For those who missed it I made a long post thinking about the threat in fifty years, and what we should prioritize to prepare for it:
It's quite extensive, if people would please look at it I think will significantly help in planning this turn and future turns.
On military options I'm inclined towards these three: (Remember that AM maintenance is a thing, these Power Armor options are each costing about 10% of our after trade income in AM).
Land Raider Power Helguard Regiment- One of the possible ways to use the Land Raider designs that you on have is to equip a single regiment of Mechanised Helguard with Land Raider Transports. This would be expensive, costing several million Thrones, but would give the selected regiment enough firepower to match multiple Armour Regiments and some of the toughest transports imaginable.
Time: 5 years
Cost: 1,984,000 Thrones, 311,700 Material, 49,280 Promethium, 150,500 Advanced Material, 3,059 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 364,009 Thrones, 59,609 Material, 5,509 Promethium, 29,469 Advanced Material, 612 Exotic Material.
Reward: 1 Regiment of Mechanised Power Helguard replace all transports with Land Raiders, 1,4000 Hunred Land Raiders in total
Helltrooper Power Infantry: Heavy Infantry- General Richards has put forward a plan to equip your Helltrooper Heavy Infantry with power armour. This will greatly increase their combat power and life expectancy at a surprisingly affordable price. You are advised to begin this project immediately, and told that General Richards is working on plans to begin similar upgrades for the rest of your Helltrooper Regiments.
Time: 6 years
Cost: 158,000,000 Thrones, 12,300,000 Material, 436,000 Promethium, 3,780,000 Advanced Material, 2,430 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 8,860,000 Thrones, 412,000 Material, 199,000 Promethium, 114,000 Advanced Material, 18 Exotic Material.
Reward: upgrade 240 Helltrooper Heavy Infantry Regiments to Helltrooper Power Infantry Regiments.
Helguard Jetbikes- One of the new technologies found by Archmagos Tranth is designs for a set of advanced jetbikes with many similarities to the Eldar designs. Now that a force compostion has been desnged General Richards would like to mount your entire Helguard Rough Rider force on Jetbikes. This would turn the Helguard Rough Riders into a situationaly useful forces into one of your most useful and deadly Helguard Regiments.
Time: 7 years
Cost: 38,600,000Thrones, 1,840,000 Material, 105,000 Promethium, 1,400,000 Advanced Material, 2,950 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 3,860,000 Thrones, 184,000 Material, 52,600 Promethium, 70,000 Advanced Material, 59Exotic Material.
Reward: replace 26 Helguard Rough Rider Regiments with 26 Helguard Jetbike Regiments
The Land Raiders can actually be ready for the Ork campaign in five years. Might also want to put a Readiness training in there somewhere.
Fleet make up
[] Keep specialisation the same
[] Add stealth sub-specialisation
Leaning towards adding a Stealth sub-specialization.
Construct: Escorts- Admiral Parnell has put forward several suggestions of what to make next with your shipyards. The quickest of these suggestions is to build a collection of escorts to fill your order of battle. This would involve repairing a bit over two hundred escorts over three years and is the fastest way to bring your fleet up to full strength.
Time: 3 years.
Cost: 512,000,000 Thrones, 96,200,000 Material, 2,130,000 Promethium, 363,000 Advanced Material, 2,550 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 21,100,000 Thrones, 3,950,000 Material, 2,180,000 Promethium, 37,200 Advanced Material, 105 Exotic Material.
Reward: repair 104 Squire Frigates (Half Destroyed), repair 104 Page Frigates (Half Destroyed), repair 17 Legionnaire Destroyers (mostly intact),
This would be the Void Construction action I'd like to do. We can afford to Expedite it, and so have all these ships ready for combat at the start of the Ork campaign.
Now that the last cities of Duat are almost built Edvin advises that you upgrade on of them, probably Alexandria into a Small Hive. This would finish Duat's expansion into a fully developed region. Otherwise he advises that you concentrate on building up the defences of your remaining cities and hives.Otherwise the economy of Avernus continues to prosper, though you are likely to start drawing on your reserves of Thrones in the years to come due to rising costs and the amount you are trading away.
I wish we had a map of Duat... it would help visualize the relationship of the cities.
Not too worried about the Thrones, we can always ask for more from Midgard.
Expand (City) to Small Hive- Now that the cities of Duat have all been built, or are in the final stages of construction it would be a good adea to expand one of them into a Small Hive. This would provide a centre for the admisnation and defence of the region and allow for a greater popualtion to build up. It would also be possible to build more small hives in other regions, though not nrealy as important.
Time: 10 years.
Cost: 3,290,000,000 Thrones, 2,680,000,000 Material, 2,480,000,000 Metal, 4,460,000,000 Promethium, 2,370,000 Advanced Material, 27,100 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 277,000,000 Thrones, 234,000,000 Material, 217,000,000 Metal, 39,500,000 Promethium, 19,500 Advanced Material, 234 Exotic Material.
Reward: Expand city to Small Hive
So this should be one of our admin actions. Expensive, but doable.
Upgrade Defences: Small Hive- Edvin Dieuwer has recently finished making plans to upgrade the defences of Avernus' cities to the next level. Another option would be to start with one of the Small Hives that act ass your regional centres. This would be far cheaper then starting with Dis while still protecting a large number of citizens, especially in the case of The Fens and Garden Grove.
Time: 8 years.
Cost: 2,070,000,000 Thrones, 2,020,000,000 Material, 1,900,000,000 Metal, 428,000,000 Promethium, 1,710,000 Advanced Material, 11,400 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: ,0,700,000 Thrones, 20,200,000 Material, 19,000,000 Metal, 4,280,000 Promethium, 17,100 Advanced Material, 114 Exotic Material.
Reward: Upgrade selected Small Hives' defences to Incredibly heavy (level 7)
Upgrade Defences: Four Major Cities- Edvin Dieuwer has recently finished making plans to upgrade the defences of Avernus' cities to the next level. The final option would be to start with your major cities, which would be far quicker and cheaper to upgrade then the Hives. You could upgrade four cities at a time, allowing you to quickly reinforce the defences of your most vulnerable cities.
Time: 6 years.
Cost: 1,040,000,000 Thrones, 1,010,000,000 Material, 950,000,000 Metal, 228,000,000 Promethium, 1,710,000 Advanced Material, 11,400 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 10,400,000 Thrones, 10,100,000 Material, 9,500,000 Metal, 2,280,000 Promethium, 17,100 Advanced Material, 114 Exotic Material.
Reward: Upgrade selected Major Citie' defences to Incredibly heavy (level 7)
Spend the other actions on these.
Expand Embassies- Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan has put forward a proposal to greatly increase the size of Avernus' Embassies and relocate a major portion of the diplomatic staff to them. While this would limit the amount of diplomatic missions that he could run it would allw your ambassadors to constantly work on improving the relationship between Avernus and the planet that they are stationed on.
Time: 5 years.
Cost: 400,000,000 Thrones, 40,000,000 Material, 10,000,000 Metal, 4,000,000 Promethium, 8,300 Advanced Material.
Upkeep per year: 40,000,000 Thrones, 4,000,000 Material, 1,000,000 Metal, 400,000 Promethium, 415 Advanced Material.
Reward: lose 1 diplomacy action, get a (40-relations*2)% chance per year of increasing every relationship within the Imperial Trust that is under 10, +10 to all diplomatic relations rolls
We need to figure out if there are any diplomatic actions that we want to focus on before doing this. For example, should we spend some more effort on trade with the Sirens?
Sound Out (Write In Proposal)- Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan has suggested that you sound out the other Governor's about any proposal that you make before the next High Council meeting. While it is rather early to start now it would give you time to attempt to convince people to change their minds before the next High Council meeting.
Time: 1 year.
Chance of Success: 80%
Cost: 144,000 Thrones.
Reward: Gain level of support for proposal and reasons for this for one planet per 10% you succeed by.
One of the options discussed here:
https://forums.sufficientvelocity.c...vernor-quest-43k.10642/page-2730#post-8719664 was the idea of seeing if Nilfheim would help settle Het. Crafting a Sound Out on that is probably useful.
Jane tells you that the first batch of around a hundred Super-Elite Operative will be ready to deploy in four years time. She is very proud of these operatives, who are all at least master level swordsmen, snipers and stealth experts. She has put in a request that you commission enough Super-Exitus Rifles from Svartalfheim to outfit those Super-Elite Operatives that graduate, you feel inclined to honor this request. On other news she has decided to adopt a child, and is now on the lookout for a goo candidate. Given Jane's rather high expectations you will not be surprised if she is looking for quite some time.
Another diplomatic action needed for Trade Talks.
Elite Operatives: Lessons Learned- As soon the the first batch of Super-Elite Operatives graduated Jane would like to spend a few years going over their training regime and trying to come up with ways to improve it. This will hopefully allow the next batch o Super-Elite Operatives to be a bit better and to have a higher pass rate. Once this is done the second batch can begin training.
Time: 5 years (must finish Super Elite Operatives: Batch One first)
Cost: 37,000,000 Thrones, 3,700,000 Material, 370,000 Metal, 740,000 Promethium, 85,000 Advanced Material, 950 Exotic Material.
Reward: Elite operative training gone over and improved
So we should do this action.
Dedicated Spy Network (Planet, Focus)- While you have a decent spy network on many planets it is a rather general thing not focused on getting any information in particular. Jane has proposed that she build dedicated networks designed to gather information bout a particular facet of the target world. Proposed focuses include military, naval, economic, cult activity and government.
Time: 4 years.
Chance of Success: 40% (major issues if you fail by more then 15, size of diplomatic issue varies with chosen focus)
Cost: 13,750,000 Thrones, 137,500 Material, 13,750 Promethium, 212 Advanced Material
Upkeep per year: 2,750,000 Thrones, 27,500 Material, 2,750 Promethium, 42 Advanced Material,
Reward: Basic Spy network on chosen planet upgraded to Dedicated Spy Network, +60 to all investigate actions on planet chosen field, can discover secret information.
We should also establish our Basic Spy Network on Byzantium
Add Stealth Technology (Advanced Power Armour Variant) -Archmagos Tranth has recently figured out a way to improve the stealth technology used by some Advanced Power Armour Variants and add it to the others. He estimates that it will take around a year to modify each variant.
Time: 1 year
Chance of Success: -25% (94% after bonuses)
Cost: 20,000,000 Thrones, 2,000,000 Material, 400,000 Promethium, 17,000 Advanced Material, 930 Exotic Material
Reward: Create variation of selected Advanced Power Armour with either improved stealth technology or access to stealth technology.
We might want to do this before outfitting our Light Infantry with Power Armor.
I have a very detailed analysis of the Mechanicus options, priorities , and order decisions here:
There are a couple new options though:
Vortex Shells-Now that he has completed the design for Vortex Torpedoes Archamgos Tranth thinks that he will be able to create Vortex Shells for Macrocanons. While expensive and probably volatile these weapons would be incredibly deadly and allow even escorts to seriously threaten all but he toughest warships, while ammunitions supplies last. These weapons could also be used on the ground, though the sheer amount of damage they could do if something goes wrong makes that a last resort. However this will be very challenging work and Tranth expects that he would end up taking decades.
Time: 10 years
Chance of Success: -125% (-6% after bonuses)
Cost: 400,000,000 Thrones, 20,000,000 Material, 2,000,000 Metal, 1,000,000 Promethium, 1,700,000 Advanced Material, 36,000 Exotic Material.
Reward: learn how to make Vortex Shells for Macrocannons
This is probably something we want to do eventually, however, looking at the chances this is unlikely to succeed in less than five attempts (I don't think we can use Cheating on it) so that means it would take on average 50 years to succeed. Not something we should do right now when there are other more likely to succeed actions possible.
Adapt Stealth Technology: Vehicles- Archmagos Tranth has recently gained a good level of understanding of the stealth technology used by Recon Armour. He believes that with a few years work he will be able to figure out how to adapt it for use by vehicles, opening up several new avenues of military combat.
Time: 5 years
Chance of Success: -75% (44% after bonuses)
Cost: 40,000,000 Thrones, 2,000,000 Material, 200,000 Promethium, 170,000 Advanced Material, 3,600 Exotic Material.
Reward: adapt Recon Armour Stealth Technology for use by vehicles, +1 Mechanicus Unrest
Good to do, but we will want to wait another 20 years for the Young Trait to disappear.
Examine: Graviton Weapons: Part Two- The Graviton Weapons are The Well of Urd's most deadly weapons, able to wipe out the crews of any unshielded warship in a disturbingly short period of time. Archmagos Tranth believes that with enough work he may be able to figure out how to reproduce them, giving your largest warships a deadly new weapon and putting you one step closer to figuring out how the Gravatic Array functions.
Time: 6 years
Chance of Success: -125% (-31% after bonuses)
Cost: 400,000,000 Thrones, 20,000,000 Material, 2,000,000 Metal, 1,000,000 Promethium, 340,000 Advanced Material, 3,600 Exotic Material.
Reward: learn how to make more of The Well of Urd Gravatic Weapons.
As I pointed out in my long post:
We need to decide this turn if we are going to try and get these or not.
Complete Examination (Species) – There are many different unusual species on Avernus and Magos Biologis Saren wishes to examine all of them. However, he is willing to let you choose what he examines next. In general Magos Biologis Saren has spent half a dozen or more years in a row studying each spices.
Time: 6 years.
Chance of Success: unknown.
Cost: 1,221,000 Thrones, 61,000 Material, 61,000 Metal, 30,500 Promethium.
Reward: Discover large amounts about selected species
I believe we wanted Complete Examination of the Sphinxes?
Negotiations with Dragons Nest- Saint Lin is currently involved with the negotiations with Dragon's Nest which are starting to turn to religion. The more time he spends on this the better the chance he has to convince the Blood Dragons to convert, or at least not be hostile to the New Imperial Truth.
Time: 1 year (can be repeated)
Cost: Free
Reward: +1% chance of negotiations with Dragons Nest about religion being a success.
So we can afford to spend most of our actions here I think. Though maybe one or two Those in the Shadows.
Currently Ridcully is rather worried about his increasingly strong premonition about danger and wishes to spend some time attempting to divine exactly what the cause is so that you can prepare. Otherwise there are several interesting research projects that have been put aside in favour of more urgent issues for quite some time and both Ridcully and Tamia would like to start on them. On other news it seems that Xavier and Tamia have actually started the romance that everyone has been thiking that they ahve been involved with for decades You never got the story of exactly how this happened but have the impression that Mittens and Ophelia conspired to cause it.
Hmmm... do we do Divination on the Warp Rifts, or on the mysterious danger? Leaning towards warp rifts as more urgent.
Create Psyker Order (Purpose or Speciality, Department if Any)- It is possible for you to create an Order of Psykers within the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. This Order will either have a purpose and develop as needed to fulfil this purpose or it will have a speciality and develop that speciality. For example an Order of Healers would have the speciality of Healing and focus on devolving your knowledge of Physic Healing and teaching your Healers while an Order of Daemon Hunters would have the purpose of combating Daemons and would recruit those with the will and talent to combat Daemons.
Time: 6 years
Cost: 200,000,000 Thrones, 2,000,000 Material, 4,150 Advanced Material, 415 Exotic Material.
Reward: Allows the formation of an Order of Psykers with selected purpose or speciality within the selected department, more options.
We need to ask Durin if there are any benefits to having a specialist found the different orders (for example, Ridcully founding the Order of Divination).
EDIT: What should our greater divination target be?
I'm partial to Eldar.
Well... there is the warp rifts issue. And we could also try directly divining the threat.
Void Command
Construct: Decent Class Destroyers
Escorts would be better to do first I think. Get those done, then the Descent Destroyers, and then the Stealth ships.
4 - Advanced Astartes Power Armour: Ace + DD, Examine: Kinetic Weapons: Part Two + DD + Cheating
4 - Complete Examination (Suggested: Mirage Palms)
5 - Expand and Upgrade (Silver Lake?) - AM - NEEDED
Please look at the post I made here talking about all the Mechanicus options (particularly the Fabricator ones):
I kinda want us to take the Spend Time With action more often. Get into characterizing our advisors as characters more. :|
If anything we ought to spend some time with Khol trying to raise her diplomacy.
Guess I will this another try:
Sirens Trade (Avernus animals)
Could you maybe specify
what animals you want to try and trade? I'm pretty sure durin will not allow just "animals" though I suppose you could ask him.