Oh don't pull that fear mongering bullshit. I didn't say that we were going to be completely obliterated by wildlife, psykers or anyone else so don't make up bullshit.
Then don't start yelling at people and acting like we will.
I said that we would likely experience a lot of trouble and/or casualties due to the fact that we don't have enough people around especially our most elite soldiers. Some people even suggested sending literally all of our most elite conventional elite soliders and 3/4 of our battle psykers.
Our elite soldiers can be deployed off world almost in their entirety even with the ramp up of the wildlife while the PDF does it's job.
Even better for you nobody was saying we should deploy everything off world even our previous deployment plan was 3/4s of the Hellmen.
2) Most of our most elite anti psyker units are being held in reserve for the most powerful psykers so the ones lower than beta are still likely to do a ton of damage if we don't have enough of our elite forces on Avernus.
Mate we can kill off anything below Delta with ease with just our veteran psyker hunters, everything above gamma gets flattened by the witch hunters and conventional troops are pretty much useless against beta levels in our cities. At best they get in the way.
Let Jane be Jane. And even then our most elite psyker units are reserved for Alphas, but the other non execution forces didn't suddenly go on holiday... except for the ones "on holiday" fighting super orks.
3) We just got word that Avernus was going to ramp up and considering how dangerous the wildlife can be as seen when they get serious this could be a serious problem and may change estimates. We also weren't dealing with super orks, which I might point out that once the time for them to start showing up had the trust call back most of their forces in preparation.
They've been ramped up for over a turn now, with casualties hovering around 2 million. Nasty, but nothing we can't deal with and they are inflated apparently due to our defensive upgrades.
With them finishing they'll hopefully go down a bit.
The Super Orks emerging are a concern however especially dependant on what Avernus will do.
The Trust calling back it's forces was preordained mate, it was decided at the emergency meeting that when Ridcully said we had ten years left all Trust forces were to pull back on defence.
Again, not saying that we shouldn't send as much people as reasonable. Just pointing out some things people seem to have missed.
Apart from considerations of the Super Orks I don't think I've missed anything.
I just have more confidence in our people's ability to keep casualties down so long as we don't do something completely stupid or grandiose.
For now my recommended deployment is 2 permanent 1-0.5 of an army ready to move off world on a short term basis.
That'd leave between 1.6-2.1 army on Avernus at all times.
Yeah but we can do all that without leaving gaping holes in our own planet's defences.
And don't forget that our population has been growing continuously while our military forces have been constantly been taking heavy casualties for decades, meaning we haven't had the time to expanding our military since we were too busy refilling the losses.
So overall our military would be more overstretched than in the past.
We still have constant recruitment and because of that bigger population size we can loose whole percent of our military each year and automatically replace it.
With any luck 160 million men is enough to defend our walls and streets, though I could be wrong.
However, I do think we need to institute an upgrade to constant recruitment so our army grows with our population size rather than our population size constantly out pacing it.
Problem is that'd be expensive as ****.