A surprisingly old god, a religious god of an unknown Xeno species. Assuming her appearance matches what she was in life, her race seems to be a serpentine feathered hexapod. Presumably typical members do not possess luminescent rainbow feathers but it is possible. Faust has claimed the domain of friendship. It is unknown if her race has been exterminated, or has found some way to hide and Faust herself refuses to speak of it. As can be imagined, Faust is extraordinarily weak despite passing a very broad domain. Ironically, her very weakness is a large part of what has enabled her to survive, allowing her to largely slip under the noses of the five.
Faust has few followers among mortals, but has been known to start the occasional cult, usually be reaching out to a psyker and assisting them in mastering their powers. Those who earn her boons become supernaturally charismatic and empathic, however, they also tend to focus on the wellbeing of their friends to concerning degrees, and become dangerously unable to make sacrifices. In addition, Psykers who follow her find their backlash more likely to harm them than those they care about, and can more easily bolster and aid their allies. The combined effect of this is that her cultists tend to be far more trusting than is wise towards those they consider friends. However, their boons tend to allow them to connect emotionally with almost anyone results in them being far more successful at turning others to their cause that could be expected, frequently turning even low-level inquisition agents. However, this keen sense of comradie and empathy is often the cults downfall, as it is only a matter of time until they are placed in a situation where the only way to survive is to sacrifice a member. More than a few cults have been tainted in an unwise attempt to save a member fallen to chaos, or drawn into a trap baited with a captured comrade.
Faust's domain is as one could imagine, extraordinary ill-suited to combat. While she poses a number of potent psyker abilities, her nature has rendered her all but incapable of direct offensive action, except in defense of someone she cares about. There is, however, one trick she posses that can be used to stave off attacks. Faust is capable of forcing friendship on nearly any entity, including creatures that should not be capable of it at a greater cost in power. This ability works even on beings a great deal stronger than her. As a downside, the bound is always two ways and will cease if dispelled by either end. Worse still, many of the monsters in the warp see corrupting someone as aiding them, and may not be deterred by the effect. In addition, Faust greatly dislikes using this power, seeing it as a violation of her core ethos. However, she will use it in extreme situations. this strange power has largely dissuaded the more potent demons from risking an unknown ability for such a meager meal. Typically Faust resorts to fleeing, using her domain to either flee to the side of an ally or call them to her.
The most common way Faust makes user of her domain is the creation of conduits between her and those with which she shares a bond of friendship. The stronger the bond the stronger the conduit. These conduits allow for a great deal of effects to propagate through them, though it is conceptually near impossible to transmit any sort of attack down them. Most commonly Faust use these conduits to facilitate either communication or travel. However, they take some time to close behind her, thus if she flees while being closely pursued whatever is chasing her may well follow her through. While travel is not instantaneous, it is a good deal faster than typical and can bypass many obstacles. Should the bond be strong enough the entity on the other side can also use it for many of the same purposes.
Fausts inherently non-threatening nature and pleasant demeanor has enabled her to make a number of friendships among the other minor gods. Even the gods need morale, and simply having someone to talk to is seen by many as a great comfort. This has been another key to her survival, as if need be she can quickly move to an allies side, though the connection she uses can be used for her pursuer to follow. Many of her allies consider this a minor cost to pay for a friendly face, as the demons that would bother with devouring such a small meal are rarely of any true threat to most minor deities. However, she still feels deeply conflicted about a relationship she sees as exploitative. As such, when given a chance to aid a number of her friend in a risky venture she jumped at the chance.
Faust's power to easily forge conduits to her friends enabled a great deal of coordination both by easing communication and allowing gods to come to the aid of their fellows. This key advantage in communication and mobility is a large part of why the initial raid was so successful. The advantage was only heightened when Ugruer provided her with her "cut" ahead of schedule once the scale of their success became clear. With her abilities heightened the advantage she provided became decisive, allowing gods to quickly reinforce each other to overcome isolated hard points that would have otherwise stalled the attack. Perhaps more critically, she cultivated a feeling of comradery and cooperation among the otherwise distrust deities that greatly enabled Ugruers second trade conference.
Since the raid, Faust has found herself significantly empowered. While still an extremely weak god, her standing has notably improved. However, she has earned the direct enmity of Nurgle and thus has been hunted by far more potent demons than have typically bothered her, leaving her with fewer and fewer allies she would feel safe risking leading them to, and heightening her shame of having others fight her battles. Zahak has offered her a position as the official mediator and diplomat of the nascent alliance. A position Faust finds extremely tempting, both because such a role would empower her, and because she would be contributing rather than living off of charity. However, she did not live to be old by being rash, she does not fully trusts Zahak and is well aware such a position would make her a target. Yet the temptation remains, only time will tell if she accepts Zahaks Faustian bargain.