So this is how our answer to Turoq's plan is probably like:
On every vulnerable world, there might be:
1) Large fleet w/Sufficient Defences.
- A Raid enters, they leave. Or they don't raid at all, which is equivalent.
2) Small Fleet, possibly with mines.
- Raid enters, hits minefields+ambush, gets taken down or suffers enough damage that it's basically equivalent anyway.
- There isn't a minefield. Raid hits planet.
On every ground world, there might be:
1) Large Forces.
- Abort the raid/Raid didn't happen in the first place.
2) Insufficient forces, but maybe there are elites.
- Raid suddenly and inexplicably dies.
- There aren't actually elites. Raid succeeds.
There isn't really a way to seriously counter the warp-in mine tactic other than luck, since entering in small amounts allows enemies to hit you individually, defeat in detail. However, we can keikaku by constantly moving warded ships such that every lightly defended world could potentially have a devastating prep of minefields or a devastating set of elites and heroes. If our forces are sufficiently resistant to Divination, Ridcully could even counter-Divination our opponent, since his Divinations cannot be predicted.
What I mean is that he could predict that our opponents predicts (or maybe tracks, little difference) that 'There is a space marine squad on this planet, don't attack', and deliberately have set things up so that that planet's only elites is literally one squadron of space marines. That paragon trait of 'Cannot be out-keikaku'ed' is going to be saving our koister here.
The funny thing here is that we're basically mimicing N-Steps ahead on a stellar scale, but using Ridcully's Divinations to actually allow it to happen as if we had N-Steps ahead on a stellar scale. So if we got N-Steps Ahead (Stellar version) it would be entirely appropriate.
This plan isn't perfect, and can be countered with new plans (ex: Attacking in enough places where it is objectively impossible to have enough to defend all), but those counters can be summed up as 'Pain in the ass' to implement, which is a victory in itself, since such counters automatically slow down his raiding schedule or increase his costs per raid significantly.