So preliminary plan
4 years - PDF: Void Infantry should definitely be our first priority, not being able to properly secure our ships against boarding is suicide when going against Orks
2 years - PDF: Artillery and Transport is fairly cheap and quick, and as previous campaign showed against Orks artillery is Emperor-sent
1 year - Ace Pilot Academy - nice bonus to our often mangled air force, and it opens new options in the future
slot one
4 years - Construct: Skeid Military Transport - we should definitely get some of those, as the description says they are are kinda vital to our role as planetary assault specialists
slot two
3 years - Upgrade Defences Deiphobe (expedite y1) - gotta keep on doing this for some time yet
2 years - Upgrade Defences Deiphobe (expedite y4) - keep on truckin'
slot three
3 years - Upgrade Defences Deiphobe (expedite y2) - and so on
1 year - Upgrade Defences Deiphobe (expedite y5) - and so forth
5 years - Hyper Juve-Nat Production Factories - we need to start building stockpile of it, I believe we probably we going have to issue with it some time in the future when our most awesome and bad-ass veterans start needing it.
3 years - Expand Juve-Nat Production Factories - we need this, especially if we take
2 years - Juve-Nat: Centenarians - this gives some awesome things, especially "increase rate of Juve-Nat bonuses", since Juve-Nat bonuses are biggest bonuses Heltroopers and Helguard have
I actually propose
1 year - Trade Talks (Midgard) (double down y3) - We actually underestimated our metal income a bit, we already have enough metal to complete pretty much all available projects, even the Forgehive expansions. We could easily trade something like 6B metal away a year and still get 90B income a turn, and Midgard massive industry always can use more of it. They were willing to pay 0.97 thrones per unit metal in last trade so we could easily nearly double our net throne income by selling 6B metal a year to them.
1 year - Trade Talks (Svartalfheim) - buy 20 suits of Human Terminator Armor
1 year - Investigate: Dragon's Nest
I would prefer if we could research stuff we found in the ruins, but if not
4 years - Upgrade Kinetic Weapons: Spinal Accelerator (double down y2) - this seems the best weapon against Hulks
4 years - Examine Mycenids: What do they want? - this seems like an obvious choice
1 year - Complete Examination (The New Orks) (double down y5) - anything that can give us advantage against awakened Orks should be explored
2 years - Cathedral-Forge: Belisama - we should definitely focus on building forgetemples whenever available
5 years - What is The Nature of Divinity? (double down y1)- we should get on this as soon as we can
5 years - Those in the Shadows x5 (double down y4)- we can do Oversee Missionaries next turn
Adeptus Astra Telepathica
1 year - Siren Rune of Fire: All Psykers (expedite y3) - cheap, quick and usefull
2 years - Siren Rune of Fire: Helguard - while it takes a while this seem like most widely useful project available
slot one
slot two
5 years - Expand Helltroopers - we can afford it and it will massively increase our military might
slot three
5 years - Thaddeus Expertise: Expand (Okefenokee) to Small Hive - Evergaldes are currently the only region apart from Duat that has only one hive. Okefenokee is on the the other side of the region form the other hive so it seems to be best choice upgrade
slot four
Spend Time With (Tamia Jameson) x2 - spent time with Tamia while she is recovering
Spend Time With (Signe Seidel) x3 - get to know our new chief administrator, maybe even learn something new about adiministration
Comments, suggestions?