But we want them to readjust their strategy. Headcrusha is dumb and will make bad decisions. The readjustments will make the plans worse and worse as we kill off the voices of reason. Killing them all later ensures that the not-as-bad plans stay in effect for longer.
I think we should hold back our forces and have the AA guns and Psykers thin out their Fighter-Bombers first. I'm not keen on exposing any of our forces to that deathball.
While Headcrusha is an imbecile he still incredibly dangerous if he makes an actual good decision by accident or even a Horrible decision that costs us greatly like deciding to throw all of his Gargants at once against One of the major cities which would probably destroy its defenses
But we want them to readjust their strategy. Headcrusha is dumb and will make bad decisions. The readjustments will make the plans worse and worse as we kill off the voices of reason. Killing them all later ensures that the not-as-bad plans stay in effect for longer.
Their basic strategy has already been determined by Headcrusha - each blob of Orks will move towards a city. That I don't expect to change. I just want them away from the landing zones, where they could decide to go back up into space more safely, before we start killing off their leaders. If the leaders die before the landings are finished, then Headcrusha might have the idea to redistribute some of those forces to his own army - just because he's an idiot doesn't mean he can't have basically sensible ideas sometimes.
So, unless you've got a specific trap in mind, I'd prefer to ensure maximum chaos once they start marching by killing off the leaders then, while they're under harassment, and changing their marching orders is that much harder.
Could we have our fighters lure the ork aircraft away from the landing craft and into the heavier AA? Maybe have the Psykers give the orks a push to seal the deal.
140B Orks left
Headcrusha*'s horde: 20B, 500 Gargants. Headed for capital/best defended position.**
8 lesser hordes: 1 Liuetenent each, 5B each, 55 Gargants each. Headed for other well defended positions.
40B Orks in reserve for reinforcements for the main hordes.
Remaining 40B Orks are scattered in random hordes.
70 Cities have significantly upgraded defences, 430 other have "merely incredible" defences.
ROTBART'S ESTIMATE: 2 corps of PDF and 1 division of Grenadiers and 1 power armored brigade can hold out in a city against 1B orks.
There is 1000 km between cities. Svartalfheim's mountainous terrain limits Ork horde speed to 20 km/day. 50 days to travel between cities on the ground. Lots of opportunities for harassment.
I kind of want to try out a mass assassination operation. I mean really test out our Last Hunters and Diviners. Basically, send out a large harassment force whose job is not to particularly inflict casualties, but to draw out the Warbosses and Lieutenants. To act as a distraction while our Last Hunters set up, guided by Divination. I think that if Rotbart personally oversaw this force, with a lot of psychic support, it just might be possible to get half of these ork heroes dead in the first real combat turn. Not Headcrusha though.
I want to heavily discurage land harrassment at this stage.
We have seen that with that sort of air dominance the orks can kill 50 to 75 percent of all harassment forces deployed.
Let the AA deal with them until the moving hordes get within the second ring of heavier AA before sacrificing light forces to their massed bombing runs.
[] Medium- The default option that balances damage for exchange rates and casualties. You would expect to lose at least half of your fighters with this option.
[] Fighters- This will reduce the number of fighters they have to defend future landings.
[] Psyker Support - Your Diviners, Telepaths and Biomancers could support your ground and air forces, improving their impact and preserving their lives.
Then either scry and fry or divining for the second psyker action. Support to keep our forces intact as possible while still letting them inflict casualties.
Fighter targeting as the more we down them the less their fighters can down our own, plus the less air support they have in general and the more vulnerable any additional landings or air movement attempts become. Not sure if their space fighter craft are space-atmo, if they are then we also thin out the numbers of fighter craft that they can use for the next naval combat phase.
Also by destroying their fighter craft if we can claim air supremacy then we can redeploy via air transport and then overwhelm their forces by defeat in detail.
As the Orks begin to land you look over estimates of what forces they have, how they are landing and how you have prepared yourself for them. Of the over two hundred and thirty billion Orks that entered the system, only a hundred and forty billion are still alive. To make matters better over a third of the Gargents were along the dead, as are half of the sixteen lesser Warlords that were one of the enemies main threats. According to Ridcully the enemy forces will be split into Headcrushas horde or twenty billion, including five hundred Gargents, eight lesser but still formidable hordes of around five billion, including fifty-five Gargents each and around eighty hordes of a billion with an average of five Gargents each. Headcrushers horde will attack the most obviously defended location, while each of the lesser Warlords will attack another well defended location. Around half of the remaining hordes will be deployed to support the lesser warlords while the reminder will attack random cities.
Of the cities of Svartalfheim a full seventy have significantly upgraded defences, making them obvious strongpoints to lure the main hordes to.while the remaining four hundred and thirty have merely incredible defences. There is an average distance of a thousand kilometers between cities. You estimate that two corps of PDF supported by a division of grenadiers and a power armored brigade would be enough to hold any one of the cities from a billion Ork hold for months. This is around two thirds of your regular PDF, a quarter of your grenadiers and a tenth of your power armored forces, a force you are more then comfortable to deploy.
The Orks have around a hundred million landers, which should be able to land their forces in three to five days, and are escorted by over a billion Fighter-Bombers. To counter this you have the Svartalfer Anti-Air Batteries, which can inflict massive damage to targets within a hundred kilometers, major damage to targets within four hundred kilometers and significant damage to targets with eight hundred kilometers. This means that the longest ranged AA missile batteries overlap with those of neighboring cities, making it impossible for the Orks to fly above the mountains without suffering from attrition. Given the terrain of Svartalfheim you doubt that an Ork horde could travel more then twenty kilometers a day on it, making sudden assault impossible without braving the heavy AA of the cities immediate vicinity.
The first decision for you to make is whether to contest the Orks landing, with either fighters or harassment. While sending fighters to contest the landing would allow you to shoot down millions, maybe even billion, of Orks as they attempt to land the sheer numbers of the Orks Fighter-Bombers would allow them to overwhelm your fighters, given them control of the air in later phases of the war. Letting the Orks land unmolested on the other hand would increase the number of Orks you have besieging your cities but would allow your AA some time to thin the numbers of the Ork Fighters before your own engage with them. Ground harassment would inflict notable damage on the Ork forces when they are vulnerable, slow down their initial advance and distract the Ork Fighter-Bombers at the cost of having some of your forces forced to engage the Orks outside of Svartalfheim's impressive defences.
[] None- Preserve your fighters for latter.
[] Low- This will result less damage but better exchange rates and preserving more of your airforce for the future. You would expect to lose around a quarter of your fighter with this option
[] Medium- The default option that balances damage for exchange rates and casualties. You would expect to lose at least half of your fighters with this option.
[] High- This will result in inflicting major damage to their landers at the cost of a greater proportion of your own flyers. With this option you would expect to lose all of your fighters to the enemy
[] Write in
[] Landers- This will kill more land forces and redcue the rate they can lad troops.
[] Fighters- This will reduce the number of fighters they have to defend future landings.
[] Targets of Opportunity- This will result the best exchange rates at the costs of not inflicting major damage on either force.
[] Write in
First you will have to decide whether to deploy some or all of your harassment forces closer to the landing sites
[] Harassment Option 1: Remain back- This will preserve your harassment forces for later actions.
[] Harassment Option 2: Deploy a quarter of your harassment forces close to landing sites. - This will allow you to start harassing the Ork Hordes shortly after they leave the landing zone, while preserving the majority of your light forces for later conflicts.
[] Harassment Option 3: Deploy half of your harassment forces close to landing sites. - This will allow you to start harassing the Ork Hordes with significant numbers shortly after they leave the landing zone, while preserving much of your light forces for later conflicts.
[] Harassment Option 6: Write in
Then you will have to decide how much to push your harassment
[] Low- This will result less damage but better exchange rates and preserving more of your harrasment forces for the future.
[] Medium- The default option that balances damage for exchange rates and casualties.
[] High- This will result in inflicting major damage to their landers at the cost of almost all of your harrasment forces.
[] Write in
Next you will need to decide on whether or not you want to set up any minefields in the most likely routes to your cities, and how many of your mines to use for this.
[] Mine Option 1: None- This will save your mines for later use.
[] Mine Option 2: Use a Quarter of available mines- This will inflict some damage and provide some opportunities to your harassers while saving most of the mines for later use.
[] Mine Option 3: Use Half of available mines- This will inflict significant damage and provide many opportunities to your harassers while saving half of the mines for later use.
[] Mine Option 5: Write in
can choose multiple options, the more options are chosen the weaker each options effects will be.
note that due to songweaving all choirs are also to preform all purposes, though they are best at their specialty
[] Air Defence- Your Pyromancers and Teleknetics could turn their attention to taking out the Orks aircraft.
[] Psyker Support - Your Diviners, Telepaths and Biomancers could support your ground and air forces, improving their impact and preserving their lives.
[] Scry and Fry- Your Diviners could work with your other psykers to locate the most dangerous foes and take them out.
[] Divination- Your diviners could attempt to foresee the Orks next actions, giving your more warning over what they are planning.
I want to propose a plan is to have Diviners/Ridcully help Last Hunters to set up ambushes for the sub-Warlords while they are still landing and not fully surrounded by their armies.
1. Would this have decent chance of killing said Warbosses?
I want to propose a plan is to have Diviners/Ridcully help Last Hunters to set up ambushes for the sub-Warlords while they are still landing and not fully surrounded by their armies.
1. Would this have decent chance of killing said Warbosses?
1. When making runes and wards, is a psyker required for the infusion of warp energy or is there some kind of warptech that obsoletes the need for one?
2. What's the difference between a genuine Siren rune and a human rune? Permanence? Double effect? Triple? Something else?
1. When making runes and wards, is a psyker required for the infusion of warp energy or is there some kind of warptech that obsoletes the need for one?
2. What's the difference between a genuine Siren rune and a human rune? Permanence? Double effect? Triple? Something else?
Pretty sure it was mentioned that one of the issues was that Psykers need to charge all our runes periodically except for the strongest ones.
As far as I can tell, ease of mass manufacture while also being more effective and wide ranging in effects for that.
The Grey Knights do have Hexgramatic wards ect. but they're using Banishment runes as well, though that maybe because the different systems mean that the different runes can stack for greater effect.
[] None- Preserve your fighters for latter.
[] Fighters- This will reduce the number of fighters they have to defend future landings.
[] Harassment Option 1: Remain back- This will preserve your harassment forces for later actions.
[] Low- This will result less damage but better exchange rates and preserving more of your harrasment forces for the future.
[] Mine Option 3: Use Half of available mines- This will inflict significant damage and provide many opportunities to your harassers while saving half of the mines for later use.
[] Scry and Fry- Your Diviners could work with your other psykers to locate the most dangerous foes and take them out.
[] Divination- Your diviners could attempt to foresee the Orks next actions, giving your more warning over what they are planning.
Our whole strategy for this war is to minimise our own casualties. To bleed the enemy out with efficient engagements and let them waste their fury against static defences. We have been told that the Orks can't use air transports without suffering horrible damage and can only move at walking pace. We have also been told that a bare handful of troops can hold a city for months, which with our Paragon Trait means the Orks essentially pose no immediate threat.
Thus I propose that we preserve our airforce, letting the AA batteries do the heavy lifting.
We preserve our harassment, sending only the very best (such as the 'zero casualties' Phase Tigers) and using up mines.
Once the enemy has finished landing they will split up and we can destroy them in detail.
Once the orks have forces on the ground they will have AA batteries and ground based fighters of their own. Once they start dropping roks and hulks (which fighters can't stop), their LZs will have massive air defences. Now is the best hunting time our fighters will have. They have the support of fresh psykers and non-degraded AA now and those aren't going to improve later either.
[] None- Preserve your fighters for latter.
[] Fighters- This will reduce the number of fighters they have to defend future landings.
[] Harassment Option 1: Remain back- This will preserve your harassment forces for later actions.
[] Low- This will result less damage but better exchange rates and preserving more of your harrasment forces for the future.
[] Mine Option 2: Use a Quarter of available mines- This will inflict some damage and provide some opportunities to your harassers while saving most of the mines for later use.
[] Divination- Your diviners could attempt to foresee the Orks next actions, giving your more warning over what they are planning.
[] Scry and Fry- Your Diviners could work with your other psykers to locate the most dangerous foes and take them out.
Thinking more on it I agree with Angelform, I'd like to wait until the orks separate and are marching to their targets before we properly engage them, we dont need to fight any attrition battles at all and once they have all deployed and we have divined their exact objectives we can concentrate our resources on the most dangerous lieutenants individually whilst they are oh so slowly marching across the planet bleeding fighters every hour, we can avoid casualties that come from a large engagement and just fight lots of smaller battles using Rotbarts traits to get the best exchange rate.
We aint fighting to win, we are almost guaranteed to anyway, we are fighting to get the best exchange rate we can in this war, I think we should try plan around that
Once the orks have forces on the ground they will have AA batteries and ground based fighters of their own. Once they start dropping roks and hulks (which fighters can't stop), their LZs will have massive air defences. Now is the best hunting time our fighters will have. They have the support of fresh psykers and non-degraded AA now and those aren't going to improve later either.
The whole "using coordinated mass Rok drops to create fortified landing zones" strategem was thought up by Garkill, an exceptionally smart Ork Warlord. The chance that 'Eadsmasha would use such complicated strategy is 0%.