus alike.
Though its independence especially spooks the Mechanicus.
Next level superconductors, electron tranfer beams, and 'safe' plasma bulkheads and containment fields
Much like the Imperium, the Tau of the fourty first millenium used a mixture of conventional wiring, higher energy superconducting wiring, and even higher energy plasma transfer conduits in their starships' power systems, with each power system applied as best suited to the situation.
The plasma transfer conduits are obviously a fire hazard, one that each race within the Galaxy that uses them faces in their own way.
The Tau of the fourty fifth millenium have done so better than most. Much of their wiring and superconducting wiring is both cheaper and of a higher quality than that availiable to the Imperium before its fall.
Additionally they replace their smaller plasma transfer conduits with a xenos alternative, an electron transfer system based off of the work of one of their minor client races, developed from a variant of particle accelerator that they had created that nontheless manages to interface easily with standard energy transfer systems. Being based on a relatively primitive system, this technology manages to keep to a reasonable price even when upgraded to Tau standards.
The Tau mastery of plasma has also allowed them to create extremely effective containment and damage minimization systems to respond to a plasma conduit breach.
They have constructed their ships such that the compartments around their plasma transfer conduits are occupied by a dense mass of damage mitigation forcefields, with the plasma premptively altered to be more easily influenced by energies of these fields.
When a conduit breach occurs the rushing burst of plasma first encounters a generatorium forcefield, intended to power the continued containment of the plasma breach by exploiting the very energies of the escaping plasma that the 'safe' bulkheads will struggle to restrain, but kept out of the plasma conduits in normal operation to avoid disrupting or degrading the power supply.
Shortly therafter the plasma wave of the blastfront will encounter a bulkhead, and be briefly held back by the energies of plasma repeller fields dumping their impressive capacitors directly into a burst of increased forcefield power, allowing explosive bolts in the bulkhead doors time to fire, forcing the weaknesses in the bulkhead to seal with enough speed to get ahead of the destruction.
In each case of interaction with a generatorium field or force field variants of these fields have been exhastively tested against many variants of plasma, and both the plasma in the conduits and the designs of the forcefields have been tuned to best allow for the plasma breach to be contained.
The plasma will continue onwards, blasting out of a carefully prepared blowout vent leading to the surface of the ship, designed so as to avoid creating an exploitable surface vulnerability or making it likely for battle damage to seal the end of the vent. This vent allows the containment design to prevent excess pressure and heat buildup in the affected compartments.
As things settle into a stable state for a moment, the thick bulkheads permeated by plasma repeller fields continue to hold back the breach, the rushing of plasma through the blowout path to the surface allows the generatorium field to continue generating power for the repeller fields that reduce strain on the bulkheads and keep the plasma away from more critical components. The connection of generatorium field and force field projectors enables them to put a great deal of power into maintaining this state without themselves being connnected to a plasma conduit and exacerbating the craft's vulnerability to plasma conduit breaches. Any difference between the power required to contain the breach and that that is provided by the generatorium field is taken up by the less extreme power systems that feed these field generators under normal conditions.
Then damage control computers respond, sealing or rerouting the power feed and allowing the breech to begin to cool.
Ideally this entire evolution takes only a second or two, though containment fields have been known to hold out for longer. This system of repeller fields, combined with the division of plasma conduits into sections, has been known to significantly reduce the length of plasma conduit that is melted or blown out by a small breach, easing the task of damage control teams in effecting swift repairs in the field.
Each of these systems is only a slight improvement over human technology in this area, even the plasma containment fields can be substituted for with sufficiently robust bulkheads, but together they are significant. In combination these systems notably reduce the risk that ships that might otherwise be considered 'overgunned' experience due to the vulnerability of their energy transfer systems, and can improve the survivability of even normal ships.
+slightly increased hull points? +reduced risk to 'energy dense' craft
-increased cost
Cogitators that we mostly already essentially have our own versions of
But also the:
Military analysis cogitator
The Tau military analysis cogitator consists of both an expensive central unit assigned to analyze a given area that does all the calculations, and cheaper small mobile units updated with the insights of the central unit, that are able to keep troops in the field updated with realtime advice. This cogitator has two functions, analysis of the terrain, and analysis of enemy habits.
When fed aerial and orbital images, drone scouting data, and scans from ground unit auspex and told to analyse the terrain the military analysis cogitator is able to pick out ideal ambush or strongpoint positions based on their similarity to a number of factors that Tau Earth Caste programmers have isolated.
It displays them as dots on a map for high commanders, allowing them to deploy their subordinates appropriately and allowing those subordinates to rapidly select ideal positions for their forces. This is of relatively little use in prepared positions, where strongpoints and ambush locations are artificial, or already well known, and can be matched by the efforts of experienced junior officers and NCO's who are used to fighting with a 'home field' advantage.
When analysing enemy habits the military analysis cogitator is able to provide information on a number of factors of likely enemy behavior. Increasing in accuracy as it builds profiles on individual enemy units. This is of significant use in aerial combat, where unpredicable dodging is the primary defence and many pilots need to work against the tendency to fall back on habit and instinct, and fail as they become exhausted.
This is also of significant use when targeting enemy field artillery, as they tend to move between shots, a combined analysis of terrain and past firing positions can create a list of likely future firing positions. The principles of counter artillery combat can also be applied when shirmishing with tanks, where skirmishing forces tend to pull back behind a rise or hill and reposition after shooting.
The cogitator can also mix analysis of terrain and enemy habits to make detection and localization of of stealthy enemies easier. Predicting their most likely paths of infiltration and keeping track of numerous small details that are easily missed by an organic mind.
It is not that the Adeptus Mechanicus does not have similar systems, or even more effective systems, fed with their databanks of over fifteen thousand years of war. In fact such systems make up part of the advantage that Mechanicus battle congregations recieve from their noospheric data networks. It is just that the human versions of these systems require many highly skilled savants and adepts to run, and similarly high skilled soldiers to interpret out in the field.
If an army were to go to the expense of equipping normal troops with such Mechanicus data feeds they would simply prove a distraction, as they require that the user interpret the complex binaric annotation of how precisely the analysis section reached their conclusions and how probable they are without becoming completely detached and distracted from combat.
Whereas the Tau system provides a very intuitive output that gives terrifyingly little insight into the calculating thought processes of the machine that produces the advice.
The Tau system is also slightly less vulnerable to electronic warfare, as the ability of the mobile advice-cogitator portion of the system to continue to judge when best to provide assitance based on stored data is a great advantage, especially considering the possible volume of stored data.
So long as the enemy has merely jammed the connection and not dominated the information war to the point that they can provide convincingly falsified analysis the Tau military analysis cogitator is still of some use, as information updates can be transfered between central processing and mobile units by wired connection or physically transported datastick.
+?(10? 15?) to harrasment(not applied or lessened for troops who get a similar bonus from extreme familarity with the terrain), +5 to detecting enemy stealth,
growing bonus when targeting enemy air(+5 increase after each turn of observation in combat[you could rule that it takes longer?], capping at +10? +15?) Growing bonus when targeting enemy artillery with counterbattery fire or any sort ofattacj that requires figuring out where they are or will be(capping at +10?) Growing bonus in tank skirmishing (capping at +5?).
Alternatively you figure out the bonuses, I think I've made them too complex.